Syrian Rebels - A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the Syrian Revolution. We are committed to the fundamental values of freedom, justice, truth, and human rights for everyone. Therefore, we support the Syrian opposition and its struggle to liberate the Syrian people from the barbaric and genocidal forces of Assad, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and ISIS.
The Syrian Rebels subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of the Syrian Revolution. We are committed to the fundamental values of freedom, justice, truth, and human rights for everyone. Therefore, we support the Syrian opposition and its struggle to liberate the Syrian people from the barbaric forces of Assad, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, and ISIS.
In March 2011, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as part of the Arab Spring, after several children were tortured for having written graffiti in support of it. The Assad regime responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a Syrian rebel group aiming to overthrow the Assad regime. For more information about the Syrian war, please visit our Wiki page.
The general editorial policy of this political subreddit is pro-Syrian opposition, anti-Assad regime, and anti-ISIS. Participants may post any topics compatible with this theme. If posts or comments with other themes are made, they must be supported with evidence from neutral sources.
The following types of posts or comments are not allowed: racism, sexism, sectarianism, hate speech, cheering death (except for the death of Bashar al-Assad), mindless trolling, inflammatory comments, personal attacks, harassment, and comments that create an environment of hostility. Disagreements are allowed as long as the discussions are kept civil.
Titles of posts which describe events should be as purely descriptive as possible. Moreover, titles should be in English. Links are preferred to be in English but can be in any language; however, if you post a submission in a different language please provide an English summary in the comments.
Do not submit posts or comments dedicated to recruiting for or materially supporting the war in Syria.
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Each individual bears responsibility for complying with all applicable laws as well as Reddit's rules. Moderators do not endorse the views of any posted content, including content posted by other moderators. Each moderator only represents him or herself, and moderators participate in a non-professional capacity without any obligations or duties. No moderator shall bear any responsibility for failing to remove offending individuals or content posted by someone other than him or herself.
ازاي ٣٠ الف كانوا يحتلو المدينه بيوم
مع ان الفرقه الرابعه المدرعه قادره تمحيهم لكن اسرائيل قصفت الفرقه الرابعه دي
انا مصري ولكن حبيت اسال
When would you like new elections in Syria following the fall of the Assad regime ?
Which faction of the Syrian civil war do you support ?
القصة الي صارت مالها كوميديا ابدا و لا مميز بيضحك لنتسلى متخيلين البوستات يلي نزلت عن عودة ماهر الاسد او سوريا عيونها خضر جاب عشرات الالاف التفاعلات من احببته وادعمه بأقل من ساعة و تعليقات عم تدعيلو بالسلامة و الحماية مؤسف قديشكم ما بتفهمو شو ناطرين من رجعتو ؟؟ يدعسكم على رقبتكم بس يعطيكم سلاح لتطالعو حقدكم يشغلكم بالمخدرات ؟ يسمحلكم تنزلو تعفشو و تسرقو ؟ يخنق الهوا عن البلد و يشغلكم تبيعوه عالطرقات بالتهريب يسمحلكم تعملو حواجز للخطف وطلب الفدية ؟ يسمحلكم تعملو حواجز و تاخدو مصاري من كل سيارة مارقة معها غرضين بالصندوق ؟ شو بدكن اكتر لتشيلو الحقد من قلبوكن ؟ اكتر من انو سامحتكم وعفت عنكم الناس بعد ما قتلتو مليون واحد سوري ؟ اكتر من انو هجرتو ١٠ مليون بالداخل والخارج حجم الغل يلي كان بقلوب الناس خلانا نتوقع نفيق بعد السقوط ما يكون في طرقات مبينة من الجثث شو احصائية الناس يلي ماتو بالحملة لهلق ٥٠ ؟؟؟؟ هاد العدد كان علوش و حيدرة و ابو قسورة يعملوها مازة بعد شي كاس في شخص كان يفوت على فرع امن و ما عليه شي و الناس بتعرف انو ما عليه شي و الامن بيعرف انو ما عليه شي ويطلع بعدها ؟؟ اخدو شباب حققو معها و رجعو العدد الاكبر بعد كم يوم ؟ اليوم يلي حب النظام السابق الوغد انو يفرج عن المعتقلين من الضغط الدولي جمع ١٠٠ معتقل و زتهم بباصات تحت جسر الرئيس بعد ما احتشدت العالم تنطر ولادها يلي مغيبين من سنين افضل حالة معتقل فيهم فاقد الذاكرة و الباقي عاهات نفسية مافي شي بيعالجها .
اطلاق النار ابتهاجا بعودة رئيس عصابة و فرحة افراد العصابة تبعو برجعتو كشفت انو بدكن شغل كتير واعادة تأهيل وطنياً وانسانياً لتصيرو قابلين للحياة
While everyone is worried about women's hijab and alcohol and night clubs situation in Syria , Syrians are worried about their loved ones who they still don't know if they are alive or died under torture and if they did where are their remains , where are the children that the regime kidnapped while arresting their parents , worried about water ,electricity, fuel , food and basic human needs , shame on the wold who want to minimize our struggle and suffering to simple non life threatning matters as hijab and freedom of getting drunk , shame of everyone and freedom and prosperity to the free Syrian people . https://youtube.com/shorts/AT57xyR0vt4?si=PlesR5xeJ2s8ey3z
Is the the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES), also known as Rojava, a democracy or a dictatorship or a hybrid regime ?