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If I have a “profile picture,” do I need an avatar? Will it replace the pic if I do create one?
Don’t ask me why, but they both like to hop in the car seats, and just chill! Homer does it too!
I have absolutely no clue how to do this 😅, can any one help?
This is my first post on reddit, I've read a lot of posts but never thought I'd be writing in it.
! Test !<
Review our guide here or learn from this post here.
In italics, tell us your favorite holiday movie.
Using numbered bullets, tell us three of your favorite holiday foods.
In strike-through, tell us your least favorite holiday song; in >!spoilers!<, tell us your favorite holiday song.
In bold, tell us your plans for December.
Wishing you well! Stay safe and warm.
Testing how to do a photo post that shows a caption. I know I've done it before. Sometimes when I try to do a post it just makes the photo a link instead which is frustrating.
Testing testing testing testing testing testing testing.
Testing testing testing.
Testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing.
here’s my dogs in their matching pjs
can I edit this
can I edit this post
Test post
Any help would be much appreciated Or anything else you think i should know about Reddit i should know Just thought this photo of this goat was funny lol