
Photograph via snooOG

Where Irish Journalists can come to share and chat

This sub is supporting the reddit strike and is reopened under duress from the admins. Click here to find out more


A place to share the challenges to Journalism in Ireland from public disengagement to funding issues through loss of advertising revenue and everything in between.

Feel free to suggest sidebar links, topics, events or any other sub suggestions either on this thread or by messaging the moderators here


Useful Links


Facebook Groups





Sub Rules -


Site Wide Rules:


New Acc?:

  • If you have a brand new acc you will need to message the mods to have your post approved, this is to help prevent spambot content from reaching the new queue.

URL Shortners:

  • Such as bit.ly are site-wide banned, don’t use them. Link to the primary source of the audio if possible, or the shows social media channel containing the link.

NP Links:

Bannable Offences Include: (not limited to)

  • Abuse, Harassment, Trolling, Doxxing, Spamming. Ban reasons will be given and appeals can be made, however Mods decision is ultimately final.


  • Please report any rule infringements via the report button and if there is an egregious rule infringements that may need more urgent mod intervention please message the Mods with details and we will get to it as soon as we can.


  • If you have self authored content you'd like promote, please feel free to create a promotion thread ONCE A WEEK.

  • Please familiarise yourself with reddits self-promotion guidelines and please don't only use the sub as another click gathering space, stick around, contribute thoughts/ constructive advice of others content, or to discuss equipment, tech or trends in Ireland's Journalism community.


Flairs -


Link Flairs:

  • Link Flairs can be assigned by you to make topics more searchable in the future. These include Discussion, Promotion, Recommendation, and General News.

  • To assign a flair, select the flair option beneath a newly submitted post. If a topic from the current list doesn't apply, one can be added later, using the self-prescriptive [] below will help with this down the road.

In-Title Flairs:

  • Using [CA] (for Constructive Advice) [Music], [Sport], [Current Affairs], [Live Show] and so on at the beginning of a title will allow other redditors know the nature of the topic link before they click and as time goes by the mods will be able to generate new meta filters.


Related Subs -


Irish Based

Wider Reddit Community


216 Subscribers


Collaborative Investigative Journalism

Hey y'all!
We are looking for early adopters of a collaborative platform for investigative journalism. You need not necessarily be an investigative reporter. This platform helps collaborating with fellow journalists and promotes researching and organizing online sources (like URLs) that support or contradict any claims you are investigating for your next story. Please send me a direct message if interested, there are limited spots.


06:13 UTC


I've only recently joined Reddit. Why is this sub so quiet?

Is it because it wouldn't be very hard to work out who we all are?

1 Comment
10:44 UTC


'We're hiring a reporter for our Breaking News desk, an integral part of the @Independent_ie newsroom team. Detail below. #jobfairy' | Kevin Doyle on Twitter

09:53 UTC


'We’re looking for someone to join our little team as a full-time journalist, dedicated to original, quality coverage of the city – with a focus on transport in particular. If you're interested, please apply by Sunday 24 January.' | Dublin Inquirer on Twitter

15:11 UTC


' RTÉ News is creating a panel of Multi Media Journalists from which immediate and future vacancies can be filled. More details available here:' | Laura Fitzgerald on Twitter

19:33 UTC

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