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IEA Webinar: The Future of Hydrogen- an extensive & independent survey of H2
Father of BEV's in China calls for pivot to fuel cells & a "hydrogen society"
International Energy Agency: The Future of Hydrogen 203 pg study, 6/2019
S. Korean President Moon pledges to establish 'Hydrogen Economy' 1/2019
Australia's top scientist calls for hydrogen revolution to replace fossil fuels
The Hydrogen Society- More than just a vision? by Arno A. Evers
Hey. This is a common infection, more than half of us have it, although mostly it's benign. But when it's not then it causes ulcers and stomach cancer. Not great. So was thinking of hydrogen water might help.
But I saw this article: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/298/5599/1788.long
This makes me think that hydrogen water would be feeding the HBP. For most people maybe no big deal, but for sufficient people this could worsen risk for ulcers and stomach cancer.
Anyone have opinions or insights?
If molecular hydrogen is absorbed into the blood through the lungs or by drinking hydrogen water, wouldn't it hydrogenate blood lipids? Aren't hydrogenated fats unhealthy? For instance, margarine.