
Photograph via snooOG

A community for hunters and hunting in Australia

A community for hunters and hunting in Australia

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Nundle or piligia state forest

What everyone experience with these 2 state forests

Accessible via 4x2 ?

Camping spots

Animals abundance

Harvest return shows alot of activity.

Which is the best option with the most open ground for glassing and waiting

13:31 UTC


Pine brush state forest is a dud.

Not worth the trip. Saw some tracks and droppings. Any good far north coast NSW state forest worth a trip?

02:43 UTC


Whats the best place for hunting gear?

10:38 UTC


Bowhunting the the NT

I'm fairly new to the NT and would like to learn about the laws surrounding bowhunting. As far as I'm aware I can hunt anything that is invasive, and I can hunt on private property with permission. I am mainly interested in the laws abouting hunting on crown land. Any help would be appreciated.

1 Comment
07:38 UTC


Category C licence VIC

Hey everyone, is anybody able to help me out with applying for a Cat C licence? I found out from my local firearm shop that I should apply for one (I have a physical disability and have Cat A&B). I already spoke with the licensing division and they were a bit of a pain to deal with. Thanks

01:54 UTC


Surplus projectiles?

I'm a a bit of a numpty and may have missed a rule somewhere (no offence taken if post deleted), but I'm going start trialing loads for my two sporterised .303 Lithgows (scoped standard barrel and open sight HB), and have always hated buying whole 100x projectile packs not knowing if the rifle will even like them at all. Just wondering if people had surplus projectiles (.311 or .312 in my case, but any calibre for other members), could there be a bit of a sharing around thing?

Like "yeah I've got half a pack of .224 69 grain Matchkings man and I sold my .223 for a .260, want me to send them to you and see whether your rifle likes them?"

Maybe same for powder but I know that would probs have to be a delivered-in-person deal given the potentially volatile nature of it.

Just an idea, and I know I'm probably not the first to have it, but what do people think?

If anyone can help out, I'm chasing 174 to 180 grain pills for my three-ohs - hoping they both shoot the same projectiles acceptably well to develop a load haha.

If it's allowed I might have a few differences types floating about still so by all means ask and when I can and I'll check it out for you (in a moon boot right now so I'm a bit limited). Would be .243, .257, .267 (Carcano), and .308 cal projies.

Cheers 😀

03:25 UTC


I started developing a simple Hunter's Harvest Logging and Journaling app, to enter all details of a hunt, save, sort and get all statistics in one place, replacing a log book that I usually used. Great for PBs. Would you find a use for something like this? What features would you like to see?

11:10 UTC


Victoria Rabbit Bowhunting

Looking for recommendations for a quiet spot to bow hunt rabbits? Public or private land. Any tips are welcome!

08:33 UTC


Are there any hunting clubs for women?

I'm currently waiting on my gun licence and looking to get into hunting. I don't know anyone who hunts to be able to tag along and learn the ropes, so I want to join a club to help me get started and maybe make some friends.

I live in regional Victoria and after checking out a few clubs it seems like most of the members are older men in their 50s/60s. Not that there is anything wrong with that! It just seems a little intimidating seeing as I'm new to the sport.

So as the title says, are there any hunting clubs or groups for female or even just younger hunters in Vic?

Thanks in advance!

22:17 UTC


Handgun questions/ Disabled shooter

Hey all, just a couple of question about obtaining, owning and using a handgun for hunting in Victoria? I had a workplace accident and have no use of my left hand. I originally got my A and B long arm licence before my accident but didn’t purchase a shotgun. It’s been 2 years since my accident and can pretty confidently say that I will not be using that hand ever again. So my questions are.. Would I be able to obtain a handgun licence to hunt due to my disability? Is there any modifications that can be done to a generic shotgun in order for me to use for hunting? Any information would be greatly appreciated

07:49 UTC


WA dogs and pigs

Hey experts. Is hunting feral pigs with dogs legal in WA? Struggling to find info on offical websites. Are there many feral pigs around WA? Within a few hours North or Perth? Cheers

13:27 UTC


Best hunting club to join?

I am an intermediate level hunter who has an interest in meeting with more like minded people and learning from more experienced/ better hunters then myself.

As I am based in western Sydney I am tossing up between nepean hunters club and Australian deer association.

I am already a member of the SSAA, but havent used my menbership to really connect with anyone through it.

Being primarily interested in deer hunting (though I like going after pigs and goats occassionaly also), which club would better suit me?

Also will either club potentially offer access to private land ?(currently can only access state forest which is a real challenge).

Very interested on hearings thoughts, particularly from anyine who maybe a member of either.


09:51 UTC


QLD Kangaroo hunting

Hi all. I am looking into helping out a mate whose property needs someone to come and cull some Kangaroos, what do I need to do it recreationally in QLD? I hope I don’t need to stuff around with getting the tafe course and license as it’s not commercial, and I already have a gun license etc. Cheers

04:05 UTC


Getting a gun license with ADVO (AVO)

Chances of getting a license with a ADVO (AVO)?

Abit over 2 years ago my mum managed to get an AVO against me. To cut a really long story short my parent's went through a messy divorce and my mum got the kids involved.

She managed to get an AVO against me in an effort to hurt me and my father despite there being absolutely 0 threat of violence and never intending to communicate again. I accepted the AVO on advice from my lawyer as it would be cheaper, easier and better for me mentally. She never advised me that I would be affected getting a gun.

I have worked in conservation and land management for the past 4 years and am also currently completing my helicopter license to go work up north. Every role and aspect of my life I can see myself needing a gun at some point and desperately want to sort this out.

What are my chances of getting a gun license, happy to involve lawyers etc, just want to sort it before it impacts me. With my pilots license I have a class 1 medical and red ASIC security card, would this help me at all?

22:15 UTC


Hey all, very new to the shooting scene based out of NSW I’m looking at buying a new scope for a .223 currently leaning towards a Vector Optics 1.5-9x42 just seeing if Vector is a decent brand to purchase or if I should look elsewhere

05:38 UTC


reload .223 for me

I've got a few hundred .223 empty shells, is it worth getting someone to reload them and I pay them ?

cheapest .223 that I've found new that's decent is $1.10 per round.

01:58 UTC


Hunting options in Queensland?

I am looking for a hunt in Queensland, probably private land as I come for my semester abroad to Australia, staying in Brisbane. Are there private hunters here who are willing to take me out? I would love to have the Australian hunting experience. German hunting license available and also a lot of experience (in Germany) Any help or recommendations appreciated :)

19:27 UTC


Trail cams

Has been a few years since the last trail camera recommendation thread,

So trail cams in 2024, what's the best bang for buck that you can leave out for weeks at a time and won't fail?

Got a block about 3 hours from home I want to start doing scouting for next year's red roar, so planning on heading up once a month from next month or so to learn the land and deer movement's

22:09 UTC



Evening all

I would like to find out if there are blackpowder rifles in Aus.

10:53 UTC


“VFA” looking for a scope put on a 243 scrub gun,

Curious if anyone has some leads for a good low power scope, I’ve used red dots and just don’t like them, I’ll be making quick/tight shots, within 200 metres, day and night, I’m thinking something in between 1-4 power, any advice is appreciated.

13:05 UTC


Unpopular opinion? An air rifle is the ultimate platform to learn how to shoot.

Hey everyone!

First post, so I thought I'd poke the bear, but mainly share a learning experience. I grew up in country W.A. and learned to shoot 22LRs and 12G, and dabbled with a mate's .223 and 30-30. I moved on to IPSC with a 9mm CZ75 for a short while, but there's nothing like spending time in nature and harvesting some food for my dog.

Recently, I got my license again and picked up a 22LR Ruger American, Templeton T2000, and an FX Dreamline Lite .22AIR. I'm considering a 30-30, (prefer a 223) but I'm having trouble locating a big enough hunting ground here in SW W.A.

Funnily enough, I use my air rifle 95% of the time to pick off bunnies, usually 30-40m, but up to 60m. Granted, it's a regulated PCP with plenty of oomph, but for that distance, I've had to fine-tune everything to be as clean and consistent as possible. It's really made me start at square one to get rid of my bad habits and thinking beyond "Squeeze trigger, go boom, metal fly that way. Hit target? Good."

Here are the major lessons I’ve learned:

  1. Rifle Canter: I wondered why my POI was jumping around. On the bench, same position day in-day out, my rifle is a tack driver, but my shots were always off during field plinking. Using a mobile phone, I saw that any slight canter in my shooting position led to huge deviations down-range beyond 30m with the parabolic path of my 22 pellet. Studying the slower velocity of pellets on video helped me adjust my shooting positions to minimize canter. Something that I never noticed with the 22LR.
  2. Ammunition Design and Weight: Pellets have many inconsistencies, and learning to choose the right ammunition was crucial for long distances. While initially expensive, this knowledge helped choosing a better round for my 22LR, not just going for CCI Stingers all the time. Snub pellets or lighter ones tumbled sooner than expected in my air rifle, or wobbled at a certain distance. Understanding this helped me choose ammo better for the distances I was shooting at, and ones that my rifles liked.
  3. Training the Trigger: The PCP has no recoil, so it’s great for focusing on good trigger discipline. Any flinches aren’t hidden by recoil, improving my trigger control. And, safety discipline. It's easy to doublefeed a PCP and not so obvious if one's sitting in there already.
  4. Bullet Drop and Wind: The .22 pellet is an excellent, cheap training tool for learning bullet drop and wind effects. Even a slight breeze pushes pellets around. For a few cents per pellet, I could practice all day and apply the skills to heavier calibers, saving time and money. 20m or 200 meters, the same skills apply.
  5. Hunting Discipline: With the air rifle, I try and get as close as possible, preferably within 30m. I'm a better hunter because I've had to learn to read the signals of how rabbits respond to threat, and what clothes, movements, patterns work better. The quieter air rifle means that if I drop a rabbit instantly, others often stay put for a few moments for follow up shots.
  6. Shot Placement: For 40-60m shots on rabbits, head, neck, or front chest shots are necessary for a humane kill, as the fur stops pellets more than expected. This has made me more patient and considerate, only taking shots when I’m confident of a clean kill, and willing to let the rest go for another night of hunting.

Why not use a 22LR at those distances? I avoid using the 22LR at certain distances to prevent potential damage to equipment and livestock that rabbits around here seem to like to hang around. While pellets can ricochet, they travel a shorter distance compared to a 22LR, which I've had bounce off hard dirt and land on a shed about 250m away, 45 degrees off my shooting line!

As much as I love the bigger bangs and hearing the ping off metal targets from 200+m, air rifles have made me a better shooter and hunter overall. I hope this inspires the newer crowd to give air rifles a try.

Hope you enjoyed reading this!

Edited: Just deleted unfinished sentence and fixed up a bit of grammar.

06:18 UTC


Fairly new to hunting in Vic, seeking advice

Hi all, i am relatively new to hunting in VIC and am chasing some advice on what rifles, calibre, optics one would recommend and general set up i would need for deer stalking and whatever else i can get in VIC? Also curious as to what other people carry with them and to what extent others pack kit? So far i've been told 30-06 is my best bet as it meets minimum calibre for deer and is a good all-rounder

03:14 UTC


.270 or 300 Blackout

I was just wondering about these two guns, I’m really just starting and I don’t really know and I can’t find that much information online, I got told the 300 blackout is like the womens .308, I want something that will drop a deer pretty easy but doesn’t have as much recoil. Looking online some people said the 300 was more comparable to a .223 which I’ve already got and I don’t feel comfortable shooting a deer with. Could I get peoples opinions please? Thank you

12:24 UTC


Tips for Water Buffalo hunting in QLD

Hi! I’m looking to arrange a hunting trip for a few days in late October in Queensland, ideally to hunt for water buffalo.

Does anyone have tips, recommendations or experiences to share? I’ve been on many deer hunts previously, but this would be the first time hunting for an animal this size.

1 Comment
12:33 UTC


Hunting of Victorian State Forest under threat! At risk of losing what we love.

00:30 UTC


Eagle eye smart rest shadow mount spotlight

Does anyone run the smart rest shadow mount spotlight that you can still put window up and down? How do they go?

12:40 UTC

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