
Photograph via snooOG

A friendly place to discuss herbs, herbology and talk with other herbalists!

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The subreddit of herbal medicine. A place to discuss, ask questions about the medicinal use, and the preparation of herbs of any kind.






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Does anyone have any experience with passionflower? What dosagewas enough for you?

00:29 UTC


What’s everyone’s thoughts on Yogi Herbal Tea?

Hey. So, I brought this herbal tea. I suffer from constipation and some type of autoimmune thingy, I think and I’m anemic. And, other than it tasting AMAZING. I can’t see it visibly doing any positive effects to my health. What does everyone else think, though!? Also... I could drink it all day if possible. Does anyone know the recommended dose? Lol

22:57 UTC


Slippery elm making me pee more?

So I started taking 1 slippery elm capsule of 400 mg yesterday night to see if it helps with my constipation. I think I had ibs since last Yr (not been diagnosed) was told I had gerd and tried omeprazole but it did nothing. I had symptoms like belching, abdominal pain, excess gas, nausea. For maybe 3 months, I wasn't experiencing many symptoms, but as soon as I got covid last Yr in December, my symptoms reappeared. Not sure if covid was the cause of my symptoms but it does feel like it.

Symptoms are less severe nowadays but I'm dealing with constipation a lot often now, so I heard the slippery elm is good to help with that. I also heard it's good at treating vaginal dryness which gave me more of a reason to try it. So I had some pain in my stomach not severe pain but some sort of feeling in my stomach even though I am fasting as if I do get stomach pain, I get it when I'm eating something and nowadays it doesn't last long. I also feel like I'm not emptying my bladder fully. I think it's caused by the elm, has anyone else experienced something similar??

17:56 UTC


Licorice vs DGL question

Hi! I’m curious if it’s possible to get side effects from DGL or if maybe I’m reacting to something else. I have taken licorice in the past and my body does not agree with it- raises my cortisol since it inhibits the breakdown of it and I’m really prone to high cortisol as it is. I have taken DGL before without a noticeable effect (smaller dose of 300-400 mg). This morning I took it at 500 mg and noticed the symptoms of high cortisol. Is this just a coincidence? I didn’t think it had that effect when deglycyrrhised. Thanks

17:43 UTC


Turmeric tincture question

It's been 6 weeks and my first tincture is ready! I am beyond excited, I used fresh turmeric root and whole black peppercorns. After straining the material, there is an oily sheen on top of the tincture, just like I would see when I brew a cup of tisane. Is this normal? Making sure I didn't screw something up LOL. You guys are AMAZING thank you for your help

17:38 UTC


So I made a mistake with my glycerites…

Last year I made my first batch of tinctures and glycerites. I didn’t know that I was supposed to mix water into the glycerin & then I was lazy about filtering them out bc I didn’t want to deal with the goopy mess. now it’s been around 8 months and I’m wondering if I could add the water as I’m filtering the herbs or after? Have they sat too long if I made them in June 2023? Can they still be useable?

17:13 UTC


How do these herbs work for depression and ADHD respectively and how to take them?

I’ve been looking for some herbs for dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder - mild chronic depression) and ADHD.

I’m really tired of being on SSRI’s and want to take a shot at weaning off and going the herbal route (though I have no issue with western pharmaceuticals).

I’ve done some research and have seen: • L-Theanine • Saffron • SAMe • Kanna • Lemon balm • 5-htp

I’m aware some of these are supplements and that’s absolutely fine, but I can see online that there are different mg doses and am not sure where to start/what to buy (I’m in the UK if that helps).

What is safe to take together and what can have the best effect as a capsule, tincture, tea, etc.

Much appreciated, thank you!

16:38 UTC


Beginning herbalist— ethical and sustainable herb suppliers?

Hi! I’m brand new to herbalism, having enjoy herbal tea for years, but I want to start blending my own. I’ve read books and done some research, so I know where to start. But I’m looking for ethical and sustainable herb suppliers! Any suggestions?

14:14 UTC


An herbal approach to support hormonal balance post menopause?

A person near to me is having a hell of a time with sleep issues (severe insomnia) post menopause. Do any of you have first hand experience with the use of plants to remedy this? Is it safe to take a small dose of chaste daily at this stage of life? What about rasberry lead tea or red clover? Any direction you could give me would be much appreciated. * I get everyone is different and not everything is appropriate for everyone. Both she and I are very careful about checking interactions and have people to ask with regarding to information gained. So please don't worry about this bit.

14:09 UTC


Good herbalists instagram content

Does anyone know of good herbalists who post content on social media?

Please share! TIA

11:31 UTC


Jujube Tea in Pregnancy?

Anyone by chance know/have an opinion on whether Jujube tea is safe to drink while pregnant? I bought some dried jujubes at the farmers market and I’m trying to get my iron levels up so was thinking about using them to make some tea. Thank you so much

05:37 UTC


Is this real blue lotus flower?

23:09 UTC


Motherwort in my tea helped my heart.

Hello friends. I am just writing to share my personal success with herbal and wholistic body health!

I have an extra heart beat and have struggled my whole teen and adult life with it. It's genetically inherited and all family who has had the same issue, has also had an ablation to zap the overactive nerve, and it works for a short term, but eventually comes back - in everyone.

My dad has gone through the same thing, and since having the ablation, he's been on meds since and still doesn't have it under control, and now has a fib on top of it.

About 2 years ago or so, I started having a cup of herbal tea in the evening for my mental health and an intentional "slow down". The blend (all loose teas) mostly has been peppermint, lemon balm base, and some flavoring flower like hibiscus or chamomile. I do take these intentionally for the calming properties of digestion and nerves. (And a side note: the mental health part is for the time it takes for the tea to boil, prepare my cup and all, my choice to adapt my tea as I like, and I think of all the humans it took to grow, pick, dry, package, ship (or the shop keeper) and finally to get to me. Deep breath)

I was reading about herbs and came across motherwort - how it's been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat issues of the heart. I have added a small amount (1tsp) to my tea every night now for about 8 months and have noticed a huge difference in day to day. My heart feels steady and I don't feel my flutters. I notice also when I skip my tea two or more nights that it comes back. Pretty cool. Just wanted to share!

TLDR: Motherwort in my tea in the evening have quelled symptoms of my extra heartbeat.


20:37 UTC


Coffee Alternative?

What are some good tea alternatives to coffee?

19:43 UTC


Is Yarrow okay for me?

I have crohn's disease, which is a form of inflammatory bowel disease and I'm working on a term paper about yarrow and doing so I am finding many ways it can benefit me as someone with IBD. Unfortunately, I'm unsure if i should use it internally as my drs have said I shouldn't be taking NSAIDs... I'm not sure how similarly it works to one, but the main reason is because those drugs typically will increase bleeding which we don't want (but doesn't sound like yarrow would do that). I've also heard it helps with diarrhea..... which I have the complete opposite problem of bc of how my crohns affects me. Should I look into digesting this myself or should I just stick to topical uses of it? Thank you :)

19:38 UTC


Experience with Cleavers

Would love to hear people's personal experience with taking cleavers. What changes did you notice in your body? How much and how often did you take it? What form did you use it in? I've been looking into them and I'm interested in their ability to drain the lymphatic system, but haven't seen anybody share their experience. Thanks!! 😁

17:42 UTC


What teas are safe during pregnancy?

Everything I read is conflicting. Is raspberry tea safe in the first trimester? What about cinnamon and fennel? I like teas for anxiety and other health purposes but I’m so confused what is good or bad? In extra nervous because I had a miscarriage 6 months ago.

17:26 UTC


Herbal Tea Reaction?


About a week ago I started drinking reishi and chamomile tisane (separately). After a few days I started to have low grade bronchitis symptoms such as pain while breathing and tightness in the chess, but no coughing.

I stopped 2 days ago to see if any of this will improve or if it is just the flu.

Has anyone ever experienced something similar?

Thank you

16:57 UTC


Natural remedy for ADHD

What’s your go to for wanting to get things done and keeps you in a productive state of mind? I have horrible executive dysfunction that has impacted me most of my life - I’m a mom and my house needs to get in order!!

14:11 UTC


Fighting with pssd

I took ssri for 3 months 1.5 years ago.... after stopping the medication I lost the ability to feel any kind of Sensitivity warm feeling and pleasure on touching girls body ! Only their hands remained sensitive and pleasureable for me with romantic warm feeling....but rest body has become flat nutral sensitivity and pleasure less for me ! My all other sexual functions are quite well Is it libido loss or arousal disorder ? Can trt help in it ? My T level is 400ng/ dl ! Free t is in the normal range ! Prolactin shbg tsh are all at normal range!

13:35 UTC


Chickweed pesto

Has anyone made a vegan pesto from chickweed? Or any herbs other than basil? Like lemongrass?

13:35 UTC


Does anybody know what herb this is

I remeber watching a video on it and I’m not sure how it’s consumed but when it is it causes you to see a golden tint in your vision

13:15 UTC


Prefacing this with saying I know you guys aren't medical professionals

Anyone that menstruates, have you ever taken Gaia's Menstrual Support or Serenity and then experienced spotting for 5 days following the start of taking either of those?

Cycle Support contains Chaste (was already taking that last month in Vitex berry, but went with this because my store was out of Vitex), Dandelion, Milk Thistle, and Schisandra

Cycle Serenity has Fenugreek, Hawthorn, Saffron and Turmeric.

I've yet to find anything to insinuate that those could cause spotting, google isnt helping to much and i know my doctor will just say to take BC instead of those... Those two are the only things different in my collection of supplements right now. Oh and Holy Basil Leaf instead of St.johns but that shouldnt cause menstrual issues?

Thanks for any insight

13:03 UTC


Best thing for anti bacterial and anti inflammatory purposes that is edible and not poisonous?

What would you suggest that is the best natural anti bacterial and anti inflammatory that is also edible?

11:17 UTC


Herbal mix for kidney function?

I'm hoping someone with deeper knowledge of plants can shed some light here. I bought this tea that claims to help with urinary tract disorders and kidney stones. Would this particular mix of plants improve renal function in any way?


09:03 UTC


How long after quitting lexapro can you take herbs?

1 Comment
04:02 UTC


Memory issues

Is there anything I can grow help with memory issues?

01:38 UTC

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