For pics, discussions, questions, deals and memes regarding the IWI Galil ACE as well as the original IMI Galil and its variants/clones.
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For pics, discussions, questions, deals and memes regarding the Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Galil ACE as well as the original Israel Military Industries (IMI) Galil and its variants/clones.
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Picked up my first Galil. 556 13" pretty happy with it so far.
First mag no issues, second time it wouldn’t feed after a few rounds, now it won’t feed after every shot…
I only used the mag it came with. Does this sound like a mag issue or is something else wrong? It’s my first rifle so I’m not very knowledgeable on firearms. Thanks.
I got the idea from another post so I bought an extra recoil assembly from iwi for $50ish and cut 12 coils off the spring. My 7.62x39 now cycles subs with the kns piston closed and the shorter spring. Painted it blue so I don’t get it mixed up with the stock spring when running full power ammo. Much easier than having to swap out the factory piston to cycle subs.
I have this Galil bipod but the attachment part is just a slanted bar instead of the normal lug with pin and clip. Has anyone seen one of these before or know how they would attach?
Anyone have one laying around? Don’t actually need the block that goes into the receiver, but I’ll take it if you have it. I do need the stock tube that accepts thr Gen1 stocks - not a Gen1 brace. A cool $100 if you can help me out?
Just ordered one for my gen 1 and figured I’d share in case anyone is the market for one. Code ZELDA45b
I’m sending my SAR kit off to Hillbilly for a SA build. Does the stamping on the gas block indicate year of production? For example the picture would indicate 1972 as the year of production. I might be a big dork and ask him to stamp CO2024. Thanks for the help.
Does anyone know if any other 223 ak pattern mags will work with the 223 RNL Galil?
Has anyone else had issues trying to contact Dissident arms before. I ordered a Galil earlier this week from them. I've sent several emails and tried calling multiple times with no luck. Is this normal for them?
I’ll get back to y’all after accuracy testing
My favorite 7.6
If you guys want to see my other firearms follow me on Instagram: @donsexclusives