
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to shitting on the racist, misogynist, antisemitic, adolescent clusterfuck known as the "Alt-Right".

Some people may not be totally clear on what exactly the "alt-right" is, and to be honest, we don't have a perfect description of them either. No one really does.

To get an idea of who these people are, you should take a look at their Wiki entry, wherein they are explicitly described as:

"White nationalists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far right hate groups."

This is the alt-right we are concerned about.

Do not threaten, advocate for, wish, hope, celebrate, express extreme indifference towards, or otherwise encourage or suggest harm of any kind, violence, or death.


  1. No Alt-Right/Nazis This sub is a place for all those who oppose the Alt-Right/Nazis and their associated and supporting groups. Users from the following groups are prohibited from participating here: Alt-Right/Nazis, far-right, “alt-light,” “identitarian,” white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-confederates, incels, MAGA-cultists, q-anon qultists, gamergators, and members of any political affiliation whom the moderators of this sub deem to be enablers and supporters of the aforementioned groups.

  2. Shitpost Properly, If At All Avoid low-effort shitposts, such as reaction gifs, bad "daily struggle" comics, “banned from” posts, “search results” posts, and posts directly asking for upvotes. We tend to let the upvotes do the talking, but even if a really bad post hits r/all we will remove it.

  3. Focus on the Alt-Right
    This sub targets the Alt-Right movement for condemnation and mockery. But with the entirety of the Right and even much of the center supporting and enabling the Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi agenda, the scope of this sub’s focus is wider than just those who self-identify with the movement. Ultimately, responsibility for evaluating content’s relevance to this sub rests with the sub’s moderators.

  4. No Links to Prohibited Domains, Subreddits, and No Reposts We no longer allow direct links to Pro Alt Right / Neo-Nazi / or Trump content here. The reason being twofold: We don't want to give them traffic, and we also do not want to inadvertently help spread their racist filth and trash propaganda if one of our posts makes it to the front page. Please use Archive Links, Imgur, etc. Also please no reposts. Take a few seconds before submitting to make sure the content hasn't been posted here previously.

  5. Follow reddiquette and the TOS No bigotry of any kind. No advocating violence. No harassment. No brigading. Follow reddiquette and the terms of service. Please report breaches of reddit’s code of conduct via the report system.

  6. No Useful Idiots, Concern Trolls, or Edgelords Alt-Right enabling*, Concern Trolls, and idiots calling for murder can fuck off. That being said, if you’re concerned about the safety and well being of Nazis, we don’t want to hear about that either. We're not your middle school debate club. "Valuable Discussion™", “Both sides!” bullshit and "Whataboutism" are strictly prohibited per this rule.

  7. No Username Pings Username mentions (hyperlinked usernames; i.e., “pings”) are not permitted in this sub, period. To engage mods, use modmail.

  8. No Incivility between Left-Leaning Anti-Nazi Allies. The sub is Fuckthealtright. It’s not fuckliberals, fucksocialists, fuckcommunists, or fuckanarchists. Behave accordingly. Anyone Left of Center is welcome to participate. Incivility toward Alt-Right/Nazis is permissible, but follow the guideline: “REPORT then RETORT.”

  9. Adults Only Mature and reasonable participation is highly encouraged. Highly toxic and immature behavior may warrant a suspension. Please be mindful that participation in subs that engage in prohibited behavior such as harassment, brigading, doxing, and witch-hunting could get you banned as well.

  10. Communicate With Mods Via Modmail Only For All questions, comments, recommendations, or complaints regarding subreddit policies, rules, content, operations, or mod actions, communicate via modmail only. Do not directly contact mods via Private Messaging or Reddit Chat. Doing so is a violation of this rule and a bannable offense. Interpretation of the rules is left to moderator discretion. So please, no rules-lawyering.

Alt-right enablement is considered talking points which the Far Right might applaud or upvote. It doesn’t necessarily imply explicit support of the Alt-Right.

Important!: Please see Reddit’s Content Policy page. Content and activity that is prohibited by Reddit Inc. is prohibited in this subreddit as well.

Upset about getting banned for participating in another sub? Before you waste your time messaging the admins, read what an admin has to say about the practice. It’s not against any site rule.


Please help us keep the subreddit clean!

Report all posts in violation of our rules!

Other high quality subreddits:


















Subreddits to Avoid. These are subreddits that engage in brigading, witch-hunting, harassment, hate, and general juvenile troll nonsense. We acknowledge that there are hundreds of subs fitting that description, but the ones listed are those that we have targeted with an auto-ban bot because their troll-mod teams have refused to address their toxic user bases’ shitty behavior against this sub specifically. The bot cannot discriminate between good and bad faith users. You can contact us via modmail to politely appeal an auto-ban. Listed subs may or may not be subject to auto-ban at any given time.





Links worth reading:



Alt Right talking points debunked: Race and Crime.

A Dark and Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States.

FBI considers white supremacist groups as much of a threat as ISIS.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners.

National Security Pros, It’s Time to Talk About Right-Wing Extremism.

U.S. sees 300 violent attacks inspired by far right every year.



191,592 Subscribers


Roman, a Russian, shops in Lisbon while continuing his mockery of Tucker Carlson.

1 Comment
23:26 UTC


Could this be another Tex Cruz move, will she bend the knee?

22:53 UTC


Trump Could Face $100M+ Tax Bill Connected To His Chicago Tower

18:58 UTC


Let’s review the Party of small Government.

20:33 UTC


Anyone want to help me draft a response?

16:46 UTC


Instead of Blaming the Dog For His Flatulence, Trump Can Blame Any GOP Zombie! Musk is a Spoiled Brat!

1 Comment
09:02 UTC


Anybody signed up for Trump campaign texts? They are… something

03:05 UTC


Trump Will Not Make the Economy Better

It’s a Republican myth that Trump made the U.S. economy dramatically better.  The reality is he inherited Obama’s good economy, and when he left office the economy was in shambles.

Prior to the pandemic, GDP was between 2 and 3 percent, same as it was in 2014 and 2015, and only slightly up from 2016, under Obama.  GDP under Biden was in the same range in 2022 and 2023, and was actually almost 6 percent in 2021.

Wages under Trump rose between 3-4 % annually, the same as in Obama’s final year, and they have risen much more dramatically under Biden.

The unemployment rate went from 4.7% to 3.5% under Trump, but this was a continuation of a trend that had been going on for years under Obama.  After the disastrous unemployment rates in Trump’s final year, unemployment in the last two years under Biden has settled back into the 3-4% range.

Inflation is the biggest issue in today’s economy, but it is inaccurate to place that entirely on Biden.  It’s roots actually began during the Trump administration.  The government his final year ran a three trillion dollar deficit. 

Issues related to the pandemic also caused inflationary effects in the economy, a pandemic that Trump, in some ways, did a poor job of responding to.  And then there’s Trump’s tariffs which only raised prices on consumers. 

Biden’s stimulus likely also contributed to the inflation, but under Biden the rate of inflation has come down from a high of 9% in mid-2022 to only 3% today.

As far as who is best equipped to lead the country forward, it is certainly not Trump.  Under his leadership the national debt increased by more in a four year period than any president in modern history.  Trump has also promised more tariffs which will further increase prices for consumers. 

More info:


















13:30 UTC

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