
Photograph via snooOG

SOFT CORE PROFILE PICS GET YOU A 60 DAY BAN. KEEP YOUR BORING ASS TITTIES OFF MY REDDIT AND SHOW US YOUR ASSHOLE AND PISS SHOTS(women only) Keep the focus of "AllAnalAllCumAllPiss" to its roots. the basis of the reddit is for the kinky stuff... anal with cum in her ass, pissing inside her or on her, ETC. Post relevant content. Thank you for being here.

Everything ass, anal, cum, piss related. no limits. straight porn only. Gay stuff will get you removed. This is where your kinks and fetishes come to live. So welcome.


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this subreddit is doomed

One day there's gonna be an mf that joins and then goes "I'm gonna invite the entirety of reddit to make this guy cry"

23:46 UTC


How would you handle additional funds?

I submitted a claim for some damage on my car. The initial estimate that came from my insurance company was around $1000. They issued me a check before I could even contact a body shop but I never received it via mail.

I took the car to the body shop where I got a quote of $3,800. (This was before I even mentioned anything regarding insurance). They then said they would work with the insurance company for payment. Insurance company paid them a check for $3,800.

I called the insurance company again since it mentioned on my account that they sent the first check to me and I never received it and asked if they would resend it. The finally sent it to my house.

Now the body shop is asking for my check of $1,000. I feel like the body shop is trying to finesse for more money now. The original quote is for $3,800. They didn’t find any additional “repairs” that what was quoted, and they got that money from insurance already.

What would you do in this situation?

23:46 UTC


got Joe Garcy on my third win

There were four learning defeats and then three wins in a row. It's difficult to catch the time to reverse, my main tip is to stay out of the ring because eventually he'll want to throw you in, throw weapons at Lumis and save your finishers for when Lumis gets stunned and that's all he needs to do to reach 90 mfp

23:46 UTC


How to remember people in my next life?

Hi everybody, it’s pretty late but recently I’ve grown more and more scared of not remembering my mama in my next life. She’s my best friend in the entire world and I genuinely don’t believe that I can ever exist, in this body or the next, without her being a part of my life. This is pretty weird to think about, I may have wanted to remember people in this life, and surely enough I don’t, so how can I make sure I can remember, and even find my mommy again in the next?

23:46 UTC


Why are all the posts "rate me" posts

It's Low-key so annoying, I literally do not care at all about what you look like, it brings nothing of value or interest to me.

23:46 UTC


Water assist

I’ve always wondered this and thought this would be the right place to ask.
Would it help the system work better to mist the outside unit with water when it’s running? Would it cause any damage to the unit?

23:46 UTC


In depth analysis of the entire score by Koji Kondo for both The Legend of Zelda games released for the N64. A comprehensible assessment of every single track discussing the theory and cultural influences of the music accompanied by instrument visualizations showing the original samples used

Here is a full playlist with music visualizations and essays discussing the work of video game composer Koji Kondo in The Legend of Zelda series. You will find it interesting if you enjoy video game music and soundtrack scoring. There are other Nintendo games analyzed over there. They include visualizations and essays covering every single composition found in the game plus trivia on how composers from game music had to deal with the limitations from the time. Enjoy

23:46 UTC


Biden isn’t going anywhere

This subreddit has become a hilarious copy of r/wayofthebern in 2016 recently with Biden’s age. What started as a genuine concern about his ability to win, which has merit, has now seemingly become a disingenuous/concern trolling about him dropping out. Is it bots? Is it trolls? I don’t know but Jesus Christ the doomscrolling is getting pathetic. It’s not going to happen for better or worse he’s the Dems guy. Get over it and get on board with fighting for democracy this election with Biden as the champion.

23:46 UTC


Thou hast displeased the CuddleWolf!!

And yet I survived to post the picture.

23:46 UTC


AITAH For kicking my boyfriend out of my families house for chatting with his ex while I was at work?

My (21F) boyfriend (23M) Chris and I have known each other for a few years. We recently reconnected through a mutual friend and have been dating for 10 months now. I live at home with my parents while I finish school to become a teacher. Chris takes odd jobs and gigs and tries to have fun. That’s what attracted me to him. Besides our mutual love for similar hobbies and stuff. We’ve had ups and downs, but I love him and I can’t believe this all happened.

Before I say what happened, I guess I’ll have to explain a little backstory about him and his ex, Izzy. Since Chris and I were friends before anything, he opened up to me when we were friends and dating other people. I never thought we’d be together, so we talked freely about our relationships at the time when they first got together before I moved away.

Chris said he felt all these “weird” connection things with Izzy. He thinks there were too many similarities for it to be a coincidence. When they first met years ago, he told a friend that the two of them actually used to play on a playground together when they were toddlers. How they both had red hair and their parents talked to each other about it when they were babies. They both grew up playing the same instrument. They both had shitty childhoods. Mentally Ill mothers (Chris has a horrible mom whom I’ve never met)

He would tell me how toxic their relationship was. She wasn’t faithful to him. He wasn’t faithful to her. As he explained it “when things got too real she ran away” Yet he was with her on and off for 4 years. He was a mess when they broke up.

By the time Chris and I reconnected a little under a year ago, Izzy was blocked and they had been broken up for almost 2 years.

Fast forward now to this weekend.

I come home from work and Chris is in the shower. All of a sudden I see a notification pop up from his phone that was charging. It was her name on instagram. My heart dropped.

I went on it (bad I know) and saw a bunch of messages between them. Nothing sexual but emotional. And I don’t know how to feel. They were talking about back in high school, funny stories, he said things like “we go way back” when she would talk about things “going on in her life” They would talk about how they “both feel like they were older than they were trauma wise”

Then I find out he sold her weed in person.

Then I see him liking her instagram stories. It was no pictures of her, but certain memes and pictures of her dog. When he got out of the shower I freaked out and asked him what the fuck he was doing.

He said “Babe it was nothing. I have no feelings. I figured since it’s been so long, the drama is over and we can be cool with each other” and explained how she has a boyfriend and no interest in him.

Did I do the right thing by kicking him out?

He said since it was nothing flirtatious or sexual, it’s not an issue to chat as friends

23:46 UTC


bro did NOT wanna stay still for a sec. 0/10 did NOT get a SINGLE clear shot

23:46 UTC


Will a 7600x and 7900xt run sims well at 1440p?

Want to mainly play iRacing but the game recommends having at least an 8 core cpu, the 7600x only has 6 cores.

Will I still be able to run the game smooth with at least 120fps? I’m not really concerned about my gpu being to weak, mainly just the CPU

23:46 UTC


Updated - Life Cycle of a Basic DVA Claim

The above has been updated to reflect the new use of Claim Support Officers (CSOs) in the Initial Liability (IL) and Permanent Impairment (PI) process.

There are many more services that DVA offer, but this is a basic overview of a simple "Acceptance to Payout" claim that the majority of Veterans will access at one point or another.

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Anyone know a place that would help me pay for broken A/C in car?

First off let me say my engine had an issue first. I already am having to pay $400+ to get that fixed. Technically, I only paid less half of it and my partner paid the rest. The car was getting to to the point where it was overheating and smelled burned so I had no choice but to deal with it. Auto shop is checking out why the A/C compressor won’t turn on. Ik there can be multiple reasons, but if its the whole A/C compressor’s i already know thats going to run me $800-$1100 to replace. (i’m in sMiami so you can imagine the inflation) Since its so hot its dangerous to be without air, is there any kind or organization or company who helps out a low-income person pay for car repairs? I have multiple health problems and definitely cannotw drive all these miles a day without any A/C. I am so stressed and have no clue what to do atp.

23:46 UTC



23:46 UTC


What I don’t understand

There are male and female bodies, and occasionally those who are in between those two biological sexes. Being trans is often immediately chalked up to being tempted by the devil or presented to you as a challenge from god (to overcome by resisting it and presenting as your biological gender). I think therefore I am— my body, as an empty husk, is a body of the female sex. But I do not exist unless the body thinks. The body cannot be she, because I, my identity as a soul, is what I am, and by my thoughts I know I am a him, as in Corey, as in a male entity that exists within the body. It is a lie if I behave “normally” because I know I am not a she, not out of some sinful rebellion, but because it is the nature of my soul. Why then, is it always attributed as a result of the devil? Could it not have been God who created my male soul and put it in this form for a reason? Rather than force myself to conform and be unhappy, should I not instead look to God for the answer to what he wanted me to learn from this state of being?

23:46 UTC


What time do I pu?

So i got tickets for the anaheim show on the 17th. I was just wondering how early i should get there. I heard that some people waited five hours to get placed in the back of the pit while others pulled up like 30 minutes earlier and got good places. Any guidance would be nice as this is my first Ken show. Ty

23:46 UTC


Mega swampert 4 people trainer code 032077539448

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


20T Contract Startup

League Format: Contract

Number of Teams: 20

Salary Cap: $255 (will mirror NFL salary cap each year)

Contracts: 1-5 years

Roster Settings: 2RB, 2WR, 2FLX, 2SFLX (8 starters + 12 bench)

Scoring: 6pt passing TD / Tiered PPR (.5 RB, 1 WR, 1.5TE)

League Fees & Payment System: $255 for 2024 season via LeagueSafe

Constitution Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WugUxLu3bdOm-cqoomco2qgkswh05Ak1/view

Invite Link: https://invite.leaguetycoon.com/kkdK9hAqj1rhdZjA9

Additional Notes: Extra game vs Median. Salaries increase 10% each year

1 Comment
23:46 UTC


Recent bumper to bumper accident. Noticing some delays when I start my car and put it in drive.

Hi. I drive Subaru forster 2016. A car hit my rear couple days ago with no significant damage. I didn’t have any issue driving back home afterward. The next day, i started my car and noticed it was taking extra 2-3 seconds delay for my car to actually move forward when i put my car to drive.

Seems like it only happens when my car was turned off for awhile and then starting. No other issues when I am driving or starting my car after like 1-2 hrs after driving it.

I was wondering if anyone had similar experience with your car. Just want to make sure i have enough knowledge when i go in to see mechanics later. Thank you!

23:46 UTC


What are the best job combinations for someone working two full-time positions for eight months to save money before studying abroad in Spain, ideally with one job being moderately stressful and the other low stress?

Hi everyone,

I'm planning to study abroad in La Rioja, Spain, for a year to improve my Spanish. To make this dream a reality, I've decided to take a semester gap from my nursing studies and work from January 2025 to the second week of August 2025 to save up as much money as possible.

Since I'll be working for a few months and won't have classes to worry about, I'm looking to maximize my savings during this period. One of my jobs should ideally be related to my nursing background, and I'm considering becoming a patient transporter. Given the short duration, I've decided against becoming a CNA.

I'm seeking advice on what other jobs I should consider. Here are my key considerations:

  1. Manageable Stress Levels: One of the jobs should be moderately stressful, where I can leverage my skills and stay active.
  2. Low Stress: The second job should be low stress to help balance my workload.

Do you have any suggestions for jobs that fit these criteria? What positions should I qualify for with my background? Any tips on balancing two full-time jobs and staying sane?

Thanks in advance for your help!

23:46 UTC


Dm or kik to trib it

23:46 UTC


Governement COOP Rate of Pay

Im a bit of a tough situation with coop pay. I am a 4th year studnet that will be doing my 3rd coop in the fall. I will be working for the government and all my coops have been in the government so far. First coop paid 21.80, second 25.50$ and now the third coop is offering 22.50$. Its a similar wage to my first coop and that doesnt sit right with me, since there is a level of progress that I have accomplished since my first coop.

During my interview the manager told me they would pay according to my school year and past coop experiences. Then I had a meeting with a different manager after macthing with the job this manager is offering 22.50$. What do I do in this situation?

23:46 UTC

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