
Photograph via snooOG

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    Did some day 3 experiments with a glucose monitor

    Decided to take baseline at around 70 hours. At that point it read at 63. Then I drank an entire Waterloo peach flavored seltzer, twenty minutes later it read at 66. Then I had a mini can of Diet Coke, twenty minutes after that I tested at 71. I tested again another twenty minutes later and was still at 71. About 4 hours later I had water with a sugar free syrup. Twenty minutes later I tested at 69.

    I plan to continue my experiment with other beverages. What do you make of my results so far?

    1 Comment
    03:47 UTC


    Should I continue?

    my plan was to do a 10 day fast. I completed 6 days last month. So far my fast has been great until today I’ve gotten a killer headache. I’ve lost 7 pounds ( I know most is water weight). I’m also 8 weeks postpartum and my body after having a baby has made me get back into fasting. I just want to lose weight. I’m starting Semaglutide soon but was going to try to lose as much as I can through fasting first. Anyway should I go to 10 days or break fast tomorrow?

    1 Comment
    03:20 UTC


    Quick question

    How many much would I loose I'd I was to fast for 7 days. I need and estimate. Also how to I stop myself from binging the following day? 5'6 and 178lbs Thanks! ♥️

    03:07 UTC


    Hi guys 60h/20 back to back

    Hi guys, this is my first post here.

    I just completed the 60 hour fast and squeezed out about 10 pounds of water. I’m a chronic gout sufferer, and it’s been a year since my last fast which happened immediately before my last gout flareup.

    I’m an experienced intermittent faster. I’ve been doing a lot of research recently and I’ve settled on back to back 60 hour fasts with 20 hours off.

    When I started this, I weighed 214. My goal is 185 by August 15.

    I will be taking some supplements, nothing with oil or calories.

    I will be drinking coffee and taking electrolytes along with water fast in each 60 hour fast.

    During the last 60 hour fast, I realized the keto switch at about hour 30, was what got me last time this time a 15 minute nap was all it took to fire me up for the final stretch.

    I’m not a big photo taker so my progress will be weight and was was what got me last time this time a 15 minute nap was all it took to fire me up for the final stretch.

    I’m not a big photo taker so my progress will be wait and waist related.

    I plan on completing six of these back to back.

    I’m doing this for weight loss but mostly as an anti cancer and positive neurological effect. I feel like I’ve had brain fog since my second bet with Covid and this is my effort to come out of it .

    I’m posting here because I don’t like talking about this with my friends or family. I lost about 35 pounds back in 2017 and got some fairly negative feedback because I looked radically different to some people.

    So this is where I’m going to post to hold myself accountable for as long as possible.

    Thank you

    1 Comment
    03:03 UTC


    Looking for someone to fast with me..

    Hi I’m looking for someone to start a fast with me. Lacking motivation and need someone who needs the motivation as well and keep each other accountable and motivated by sharing our progress daily….

    I want to start as soon as possible. Here are my stats…

    37 yr old female I’m from Chicago but I’m currently living abroad in Mexico. Central standard time zone . 5’3” I’m about 175 lbs but I will weigh myself the day we start My motivation is of course to lose weight…. I also had a full hysterectomy, appendectomy, intenstine resection and endometriosis excision surgery last month. I am still recovering it from it and I already lost 20 lbs from that. I’ve done fasts in the past and know autophagy is REAL and amazing and am looking to heal faster by fasting.

    01:59 UTC


    help me with my math, calories, glycogen, glucose, etc

    most of your glycogen stores in your body will be used up roughly in 24 hours of fasting with moderate exercise from what i understand.

    ( accept that these are really rough figures and nothing is carved in stone)
    according to this study the average amount of glycogen in the body is about 600 grams . and will not drop below 10% usually.

    each gram glycogen particle has about 4 kilocalories of energy
    and about 3 grams of water.

    ( so just with fasting about 24 hours you will lose 1.3 pounds of glycogen (2000 calories) and 3.9 pounds of water (about 2 liters) )

    all of which will come back when you eat carbs and your body rebuilds its glycogen stores.

    ( just no way around that, your body wants that cache of energy on tap to use and will use glycogen synthesis even without the preferred energy source, carbs)

    these numbers are rough estimates and change with every body and body type an unknown amount.

    anyone think my math is off? or have any studies or articles with significantly different numbers?
    any thoughts? any studies on longer term fasting and glycogen, glucose,that you could point me to .

    1 Comment
    01:41 UTC


    Can’t stop, won’t stop

    Originally I was just trying to hit 36 hours, but it’s been surprisingly easy going this time around, so here we are. Longest fast was 120 hours in January and on day 3 I had to push through with chicken broth. But man, this time I’m just water, coffee, or 2tbsp ACV+electrolytes in water. Took an epsom salt bath last night and I think that really helped. I’ll check in again at 120.

    01:39 UTC


    Does my fiber supplement powder break a fast?

    It’s 30 calories for two tbs in water. What about my vitamin gummies ?

    1 Comment
    23:37 UTC


    LMNT dehydrating you

    Has anyone else experienced LMNT dehydrating you? I had 4 L of water w element but I woke up sooooo parched

    1 Comment
    23:27 UTC


    Has anyone else mentioned their fast to friends or family and got negative reactions?

    Im on day 2 of my 21 day fast and i brought up my fast to some of my family, friends and coworkers. They all know i fast on and off (at most a couple days to a week) but this time i told them i was going at least 21 solid days of no food. Every reaction i got was "thats not healthy" "dont do that" "thats insane". Like dang guys i know it sounds crazy 😂 but its manageable and doable if done correctly. Of course if i dont feel well ill just stop. I dont think i had a single give a favorable response. Even my one friend that fasts 2 days at a time himself. I just think its funny, i know they care about my health.

    23:17 UTC


    Interesting read

    23:13 UTC


    I've failed. Over and Over. Thoughts on My New Plan?

    So, I've been wanting to do an extended fast (20+ days, perhaps considerably longer) for some time now. I have 80 pounds of fat to lose total (Male, 22, 6'1, 277 pounds), and would love to make a true dent into that number with a long fast. The longest I've ever gone was 8 days, and that was 2 or 3 years ago.

    Recently, I have set out to do longer fasts. My first goal has always been to get to 7 days and then reassess and set a second goal, but my ultimate goal was to go 20 or 30 days. I never even got close to a week. The furthest along I've managed to get this last year has been to day 4. In my recent attempts, I fail because food just starts to seem like the only thing on the planet that matters. The thought of it becomes almost literally irresistible, and I end up caving on day 2, 3, or 4. It truly is all mental. Back in 2021 I was able to do 5, 6, and 7 day fasts with very little mental stress. I'm really not sure what's different now. Perhaps you think the answer is "just use more willpower", but I promise you, I have been using all that I have just to get to day 4. To go much longer (particularly as long as I really WANT to go) just feels more and more out of reach for me each time I try and fail. It used to be the case that just applying a little mental effort was sufficient to get me to a week, and now everything I have barely gets me halfway there. Something else is different, and it's not simply a matter of me being weak-willed.

    My dad just finished a 21 day fast. He lost 30 pounds (200 to 170). He exercised hard the entire time. Watching him do it was absolutely amazing. He had been eating like total crap for the last few months. And he simply said one day "I'm gonna do a 3 week fast". Started it the next day. And did the entire thing flawlessly and with no complaints. It's what I've been trying and failing to do for so long now. His success has reminded me how powerful extended fasting can be and has motivated me to try again. But I need a different approach. I can't just keep banging my head against the wall and hoping this next time somehow goes differently.

    So here's what I was thinking. I'm going to do a 3-week build up before starting my extended fast. The first week, I'll do one meal a day (23:1), as I know this is well within my capabilities. I still occasionally eat this way anyway just on accident, and it does not feel like a strain. After that, I want to do two 48 hour fasts, breaking each with one meal and then immediately starting the next one again, then after that jumping straight into a 72 hour fast. Finally, a 120 hour (5 day) fast. Then, after breaking that, I set out for at least a 20 day fast, actually feeling prepared to succeed.

    The purpose of the build up period is NOT to lose weight. I won't even weigh myself during it, because I don't care. I obviously will lose some weight doing all that fasting, particularly the second and third weeks of build up, but it's besides the point. The true goal is to get practice with not eating for increasingly extended periods of time.

    Have any of you found that "preparing" for extended fasts in ways like this to be really beneficial? Any advice or ideas for improvement on my current plan? I would start it tomorrow, which would put me at starting the real extended fast on May 22nd. What do you all think? Does this have a shot at working where my previous attempts (which were based on the mantra of "just don't cave this time bro") failed? All comments welcome!

    22:49 UTC


    Fasting… and then shingles?!

    Hi friends and experts!

    I did my first extended fast last week, Sunday night to Thursday afternoon. I felt great and looking forward to doing it again. Today, one week later I woke up with shingles on my back. Immediately went to the doctor and they confirmed it.

    My question to you is, have you heard of anyone getting the shingles after they fasted? I know my body was under stress during that time so I’m not sure if it awoke the shingles. (I had chicken pox as a child)

    I’m a 35 year old male.

    I’m nervous :(

    Thank you everyone!

    1 Comment
    22:04 UTC


    Weird Question, is too much chloride harmful?

    Before I start fasting I was prepping how much electrolytes I am taking

    For magnesium I will take supplements, but for Sodium and Potassium I will take both in salt form as Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride, both have Chloride, wouldn't too much Chloride be harmful?

    I never see ppl talk about Chloride or even mention it, what does it even do in the body? How much is needed? Is too little worse that too much? Or is too much worse than too little?

    I am taking 12 grams of mixed salt per day (2 tea-spoons), it's made of 66% Potassium Chloride and 33% Sodium Chloride

    I will spare you the calculation, long story short, 12 grams of this salt will give 4100 mg potassium, 1500 mg sodium and 6200 mg of chloride, is that too much chloride?

    A simple google search would tell me I should limit my chloride intake to 2300 mg per day, but I don't know why that is or the effects of it.

    if chloride is truly limited to 2300 mg per day then I will need to find another sodium source than table salt, because 1 tea spoon of salt (6 grams) would contain 3600 mg of chloride (and 2300 mg of sodium) which is already way above the recommended chloride intake, but everyone in the world is taking way more than the recommanded and seems to be fine, what is up with that?

    21:26 UTC


    New fast starting now (8 days ago, I finished an 8-day water fast)

    Just ended ended a fast 8 day 8 days ago, and I think I will try a shorter one again. Starting now.

    I have fasted 14 days last year, and a few 5-8 day fasts this year also. This one I suspect will be 2-3 days. So, checking in for accountability because I've never tried doing that before. Maybe it works. Maybe not.

    Got my potassium, salt, magnesium, and so on, and I will likely be just fine for a few days.

    21:20 UTC


    Ate a pizza pretzel on my 3rd day fasting.. 😭

    I’m going continue on with my fast but wondering if anyone has been in this position? Did you exercise it off to make up for it? Maybe I’ll do a long walk… at least it might make me feel better about my failure.

    20:47 UTC


    Isn't this too much Sodium per day?

    Read this on the subreddit wiki, isn't 3-6 grams too much? I know that the recommended intake is 1500 mg per day with 2100mg to be the upper limit, that is 1.5 and 2.1 grams respectively


    20:46 UTC


    The goal is to make it until after work tomorrow, but I am STRUGGLING 😭

    20:42 UTC


    1 month of ADF results 💗

    13.4 Ibs lost total in a month of alternate day fasting

    1 Comment
    20:28 UTC


    45 hours in

    Want to try and make it to 80 hours? Any tips?! This is my first fast (water fast).

    19:57 UTC


    Honestly, fuck this sub. I will not be partaking anymore. Completed a 145 hour fast and didn’t have a proper “refeed” and I’m getting hate messages and comments. How supportive you all are! I’m going to continue on my journey. I’ve lost 94 pounds so far and won’t stop.

    These messages I’m getting are out of hand. Really disheartening cus this was a supportive place for me for a while.

    19:25 UTC


    Starting 5 days of omad

    I am not able to stick to fasting. So posting this for accountability. I will be posting comments under this post to keep myself accountable.

    This is my first omad after a whole year. Please be kind 🥺

    18:56 UTC


    Confusing ketone results

    So im using a ketone blood meter and a ketone breath meter. The breath meter is reading 2.5 to 2.2 but the blood meter read .05 and .03 in the morning. I am curious is this correct? Does this mean I am in a good ketosis and my body is using those ketones or is it possible I broke my meter by using it with alchool in my system?

    I didnt know this could be an issue. seems strange that it would break it to show a false high reading. It still shows a 0.00 when I am out of ketosis. So its not completly messed up. This is day two of a fast btw if that helps. Any insight is appreciated.

    1 Comment
    18:35 UTC


    Necessities of fasting

    (TL;DR: do I need to be taking nutritional yeast & multivitamins to make sure I’m not hurting myself? And is keto just as good as complete fasting?)

    • Do I need to be eating nutritional yeast & taking multivitamins? I’m currently 12 days in and have only been supplementing with salt.

    • Finally how effective is the ketogenic diet compared to a full fast? People around me have noticed I’m looking much better & figured it out. Many expressed concerns “it’s not normal” I don’t really need reassurance but my mother practically begged me to at least try and see if I can do keto so that I’m not completely abstaining from food. I’m not sure how I feel about it all really

    I hope your own personal journeys are going well! Fasting is a very personal and spiritual thing for me, I know what I’m doing is the right choice for me. Take care and stay strong ❤️

    18:09 UTC


    Officially started my may ADF challenge!!

    I’m going to document it all! I already started last night. I’ve lost 50lbs in the last 5 months. I’m currently at 197.5 I’m hoping to lose maybe another 10 pounds this month! Not trying to self promote but if anyone wants to follow along on my journey my YT is in my bio! Last picture there is my current state! I’m 5.11 34 years old!

    18:07 UTC


    Just checking in...24 hrs down...

    How's everyone else doing???

    1 Comment
    17:23 UTC


    Is this normal?

    I completed a 4 day fast and I felt weak, but amazing overall. I was able to get out of bed in the mornings for work without any issues. However, the second I broke my fast I noticed a huge depletion in energy. It’s been almost a week now and nothing has changed in my energy levels. I can barely get out of bed in the mornings despite sleeping early. I also have been eating really clean Whole Foods. Nothing processed.

    I’m just wondering if anyone else dealt with this after breaking a multiple day fast? I’m considering fasting again just to feel better because I feel like absolute shit right now. My water intake has decreased a tiny bit but we’re talking like 8 oz at most nothing crazy. I’m just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and how I can fix it???

    17:17 UTC


    I’m finally not failing.

    I’ve tried a 72-hour fast several times over the past month or so. Closest I got was a low-caloric three days, but I kept caving in with tiny little things…

    Until now: I’m over 40 hours into my water fast and the only difference is that I finally, truly understand the science happening here (at least, I understand as much as a non-science-person can).

    I came into it all about weight loss—and that’s still my primary goal, if I’m being honest—but the only thing pushing me through is the knowledge that this is truly great for my body on a cellular level.

    Is 40 hours much in this community? No, but I’m so proud to be on my way to what previously felt unachievable at barely 24 hours. I’m halfway to my goal and, once I hit it (because I refuse not to reach my goal) I want to check in with myself and see if I feel ready to extend a day or two.

    What’s helped me: Doing the research, downloading the Life fasting app, and a fellow Redditors words: “Remember your future self is watching you and shouting “please don’t give up”

    I’m on day 2 at around 40 hours and I’m in a great mood. I’m really frickin’ hungry, too, but I’m going to down some water and get busy. I hear day two is the worst anyway, right? Wish me luck!

    16:54 UTC

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