
Photograph via snooOG

A fast is "a period of such abstention or self-denial". For most fasts, there are no set rules on when to start or how long they should last. Your own instincts are usually your best guide.

A fast can be from traditional things like 3 solid meals, from social media like Reddit, Google Plus or Facebook or even quitting smoking for a day.

The great comedian, Ed Wynn said, "Without your health, riches, possessions and fame are all mud."

This subreddit is 18+

/r/fasting Rules

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  1. Remember the human.
  1. Follow reddiquette and be nice.
  2. No harassment.
  3. Being a creep will result in a ban. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to:
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    ▪ Treating OP like a sexual object ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?')
    ▪ acting like this is a porn sub or rateme sub (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc)
  • Do not promote dangerous fasting practices.
    Do not promote dangerous fasting practices. This includes:
    dry fasting
    ▪ extended fasting without electrolytes
    ▪ fasting while underweight
    ▪ fasting while under 18 years old (this includes encouraging children to fast)
    ▪ fasting if you have a history of eating disorders or otherwise, promoting or exhibiting disordered eating behaviors
    ▪ Diet/fasting bets/contests/competitions. ▫️ Discussion of appetite suppressants - hunger is normal and you need to learn the difference between psychological hunger and true, physical hunger
  • (2a, rule 2 ED specific) Fasting with an eating disorder Fasting with a history of eating disorder or otherwise, promoting or exhibiting disordered eating behaviors)
  • (2b, continuation of rule 2) Do not promote dangerous fasting practices, continued
    ▪ Diet/fasting bets/contests/competitions
    ▪ Discussion of appetite suppressants - hunger is normal and you need to learn the difference between psychological hunger and true, physical hunger
    ▪ Extremely long fasts may be removed under mod discretion

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    Posts and comments should be related to fasting and not spam (for example linking your youtube channel or blog and not interacting with the community).

  • While legitimate questions are welcome, this isn't the place to attack the legitimacy of fasting or your fellow redditors for their choices. Off-topic discussion will be removed at mods' discretion. Includes asking how much weight you can lose.

  • No food posts

  • Ask your doctor for medical advice, not reddit.

  • Don't spread misinformation or present opinions as fact.

  • Do not editorialize titles of scientific studies
    When posting a study, use the exact title and do not add your interpretation or opinion in the title. Post any interpretations as a comment.

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    Related Subreddits

    Other Fasting Subs Diet Subs
    /r/intermittentfasting /r/carnivore
    /r/PSMF /r/zerocarb
    /r/OMADDiet /r/keto
    /r/leangains /r/lowcarb
    /r/water_fasting /r/Paleo
    - /r/vegetarian
    - /r/vegetarianketo
    Diet Science Subs Other Subs
    /r/ketoscience /r/loseit
    /r/nutrition /r/fitness
    /r/science -
    /r/health -

    Eating Disorder Help

    /r/fasting is not subreddit for those with eating disorders or a history of eating disorders.

    If you have or suspect you have an eating disorder, please consider leaving this sub and filtering it from reddit so it doesn't trigger you.

    If you're looking to get into recovery or just need to talk to someone, please visit the National Eating Disorders Association.


    516,230 Subscribers


    Starting a fast today!!!

    It's been over a year since I fasted and y'all have inspired me to get back to the regimen.

    Please send good thoughts!

    1 Comment
    20:28 UTC


    Fasting after Surgery

    Had My gallbladder removed this past Thursday. I am wanting to do a week long fast to see if It will help me heal faster. Has anyone had experience fasting after a surgery and does it help the healing process?

    19:23 UTC


    What do you guys eat after a long fast that is not eggs and broth?

    Sup y’all. I’ve yet to complete my week fast but I was looking for some more ideas of what to eat afterwards? Would sushi be too much you think? If not that then what is a good starting point for a refeed? Open to anything. Thanks.

    18:47 UTC


    My longest fast

    Just adding an update from my previous post about attempting a longer fast. Than I’ve ever done. From thanksgiving to today the scale is down 12 pounds. Obviously mostly water weight but I think it’s a big mental help to see the number go down. Kind of curious as of to why my hunger still shows itself throughout the day. Not starving like I said before. Just annoying.

    18:00 UTC


    25 Day Water Fast Results

    So this is super vulnerable, but I needed this when I started my journey! I completed a 25 day water fast. Nothing, but water. I did not weigh myself because that kind of triggers me so I decided to take photos instead, as I care more about how I look/feel than weight. I lost 2 pant sizes. My skin has cleared up and my sleeps are better.

    Currently on another 25 day fast that I started November 30. I know I have a long way to go still.

    26, F, 5’11.

    15:45 UTC


    Drinking Non-Flavor Aloe Vera?

    I plan on getting aloe vera from the store, grinding it up and just drinking. I am hoping this would help cleanse my bowels. Do you think this will affect my fast in anyway?

    15:32 UTC


    Y'all weren't joking about that euphoric feeling. Only 4 days in, but I feel amazing. Longest fast yet.

    Day 3 was very difficult mentally, the cravings were insane. Fought through it though, and woke up feeling so much better. If I can do it, so can you.

    15:21 UTC


    Would this work as a replacement for tablets. Daily?

    14:51 UTC


    day one check in

    Not my first water fast, but first time aiming for 6 days.

    1 Comment
    12:11 UTC


    would eating once a week mess up fasting benefits?

    hey yall, in the new year im planning to do a full month fast (sorta.) - was planning to have a day or two at the end of each week where i eat, and then get back into fasting again for the next week. (so around 4 times in the entire month)
    however, i know there are benefits to stuff like ketosis and autophagy and all of that good stuff that occurs when you're in a long time fasted state; so im wondering if this periodical eating would impact those benefits or impact fat loss in any way? (fat loss being my primary concern)

    in other words, would i be better off results-wise just fasting the whole month completely instead of taking these days off? would it even change anything or not really?
    i might be overthinking this but help would be appreciated :)

    11:50 UTC


    5 day water fast

    Posting for accountability and support Did my longest one last month and achieved 76 hours. I was a bit disappointed when I broke my fast and really should have pushed for longer. Will only have water, salt, tea and coffee. All tips welcome!

    1 Comment
    09:08 UTC


    After how long of omad/fasting did you see results? What’s the your favourite meals

    07:51 UTC


    I wanna try Alternate day fasting

    So Basically this. I wanna know how to do it properly. The pitfalls etc. I wanna know everything.

    07:39 UTC


    The Monday after Thanksgiving should be our national fasting day

    Everyone and their mom will be fasting this week anyway. We should officially fast together in solidarity

    05:58 UTC


    What do you think of this??

    Inbetween a 21 day water/ liquid fast.

    I have freshly juiced apple juice diluted, half and half with water on days I feel extremely weak (Every 3/4 days)

    Coconut water every 3-4 days for electrolytes

    Water with a pinch on Celtic salt everyday for electrolytes.

    I was considering buying Fasting Salts or Electrolytes powerder by Dr. B but scared it may elevate my blood pressure. (My Doc Said I had high blood pressure, but wanted to check again in a month) so I'm scared to take electrolytes that are not natural, hence why I opted for Celtic salt and coconut water.

    Is what I'm doing dangerous??

    Edited: I'm not to bothered about ketosis/ weightloss, that's not the focus of my fast. I'm just worried after reading about shocking the system and insulin spike etc

    03:50 UTC


    Anyone doing OMAD and also taking ozempic? Curious to hear your experience

    03:15 UTC


    Is it possible to do a one hour jog while fasting for 24 hours?

    How crazy is that given that no electrolytes supplements will be taken; strictly water and black coffee..

    02:49 UTC


    I’m fasting for 48 hours, starting now. Who’s with me in this journey?

    It’s my first time fasting over 24 hrs, I need support group 🙃

    02:48 UTC


    19M wanting to start a fast for first time

    Hi everyone! I'm looking into starting a fast but don't know where to start.

    Little background on me... I've swam my entire life and swam at a very high level in high school and swam d1 in college for a year. During that time, I have always been super lean. Around 140ish pounds and about 7-8% body fat. Always had a super clean build, very clear abs, very defined muscle. I have stopped swimming since my freshman year of college (stopped april of 2024). Since stopping, I have definitely lost my lean build, I am now around 170 give or take and filled out. I can defiantly see the weight gain in my face and back. But overall I look more filled out.

    A friend of mine recommended me trying to fast to lose some of this weight and get back to a comfortable place. I've been going to the gym since i stopped swimming but not everyday. I really want to lose some of this weight but still gain some muscle at the same time. It's really my face and jawline that I want to get back to normal.

    Does anyone have any tips on how to go about doing this fast. I obviously want to be safe about it.

    1 Comment
    02:02 UTC


    Do you experience changes in poop during and after fasting?

    Tell me your experience

    01:57 UTC


    Motivation and social eating

    I find it easy to skip breakfast and lunch, but dinner is difficult because we eat together with family. How do you deal with social dinners?

    01:56 UTC


    The time will pass anyways

    Trying to lose a little weight before Christmas. I know it might be tough to stay motivated, but I think I realised that the next 3 weeks are going to pass anyway, no matter what I do. I know I'll feel so much more accomplished if I spend the time doing some fasts and working towards my goal!

    Best of luck to everyone!

    01:31 UTC


    Who wants to join me fasting?

    I am starting fasting tomorrow. If anyone wants to fast with me, feel free to dm! :)

    01:01 UTC


    Attempting my first 6 day fast x

    00:15 UTC


    Couldn’t finish my food and felt repulsed by it after completing 48 hour fast.

    I’ve just finished my first 48 hour fast, this was my first time doing any kind of fasting so I did kind of throw myself into the deep end. Surprisingly I found it easy! I felt more energised and rested as well, I also was a lot more efficient as I ended up realising that I’ve gotten myself use to using food to “fill the void” when I’m bored, so much so that I associate boredom with hunger and often overeat and never have the energy to do anything else, this was something I never noticed before.

    Anyways, to my issue. I was so excited to be able to break my fast and I chose some chicken and rice so I wouldn’t go crazy and over indulge or upset my stomach. Well I ate some and got to about a quarter of it before my body was so repulsed by it that I couldn’t finish it and I gave it to the dog. I tried to think of other foods I could eat and they all just made me feel so sick so I just didn’t eat. I felt myself get physically get nauseous thinking of food. This is extremely odd for me, trust me I’m a complete foody who has never not finished a plate of food in his life.

    Could anyone explain why this is? Or if you guys have any personal experience with it and if it goes away/changes how you think of food?

    23:27 UTC


    I can’t sleep when I fast

    The longest I have fasted is 4 days. I’m gearing up to do a 3 day fast. Problem is my sleep. Anything more than 24 hours I can’t sleep. I take magnesium glycinate and drink my water, eat salt etc. I’ve even taken ambien. Even that barely works. Any suggestions?

    23:21 UTC


    If I can do it, so can you 🥳

    Was consistent all November and I’m officially 50 pounds down since starting this journey. Fasting has changed my life and I’m still able to enjoy a lot of the foods I love. This is your sign to keep going 🫶🏽

    22:27 UTC

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