
Photograph via snooOG

A fast is "a period of such abstention or self-denial". For most fasts, there are no set rules on when to start or how long they should last. Your own instincts are usually your best guide.

A fast can be from traditional things like 3 solid meals, from social media like Reddit, Google Plus or Facebook or even quitting smoking for a day.

The great comedian, Ed Wynn said, "Without your health, riches, possessions and fame are all mud."

This subreddit is 18+

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    520,373 Subscribers


    me 3 days into my fast after finishing my 10th diet coke bottle seeing those "will this *insert any 0-3 kcal liquid or powder* break my fast?" posts

    00:21 UTC


    Repeated 48hr fast

    I did a 48hr fast last week. It was a breeze. I'm interested in doing a 48hr fast again this week and perhaps for the next 3 weeks. Any thoughts on this approach? Would there be any negative aspects to be aware of with repeated fasting like this?

    23:47 UTC


    How long for first time?

    I’ve never fasted before more than a day but this week I had to stay at a mental hospital and ate foods that are still making me feel nauseous and I can’t use the bathroom hardly. I know fasting can make you feel better and I do love to drink water fortunately so I was wondering what is a good length of time to do? I’d like to do a week but realistically that would be extremely hard for me. I am also afraid that I will binge and gain. please advice and recommend your favorite app if you have one. I hope to start tomorrow, or now honestly because I do not feel like eating.. 18f 5’6 160ish pounds

    23:47 UTC


    Fasting and cortisol

    I’ve had some great results with fasting in the last 3 years. I’ve lost 25kg and it’s helped me with my binge eating. However, my family is really against me doing it. I have read online though that fasting causes cortisol levels to rise for women and can cause a fatty cortisol belly. As well as disrupting our hormones. I’d love a second opinion on this from people much smarter than me. Thank you :)

    22:40 UTC


    Looking for information on what supplements I should be taking for an extended fast?

    Ive done intermediate fasting on and off for years. I suffered a TBI back in 2021 resulting in a significant 50lb weight gain.

    Unfortunately the TBI in combination with the weight gain caused me to develop something called IIH which is basically when your intracranial pressure is way to high.

    My neurologist told me if I lose weight it’s possible it will go away on its own but until than I have to be on medication. Sadly IIH can result in blindness and death so I’m obviously taking my meds but I’d like to get off of them asap as they cause kidney stones.

    I’m confident I can do an extended fast but I wanna make sure I’m taking all the proper supplements/electrolytes so I don’t damage anything else.

    Due to my TBI I have trouble reading through lots of information and picking out what’s important. I was wondering if someone might be able to make a list of everything I should be taking or considering.

    Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    21:33 UTC


    How do you not regain weight after an extended fast?

    I’ve seen some people on here doing extremely long fasts like 20+ days, but how do you guys not regain weight after fasts like this? Scientifically the body will slow down the metabolism so therefore wouldn’t you gain weight back easily? Just confused about how this works.

    21:24 UTC


    Fasted 40 days, doing carnivore, low appetite.

    I fasted for 40 days and went from 201lbs to 166lbs. I gained 13 pounds after refeeding. Day one and two I ate beef broth, eggs, some veggies, then I went on like a week binge of rice, bread, bean and some sweats. I noticed I didn't care for the sweats but craved the rice and bread. 2 weeks ago I started the carnivore diet I'm also familiar with the carnivore as I've previously lost 40lbs a year ago doing the diet. However this time around it's hard for me to consume over 900 calories a day. My current weight is 174lbs. Why is it been harder for me to eat more food?

    21:21 UTC


    Carbonated Water

    21:00 UTC


    Final stretch of my first 5 day fast

    Overall it went really well. I've done 3 and 4 day fasts before and I think next month I'll try for 7 days. I feel good though a little bit dizzy this evening. I'm planning to break my fast with some plain miso soup, eggs and avocado.

    18:35 UTC


    Any reason not to take magnesium glycinate?

    so far I've been sodium/potassium/baking soda, and I haven't encountered any issues yet except trouble sleeping. I've heard magnesium is recommended when fasting, and glycinate is especially good for sleeping. Is there any reason I shouldn't take magnesium glycinate when fasting? Specifically the Nootropics Depot one, which is 200mg daily that comes in a dissolvable capsule

    17:42 UTC


    1 week water fast results (16lbs lost!)

    6'6 Starting weight 273 Current weight 258

    I have lots of energy, I get hunger craving only when laying in bed to save energy. I need to find activities to keep up with. Because at work, I feel the best. No food distractions,and I control the temperature, in my truck as a cdl driver. And so I always feel comfortable in the a/c etc...few headaches in the beginning, took acetaminophen and pushed on.

    15 lbs lost in 6 days, 8 more hours until I reach 7 days.ill most likely be down another pound, when I reach 7 days. 16 pounds in a week is crazy!! My goal is one month, i could potentially lose 64 pounds in one month. Once I am done, I'll continue with a dirty fast re feeding. So probably lose another 5-10. Then I'll start to do intermittent fasting and omad on weekends. I Will go from obese bmi, to healthy weight. And continue to eat healthy.

    My routine Black coffee once in the am 1/8 tsp salt - tastes better Followed by pickle juice shot for quick electrolytes Sip half a liter of electrolytes Drink 2 liters of regular water Replenish electrolytes with the other hall of 1 liter electrolytes When home, I like hot tea at night/carbonated water Sleep & repeat

    16:42 UTC


    Need an increase in energy

    I am just hitting my 40s and I have found my energy level is gone! I know it is part of aging but I feel like I shouldn’t feel this tired and lazy.

    Is there a supplement you find helps with this? Whether it be a vitamin or something else to help? Thank you!

    16:01 UTC


    Am I breaking fast?

    Hello. I’m starting a 16:8 fast and I’m unable to find a clear answer if a certain item breaks fast. I drink a lot of water and I always add a Walmart flavor packet to the bottle. I probably drink 4 or 5 a day. I’m attaching the nutritional facts. Thank you in advance for your help.

    14:15 UTC


    Nausea with fasting

    I used to fast a lot and stopped when I had to take medication for an injury. Since then I’ve not fasted for a year and 15 hours in feel really nauseous. Any tips/ advice

    1 Comment
    12:38 UTC


    Why are none of y’all recording your journey on YouTube?

    When I search fasting on YouTube for motivation I barely see any good consistent content.

    09:14 UTC


    Recommendations for fasting

    Does anybody have any recommendations for 0 cal drinks so I have some variety while fasting? Also, any drinks that have electrolytes in them as well.

    08:49 UTC


    (Accountability help plz) 7 day water fast lezzgooo

    ⬆️ this was the last time I had done a 7day water fast which just happens to be very similar to the date I just started my second 7day water fast – today (Feb 1st)!! I thought it was interesting.

    Anyways, I am yet again making this post to keep myself accountable.

    While I have put on a bunch of weight recently (thus the fast) I've also built better habits in general since last year so hopefully I'll be able to keep the weight off and actually have my body be where I want it to be for once in my life.

    That, and, I've put on so much muscle climbing I'm sad my flab is hiding them🥲 I want my muscles to shineeeee🌟 Im so proud I want to show off but nobody can see them

    Anyways, ppl, I will be making updates everyday soo plzzzz stop by and just leave a comment or something it helps so much when I get mega hungry🫶 wish me luck!!!!!! And if you are also fasting right now you can do it!

    07:15 UTC


    Supplements and essential vitamins

    Hello all

    I'm new here and perhaps this question has already been asked, but what are the supplements and/ or vitamins I need to do a prolonged fast? I've done a 5 day fast already where I only had water but I was super lightheaded by day 3.

    Thank you.

    07:02 UTC


    Electrolytes suggestion

    Hey Everyone,

    I have just started my journey of water fasting. I am on my day 3. I was reading everyone else inspired journey and I wanted to ask what electrolytes would you all recommend. Honestly, I have read mix opinion on people taking electrolytes. I brought one bottle of electrolyte today, but my coworker suggested not to have it because it has too much zinc in it and may not be good for my health. Additionally, people mentioned if you dont take electrolytes, your chances of heart attack increases. On the other side, a few of them were successful in finishing their journey without electrolytes and mentioned it's not necessary.

    Any suggestion would be greatful and much appreciated. Thank you!

    Whoever else is currently fasting, I wish you more power to your journey. You got this!

    06:37 UTC


    Preventing fat regain refeeding or post weight loss: scientific discussion and method for self-experimentation


    Glucose is the body's preferred energy source. The body prefers to spend glucose for energy instead of fat. Following suit, the body will prefer to store glucose over storing fat if glucose depleted. This means eating a low-fat diet for refeeding should inhibit fat regain as long as refeeding is insufficient enough to overcome significant glucose depletion.


    Fasting is the quickest way to deplete glycogen stores; however, extended fasting is challenging for many. Fasting can also result in nutrient depletion and catabolism leading to counterproductive results if continued long enough. Consequently, fasting should be blended with refeeding and exercise strategies to optimize both weight loss and preventing regaining fat.

    Creating new fat cells requires significantly more energy to create adipose tissue which requires angiogenesis. This is why weight regain tends to happen much more easily than reaching heavier weights than ever before. As this is specifically in the context of weight loss, a dietary method inhibiting refilling adipose tissue should be optimal to keep off weight during refeeding or post weight loss.

    Epigenetic conditioning means existing adipose tissue cells will strive to refill themselves. This is clinically observed post-weight loss through continued BMR downregulation via the hormone leptin until baseline weight is restored.

    Fat coming directly from diet can be directly stored in existing adipose tissue. Glucose coming directly from carbohydrates or from converted proteins through gluconeogenesis could be converted into fat as well; however, if the body remains glucose depleted the body should inhibit this process. The body will restore glucose stores first. Keeping the body in a glucose depleted state is therefore imperative to minimizing fat regain refeeding post-weight loss.

    Glycogen storage is estimated at 15g/kg of lean body mass (LBM). Glycogen is bound with water at a 1:~3 ratio, but this can vary person to person. Additionally, commonly used estimates of BF% can have significant inaccuracy. The amount of glycogen replenishment to inhibit fat creation is also unknown, so a buffer should be used as a precaution.

    Since conversion of glucose to fat is an energy intensive process, it is unrealistic to expect the body would sacrifice efficiency in a depleted state. A modest tolerance for glycogen storage inaccuracy should be sufficient considering this.

    The two ways to mobilize fat are glucose depletion via ketosis, or fat mobilization through extended exercise of 30 to 60 minutes. Fat mobilization through extended activity can happen with full glycogen stores; however, this is due to the limits of ATP production.

    Extended exercise or activity is therefore the primary method of fat loss in this approach. This allows a greater caloric intake and reduced BMR downregulation. The role of fasting being to rapidly deplete glucose stores.

    A diet achieving these goals is a calorically restricted diet with a 45/45/10 target macro nutrient ratio. This should provide adequate nutrient intake to prevent sub-optimal nutrient levels in a severe caloric deficit to include essential amino acids. Essential fatty acids should be able to be drawn from fat stores, and it is possible the restriction of dietary fat could coerce more fat mobilization.


    Water weight can be calculated and/or measured via pre-fasting. A full refeed should be followed by up to a 7 day fast. Once weight loss tapers to less than 1 lbs per day, or the 7 days is reached, this should be the maximum water weight. Sodium levels can impact water retention as well which should be taken into account. Using 75% of these estimates is reasonable as a target water weight not to exceed.

    Refeeding should never exceed this water weight regain limit, but should be adjusted to reach this limit over a period of time; however, as caloric intake calculations have numerous variables impractical to account for (i.e. bioavailabilty) refeeding should be done slowly.

    Once the regain weight limit is reached, fasting should commence for at least 3 days to deplete glycogen. Maximum benefit will be refeeding slowly while remaining in a glucose depleted state. This should be balanced with sustainability for the individual.

    A 3 day fast and a 4 day refeeding period would fit this periodic schedule in a weekly period. If refeeding slowly, the last feeding day can be a higher caloric intake to reach the weight regain target as well. This also accounts for any adjustments needed to roll into the next fast.

    Exercise and/or activity sessions should be 90 minutes at minimum to maximize fat mobilization. Fat mobilization should continue post-exercise for a period of time as well, and during any periods in ketosis due to glucose depletion.


    Currently at day 15 of a planned 8 week routine using the discussed methods. Weight loss is matching expectations and I am at, or approaching, single digit body fat. Abs are now visible indicating <= 11% BF.

    Weight loss to date is estimated at 6 lbs. Lows after fasting and highs after refeeding are tracking accordingly. Weigh in after 2 more days of fasting will be verification.

    06:32 UTC


    Will weight loss slow?

    I’m on day 12 of a water fast and was wondering is there. A point when it slows down?

    04:00 UTC


    Thanks guys

    I am so appreciative of you guys. I am doing my second fast ever, and I'm sailing through it because of how much I learned here.

    I'm drinking my salts which is obviously very helpful, but the real gift is all of the knowledge of what happens each stage of the fast.

    I've been fasting since 7pm Friday. I was originally going to break after 24 hours, but I feel fine, so I'm gonna head to bed soon instead.

    I am not really that connected to when I break it, but I keep thinking about how much time I already have in, and all the work my body is finally having the opportunity to do.

    If I were to eat now, my body would have to shift back to digestion and away from autophagy, away from reducing inflammation.

    I tweaked a nerve in my hip (I'm an old lady now, in my 40's, and past-me wasn't stretching or taking care of my body) so I'm pretty well focused on healing, and being a better past-me for future me.

    So every time I stand up to go in the kitchen, I'm limping and in pain, so I make tea and go stretch.

    Anyway, thank you guys for all the knowledge.

    It would be super cool to make it to 72hours as that seems like the sweet spot, but I'll be pretty happy with whatever.. I've made it past 24 hours and that was my big goal.

    03:28 UTC


    Are ketone test strips useful while fasting for weight loss?

    On one hand, it can be encouraging to know I’m burning fat but on the other hand, it only starts to show up on the strips after going quite a long time without eating anything, which I don’t react well to. Even if I only eat a small amount at relatively regular intervals, it won’t make a difference on the strips, right?

    02:47 UTC


    How to??

    What are some fasting tips that helped you?? Im currently 5'6 about 250 lbs and am not happy with my appearance at all!

    I tend to overeat, especially with really crappy food, and started drinking much soda again. I tried wegovy for a while but am also off of it cause insurance.

    00:41 UTC


    40 lbs in 31 days WOOF!

    Couldn’t wait till Wednesday to post! My clothes are loose, I’m still not hungry, I feel great! Holy shit, 40lbs in January. Nine days till I hit my fasting goal. I’m almost half way to my 5 month weight loss goal already. 2025 is gonna be banging for me and all the rest of you that are taking control of your health! 💪 Happy fasting!!!!

    21:14 UTC


    18/6 Fast Schedule for 3 Months

    I’ve been on this fast schedule since November (5pm - 11am daily). I feel fine and I’ve lost 25 pounds. I’m a little concerned because I read that there could be cardiovascular risks with prolonged fasting of this type. I’d like to keep going with it but now I’m not sure. Love to hear your opinions. 52m btw.

    20:51 UTC


    First time EF for 2.5 days


    This is my first time posting in this subreddit! I have a lot of experience with Dr Longo's Fasting Mimicking Diet' (FMD) with home prepped food. I've done in many times for 5 and 7 days. It's quite easy after day 2 -- I mostly miss the action of eating. I'm experimenting with fasting for health reasons mainly for insulin resistance. I'm about 5'8" and 175 lbs.

    During the weekdays, I follow a whole foods plant based diet with no added oils. I eat mostly beans, lentils, chickpeas, oats, sauerkraut, olives, vegetables and fruits. Weekends, I do eat mostly whole foods but I might have some nuts, cheese, seafood and chicken. And I also drink alcohol (sugar free) during the weekends. I also eat in a time restricted window usually from 10 am to 8 pm.

    I decided to try EF for only one day, well more like 36 hours. But I ended up extending it to 2.5 days. I took in daily the following with plenty of water (measured these with a 0.1g increment scale):

    • Sodium: 7.5 g himalayan salt (3 g Na)
    • Potassium: 7.5 g KCl (3.75 g K)
    • Magnesium: 3.5 g MgCitrate (0.4 g Mg)

    I mixed the minerals in quart jar with water and added a bit of water to my water glass throughout the day.

    Starting with the evening of day 1, I had a nagging headache. Not too terrible to take medication for but still irritating. It continued through day 2. I also felt very tired, cold and sleepy and had brain fog. Regarding hunger, by the middle of second day, most of my hunger was just psychological very similar to what I experience with FMD. I also kept track of my blood sugar : Day 1 morning 107. Day 2 morning 88, afternoon 75, night 68. Day 3 morning 75.

    I was wondering if I should increase the amount of electrolytes? I looked at the wiki and these amounts are in target but on the lower end. Also, do headaches, fatigue and brain fog usually ease after Day 2?


    1 Comment
    20:35 UTC


    First time

    So I’m doing this for the first time to try and cut back my weight (6ft7in270) to 240lbs so I can get back in the gym more confidently if that makes any sense at all what are the best recommended supplements/ methods for a 2-5 day fast ? I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW no punctuation no commas idc idc idc I just need help please guys 🤣

    20:10 UTC

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