
Photograph via snooOG

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  • (2a, rule 2 ED specific) Fasting with an eating disorder Fasting with a history of eating disorder or otherwise, promoting or exhibiting disordered eating behaviors)
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    ▪ Discussion of appetite suppressants - hunger is normal and you need to learn the difference between psychological hunger and true, physical hunger
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    494,988 Subscribers


    Does fasting wipes out a stomach bug?


    Most health professionals recommend eating small amounts of bland foods in cases of gastroenteritis. They say fasting is not a good idea.

    But in the last 2 times I catched a stomach bug, fasting for 24-30 hours made the situation MUCH better and even cured me very fast in one instance. Seems like eating would have made things worst.

    Any thoughts on the idea of fasting when sick?


    02:42 UTC


    Is it just me, I can go all day no problem without eating or being tempted or feeling hungry, my problem is at night time, that's when I want to have a drink and snack or eat.

    No matter whether I'm busy, working, running around, or whether I'm at home bored doing nothing, if it's during the day, I'm good with not eating. It's at night that I want to eat and maybe have a drink, even if I'm not even hungry. Is it just me, or anyone else like this?

    02:11 UTC


    Weird plus side to fasting for me..

    I have really bad TMJ. And 96 hours of no chewing has been really great for the jaw! Lol

    1 Comment
    02:01 UTC


    For those who are package handlers at warehouses - how do you do multi day fasts??

    I work as a package handler at a very active warehouse - I’m consistently getting 40k steps per day during my work schedule Sunday to Wednesday (sometimes Thursday)

    For those who fast during work days, how do you do it and do you have any tips?


    1 Comment
    01:57 UTC


    Would 7 days be safe?

    I plan on beginning a water fast tomorrow. I’m 20f, 5’8 and i weight around 133lb. I haven’t really water fasted before, but I’ve been eating so horribly the last couple of months and feeling so off, I thought I would give a fast a try to kind of re-boot myself. I also hope to lose a little bit of weight, but only aiming for 5-7 pounds though,,, I just want to see if a fast would make me feel better overall. I plan on working out throughout my fast and taking himalayan salt/magnesium as well. I was just wondering if 7 days might be too much for my first fast?

    01:47 UTC


    Will flavored flossing break my fast?

    01:28 UTC



    What do you drink on your fast?

    I’m carnivore and usually just do seltzer water

    Does sf soda Zevia or other zero cal make a difference? I feel like water will be it for me but I’m always interested in other opinions

    I’m doing 3 days. Tuesday to Friday No exceptions

    I even have a work function/dinner to go to but I’m going to find a way to not eat… any ideas on. How to handle this?

    I really want to do this!

    Thank you!

    01:15 UTC


    Could I just eat a regular meal after fasting for 5-7 days or do I need to do the whole refeeding thing? I don’t really know when I have to watch out for refeeding syndrome and when it’s okay to just eat a full meal. I am planning on doing a rolling fast of 5-7 days for like 2 months.

    00:25 UTC


    24 hour check in. Optimistic about reaching at least day 4. Hopefully 7 days can be had

    Pushing for a new personal best. Been doing rolling 24’s, 36’s and 48’s over the past few weeks.

    Longest fast was 4 days a few years ago. Learned real quick diet soda is a no no and will work like a laxative.

    I believe I have my electrolytes dialed in this time. So far 0 hunger or food urges.

    I over indulged over the weekend and left me feeling physically and mentally exhausted with an uncontrollable depressive episode this morning.

    I don’t own a scale anymore, nor do I have any fitness trackers. I found that the weight fluctuations were causing me to overthink and stress about fasting. Borderline to the point where it was going to become an eating disorder trying to fight the numbers.

    I am now fasting for overall health, reclaiming my energy that a lifetime of bad food habits robbed me of. Weightloss will just be a side effect of the process, not the goal.

    1 Comment
    00:05 UTC


    Tips for next fast?

    Been doing OMAD for a while now but just completed my first 48 hour fast. I struggled the first day, had to keep distracting myself, but day two was surprisingly easy, no hunger pangs, but I did have a constant dull headache, even though I was constantly drinking water.

    I'd like to try a longer fast in the future but think I made a mistake in not taking electrolytes/supplements. Does anyone have any good recommendations for what I'd need? (I'm in the UK)

    00:00 UTC


    Tips for next fast?

    Been doing OMAD for a while now but just completed my first 48 hour fast. I struggled the first day, had to keep distracting myself, but day two was surprisingly easy, no hunger pangs, but I did have a constant dull headache, even though I was constantly drinking water. I'd like to try a longer fast in the future but think I made a mistake in not taking electrolytes/supplements. Does anyone have any good recommendations for what I'd need? (I'm in the UK)

    23:59 UTC


    Only ate 700 calories in a day and felt dizzy and weak

    My blood sugar was fine. I have a cgm and it was at steady 90-95 mg/dL because I didn’t eat.

    I drank Celtic salt water (1.5 tsp with a gallon of water) and took some magnesium supplements last night. I don’t have any potassium salts on hand though.

    Could it still be lack of electrolytes (potassium) or did I go too ham and didn’t give my body opportunity to adjust to using fat stores first?

    I didn’t feel hungry just weak.

    I asked this question on r/omad and they told me I was starving myself and electrolytes do nothing. The conflicting info people provide is confusing.

    23:51 UTC


    Will coconut oil as a skin moisturizer break a fast?

    23:39 UTC


    Alternate day fasting vs. Extended water fast for weightloss

    I would like to hear from people who have done both, and which gave better results

    23:32 UTC


    First 24hrs down...

    I made dinner for the family 😒 wish I could try some lol I was going to say what I made, but don't want to tempt anyone fasting, making it harder on you guys. I think for me the hardest part of extended fasting is that it's so boring 😒

    23:24 UTC


    Is it good to drink Pellegrino during water fasting, since it's mineral water?

    23:20 UTC


    How tf do u not eat

    Ik its j not to eat but still i get so tempted someone tell me how

    22:31 UTC


    Super fuckin annoyed. Just got my period in the middle of my 7 day fast. I’m gonna keep going, but how much will this affect my weight loss? Got 76 hours left. I’ve lost 11 pounds on the scale so far.

    21:53 UTC


    48 hours in out of 72 from my first Fast

    First day sucked. Secondnday wasnt so bad. I think i got this?

    21:12 UTC


    Refeed not going well post-extended fast

    I completed a 32-day fast just under a week ago and have been having problems with bloating and nausea ever since! & it’s making me insane because I can’t figure out what the problem is; I’m taking in fats & protein and my carb intake has been low, but I’ve been super bloated and nauseous for hours after meals anyway and it feels like every day it’s getting worse and more painful. Is it too soon to just quit now and go back to fasting?

    Meals I’ve had over the past 4 days are as follows:

    2-egg omelette with spinach & kimchi — salad (radish, grated carrot, radicchio, pomegranate seeds & a homemade balsamic reduction) — chickpea curry with sweet potato — poached pears in ice cream

    It’s been OMAD only inadvertently, I haven’t felt well enough to eat any more (aside from a flapjack I had as a snack yesterday)

    I also haven’t eaten yet today and already feel so much better; some of the bloating has gone away and I have so much less abdominal pain. I was considering doing a 72h fast to reset and then give refeeding another try starting on the weekend, but I’m not sure if it’s too much to handle coming off the tail end of my last extended fast so soon

    20:27 UTC


    Are there benefits of autophagy?

    20:15 UTC


    Can anxiety be a side effect?

    Do people who are prone to anxiety or even those who aren't feel anxious during the time it takes to get past the 2-3 day mark?

    I'm aiming to do 72 hours or more as I'm interested to know what it feels like to reach the point where you no longer feel hungry and start ketosis/autogaphy. However, after a day I can start to feel very anxious and develop the thought process that having a meal will be the cure. This happened last week and lo and behold, after some soup I calmed down. But I lost approx 48 hours worth of fasting in the process.

    Is this normal? Is it in my head? Do I need to just be strong and push through?

    20:05 UTC


    Does autophagy help prevent loose/sagging skin?

    I’m a bit concerned about having loose skin when I get to my goal weight. I still have about 58lbs to go. I’ve lost 22lbs already. Should this be a concern? I’m currently on OMAD, but I’m going to work up to longer fasts and eventually a 30 day fast.

    For more context, I’m(F28) 5’10”, currently 208lbs, goal weight 150lbs, and planning to lose the rest of the weight by this time next year.

    20:01 UTC


    I Narrowly Survived My First 36-Hour Fast: 2 Lessons Learned.

    I wrote about it here.

    18:34 UTC


    Does fasting make your skin clear?

    I’m at work and a couple of people mentioned I’ve got very clear skin today and said have I been at the solarium! 🤣

    18:23 UTC


    Dude day 4 out of 7 day water fast and I feel amazing

    Currently typing this while taking my post leg day walk. I hit legs so hard in the gym and now on mile 3 of a beautiful walk outside.

    I feel like I could walk forever!!! Usually I’m over it at around mile 3 but I literally don’t wanna stop. I feel great.

    Remember everyone is different, so don’t push it. But wow! Pleasantly surprised with how I’m feeling!!!

    Happy fasting besties

    18:19 UTC


    Sweating more than ever during my water fast

    I’m doing my normal workouts I always do but find I am DRIPPING in sweat more than I ever have. Not complaining, feels nice! Just curious on the science behind that lol or if anyone else has experienced the same thing?

    18:13 UTC


    Fast Burning v Weight Gain

    Is it normal to gain weight back after a fast? I just completed a 7-day fast with 48 hours refeed. Ofc I did not eat for the entire allotted time and mainly consumed vegetables. I started a new fast I am now on the 37th hour. YET, I'm gained back 8lbs!!???? Someone please educate me bc I plan on fasting each week after this current fast. I plan on working out four days a week and fasting three for fat loss. Would this work? I'm fine w calorie deficit during the gym days. I'm 5’7 271, w fasting I was just 261.

    18:11 UTC


    Where Can I get pickle juice, literally cant find it in the UK?

    Where can I get pickle juice in the UK? I literally can't find organic pickle juice without sugars anywhere.

    Does anyone use any or know where to get some?

    18:09 UTC


    Breaking a 2 Week fast

    Hey I'm starting a 2 week fast. My longest fast being 4 days i was wondering if i could break the fast with Protein powder? Since i don't think I'd like to sip on bone broth.

    17:31 UTC

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