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The newest chapters in The Dresden Files from best-selling author Jim Butcher are Peace Talks(out now!) and Battle Ground (September 29, 2020).


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A flaw in Mab's plan?

So Harry has to marry Lara at the end of the 12 months right? But isn't the bane of the white court love? So if Harry was last with Murphy, and they loved each other.. wouldn't that be an issue for Lara?

01:55 UTC

23:57 UTC


Bob didn't change much and I think I know why.

Okay, so when Bob is with Butters he stills acts like normal Bob would. Save for a little more battle-abled. But otherwise, he's still out good ol' skull boi. Which seems strange considering we know Bob's personality changes and adjusts based on his user (Bob to Kemler being different than Bob to DuMorne being different than Bob to Harry)

Well I think I know why Bob with Butters is still effectively the same as Bob with Harry.

So check this:

We know the White Council ganked Kemler and DuMorne took Bob. And we saw what Bob was like when he was with Kemler (what would become Evil Bob). I don't know if we've seen what Bob was like when he was with DuMorne. But we do know that Harry took Bob after killing DuMorne and he became our skull boy that we all know and love. Now we see that Bob is with Butters and is...roughly the same.

The connecting thread between notable changes in Bob's personality is that the previous owner is dead as a doornail (Dead Beat doesn't count, he was acting when he was with Cowl)

But this time.... Bob's previous owner isn't dead. Harry's a ghost yes, but his body is still technically alive on Demon reach.

Harry's not dead, so Bob's personality doesn't change while being with Butters because there's no need for Bob to try and attune to a new user.

21:16 UTC


Parallel universes...

So we all know that mirror mirror is going to be about a parallel universe. Based on the star trek mirror universe. But i completely forgot that santa/Odin already explained the entire concept and how these sorts of twinned realities happen in cold days.

He says that these sorts of realities occur when someone goes back in time and changes something. It's an anti paradox behavior of the universe keeping time from breaking.

So... who's going to be the one who time travels to mess it all up? We know that harry just gets brought along for the ride on this one and doesn't cause it himself.

21:08 UTC


Who made the video disappear at the end of FM?

Looking at other posts, this resurfaced but I saw that there are different ideas about what happened with the video of the battle between Harry and the werewolf, is it ever said who took the video?

21:03 UTC


12 Months is apparently weeks from completion ---> JIM BUTCHER Talks Dresden Files, Star Wars & More – Interview

16:17 UTC


r/okbuddydresden is now live

In response to a post from yesterday, I decided to test what would actually happen if a r/okbuddydresden went live. So. Let's play.

12:38 UTC


Theory on the white court

So we don't know alot about the origins of the white court... except

They are really old. The white king has been around for atleast 500 years and they speak ancient etruskan. A language that died over 2000 years ago.

They are more human then other vampires. Being described as humans with a "demon" inside them that feeds on the life force of others.

They aren't true incubi and succubi. Harry describes those as different creatures. But he also says the differences are minor in ghost story.

So what If white court vampires are the scions of true succubi. Like the origional ones anyway. The hunger is a literal succubi or incubi demon stuck in their head. A lesser one bound to their bodies. They are hybrids between demons and mortals. And as shown alot of times they breed true. They're genes don't dispurse into the population like other scions. So they formed a nation of their own.

23:46 UTC


Satan and his masks

We all know multiple religions have their different takes on stuff and I was wondering for example in Christianity angels have free will and can fall etc. satan is Lucifer fallen angel . Then in Islam they don’t have free will and can’t fall and satan is a djinn do you think that Lucifer has multiple masks like one eye does so he can have as many souls as possible to boost power or however he gains power

23:01 UTC


Battleground question (Mild Spoilers for BG)

Near the end of the book - Dresden is going through his own internal monologue and talks about rebuilding the castle on a budget - but Molly has an account with 9 0's in it..

I get the difference between being a Queen / Princess and a Knight - but I thought for sure we'd be past the "Dresden is broke" macguffin by now... hoping we see this as part of his expected powerup before the next big fight as he starts to prepare for what's to come. Anyone have any outside knowledge about this that I've missed somehow?

22:45 UTC


Why was the Ordo so quick to forgive?

Recently I've been re-reading White Night, and one thing that utterly baffles me is how the Ordo was so quick to forgive Helen Beckitt when they found out she was a knowing accomplice in drug dealing and serial murder and never told any of them. She said absolutely nothing whatsoever in her defense, fully admitted Dresden had been polite about how he'd described her crimes... and then they all just hug her and rally around her in support.

...How? What? How!? Even taking into account that she wasn't actually the killer (this time), that reaction is completely incomprehensible to me.

12:54 UTC


What would go in r/okbuddydresden?

When a community gets large enough, generally you see at least a few satirical boards dedicated to lampooning or otherwise blowing off steam from overused post trends in the main sub. See okbuddycinephile, gamingcirclejerk, etc. (Hopefully, without so much snark that it becomes more toxic than it's worth.)

So, what gets your vote for a top discussion/meme format?

[fan theory] Mister is Cowl

12:04 UTC


How strong is your own threshold?

Mine has five adults, for babies, and a lot of insanity. Mine is pretty good.

But, it's interesting that the moment you make an onlyfans, your threshold starts to wither, since, well... You make your private parts public parts. Place of business and all that.

02:15 UTC


Favourite Head Canon?

What's your head canon?

I have a few.

Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais was the last time a Knight of the Cross and Winter Knight worked together.

Winter was involved in the Cold War teaching each side how to spy game without direct war and destroying the world.

In Skin Game after Michael's plea for his redemption Anduriel whispered to Nicodemus:

He thinks he knows Faith

What's your head canon?

04:40 UTC


Time travel and thresholds.

How would thresholds interact with time traveling individuals? For instance, say harry's apartment has his whole threshold and all, it burns down, is built as the BFS, then he gets it back and rebuilds the threshold. If he goes back in time to say, CD or BG, does he get to enter the threshold because HE thinks of it as home or is he rejected because other people consider it not his home? What if Maggie grows up considering the new place as her home, then SHE goes back to the BFS time period, with a whole CHILDHOOD in that house? Could Harry go back to before he was welcome at a companion's house (say the Carpenters) and still enter freely?

Even deeper, what happens on DEMONREACH? That's a whole different issue i think, since demonreach seems to be sort of outside time in a way. But it raises another interesting question: there were other wardens. Shoot, there was and maybe still IS merlin. If they existed simultaneously to Harry, would they be equally connected to the island?

05:50 UTC


The Billygoat/Cubs Curse

Y'all, I had a sad realization today. Peace Talks takes place in July, 14 years after Storm Front. It's something like 2014 or 2015.
The Cubs won the World's Series in 2016.

Ethniu, the Last Titan, killed Gwynn ap Nudd to make a point sometime just before Peace Talks. He was too dead to update the curse.

23:10 UTC


James Marsters was in the Inside Of You podcast

Not necessarily dresden related, but he was on this podcast with Michael Rosenbaum. I like to listen to this podcast here and there when he has a guest on I like.


I'm only halfway or so through it, so I'm not sure if he brings up doing the audio books for dresden, but hearing him talk about his other projects is cool so far.

23:00 UTC


Can't Believe I Missed This Hint in Cold Days

“I . . . have a form of congenital dementia,” she [Sarissa] said. “I watched what it did to my older sister and . . .” She shuddered. “Doctors can’t help me. Mab can. Have you ever killed anyone who wasn’t trying to kill you?"

Sarissa was referring to Maeve, and to the Winter Maiden Mantle. Maeve may have been the twin born first, and that could be why she has the Maiden Mantle. When she asks Harry that question, she's thinking of if Mab ever orders Harry to kill her possibly knowing she has another backup Winter Lady.

Of course, her interest in opera and friendship with Eldest Gruff may have been pointing to her Summer Lady role.

19:24 UTC


Reminds you of anyone?

18:53 UTC


Confused about time travel

Hello and i apologize if i sound ignorant as i tend to stay away from spoilers and speculation but couldn’t help myself with this series!

I keep seeing posts and theories regarding Dresden (or others) time traveling. Is this something that is known to be coming up in the next few books? I feel that the time traveling trope could be a bad idea, but that’s just me. I’d love to hear other’s thoughts.

17:42 UTC

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