
Photograph via snooOG

Subreddit for the ever popular Fate RPG based on the Dresden Files book series. Come discuss anything about the game, ask questions, theorycraft, or chat about personal in-game stories.

Come here and discuss character ideas, story ideas, theory crafting, interesting circumstances in game mechanics, etc. for the Evil Hat Dresden Files RPG

Be nice to your GM And your fellow Redditors.

Required reading for all DFPRG players. http://www.evilhat.com/home/dresden-files-rpg-downloads/ Scroll down and read the word of our glorious master, the magnificent Rick Neal.

Other Resources: http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/board,5.0.html The official DFRPG forum, not as cool as us, but still helpful

http://hammerand.com/goldenh/DFRPG%20cheat%20sheet.pdf : The perfect go to cheat sheet to carry to any session.

http://www.evilhat.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/DFRPG-Reference-Sheets.pdf : Almost the same as above

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Character Refresh and Statting Help?

Character is a Dragon Knight. Y Ddraig Goch's. The Welsh Dragon. Also King Arthur's. His Knight. Game would be dungeon crawling Indiana Jones meets Dresden Files. Wields a Cutlass. He's been around since the early 1700s might be a scion of of the Dragon himself.

Has fought as Pirate in 1715-1720. French and Indian Wars, Seven Years War, Revolution (Loyalist) French Revolution, Napoleon, American Civil War, Wild West, Victorian Steampunk Arc, WW1, Prohibition, WW2, Cold War, Vietnam War, Civil Rights Movement, Early 9/11 Response.

Sam Heugh is roughly my play by with a ponytail and a gold dragon tooth earing.

Game settings would be Peru Mummy's (Awakened since fall of Red Court), Vatican Archives, British Museum, Teracotta Army Enchanted to life and the recent discovery of a stonehenge in Michigan Lake 9000 years old.

I Have Jack Frost and Peter Pan refreshed and statted. As well as a White Court Spymaster whose been around since French Revolution and helped orchestrate the fall of the Black Court. Maybe a Wizard Thief as well

Please help with what you think his refresh and stats should be.

01:45 UTC


Dresden Files Accelerated City Sheet

Does anyone have a form fillable City Sheet for Dresden Files Accelerated? Haven't been able to find one.

23:37 UTC


Hello? Is anybody in there?

Someone said we haven’t had activity here in a while and their request to join is still idle. Is this subreddit okay?

15:22 UTC


Fellowship Tattoos

So I know in the books, the color of the tattoos the Fellowship of Saint Giles change color depending on how close they are to giving into their vampiric side, but are there any other magical effects they might impart, either from the books or ephemera or from the game? Or things they might do if the person they're on gives in and completes their transformation in to a vampire?

I'm trying to think of some cool mechanical effects they might impart in DFA, either on a person or a vampire and am coming up blank-- so if anyone has ideas I'm very interested in hearing them!

1 Comment
01:46 UTC


The Francis Scott Key Bridge

Heard about this on the radio when I woke up, and I thought something about the situation sounded strangely familiar.

Then I recognize it: it's mentioned in the write-up for the city of Baltimore in the Dresden Files RPG.

If memory serves, it's described as a sort of neutral ground where the forces of nature make magic so difficult to cast that supernatural entities can be reasonably certain they can't be attacked.

Given the recent collapse, I'd say in the fictional world of the game something went badly wrong at a negotiation.

02:59 UTC


Discussions of Darkness, Episode 5: 3 Things You Should Do (And 3 You Shouldn't) When Adding Horror To Your Game

1 Comment
16:17 UTC


Advice on Making Supernatural Powers

Hiya all! I've been playing around creating custom powers in the original Dresden Files TTRPG, but I'm having some trouble determining how many shifts of effect a supernatural power should give. The general principle, so far as I'm aware, is that supernatural powers give more than 2 shifts of effect per refresh point (more like 4 in most cases, so far as I can tell). This is because 1) you "give up" 2 refresh points when you choose to not be a pure mortal, and 2) supernatural powers require templates and permission aspects, which require a bit more buy in than mortal stunts.

Some powers make sense to me, the building block powers (strength, speed, recovery, and resistance) seem to give about 4 shifts of effect per refresh point.

Some powers, like Diminutive Size [-1] mostly make sense to me. They give a disproportionate number of advantageous shifts of effect for their cost (more like 2 refresh rather than 1):

  • +4 to stealth to remain hidden.
  • +2 to investigation and alertness to spot small details (+4 when summed).
  • +1 to athletics to dodge.
  • +9 in total.

But they also give an approximately equal amount of disadvantageous shifts of effect.

  • Endurance treated as mediocre for the purposes of determining stress track (probably no more than -2, mostly limiting options, playing taking DS probably aren't maxing their endurance).
  • Might rolls for human-sized activities have a -2 to -4 penalty, some might rolls may be impossible (call it -4, halfway between the -2 and impossible).
  • When size is a factor, you can only inflict 1 stress per attack, barring weapons (difficult to assess, -2 seems fair)
  • -8 in total.

It's a trade off. Lots of strengths for lots of weaknesses. The same is true for Hulking Size [-2], which I think costs more because it gives more beneficial shifts of effect (+2 physical stress boxes is powerful, though I'm not quite sure how to calculate the shifts of effect it actually gives as it is dependant on your endurance skill).

Some powers seem to be constructed by adding a supernatural trapping to a skill (2 shifts of effect) and then giving some buff to that trapping (2 shifts of effect).

But some powers are just a bit befuddling to me. I don't mind a little bit of variance, but some abilities just seem so much better than other abilities (like Claws seems to have 1 shift of effect, that seems real underpowered, even if it does stack), and

Basically, this is an ever so slight cry for help. The book suggests that it is entirely possible to make your own supernatural powers, but I feel I'm not given enough of a framework to properly get stuck in (without reverse engineering the logic behind the design decisions, which is its own unique kind of frustration).

Does anyone have any advice for making custom supernatural powers in this system?

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for reading!

15:46 UTC


If you have Glamours and high Deceit or Discipline, do you ever have a reason to roll Stealth?

I'm building a Scion PC with Glamours and high Discipline. It feels like most of the trappings of Stealth are covered by being able to Veil yourself, and the trapping of concealing/hiding items can be replaced by Seemings. I can't think of a situation other than, "I can't use my magic right now for some reason" where this character would ever need to roll Stealth. So, would it be pretty safe to just leave Stealth off their skill list?

02:34 UTC


Natural Weaponry vs Supernatural Martial Arts vs other powers vs just a weapon?

I'm curious about how the balance of these two custom powers work out compared to each other and compared to Channeling or just wielding a mundane weapon.

Natural Weaponry: https://dfrpg-resources.paranetonline.com/index.php?title=Natural_Weaponry

Supernatural Martial Arts: https://dfrpg-resources.paranetonline.com/index.php?title=Supernatural_Martial_Arts

First off, a baseline of comparison: a character using Weapons or Guns to attack can roll at skill X with a Weapon rating of 2 or 3, with no Refresh invested. The Gun user has range. The Weapons skill user can parry. Etc. They could also buy Stunts for various side benefits.

By comparison, Fists is fairly weak at baseline, because it lacks a Weapon rating, though it has the small advantage that you can never be deprived of your weapon. The other big thing Fists has going for it is the Footwork stunt, so you don't need to invest as much in Athletics.

Now, what can various powers do for you?

Natural Weaponry: For 1 Refresh, you get Weapon:2 for your Fists. That basically brings you up to par with Weapons skill users. You're still behind, though, because you had to take a power and spend Refresh to get there. With 2 Refresh spent, you can upgrade to Weapon:4 OR get 3-zone range and access to spray attacks. Either option puts you a bit ahead of a baseline Weapons skill user, but still behind a Weapons or Guns user who spent 2 Refresh on relevant stunts or powers.

Supernatural Martial Arts: For 1 Refresh, you get the ability to take Mental Stress to empower your Fists attacks (or defenses) in various ways. You can get +1 to your attack roll, +2 shifts of damage, or extended range, or take more stress to apply multiple effects on the same attack. This lets you fight as well as or a bit better than Weapons or Guns users, for a limited number of rounds per fight. It also has some options that Weapons and Guns can't easily replicate, like hitting ghosts or making area attacks. A second point of Refresh gets you more techniques, increasing your versatility but not your raw power.

So, both of these seem decent on paper. Compared to Weapons or Guns users, you get some minor always-on or moderate situational advantages in exchange for a point or two of Refresh (and not being a Pure Mortal). And you can get some further optimization by combining both.

But then I compare those against what you can do with Channeling, and it all feels pointless. For 2 Refresh, you can blast at range for more damage than a Guns user, make spray and area attacks, etc. plus have all the other utility Channeling brings. I can't decide if Natural Weaponry and Supernatural Martial Arts are slightly underpowered, or if Channeling is just way too good, or what. (And yes, I'm familiar with the usual arguments about Channeling's downsides - the skill investment required, filling up your mental stress track, the risk of becoming a Lawbreaker, etc.).

The only other consideration I can think of is that Natural Weaponry and Supernatural Martial Arts can be stacked with a few other Stunts and Powers (such as Strength) to ratchet them up further. But then, you can do similar things with Weapons, or take Refinement for your Channeling to stack more Focus Item bonuses too.

I dunno. Am I missing something in my analysis? Is Fists doomed to be the less optimized option no matter what, and I should just accept that? Any thoughts or input are appreciated.

17:14 UTC


Natural Weaponry homebrew powers? Where?

I have seen posts suggesting "Natural Weaponry" as a good set of homebrew powers to replace the Claws and Breath Weapon powers. However, I've only found links to a DFRPG resources site that doesn't seem to exist anymore. Is the full text of the Natural Weaponry homebrew still out there somewhere? I'd appreciate it if someone could post it or link me to it. Thanks!

16:32 UTC


New to the game

(So you know, if anyone's running a table right now, wink wink, nudge nudge)

But other than that, I'm trying to figure out which books I'm trying to get. Also trying to figure out if a wizard that works with Electromagnetism exclusively is a possibility, or if the elements system frowns on that. FP description seems to say it's cool, the elements seem to look askance at it.

14:17 UTC


Maneuver and spells

So basically, I can’t wrap my head around the concept of Maneuvers and spells.

Via ritual magic I can do a maneuver action. And stack aspects on a friendly target. For the sake of it let’s call them buff, in reality this would get really annoying, as most electricity around the person would die.

So let me try to make an example, lizard-wizard wants to “buff” his brute lizard ally called expendable, goon one. Expendable goon one. Is going to war. So lizard-wizard “buffs” him with maneuvers. He creates 4 aspects via the maneuvers action called

Focused Ignore pain Enhanced senses Brave.

Slaps some duration on it, and now expendable goon one, have 4 free aspects he can tag.

Have I missed something?

10:34 UTC


Little Chicago

How would little Chicago be made via the DFRPG rules.

Mechanically, I think it’s a device that boosts assessments, and or declarations. Maybe even some preloaded aspects for scrying.

In white night, Harry does a ritual where he sort of projects to a target and is able to follow him around in sprit form.

I am guessing that this is just either “Jim’s” harrys player, making a declaration or assessment.

19:16 UTC


Isn’t fast thaumaturgy just evocation?

If I set the difficulty to 6, it’s just evocation at that point

1 Comment
16:59 UTC


Mechanical Questions About Sponsered Magic

My understanding of Seelie/Unseelie magic is that it gives you the following abilities:

  1. The ability to use channelling and ritual (limited evocation and thaumaturgy).
  2. The ability to cast thaumaturgical spells as if they are evocation spells ("with evocations methods and speed").
  3. When casting a spell, one per roll, you have the ability to invoke an aspect for free and acrew debt to your patron.

There are a number of other specific benefits given for Seelie, Unseelie, Hellfire, ECT., but those are most of the core benefits.

I have a few questions about the specific implementation of the core benefits mentioned:

  1. When it specifies you can use channeling and ritual, does this include focus item slots?
  2. If focus item slots are provided, can refinement be used to gain more?

My current assumption is that sponcered magic provided by Seelie/Unseelie magic doesn't include focus item slots (as in, you are effectively trading in focus items and magic items for the ability to cast thaumaturgical spells as evocation spells). I can't find any explicit mention of whether or not you get them in the book.

I may well have missed something, but any information would be appreciated! Thanks so much!

00:28 UTC

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