
Photograph via snooOG

Helping to coordinate users against Preternatural threats and crises.

(For Dresden Files Role Play.)

Please post any news or stories dealing with supernatural threats in your area. Tips or ideas for defense against supernatural entities are also welcomed.

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  • Supernatural predators posing as Paranetters will be banned.
  • Do not ask users for their exact location or names.
  • Do not advise or suggest breaking any of the Laws of Magic.

(Welcome to /r/Paranet! This is a Dresden Files Role Play subreddit, where people can role play a Paranetter in the Dresden Files universe. Submitted posts should be done in character. Out of character posts should be tagged as Meta or OOC when submitted.)

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  • All Paranet posts must be part of the Dresden Files setting. Paranet posts should be internally consistent with the DF universe. A Black Court Vampire should not be eating Garlic cloves like apples, for instance.

  • Posts should be consistent with current world events with the DF series. The Red Court has been destroyed, South and Central America are in chaos, and The Fomor are currently rampaging around abducting people, etc.

  • Only post your own original work. Do not post someone else’s Dresden File fan fiction or post as previously established characters (e.g. Harry, Karrin, Thomas, etc.). You may include your own photos and videos as a supplement to your post (This is not a requirement for any posts.). Collaboration between users to tell stories is, of course, completely acceptable.

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  • Readers are to act as though everything is true and treat it as such in the comments.

  • Yes to debunking, disbelief, or criticism (constructive or otherwise) as long as it is done in character in context to being a paranetter in the Dresden Files universe.

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639 Subscribers


Listen, people, this may be crazy, but I literally saw a cat disappear, hid behind the washing machine, and then disappeared, I swear I'm not making things up, but this thing is confusing and scary

02:10 UTC


Rent a Little Folk

Shouldn't we help Harry feed his army? In return for pizza, when he doesn't need all of them, they can help us and we buy the pizza.

Sorry if someone already suggested this.

16:43 UTC


How do you ward a boat?

I'm temporarily moving onto a boat soon, but as it's temporary I won't have anything in the way of a threshold to work with. I won't have my usual inlaid circle, and I won't have any kind of laylines to weave into a curtain like I usually do. I'm just really not sure how to prepare defenses when I have nothing to work with, so any advice would be welcome.

03:08 UTC


I think my Furby is evil

My cousin got me a Furby for my birthday a while back. I been listening in on him sometimes, and I think there's a demon in him and he's going to eat my face. Are my fears founded, and if so, what do I do?

05:26 UTC


Need a solution ASAP

Okay, so, here's my problem. I made a mistake and pissed off a critter with ginormous fangs. He didn't have the fangs when I pissed him off, he just looked like a guy. But as soon as he got mad, he got these ugly sharp teeth, and big bat ears, and tried to eat my face. I unloaded my Ruger into him, but that just slowed him down. I managed to get to my car and get away. Now I'm holed up in my bunker that I prepared for when them aliens invade. I had a guy set up some wards that kept him out. But then he cut off my water supply. I'm gonna run out within a few days.

My problem is that I can't use magic. Like, at all.

I have guns, but they have already proven to not work. I can make napalm. Will that do the job?

04:17 UTC


Re: Just an Observation

Hey folks, your local weed-killer here. Took some of your advice, wood chippers out, Chloromancer on a budget. heh. Tried talking to a few of em, or tried at least. One of them left the area alone, just needed a bit of honey actually.

Made a bit of a deal with some of the smaller fae, since I've heard of such deals before. Small weekly donations consisting of honey, various roasted nuts, and oddly, sprite. So they just help keep the fields clear of most of the creatures I've had trouble with.

Again, thanks for the help, forever dealing with the Fae, The Chloromancer.

1 Comment
20:11 UTC


Just an Observation

Seems to me there's a lot more plant based creatures going round the Midwest. In Kansas, I've has to stop a few of em. Just seeing if anyone here has seen the same or I'm just unlucky enough to have to deal with them.

Any ideas on how to stop them besides fire would be appreciated. (I can only use the dropped match excuse a small number of times, cause then it seems like arson.)

Forever studying, The Chloromancer

07:33 UTC


Bad Luck and Succubus

For a while I've felt there was something more than what people are taught in school. I could always feel an energy about the world, like it was calling me. About a week ago I encountered it. A woman I saw on the street had an almost magnetic aura around her and somehow, against my better judgement she lured me alone where she tried to kiss me. I say tried because when she did she jumped back as though she touched something blazing hot. She screamed something about protection as I fully came back to my senses. I know the lust I was feeling wasn't mine and, as she ran I felt a shiver and thought I glimpsed a demon surrounding her before I pushed away the sight. Now I can't unsee the image, like it's burned in my mind.

Now I can regularly feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and almost feel a wave of an evil, alien presence, just before disaster in the form of rotten luck strikes near me. I suspect her to be a succubus of some sort or white court vampire like I saw a few people talking about and I think she cursed me somehow.

How do I rid the curse? Is it really magic I feel? Is there some way I can shape this flow of energy?

1 Comment
23:13 UTC


new toy!

I Made a crossbow, Elk sinew for the string, and black Yew for the main body. a few cast iron bits for mechanisms, and Bam. the best part is, the magic I put in it. it takes ectoplasm, converts it to a crystalline structure, and makes those into bolts. it looks an awful lot like Kyanite and the tip is very pointy. quite happy with this, can't wait for the next hunting trip. though I wonder if I can fiddle with it to make specific bolts rather than Make my own ammo. though, I'll probably use some of the black powder I made to make some explosive bolts. but it'd be nice to use this as a general evocation focus if I can manage it. since my own skill in that area is almost non existent. managed to charge a lantern battery once, but that's about it.

1 Comment
18:37 UTC


Does anyone know anything about ferromancy, technomancy, or cybermancy?

I've been clued into spooky side of life for a while, and always thought I had no talent for the Arcane because tech does just fine around me. However a week ago i found that the batteries in my tv remote died when went to turn it on, and when I sigh in frustration, the tv turned on. Now I'm not absolutely sure that it's was me and not some pixie having fun at my expense, but since then tech has been acting funny around me and not in the explosive kinda way that I've read it should have.

Today I try to tested it. I made a small circle in my room with my charger cable and try to turn on the old CRT-tv have in my room, and no surprise, nothing happen. But when i made a larger circle with an extension cord and put myself, my CRT-tv, and the remote with dead batteries, I tried the get mad at the remote thing again and it worked.

Does anyone know anything about stuff like this happening?

05:39 UTC

06:02 UTC


Here, again.

This is the mighty Backwoods Occultist again. Finally got rid of that damn warden. I let him free and told him that he could keep the vest, and he got to shaking his twig at me in anger until I offered to cover the aforementioned tetsubo in vaseline and shove it where the moon shined. Speaking of Tetsubo, anybody know enough about angry Samurai spirits to get the one out of my pantry? I don't speak a lick of period japanese. He keeps calling me Gaijin.

Is there any fellow Trolls in the Paranet? It's mighty lonely out here, and all I can seem to find for company are Man-buns and Meth-heads. I'd like to find someone to help build a sanctuary for Doomsday, as I am sure Cowl will show his face again.

--The Backwood Occultist.

05:43 UTC


My neck of the woods.

Greeting and salutations, my magical brethren. I would prefer not to speak my name here but I am a troll of northern michigan. I do not mean troll as in the beastie that lives under a bridge, just that I am below the bridge.

So, anyway, I had a warden stop by my property the other day for some "routine inspection and well, I guess he got a little scared. You see, I received a lot of inheritance money from a family member who passed about ten years ago, and being a scholar of sorts, I bought whatever I could find on magic. Personally, I consider myself a collector. I study all of it. My father once told me that you'd rather know it and not need it than need it and not know it.

I have over 18,000 books on everything arcane, archaic, or eldritch, and yes I have read them all. But, anyways, enough about my collection. He stopped in randomly and said that he admired my collection and that The Council would be very interested in my becoming a Warden to fight the "good" fight and what-not. After I refused, he started throwing around what he though were big words ...Long story made shorter, I may have clubbed him over the head with a 13th century tetsubo. So, now he is residing in my bunker, spelled with non-detection wards and sitting in a circle of binding. Don't worry, I am keeping him sustained and he seems mighty warm in the vest I have provided him as he seems to be sweating. That could also be the thirteen pounds of spelled explosives strapped to his chest. It's okay though, the spells on the C-4 only contain the blast to his body.

Could someone please inform the Council to come and get their man? I am tired of him pissing on my floor. It would be greatly appreciated to have a rendezvous, I really don't want him. As I am on Neutral ground and have a nice little set of wards around all 38 acres of my property, it would be easier for them to just reach out. They won't find me. Also, not interested in the "war", only in books and artifacts.

The Backwoods Occultist

06:28 UTC


I'm only a minor talent. What about you?

I don't have any real magic ability, per se, except for a Talent for potion making. Although maybe there is a little bit of magical ability that imbues my potions with extra Power that other essential oil dabblers can't achieve. Without even following a recipe, I mixed up something for my husband's tendinitis, and he joked that it worked like magic...we even refer to it as my "magic balm" now. I'm a little worried about what he'd think if he knew there was a possibility it really was magic. He's not clued in like we are, you see.

What talents do you have? Or are some of you, um, scions of greater beings? The only clued-in people I've met IRL have minor talents, like a non-fake psychic. She can't talk to spirits like some people can, but she can read the future in cards and cast minor charms and hexes.

06:10 UTC


Magic of Fables

Got a fun one for you guys. A clued-in police officer we know responded to a robbery. He found two guys, one escaped leaving the other behind. Funny thing, the other guy vanished without a trace. Nobody saw him leave, no camera saw him, and the only trace left behind was a dog-eared piece of paper. A page torn out of Aesop's Fables: The Thief and the Boy. Our question is: can a wizard use stories as a focus for magic? It would go a long way to figuring out how this guy escaped. It would certainly help our police friend.


-Transcribed by Amanda, because apparently she has nothing better to do

18:12 UTC


Looks like Harry had to decommission a fire escape.

1 Comment
19:01 UTC


it took an age and a half. but ... I think I figured out Orichalcum.

I'm not sure though, it's very conductive to magic, but also resists it. when I Look at it it's odd. depending on the angle, and the time and a hundred other things. it looks one of 5 ways. energy is either flowing through it like water through a riverbed, or moving around it like a boulder in the rivers way. sometimes it seems like it has a pulse, sometimes it gives off light, and sometimes there's a fractal pattern. I've made it into a signet ring and a head for my Walking Stick, there wasn't enough to make anything more. but now my main tool has a simple circle atop it, the Walking Stick is made of red maple by the way. but yeah. I'm not 100% sure on it's properties yet, but my house isn't a crater, and I'm in as many pieces as when I started.


07:16 UTC


Finally caught fly in Greater Circle of Summoning. Now what?

Exactly what it says on the tin. This insect that has foiled my every attempt to kill him and laughed in my face while doing so. My personal opinion is to call up a couple nasty critters to eat this flipping idiot and enjoy his quick and just death. Then I thought maybe I should do something creative and kill him slowly.

Any ideas? I'm partial to something toady.

06:44 UTC


there's soot everywhere but I am to happy to care.

it took a few years, and more than a few failed tries. and more recently a damaged Computer. but I have finally, finally Made magical black powder! all the usual positives of normal black powder, with the addition of some Fire and Force magic latent in it. when it goes up. it goes up in a big way.

though, that was a project that took a pretty long while .... any suggestions on what to try next?


15:13 UTC



I'm going into college this fall and was wondering if anyone has ideas on how to unobtrusively protect myself while in classes and dorms.

22:26 UTC



I'm pretty sure I've got no talent, because my cell phones work just fine. Does anyone have any suggestions for self-defence, just in case some creepy shows up on a nightime stroll?

23:39 UTC


Friendly Reminder: Strengthen Your Wards

Take a moment to check your wards and make sure they are in good standing. Can you see any room for improvement? Plan to upgrade them however possible. They don't need to use a ton of power to fly-zap any baddie (or annoying neighbor) that comes poking around, just aim for something that will alert you and buy you as much time to get to safety as possible. When it comes down to it, that few extra seconds might be the difference between life and death.

If you need help beefing up your defenses set up a ward party and make it an event with pizza and beer and such - I am sure fellow Paranetters in your area would be happy to lend a hand.

Thanks - stay safe and watch out for each other.

1 Comment
18:48 UTC


I need help dissuading someone of a bad idea

okay. so. an acquaintance of mine thinks they've found a loop hole in a Council law. already this was enough for me to tell them not to do whatever it was they were planning. but they think they can get around the 4th law by rather than controlling a being's mind, using electrical manipulation to control their nervous system, and therefor their body. aside from my prior argument of "please don't risk attracting the attention of the magic inquisition." how do you think I might change her mind on this?


17:57 UTC


Problems Solved

Discrete, professional, and reliable.

Clued in.

Price and payment method negotiable.

Contact: Tennesseetroubleshooter@protonmail.com


08:18 UTC



02:54 UTC



I am new to the Paranet

And the first thing I did was sell drugs.

Because as my name suggests, I am a doughnut from the darkest corner of the Nevernever. And as a matter of fact, I encourage you to worship our Lord Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones.

Because the destruction of reality is inevitable and to be saved, you must worship. Let us rejoice when the silly mortals who did not do so will die as reality ceases to exist.


02:57 UTC


Three Eye Drugs FOR SALE - Only $10.99 FOR TWO

02:29 UTC


finally got this thing working long enough to say hi

okay so, hi. introductions .... well I'm an Enchanter, turns out two Roma grandfathers and two Native grandmothers make for some interesting talent in the genes. I don't have much power on my own, but I can Make things. it works kinda like casting a spell really, just slower and longer lasting. it's all about will and intent with what I'm making. if I focus on what I want the thing I'm making to do while I make it. it will do that thing, within reason there needs to be some tie with what it is and what it does, otherwise the magic won't stick. can't make a pair of shades that let you walk on water. but I can maybe make a pair that let you see in the dark. provided I make the frames and work hard to pay for the lenses .... actually I like this idea, I'll add it to the list.

but as a demo of thing's I've actually made, I learned how to make my own ceramics and stuff, and Made a big jug. and while I was working the clay kept a steady stream of power, not much, but a constant flow, going into the clay. into the tools to carve in the designs. and now you could scoop sewer water, and eventually the jug would make it safe to drink.

the more of a hand I have in making whatever it is, the more power it will be able to handle. the more complex the enchantment. so like, if I go and make an axe with stone and a branch and make the rope securing everything, and use that axe to fell a tree, and so on and so on. till I have a bow, it could have some crazy stuff going on with it .... not a very good shot with a bow unfortunately. that said, even buying materials has a little power, cause I'm trading labor to get resources, just not in the same way as going and getting it myself from nature. which is why it took me so long to get on here, I had to Make my computer.

I'm in Canada. and .... well the Fomor aren't really an issue this far north, to much wilderness and to many things in it. but I hear on the east coast and down by the great lakes they're causing trouble. I don't know how common Enchanting is out and about, this is about the first time in my life I've really been able to use a computer without locking away my gifts which I hate doing for to long. so I'm new to this whole. "having contacts" thing.

guess I need a nickname on here .... CanadianCrafter. or Craft for short is that good? or ought I to think of another?

02:00 UTC


kuagua na uganga ??

Sijui kama wewe watu wanaweza kusaidia mimi lakini hapa unaendelea. Nimekuwa kuwa matukio ambayo mimi kuona nini someones kwenda kusema au kufanya couole wa sekunde kabla halijatokea. Je, mtu yeyote kuwa na uzoefu wowote na jambo kama hili ?? Ni ilianza kinachotokea miezi michache iliyopita na realky wake staring kunitisha !!

20:59 UTC

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