A subreddit for Dinosaur video games, and subsequent news, fanart, discussions, leaks, cosplay, etc.
A subreddit for Dinosaur video games, and subsequent news, fanart, discussions, leaks, cosplay, etc.
Keep it civil, no hating. We have debates, not arguements. The only way to win a debate, of course, is evidence. And no witch hunting, even though I don't see that happening here.
And no "Freemium" games, that are free, but require payment to unlock a bunch of ingame stuff to continue forward in the game.
Enjoy DinoVGs!
Special thanks to /u/ReniRakovic for his technological prowess as a Dinosaur Tamer and CSS programmer ("IT'S A UNIX SYSTEM!")
It was an old game, with 2 campaigns: 1 as dino, 1 as human. The only things i remember, are that in the first missions or zones in both campaigns, is some sort of a jungle where u have to find a space ship to go to a futuristic city i think. Another thing is, the dino will change depending de mission: first mission u will be a little thing like a compy, and missions later u will be using a more formidable dino. Thanks in advance for your answers!!
Nearly all of the posts in the past few months have been "Let's Play" or otherwise gameplay-centric videos. 6 out of the 9 posts in the past month have been from the same "ArcticBlitzYT" user.
I know dinosaur-related video games are somewhat dormant right now so there's not a ton of content to post, but it feels like this subreddit is slowly just becoming a subreddit for dinosaur let's plays.
I'm not saying "bAn aLl tHe LeTs PlAyErS", but I feel like limiting it to one post per content-creation channel (in the context of Let's Players) is a fair suggestion
OOPS! looks like I accidentally dropped this video here, mind checking it out for me and making sure its okay?
I'd love the feedback :)