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    My garden

    There was a post earlier with a pic of a user who did a beautiful tribute to jurassic park in thier bathroom.at my old place in the bathroom I did a mosasaurus tribue. I now own a house and my This is My garden. How many of you do this? And if so please share!

    07:53 UTC


    this mfer actually fixed jurassic park by turning it off and on again

    05:27 UTC


    A Redesign of the Indominus based off The Isle's Hypo Dinos

    01:09 UTC


    ISO: a jurassic park jeep to pick up my girlfriend and me for her birthday date 🙏 (Albany NY area) we are going to see the Dinos Alive! Exhibit 🦖❤️

    05:52 UTC


    Just finished TLW novel for the first time....

    The first part of the book was pretty good. I found it interesting and was getting excited for things to come. But then when everyone gets to the island, man, what a boring slog that was to get through. I didn't like it really at all and actually found it quite painful to finish (a few good scenes such as >!Dodgson's death!<, but overall, pretty meh). It's definitely a scenario where I thought "no question, the movie is far better than the book." I couldn't believe it. This whole time I had assumed the book would be better, because the movie is kinda so-so, and generally books tend to be better than their movies. But nah, the movie is definitely better. What a disappointment. But hey, at least it gives me a new appreciation for the movie.

    Anyone else feel the same?

    18:38 UTC


    Bygone | Original Sci Fi Short Film

    New dinosaur short film about a time traveling mining corporation upsetting the Jurassic ecosystem.

    18:15 UTC


    A review I trust

    16:17 UTC


    Lex & Tim Upon Returning To Their Lives After Escaping Nublar

    What does everyone think life was like for Lex and Tim during the four year jump from escaping Nublar till we saw them again briefly in The Lost World? I can imagine Tim being asked by his classmates what happened to his hands and ears. Both I can imagine would have ptsd that even the slightest door being opened or slammed shut would cause them to want to run away and that would have both friends, family, teachers and classmates ask what has them so spooked it was just a door. Thoughts?

    13:44 UTC


    Did you all read it in the “voice” too?

    02:23 UTC


    Anyone have a JP wallpaper at the PC or is it just me? Share them!

    04:25 UTC


    Laura Dern, Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum in a promotional photo for Jurassic Park (1993)

    14:07 UTC


    My grandma was cleaning and said might like to have these. Never been so desperate to buy a VHS player

    01:58 UTC


    “Grab the wire!!”

    Hey y’all!!

    Long time lover of JP (literally the first movie I ever watched and why I’m in the profession I am today 🥹)

    I’m rewatching Jurassic Park for the 1000th time and figured I’d ask something I’ve always wondered about.

    When good ol Roberta terrorizes the kids, and Dr. Grant and Lex have hopped over the cement part of the fence after they’re almost pinned by the car, whaaaaat is the whole thing about when Lex is on his back and he’s trying to get her to grab the wire??? She eventually does, but the car is already in the tree (as a kid I used to think that was why he was asking her to grab it 🤣)

    What is the wire for? What is the point? As I type this, I had a thought - was it to use the wire to scale down the cement fence down to the ground where the tree was??? And if so, then why did Dr. Sattler & Muldoon come from the other direction when they’re running back to Malcom in the Jeep after seeing the car on the ground??? How did they get down there? If the wire was the way to do it, then they would have used it to go down and back up once they checked out the car, and not come from the other direction.

    Also, I know we all probably love the confusion of the ground of the paddock being a good hundred feet below, yet the T Rex was at the same ground level as the cars when she crashed through the fence lol

    Please help ease my brain 😭

    Thanks in advance friends 🦖

    22:11 UTC


    Help wanted with my Jurassic world Minecraft world

    So I’ve been playing the Jurassic world Minecraft world and I thought I’d make 3 exhibits for the three locations you can find fossils at, I just got done with the t-Rex part of the cave/alpine area, I don’t hate how it looks but I definitely don’t like it either, any ideas on how I could make it look better?

    1 Comment
    00:09 UTC


    My Claire Dearing Cosplay!

    16:27 UTC


    look what just arrived in the post :)

    after a lifelong love for the JP film franchise, i’m finally about to start the first book!

    17:38 UTC


    Paul & Amanda Turn To Malcolm & Sarah First Before Going To Grant

    Upon meeting Udesky Paul and Amanda begin making their plans to go rescue Ben and Eric. Udesky however informs them that without someone who has been on Sorna before they are as good as dead. Paul would try to call InGen who tells them the same thing as the US Embassy. After failing to talk to InGen Amanda remembers seeing something about Ian Malcolm and how he tried going public about the existence of cloned dinosaurs only to be ridiculed but then given the biggest apology for telling the truth following the San Diego Incident. Paul and Amanda try to find out where Malcolm will be doing guest tour lectures and go to one. After the show they approach Malcolm who is leaving with Sarah. The Kirby's offer to buy Malcolm and Harding dinner which Malcolm declines saying it's date night with Sarah but Sarah convinces him to make it a double date. During dinner Paul brings up the same conversation he would have with Grant in the film. What does everyone think Malcolm and Sarah would say to the Kirby's during this dinner?

    19:35 UTC


    How Did Paul & Amanda Meet Udesky?

    Curious to hear everyone's theories: How does everyone think that Amanda and Paul meet Udesky? My guessing is that though the US Embassy told them to accept the inevitable that Ben and Eric were as good as dead one person who was sympathetic to them from within the Embassy called them back and put them in contact with Udesky without telling the whole truth that Udesky was nothing more than a booking agent.

    19:29 UTC


    What do you want to be done with the next Jurassic park/world movie

    It’s exactly what the title sounds like. What do you want the next Jurassic movie to be

    Personally, I would like a prequel possibly set on Isla sorna or Nublar showing when the first dinosaurs were created and ending with them getting shipped to Jurassic Park or maybe movies set in the time in between each movie that we already have like return to Jurassic Park where we the events after Jurassic Park and mainly focus on operation clean sweep or possibly focus on what happened on Isla Nublar before the construction of Jurassic World began but you to Yall think should be done with the series

    16:53 UTC


    My favourite raptor

    12:20 UTC


    I have just reread the JP novel, and I found that Doctor Malcolm can be really annoying.

    I think it's a given that Lex is the most annoying character. All she ever does is asks for icecream. But you can kind of let that one slide because she's a child. In the other hand Ian can be insufferably self-righteous. You feel like he's a complete know it all. At first you think what he is saying is profound, but after awhile he is downright dogmatic. He pretty much dismisses every idea any one has ever had. Hammond deserved it, but he is literally ranting about chaos theory to everyone. If I were Ellie I'd tell him to shut the hell up. He really gets stuck into Ellie about the way she conducts paleontology, for example. I was actually happy that he died, but then I remember there's a retcon, and he lives in TLW.
    I think he's a lot better in the movies. I love Ian in the movies. There's the perfect balance between his advocacy for chaos theory and doing anything he can to save people without being a self-righteous a$$hole. Do other people have thoughts on this?

    23:17 UTC


    Dani kon in chaos theory?

    Do you think it's possible we'll see Daniel return as some kind of insight antagonist?

    I doubt they'll have Mantah Corp, the mind controlled chips, or any of the brads return, but considering how he was locked up in prison and was planned for that in the beginning of season 5, I feel like they're saving him for something.

    Maybe he has inside connections to the black market in prison?

    19:30 UTC


    Saw someone sharing his copy (not as ragged as mine at all!) haha but I remembered I had this one stashed somewhere so I looked for it to share!

    19:14 UTC


    Favorite Jurassic Park Sequel?

    Which is your favorite Jurassic Park sequel? I just finished The Lost World: Jurassic Park for the umpteenth time and I have to say that is still my favorite behind the original. It’s got enough new ideas that it doesn’t feel like a retread of Jurassic Park. It also has the same “feel” as the original. I mean, the feeling of adventure and unknown that being lost on an island full of dinosaurs can bring that in my humble opinion feels missing in the JW series. What are your thoughts? No wrong answers.

    17:49 UTC


    Screen used triceratops '93

    My wife went to universal in '93? Before the ride, she told me she saw this as promo? Always jealous and just found a picture. Any history? I think its the screen used one?

    17:06 UTC

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