/r/astrophotography celebrates amateur astrophotography and will primarily focus on sharing and discussing the work of our members. We encourage sharing original content of real astronomical objects as a means of showcasing that work with those who enjoy astrophotography, inspiring those who are new to astrophotography, and requesting and providing constructive feedback on the work.
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We are reddits dedicated astrophotography subreddit. If you want to see or post pictures of space taken by amateurs using amateur level equipment, this is the place for you!
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Canon EOS 70D
Samyang 14mm f/2.8
Image data:
Total exposure time: 5 hours 30 minutes (7pm-0:30am)
ISO 800 | f/4.0
My first attempt at capturing the Orion Nebula from a bortle 7-8 sky (Selangor, Malaysia), the equipment I have is pretty limited as I'm currently an undergrad student. Also, the total exposure time is low as its pretty cloudy here, and I haven't really had the chance to take a lot of photos. I've framed it like this because I wanted to include Orion's belt and Rigel.
Any criticism/advice is welcome I know it has a lot of issues (mainly too much noise).
Settings: f/5, ISO 1250, 1 second shutter speed (next time i'll use ISO 400 as my camera introduces a lot of noise if i go over that)
Equipment: Canon Powershot SX60HS (point and shoot camera), cheap tripod (no tracking mount)
Processing: Captured 490 1 second exposures of the Orion Nebula (8 minutes of exposure time) along with 50 of each calibration frame and stacked them in DSS. Stretched the image 4 times in Siril using GHS and then removed the background tint in GIMP by subtracting a gradient layer from the image and also increased the saturation a little.
The Whirlpool Galaxy taken on Celestron Origin. 277x15s exposures . 4155 seconds of exposure time. 1 hr 9 mins. Unedited taken straight from Origin. ISO 100. Bortle 8. Taken on 29/1/2025.
Hallo zusammen,
ich bin neu in der Astrofotografie und habe mir mein erstes, mehr oder weniger professionelles Setup zusammengestellt. Leider habe ich ein großes Problem mit der Verbindung zwischen meiner Montierung und dem ASIAIR Mini – die Montierung wird einfach nicht erkannt. Ich hoffe, dass mir hier jemand helfen kann.
Mein aktuelles Setup:
Montierung: Sky-Watcher HEQ5 Pro (mit SynScan)
Teleskop: SVBONY SV550 APO 80mm
Kamera: ZWO ASI 585MC Pro
Steuerung: ZWO ASIAIR Mini
Software/App: ASIAIR-App
Das Problem:
Die ASIAIR-App erkennt meine Kamera problemlos, aber die Montierung wird nicht verbunden. Jedes Mal, wenn ich versuche, die Montierung zu steuern, erscheint folgende Fehlermeldung:
"Connection failed. Please make sure the mount is connected with the serial cable and the baud rate is correct."
Ich habe bereits verschiedene Dinge ausprobiert:
Verbindung über den Handcontroller → Handcontroller an der Montierung angeschlossen und dann ein Kabel vom Handcontroller zum ASIAIR Mini.
Diverse Einstellungen geprüft:
Verschiedene BAUD-Raten getestet
Alle Kabel mehrfach überprüft
Egal, was ich mache, die Montierung wird nicht erkannt. Ich bin mittlerweile ziemlich frustriert, weil ich einfach nicht weiterkomme. Vielleicht hat jemand eine Idee, woran es liegen könnte?
Ich wäre für jede Hilfe dankbar!
Viele Grüße Max
Hi everyone,
I need some help figuring out what I captured in my star trail photo last night. The shot didn’t turn out as planned (as you can see), but I noticed three unusual things in the image that I can’t explain:
Here are the details:
Any ideas what these objects could be? Thanks in advance for your help!
First time using a camera. Canon EOS 1200D EF50mm f1.8 STM
Shot on 30s exposure ISO 200 F 3.2
Camera: Canon EOS 1200D Lens: EF50mm f1.8 stm
1x30s ISO200 f3.2
I’m getting the hang of this !! And loving it
Askar SQA55 ASI183MC (gain 120) IOptron CEM26 ZWO ASI air
Auto guiding ASI120mm mini ZWO mini guide scope (forgot name)
L-Ultimate dual narrowband filter (Ha + OIII) only
2.75 hours integration @ 300 sec subs Processed in Pixinsight Touched up the JPEG in Lightroom
Messier 36 or M36, also known as NGC 1960 or the Pinwheel Cluster, is an open cluster of stars in the somewhat northern Auriga constellation. It was discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654, who described it as a nebulous patch.
Captured by celestron nexstar 8 se Edited by pip , adobe , lightroom , pixlr , celecom , chat gpt
Hi there!
I am in search of any astrophotography photos captured on our at least partially exposed over December 21 , 2022. Not picky at all!
Thanks in advance!
Details Camera: Canon Rebel T7 Lens: Canon EFS 55-250 mm No clouds in sky Bortle rating of sky: Bortle 7
Taken on an R7 with a Sigma 150-600 at about 330mm. I did an exposure bracket with the most extreme bracket it would allow. I merged the images into an hdr image in lightroom to show the light and dark sections of the moon. All three images were taken continuously on a tripod after a 10 second timer.
Mi primer astrofotografia Equipo: Nikon 3400 + sigma 17-50 Parámetros de disparo: 50mm f4 iso1600 5seg.exp 80 tomas procesadas en deepskystacker + photoshop.
Woke up thinking I want to astromod my t3i, YouTubed a tutorial and completed the modifications. It was overwhelming, but also really easy to do. I had all the tools which made it easy to get the task completed. It is a cloudy day, so didn’t have much time to test it out. Just 7 shots at 14sec.
Pic from 29/05/2020.. Learning new skills in post processing so I tried on moon pictures I got few years ago.
🔭 : Newton 114/900, 25mm eyepiece 📷 : Phone, Xiaomi 11T pro 💻 :
Hello, I have a SW Mak127 and a Player One Mars C-2 camera. I was wondering if I could be able to see a wolf Rayet Star such as the one we see in pictures.
I guess it won't be about the magnificent of the tube but mostly about the aperture.
This star has a Magnitude of 11,12 and I know that the mak127 has a mag limit of 12,50
So could I be able to capture it ? And if so how do I ?
Taken with my C11 and a 6200MC color camera during several night last December - Seeing was pretty bad so I got some funky star movement… Post processing in PI Total exposure time around 20 hours