The home to all amateur astronomers & telescopes! Feel free to discuss anything astronomical here, from what sort of telescope you should get, stargazing tips and tricks, to how to use that scope of yours that's been sitting around! Astrophotography is permitted as well, but feel free to check out /r/astrophotography for more of that.
If you're looking for your first telescope, please read the stickied post and check out the review/buying guide links in the sidebar before posting.
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Rule 1:
If you're totally new to telescopes and astronomy, please read our Beginner's Quick Guide to choosing your first telescope which is sticky'd to the top of the subreddit. Failure to read and posting "which telescope should I buy" will result in your post being removed and you being referred to this guide.
Rule 2: Petitions/surveys/crowdfunders
Links to petitions, surveys, crowdfunders, and other advertisements to sell your own products are prohibited here. There are other subs and communities for this. You can post used item ads here, but do post them on other communities or websites such as Cloudynights, Astromart, etc.
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Non-civil behaviour such as insulting, flaming, etc, will not be tolerated. This sub is a place for everyone to learn and help each other, and such behaviour only does bad things to everyone involved.
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Direct links should be accompanied by commentary as a top level comment, and should be a source of discussion. Not providing commentary, or posting content from a single source will be assumed to be attempts of driving traffic, which is not allowed here. Self promotion is only permitted to active members of the community.
Rule 5: Images
Images must have a top-level comment containing acquisition and processing details. This includes your gear as well as any processing you did to the image. This enforces quality, encourages discussion, and benefits everyone. Images must be taken by you, with gear which you own - remote or professional services such as DSW or Hubble are not permitted. Concept art is not permitted, nor is content not relating to visual astronomy/telescopes. Infringing posts will be removed.
Rule 6: Titles
Titles should not be 'clickbaity' nor self-deprecating - we're all here to learn so there is no point in calling yourself a 'noob' and/or putting yourself down. Titles should be descriptive about what you're discussing/posting.
Rule 7: Low effort content
Low-effort content such as those complaining about the weather (we get it, clouds are bad), simple questions that usually result in one line responses (these should be posted in our weekly discussion threads instead), general 'shitposting', memes, etc. are not permitted in the subreddit. r/telescopes aims to be a high quality sub where users can discuss all things telescopes and astronomy, but allowing such repetitive and low-effort posts will drastically lower the overall quality of the sub.
Hey i recently switched to a new phone and i npw have this happening in the app everything is just a black square, i tried deleting it and downloading again - same problem, forced ut to stop - still the same. Anyone knows how to fix it? Or maybe someone knows a better app and could recommend?
How do I get Jupiter to look better through my iPhone camera? I see people able to capture a lot of swirling surface detail through their iPhone but mine appears quite smooth, even after processing in pipp, autostakkert and registax.
I have 5 telescopes shortlisted. Help me choose one.
Please help me select one from here or suggest something that is at max 210 CAD. TIA.
Im gonna buy first ever telescope today but its a used one. So i want to know what should i look for like what should i check ?
I love astronomy and stars and i would love to buy a telescope to learn more and get better views, what would be a budget friendly beginner telescope be? Many thanks 😄
I own a pretty old telescope, It's a meade 4504 it does have a starfinder but I'm yet to find the handbox and repair it first. Anyway, it has 1 inch lenses on which I cant find for the life of me so I decided to use a 1.25 to 0.965 adapter and some 1.25 lenses. Does this combo work?
I have a Celestron 31045 AstroMaster 130EQ Newtonian Reflector Telescope. Still, the tripod is absolutely in a bad state, and I really can't keep dealing with it sagging despite my best efforts to try to stop it.
So, I am looking for a new telescope that is easy to adjust without sagging and makes it feel like it works with you rather than against you. As yesterday Venus was out last night, I did manage to view it with my current, but tracking it is a pain as the tripod enjoys fighting me, even when I try to adjust it, etc, (it basically keeps sagging, making the telescope go upwards).
As Venus was out last night yesterday, I managed to view it with my current, but tracking it is a pain as the tripod enjoys fighting me, even when I try to adjust it, etc.
So, a list of telescopes and any eyepiece lens would be helpful, as well as any general tips to improve my navigation. I also use apps to keep track, and I did learn a bit of astronomy years ago in college to track stuff like Polaris and Constellations. But it's been years, haha.
Thank you for reading, and I appreciate any help.
I originally posted their on r/astronomy_help but to no avail. I did manage to see a wall about 70m away from me but when I point it to either Venus or thr moon i cant see anything I am using a meade 4504 with a 6mm eyepiece I was tryna see the moon and venus
Iv been intrested in getting a 14xxg go to for awhile now but as you know, orion doesn't really exist anymore unfortunately, is there any other dobsonian 14/16 dob that has go to/ push to capabilities?
So basically I have read the guide and was thinking of what to buy .
I live in india in a bortle 9 area and do not own a car so I wanted a portable scope cuz I could travel to a lower bortle with it
I had narrowed it to the GSO 8 inch Dob but found it to be too bulky(near 40 pounds)
So, What should I go for?
Bresser Messier 6" Tabletop Dob-
Aperture: 150 mm
Are there any other options ?
Please help
I'd be really grateful
Looking for some advice on purchasing a scope.
Experience: I have only a small amount of experience. During school I went on an excursion to some very dark skies and with what I think was an astronomy club and was lucky enough to see some amazing things. I particularly remember seeing a galaxy through the eyepiece and it is to this day a formative memory. I have flirted with buying previously but wasn’t near any dark skies so figured it would be a waste. Recently my other half got me a private star tour with a local university and it really rekindled the passion. I’m fairly familiar with the night sky and can point out most important objects (planets, major constellations etc). I’ll be joining the local astronomy club, but will mainly go solo and with mates.
Location: I now live in close proximity to some fairly dark skies within a 30min drive. I have my car (Tesla model 3) and my partners Mazda cx9 for transporting. But ideally I’d like to use my car with the seats folded down and the scope in the back.
Use case: I’m only interested in visual at this stage. But looking for the biggest scope I can reasonably transport and setup that will give me a good opportunity to see DSO and planets. I would like goto as I don’t really want to muck around and am fairly technical at figuring things out.
My current thinking: I understand the romance of a non goto mount, but I really want to maximise my time and get something that supports that. I’ve looked at either a skywatcher 14 or 12 goto, both seem like good options but I worry about size to transport, I assume the tube comes away from the base for transport? I’ve also considered SCT but similarly worry about setup after transport, but considered a 8-10 inch CST.
Budget: between 2000-4000.
I took these screenshots from the video I recorded through my 10 mm and 25 mm eyepieces, respectively. No edits, very raw. Also, I don't have a smartphone mount, just held my OnePlus in front of the eyepiece with my very wobbly hands:(. I have zero knowledge of image stacking and other processing. I have been stargazing for a while but am relatively new at astrophotography. Any inputs are welcome as to how to improve my skills and photography:).
Welcome to the r/telescopes Weekly Discussion Thread!
Here, you can ask any question related to telescopes, visual astronomy, etc., including buying advice and simple questions that can easily be answered. General astronomy discussion is also permitted and encouraged. The purpose of this is to hopefully reduce the amount of identical posts that we face, which will help to clean up the sub a lot and allow for a convenient, centralized area for all questions. It doesn’t matter how “silly” or “stupid” you think your question is - if it’s about telescopes, it’s allowed here.
Just some points:
That's it. Clear skies!
City lights are the worst . But anyway, a clear sky is helping a lot. Enjoying my se second hand dobsonian tonight. Televue eyepieces are the best!!
I received the Apertura AD10 Dobsonian telescope today and proceeded to assemble and collimate it. During collimation, using the included laser collimator, I got the secondary mirror dialed in and them moved on to fine-tuning the primary. The instructions for the collimation state to loosen the three white "locking" knobs first, and then move on to adjusting via the 3 black knobs. I followed this exactly, but while making these adjustments I'm concerned that the primary mirror shifted drastically inside its housing. The laser collimator was initially returning a reflection from the primary mirror which landed in the collimator's receiving zone, but now is so far off alignment that it sometimes misses the secondary mirror entirely. Is allowing the knobs to get too loose a thing?
I've been doing some research and found the "primary mirror cell" equivalent at this website: https://agenaastro.com/gso-10-primary-mirror-cell.html
The three main clips shown in the images on the website above are still holding the primary mirror. Shining a light into the OTA, there does appear to be a very slight gap on the perimeter of the mirror on one side, which I suspect is causing it to be tilted off to one angle.
This is causing me a lot of consternation as I just received this today. Any ideas for how to go about resolving this issue?
I am interested in astronomy, but want something small and easily portable to view planets with....how would binoculars, like those at the links below be for viewing planets?
Anyone have any sample pictures of what planet viewing is like with binoculars like these?
Orion 20x80 Astronomical Binocular (51464) – All-Star Telescope Canada
Celestron SkyMaster Pro 20x80 binoculars review | Space
Edit: IF binoculars aren't great for planets, what's the smallest telescope that will do the job?
Howdy all,
Scope: skywatcher 250p dobsonian
FL: 1200mm/47in
F ratio: 4.8
Glasses/ Contacts: None
2-3 years experience
I'm looking for a eyepiece to use on planets and possibly for splitting double stars. It should have a focal length of 2-4mm and an eye relief of at least 10mm under 200$USD. my curent pick is a X-cel LX 2.3mm. If you have any suggestions let me know preferably with a link to the eyepiece in question. Any wisdom from more experienced observers is appreciated.
Are the skywatchers still good? No huge issues? I’m seeing they’re on Amazon now.
Does this come with a motor to track objects or no? I’d like to do Astro photography and of course star / planet gaze. Thanks.
So I’ve been noticing was that while using my celestron 90SLT if I align it only east it only works east but if I align it west it only works west do you guys have any idea Thanks !
I have an Apertura AD10 that I bought not too long before the 4/2024 Solar Eclipse. Was great for that, but I haven't had a ton of time to put into it since then with work, and other stuff kicking my tail.
Traveled most of the month, but got home tonight and the sky was great, and Venus was right next to the moon. Went and grabbed my Dob, and got everything setup, only to realize I really have no idea what I'm doing with my eyepieces. Have spent the last 2 hours doing some research, and think I know what I'm going to do, but looking for some random Internet friends to validate (or call bullcrap!) on my path forward.
Right now I have the following: Apertura Superview 30mm Wide Field - Came with scope. Apertura ED 2x Barlow Apertura Plossl 9mm
I have never been able to get the Plossl t work at all. I was making the mistake as well of putting it in with the Barlow, which just distorts everything too much.
I watched a few videos, and really like Ed Ting, and his advice. My plan is to buy a couple of Tele Vue eye pieces. From his advice, I'm leaning in to a 27mm Panoptic for most viewing, and a 13mm Nagler for planets and the such. He had suggested an 11mm Nagler, but it appears Tele Vue no longer makes that.
Thoughts on the above? I assume that those two, combined with the Barlow should be pretty good for anything I want to look at? The 30mm that came with the scope is probably just not that good an option for most things.
Thanks for any advice, I appreciate you taking the time!
I'm a beginner so don't flame me it's my first image of it 😭 Camera: Canon Rebel T7 Lens: Canon EFS 55-250 mm Exposure: 6 seconds The nebula is right under Orions belt, it looks like a dusty star