/r/astrophotography celebrates amateur astrophotography and will primarily focus on sharing and discussing the work of our members. We encourage sharing original content of real astronomical objects as a means of showcasing that work with those who enjoy astrophotography, inspiring those who are new to astrophotography, and requesting and providing constructive feedback on the work.
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Taken with a Canon R50 mirrorless camera attached to a Skywatcher 250P classic dobsonian. ISO 51200. 650x 0.8 second exposures, stacked in Siril, noise reduction and background extraction in GraXpert, edited in Siril, post processing in photoshop.
Telescope: Dwarf 2 Smart Telescope Pictures Taken: ~800 Pictures Stacked: ~400 Target: Pleiades (M45) Bortle: 7 Adjustments: Used in App curves feature Time: ~11:30PM Place: Germany
This was my first attempt playing with the curves in the app. Hope you enjoy
New to the Astro photography. I wanted to try capturing earth shine, I think I did an okay job. I used a Nikon D3200 with a Nikorr 70-300mm lens 10 seconds exposure, I can’t remember the f. But it was high. Used iPhone for brightness and saturation, but no other editing.
A cosmic masterpiece: Orion’s Belt and its hidden wonders! From the glowing Horsehead nebula to the majestic Orion Nebula, this region of the sky is a true astrophotographer’s dream.
2025.01.16 Nikon D7500, Sigma 50-150mm @ 150mm, SkyAdventurer 2i 159x30s light, 45dark, 45bias, 30flat. DeepSkyStacker, GraXpert, Siril, Ps
Recently bought a DSLR, a canon rebel t7, single image exposure. Uncertain of my exact settings, but I believe it was 100 ISO and around 1/10 second exposure.
Processed in astrosurface.
Taken through my 114/900 Hadley untracked.
Bortle 2 skies
Nikon D5600 Unmodified
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i
Rokinon 135 F/2
33 x 180 sec exposures
10 Darks
20 Biases
20 Flats
Stacked, stretched, and color corrected in pixinsight.
Gradient corrected in Photoshop
The Tadpole Nebula (IC 410) is an H II region located approximately 12,400 light-years away in the northern constellation Auriga. The nebula is more than 100 light-years across. It is part of a larger star-forming region that is also home to the nearby Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405).
First of few images that have literally taken months to gather enough data. The clouds have been brutal this Winter in NE Ohio.
The framing is not what I was after as I was figuring out how to setup my rotator properly. One night was off by about 45 degrees. But couldn't afford to lose the data. This is a SHO with Narrowband Normalization.
Total Integration: 21.5 hours
Equipment: Stellarvue SVX102T and Flattener ZWO ASI533MM, ZWO AM5, EAF, EFW, ASI120 guide cam Wandererastro Rotator Lite Stellarvue 50mm Guide Scope F050G Chroma 3nm Ha, OII, SII
Acquisition: NINA, Sharpcap for PA Stacked in APP, bias, flats, flatdarks, darks
Processed/edited in PI, very minor editing in PS/LR, Topaz Denois
High Resolution Image: https://www.astrobin.com/l4yv9b/
FB: JL Ratino
Such an elusive galaxy.. IC 342 or C5, The Hidden Galaxy, got its name from the fact that it stands behind concentrated dust above the galactic equator, so its brightness is dimmed down.
Nikon D780, 12h total exposure, 200/1200 newton, HEQ5 pro.
Imaged from Romania
Preprocessing in Lightroom, stacked in sequator, further edited in Photoshop and Pixinsight. I had to (VERY) carefully fix all the small gradients, do a complicated denoising technique (no AI), calibrate the color channels. Even the stars that barely showed up on live preview, were over-the-top after stretching and had to reduce their size lol.
Something about the first pic with it just suspended in darkness makes it one of my favorite photos I’ve taken.
Taken with iPhone camera through 20mm lens’s with a 2x Barlow zoom lens. 6” refractor scope.
Equipment: 10 inch Apertura Newtonian mounted on a Celestron CGX-L. No auto guiding, just sidereal tracking.
Camera: Canon R8
Exposures: 50 light frames @ 10 seconds @ 1000 ISO. 300 dark frames, stacked in DSS and edited in PS.