/r/astrophotography celebrates amateur astrophotography and will primarily focus on sharing and discussing the work of our members. We encourage sharing original content of real astronomical objects as a means of showcasing that work with those who enjoy astrophotography, inspiring those who are new to astrophotography, and requesting and providing constructive feedback on the work.
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It has been a while since I had last posted here but I wanted to present to you the first full moon that appeared this year known as the full Wolf Moon. A lot of “moons” used in one sentence also… More details in the comments!
I’ve never tried planetary astrophotography before but I thought this turned out pretty good considering I wasn’t using a telescope.
Gear: Canon M6mii with efs 55-250mm lens mounted on sirui tripod
Settings: 1/1250, 400iso, f8
Anyone have recommendations for beginner telescopes that connect easily to digital cameras?
After many failed attempts of manual tracking with my Apertura AD10 and ASI224MC I finally got an image of Jupiter I'm happy with! It's not perfect, but it's also beautiful.
Captured on a galaxy s21 ultra, around August time. All new to this.
Image shot on 28 November 2024 looking east on Tri-X 400 film with a Pentax ProgramPlus using a SMC Pentax-A 28mm lens at f/2.8 for 150 minutes. No tracking. Film developed using D76 (1:1) at 65°F. Image scanned from the negative. Minor post-scan digital processing to increase contrast. Sky transparency 5/5, seeing 2/5, Bortle 6 skies.
This is what Bortle 6 skies look like on a good night with film. Jupiter is the brightest object trail in the frame. Mars is to the right of Jupiter. The stair trails of Orion come out the right side of the tree: Betelgeuse and Bellatrix form a relatively bright pair of trails and the three stars of Orion's Belt trail off the right side of the image. Two aircraft trails are captured in the frame on the arrival/departure paths for KAPA.
Other star trails images tried that night centered on Polaris and looking north into the abyss of metropolitan light pollution. I did 3 exposures for 15, 30, and 60 minutes each didn't come out as well. Will play with a faster film (TMax P3200) for future efforts, but I'm pleasantly surprised how well plain old Tri-X 400 did with fairly bright stars and sky objects.
Imaged in South Texas. It was with some haze and clouds and nothing went according to plan, but in the end it worked out fine. If you told me I would be able to capture something like this from my backyard three years ago, I would have not believed it. The feeling while watching it live was also fantastic. Just watching an alien planet rise behind a range of craters on our moon still boggles my mind.
Imaged with a C11, 533mc pro and the ASIair on the AM5. This was just one single frame of 5ms.
[25 mm | F/1.8 | ISO 3200 | 16s] x 250 lights (Untracked) + darks. Bortle 3
Equipment: Redmi Note 7 smartphone, tripod with a phone adapter
Stacking process: 250 lights + darks -> Sequator -> 5 panels x 50 lights -> Astro Pixel Processor
Processed in GraXpert, Siril and Photoshop
Taken in Connecticut with my iPhone 12 mini through a pair of binoculars.
Compared to the average photo on here this is not really that interesting. But I took a picture with my Sony A7iv and a 100-400 lens (no tripod), and I somehow manage to capture Jupiter and 3 of its moons. I was in shock when I zoomed in on that tiny dot in the photo. I live in a bortle 5 location so I never thought it would be possible.
I will try to get another one soon using my telescope or a tripod. Any tips on how to do this are more then welcome!
Taken on iPhone through Celestron nexstar 127slt… processed in LR
Im looking forward to buying a telescopes for my sony a6400, i dont have tracker, what are okay telescopes for begginers for photographing brighters DSO
I decided to try this one in mono. Last time I imaged this one it was about two years ago and in OSC, all of the data I lost. So I gave it a go again. I’m really happy with how it turned out and because an astronomer friend told me to about it in one of his posts, I also managed to image the Herbig-Haro object at the foot of the horse head. This is around 15 hours combined data but with only 1 hour 50 of Oiii. :-( and 9 hours of Ha, 4 hours of Sii
Hey everyone, I just recently got my first higher powered telescope (Sky-Watcher Heritage 150p), and as of right now I’m starting off using my iPhone 14 promax with ProRAW and a phone mount over my lens to take my pictures. I’ve been thinking about trying so DSO photography but I’ve heard that the AZ mount isn’t very good for it. What can I expect if I attempt some DSO shots? Thanks!
It's maximum using zooming.
Hi this was one of the shots I got from the occultation last night. Also my first attempt at photographing anything through a telescope, so it’s a little rough haha 😅.
Linking the video below but I caught a plane passing infront of mars and the moon for 6 frames! Using flightradar24 I tracked down the plane to be AAY3186 Allegiant Air heading from Sarasota, FL to Appleton, WI.
Nexstar 8se Asi224mc eq6r pro uv/ir cut filter 2x barlow asiair plus celestron dew heater asi focus
Mars exposure 15 minute video 120 gain 20ms exposure pipp to frame autostakkert to separate into 3 videos and stack registax to sharpen winjupos to derotate
Moon exposure 30 seconds 1ms exposure 0 gain same process as mars no winjupos
using my video of mars coming out from behind the moon as a template, i used photoshop to combine the moon exposed and mars exposed images together.
First full moon of 2025. Captured with 114mm scope + Plossl 25mm eyepiece+ smartphone. There were more or less 150 photographs, but Siril must have taken advantage of around 20, at most! Color editing was handled by Lightroom.