This is the animal channel of the Reddit Public Access Network (RPAN) community. Share your furry, feathery, scaly and hairy animal friends!
This is the animal channel of the Reddit Public Access Network (RPAN) community. Share your furry, feathery, scaly and hairy animal friends!
1. All posts must feature an animal.
2. Only post relevant and original content (OC)
3. No animal cruelty
No violence against animals (physical or verbal). This includes (but is not limited to) comments and jokes about harming or eating the animal.
Do not smoke around animals indoors (except fish). Never blow smoke in their faces
All instances of animal cruelty will result in a permanent ban
3. No requests for medical advice
5. Be respectful of others
6. Don't post here to spam or farm karma
7. No upvote begging
Any posts or comments found to be inappropriate, abusive, or harassing will be removed, and users may receive a permanent ban
This is Mr. Loubert. Heโs been with me for almost 7 years now. He was my first cat when I adopted him as a kitten. I love him so much. He loves to snuggle on my pillows and clean laundry.
Central Jersey
New Jersey Woodpecker
This is Toulous and his favorite things in life are wet food and picking on his parents for more food.
Not a great picture but Sweet Pea was snuggled under the afghan my sister made for her
This is Roman and yes he was named after Roman Reigns(he was named during his shield days ๐คท๐ปโโ๏ธ)
He is both a baby and a Big Boy!
A schnoodle !! Awwwwwww!!!