
Photograph via snooOG

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  • Signalment (species, age, sex/neuter status, breed, body weight)

  • Short history

  • Relevant clinical signs (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, fever etc)

  • Length of time you have seen these changes

  • Links to any test results, vet reports, X-rays etc. that you have

  • Your general location

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Pancreatitis question

My dog was diagnosed with pancreatitis and he also has diabetes. So he’s currently on anti-diarrhea meds twice a day, and probiotics once a day - both with meals (he’s on a low fat diet now but we will switch to hydrogenized diet soon- $$). Every night he gets tummy pain and starts whining, last night he threw up a little bit. This usually lasts 2-3 hours or until he throws up, he doesn’t usually throw up. I know it’s not the probiotics cause I switched it to the morning and he’s perfectly fine every morning but at night after dinner he gets whiney. Any idea what could be causing this? I take him for a walk after dinner cause that sometimes helps but it’s crazy cause once we get back home he starts complaining again. I thought I’d ask here before I reach back out to his internist.

1 Comment
13:08 UTC


Could cytology have been wrong? Need help to understand

Hi everyone. My dog couldnt breathe and we rushed her to the ER, she had a pleural effusion that was drained at a specialty hospital. She was put on oxygen and antibiotics and the cytology of the fluid came back with carcinoma. A CT scan found a huge mediastinal mass and after draining, her breathing/oxygen was still not improving fully. She was seen by an internal medicine vet, oncologist and surgeon and had her scans and samples reviewed by specialist radiographer/pathologist there. They offered a thoracotomy as an option to remove the mass but since she wasn't stable and had an anesthesia reaction in the past it was risky, and they said stage 4 primary cancer had a poor prognosis even with surgery. They said chemo or radiation wouldnt affect it as she still couldnt breathe. We chose not to do the surgery and brought her home for an at home euthanasia instead. Once she was home her breathing started getting worse again so the at home vet came to do the euthanasia that day. We felt we got lucky timing wise in that she didnt suffer more.

I am worried though because I read carcinoma could be misread as reactive mesothelial cells? I didn't know about that, but would all those specialists give me such a definitive diagnosis of cancer if there was a chance it could have been something else? She didn't have an infection or issue with her heart or anything according to the CT, ECG, blood test and pleural fluid sample. Just feel confused and worrying if I did the wrong thing in putting her down. Or if it could have not been cancer or I did it too fast.

1 Comment
13:03 UTC


high ALP 2239 + Doesnt recognize owner + aggressive

  • Species: Dog

  • Age: 12

  • Sex/Neuter status: M/not neutered

  • Breed: Chow Chow

  • Body weight: 75 lb

  • History: Deaf for 8 months adjusting well

  • Clinical signs: Aggression, acting odd, low energy

  • Duration: 4 days

  • Labs: ALP 2239 (normal 23-212), GGT 139 (normal <11), ALT 136 (normal 10-125), total bili 0.3, globulin 4.9 (normal 2.5-4.5).

    • rest of electrolytes, cbc, cholesterol, lipase, amylase were normal
  • XR:

    • Large, caudodorsal retroperitoneal mass
    • Left cranial mass adjacent to the left kidney, stomach and spleen
    • Mild, lobular, hepatomegaly with suspicion for right-midline mass
    • Taken together, findings could be due to multicentric neoplasia, such as lymphoma; the retroperitoneal mass is slightly more cranial than typical for sublumbar lymph nodes and periaortic lymph node or other etiology (e.g. abscess, granuloma) are possible. The left cranial mass is near midline with suspicion for left adrenal gland origin (a functional adrenal mass could be the cause for recent aggression); consider alternatively pancreatic or atypical/pedunculated liver origin. Hepatomegaly may or may not be related to the other lesions (e.g. metastasis, vacuolar hepatopathy, nodular hyperplasia).
  • US: Visualized the retroperitoneal and liver masses, both were biopsied but did not look like hepatocellular cancer or hemangioma, masses were similar echogenicity. There is also a cystic polypoid mass within the bladder and hyperechoic urine. Cranial mass did not appear like an adrenal-type mass

My dog has always been very sweet, gentle, never aggressive (never bit anyone), very happy. 4 days ago, he started to appear lethargic, sad and anti-social. He would tremble a little when we would pet him but was still relatively active, eating/drinking a little less than usual. We let him be. 2 days ago, he looked more lethargic and bit my dad without provocation, broke skin with a lot of blood, didn't show remorse after. Acts like the family are strangers to him, doesn't wag his tail or follow us around, stares at us from a distance with his tail down like we are a threat. Took him to the emergency vet and they did a work up as shown above. They were worried he has cancer and biopsied the masses (he does have a history of growing soft tissue lumps on his head and neck that were benign per previous vet). Vet seemed stumped on further workup and etiology of symptoms, recommended MRI brain and Neuro if everything returns negative. Sent him home with amoxicillin for a possible UTI and gabapentin for pain. Haven't been able to give him the meds because he is so aggressive and growling and trying to bite at us when we come near him. Still treating us like strangers. Energy level seems more normal after vet visit but hasn't wanted to eat or drink yet. Hoping for some advice on further workup like for cushings (no significant hair loss, hyperpigmentation, or weight gain. activity level was normal until 2 days ago) or is this cancer and/or dementia? Any other diagnoses? Not sure what the best course of action for him is because we cannot really get near him

1 Comment
13:00 UTC


Chronic Arthritis: Pain Management vs. Saying Goodbye

tl;dr: An otherwise healthy 13-year old dog is suffering from extreme arthritis pain that we're struggling to control it, even with narcotics. Should I consider expensive treatments with an an anesthesiologist or is it kinder to prepare to say goodbye?


Hi all,

I have a 13-year-old American Cocker who has had a relatively healthy little life until about a year ago, when we had several health scares in a row. Last spring, he was diagnosed with Cushings disease, then he herniated a disk in his spine, and then he was diagnosed with a spleen tumor which thankfully was found to be benign after surgery.

His Cushings is controlled with medication and his spine has healed. His bloodwork in April was all clear and showed proper organ functioning. That being said, his x-rays show spinal fusing in several parts, and he has osteoarthritis in his legs after TPLO surgeries on both hind legs many years ago now.

He's been on a cocktail of pain medications to control the arthritis pain for the past year, but in the last few months, it's become harder and harder to keep him comfortable. We've used monthly Librela injections, gabapentine, tramadol...and recently, we've been using buprenorphine on a daily basis. We're almost at the upper limit now and have had to steadily increase it as of late, and it's still about 70-80% effective.

HIs mornings tend to go well. He's happy and eager to walk (sloooowly) around the block, he visits with people we meet, he eagerly eats his breakfast. But early evening the pain sets in, and he whimpers loudly over and over again until he's been medicated. We have to repeat the medication before bed, too. On the meds, he is still mostly him. Without them, he is in a lot of pain.

My vet has told me that we can continue on the buprenorphine, but we have to have twice monthly appointments to obtain it because it's a narcotic. Otherwise, she has suggested we might want to see an anesthesiologist for pain management. I know there are presumably things we could try: platelet treatments, laser therapy, hydrotherapy.

This little guy holds my whole heart, and I'd pay anything to "fix him." I've spent thousands this year trying my very best...and now, faced with this decision of seeking out further pain management, part of me is wondering if loving him could mean saying goodbye now. Sometimes cockers live to be 15-16 years old, but 13 is within the expected lifespan...and part of me wonders if it's worth putting him through six more months or another year of trying to control this with countless pricey therapies that might or might not help.

I don't want to be haunted forever that I gave up when the going got tough, especially when I'd give it all over again and more for another decade with him. It somehow feels selfish to say goodbye to a dog that eats, walks, wags his tail, and has bowel control...but then, I also know that if he's showing signs like howling in the night from his pain, he must be really hurting.

I'm trying to be pragmatic and put my love for him over my desire to hold him forever. Of course, my vet is trying to offer all the options possible to me and tells me I will need to make the call—a heavy weight of responsibility.

Thank you in advance for any thoughts you have.

1 Comment
12:39 UTC


Vomiting, coughing, balance difficulties and black stool...


I'm based in the UK.

Earlier today, our 12 year old shih tzu (he has colitis, some arthritis/joint problems, and cataracts - no other issues as far as I know) began coughing a lot and vomiting. We had to bring him home early from his walk because he had some balance difficulties. We had to carry him. His faeces was black. He has no appetite and seems quiet. He is curled up and sleeping at the moment and doesn't want to be alone.

His weight is normal (8.5kg).

What could have caused these symptoms? Could it have been something he ate? He ate some rice yesterday and my girlfriend was unsure if it had gone off.

We don't want to make an appointment with the vet unnecessarily, but we don't want to leave him if he gets worse. What signs should we look out for? How long should we leave him before making an appointment with the vet?

Thanks for your help.

All the best.

1 Comment
12:30 UTC


Spay/neuter iguanas, roosters, rabbits?

Do any of you (vets) neuter/spay lizards/iguanas? Or caponize roosters? How much do/would you charge? We are considering starting a rescue.

What might you charge the rescue if we provided an onsite surgical room, vet tech, and all supplies and medications (so it would just be your time/expertise)?

Would you consider teaching classes to chicken owners on how to caponize their roosters?

  • Species: lizards, roosters
  • Age: adult
  • Sex/Neuter status: not
  • Breed: various
  • Body weight: 3-10 lbs
  • History: rescue
  • Clinical signs: healthy
  • Duration: n/a
  • Your general location: East Coast/Mid-Atlantic corridor (high cost of living)
  • Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. that you have: n/a
12:10 UTC


Please help. Just found out my cat's gum is swollen :(

Species: Cat Age: 5 years Sex/Neutered Status: Male/neutered Breed: Siberian Body weight: 5.5 kg Clinical signs: swollen gum Duration: unknown General Location: Sydney, AU

Link to the photo: https://imgur.com/a/7IYu0qb

I don't specifically know exactly when this happened. I check his teeth from time to time, but this is the first time I've seen this. I took him for yearly vet visit, and usually he's always in the clear. This year we're skipping it because we thought everything will be okay because he looks perfectly fine. Guess not.

I found out about this today and I'm a day away from a 10 day trip and next appointment is for around another 10 days. No signs of lower apetite, his behavior around food seems normal, his breath isn't any different than usual.

I guess I'm here for a little help if this can wait until next appointment, because if he need any treatment at all I want to be there for him just in case he need medicine and care. Thanks in advance.

1 Comment
12:03 UTC


Dogs vs. Armadillo

Hello r/AskVet community.

Late last night an armadillo made the decision to wander on to my country property where I have 4 dogs. The armadillo chose...poorly. Remains have been disposed of, but curious if I need to be worried about anything. Living in the country, with a Siberian, rabbits and squirrels are normally the species that make poor choices. This is my first experience with an armadillo however. All dogs up to date on all shots.

  • Species: Canines
  • Age: 8, 7, 2, 1
  • Sex/Neuter status: All spayed/neutered
  • Breed: Siberian, long-haired dachshund, short-haired dachshund, black lab+akita mix
  • Body weight: 70lbs for the bigs, less than 8 for the dachshunds
  • History: Health history is normal, all with clean bills of health
  • Clinical signs: 1 dead armadillo
  • Duration: Well, I guess the siberian and akita mix tortured the poor thing for about 20 minutes before my wife could wrangle them inside (I know that's not what the question is for, I couldn't resist)
  • Your general location: West Georgia area, 30 miles west of Atlanta

Is this a "get them to a vet ASAP to get checked out" or a "just keep an eye on them for anything unusual" situation?

11:58 UTC


Kitten still having issues after deworming

Hi all. I just adopted a 7 week old kitten. Shes an American shorthair that weighs 1.67 pounds as of Sunday (she was the littlest one of the litter). Sunday, we had her taken to the vet because she clearly had worms. They decided to keep her overnight because she refused to eat or drink anything for 2 days.

Monday evening we got her back, and since then she’s acting a lot more energetic and playful. She seems to be recovering well, but there’s still a few issues that worry me.

First, I’m aware that deworming does have side effects, but it’s been several day since then. Second, she has been given antibiotic liquid that she needs to take for 10 days, currently only day 3. I am unaware of any side effects for it.. (not home or I would name the brand/type)

Basically, she’s continuing to have diarrhea that’s a very greenish color, and she tends to let it out all over the box and not just one spot. Also, while she IS eating and drinking now, she drinks a lot. She spends a decent amount of time just laying by her water bowl and not doing anything, just sitting which worries me. She’s also occasionally throwing up, although not nearly as much as before, but it’s clearly bile she’s vomiting.

Finally, and this might just be her own thing, but whenever she smells or sometimes even sees a toy, like a yarn ball or even a laser pointer, she’ll gag and nearly throw up, along with some weird sounding meow sometimes. I’m not sure if it scares her or what.

That’s really it, although she does seem a little lethargic, but that might just be bc she’s a kitten.

11:52 UTC


Turtle with exposed parts

Species: Turtle other info unknown cant attach photos, plz msg me for that if u can help

11:30 UTC


Is it okay to leave the plastic part of the IV (cut/broken) in the vein?

I work at an animal shelter primarily as a dog handler, but one day a week I work in our surgical clinic with our doctor and vet tech.

I have no official training, just learning as I go so I don't really know official terms for things.

Yesterday while removing the IV, the vet tech accidentally cut through the plastic part and it went inside the vein. While she attempted to dig it out, I immediately went to get the doctor.

The dog was already given antisedan and was waking up. Doc had us put her on 5 on the Iso machine, and began cutting to try to find it. The only tourniquet that was placed was the vet tech holding the leg for him. The dog was still trying to wake up while on the table.

Doc said he couldn't get it out so he tied sutures onto the vein, above and below where he thinks the fragment is, closed up and called it a day.

He said the only lasting affect of this is that if the dog need surgery in the future, the vein in that leg can be used because it's going to be dead.

This dog is getting adopted tomorrow and he won't be there to speak to them. Has anyone else experienced a fragment being left inside the animal? Does this have lasting effects?

I know he is far more intelligent and experienced than me, but it just feels wrong to leave it in.

11:11 UTC


Cat is limping

Hi! My fat came home last night from a fight with other cats I think. She is limping now. She is still walking, jumping, eating, acting normal, but she doesn’t put her paw down if she is sitting in the common position cats sit when looking at something etc. When in bed she sleeps on that so I guess it doesn’t hurt that bad. Should I wait or go to a vet and check? It’s pretty expensive and i’m not going through a nice time rn…. I repeat, her behaviour didn’t change at all. Maybe the other cat/s bit her and it’s nothing that bad? Thank you!

10:46 UTC


After effects of seizure lasting over a day?

Hi all, I rescued a male Staffie a little over 4 weeks ago - as he was a rescue, he had no medical history with him. On Tuesday, he had a grand mal seizure lasting around 5 minutes. We immediately took him to the vets, they advised he seemed fine in himself (if not understandably a little out of it), and to monitor him but call back if he has another. Unfortunately, yesterday morning he had another grand mal - this time shorter, but included loss of breathing for around a minute. We took him straight to the vets and they prescribed levetiracetam (for the next few days only) and epirepress (to be used going forward).

Whilst he thankfully hasn't had another seizure, he still seems quite dazed and unsteady on his feet - his back legs are unstable, he's walking around a bit like he's drunk, and is knocking in to things, despite not having a seizure now for over 24 hours.

Is this a common side effect of having two significant seizures? I've never had a dog suffer with seizures before, and so any advice would be really welcomed.

Thank you

Staffie, approx 5 years old, intact, 20kg

10:31 UTC



My dog's BUN count is 97. I know it indicates kidney problems. But does anyone else have faced this situation with their dogs? My dog is a 9 yr old male, Labrador. I'm worried.. is my dog in trouble?

10:09 UTC


Help! My cat won't eat and we already took him to the vet!

It's been around 2 weeks and my cat barely eats anything, the first day we noticed this he was crying and could barely walk, so we took him to the vet where they hooked him to an IV bag and gave him medicine for a day. They ran some tests on the little guy and he came out negative for both leukemia and HIV, they said he definitely had a fever but after the medication he was cured of it.

My cat acts completely normal now and shows no sign of pain, but he still refuses to eat, he just sniffs the food, licks it and takes very small bites from time to time. This is completely out of character for him, as he has always been a very chubby boy who loves to eat a lot, please help me i am very worried for him

09:57 UTC


Random aggression from my cat out of nowhere.


I have had my cat for 14 years now. He is the biggest sweetheart and does not attack noone ever. He usually sleeps with my mom as she is the one that lives here and we visit occasionally. She is the one that cares for him the most and gives him all he needs. Today out of nowhere he attacked my mom and scratched her thoroughly until i managed to go there and remove him from her. He has hissed at her on 3 other occasions today, but he has never done none of these things for the 14 years he has been with us. The weird thing is that he is aggressive ONLY towards her. He has no problem with me and my brother. She does not do anything, she just sits and the cat decides to attack her for no reason. Do you have any idea what it could be from. We took him to the vet and he said he could be in heat(he is not neutered, as he never had any problems with aggression, marking territory and no health complications) and something could be triggering this aggression. What could that be as I would like to prevent it - we have found it is not linked to a specific location, not leaked to a certain smell(as my mom showered and changed her clothes and still gets attacked).

My cat is around 14 years of age, does not have a specific breed(that I know of), he is male, around 3.5kg and never had any health problems that were serious or weren't taken care of immediately.

1 Comment
09:29 UTC


My cat has a slight black coloration on her right lip/gum. Is this normal?

Some details about Maya - She's 8 months old female, vaccinated and neutered. Everything about her is normal and healthy. She has a multi-colored coat - calico, and her paws also have black spots just like her fur so I was confused if this is normal for her to have some on her lips or is this some condition that needs attention. Folks from the adoption community told me it's normal and nothing to worry about (these are the guys helping me with my queries since adoption). Please help.

Link to the image - https://imgur.com/a/WRYftYv

09:04 UTC


My dog is throwing up white foam. Is she in trouble?

For the past two days, my chihuahua (F5) has had sporadic episodes where she walks around the house gagging and heaving before throwing up. This is day three. Usually it comes out as white foam (saliva?) But sometimes she'll throw up undigested food. All other times she's completely fine, going from resting to very active and playful. I think her symptoms align more with indigestion but I genuinely can't tell with how her behavior shifts. Can anyone tell me what to do? Is this an issue that needs veterinary attention or can I solve this on my own?

1 Comment
09:01 UTC


My dog’s (9.5F, yellow lab) eyes have been doing this for the past couple months

A couple months ago, Ivy got really sick and I took her to our local pet hospital. A huge bill later, she had elevated kidney levels and ketones in her urine. They gave us the medications for the next week or so, but it took a few more weeks before she was eating normal again.

I took her for her checkup and they said the levels are all back to normal. I asked them to look at her eyes, especially her right one, and they kind of dismissed me bc of her age, could just be an old lady thing.

But it started around the same time she got sick. And I don’t think she’s 100% back to where she was before. She’s been standing up more slowly, like it’s a struggle, and that’s new in the last few weeks.

At night when she’s tired is when her droopy eyes do the big sad droop. They are really red and the right one seems slightly worse.

The only thing that was different before she got sick is that she stayed at a new boarding place, and I have no clue what happened there.


1 Comment
08:59 UTC


17 Year Old Cat with Hyperthyroidism....

Is 17 too old to go with radiation treatment? I've read it can give much better outcomes for longevity and overall quality of life, but I'm worried his age will be a factor in the vets deciding his treatment. He's on oral medication right now and bounced back weight wise because he'd gotten very bony but is now going the other way and getting quite solid quite fast. He's also gotten very depressed four weeks in to the treatment. I don't know if that's because of the dose needing adjusting down or is a temporary side effects of starting the medication....?

08:57 UTC


11 year old cat has Jaundice

Hey all. Im hoping to get some advice, especially from anyone who has experienced this..

My wife and I got some pretty awful news today. Long story short our boy Bun has been sick for the last month. It started with him eating less and less so we brought him to the vet and the Doctor took his temperature and he had a fever then ran a urinalysis and did bloodwork. $600 and a day later it came back saying Bun has hyperthyroidism and the vet said he needs to take medication to help lower his levels.

For the past two weeks (it’s a 3 weeks dose, most likely for the rest of his life they said) he has been eating it with a pill pocket but still hasn’t been eating much regular food. This was our worry but the vet said it was normal and the meds should help increase his appetite. Now going into his 3rd week of meds (the last until we renew) he doesn’t want the pill pocket or he will immediately throw it up right after.. Last night my wife noticed his ears seemed yellow, so we brought him back to the vet this afternoon.

This was a different vet (same place) and this one seemed to have more knowledge and seemed to be a lot more concerned that Bun wasn’t eating properly. This was literally our main concern at the first visit and repeatedly mentioned to the other vet it’s not normal for him to eat so little. At this point he informs us that not only was the thyroid an issue but his liver levels were off. This annoyed my wife and I as there was no mention of this in the bloodwork from the first visit but at least we know now.

The new Doctor is now telling us that because Buns visit was a few weeks ago they will need to do an entirely new bloodwork panel to see if anything else has changed, which annoyed us because they told me they wouldn’t need to do another today when I called but either way we need the answers. Unfortunately before they would do the bloodwork they said they need to hospitalize him and give him a list of things to try and help him, Force feed, iv and a bunch of other things. So after another $600 for the hospitalization and new bloodwork fee we were told to pick him up after 5 hours (when they close as no one would be there during the night).

Once we got the vets they pulled us into a small room immediately, I knew it was bad news right then. The Doctor then proceeds to tell us his liver is nearly failing and he does have Jaundice (you could tell from his ears and mouth). He then says if we did want to try and fix this (he thinks his chances of survival are fairly low) then it would cost $1000 for an ultrasound, we would most likely need to do X-rays and a few more bloodwork panels over the next couple weeks, also he would need to stay hospitalized every day and we would pick him up every night. Each day would cost $300-$600 depending if they had to force feed him or not.. Even if all that goes well if Bun decides he doesn’t want to eat then a feeding tube would need to be inserted. Which he said would be “10s of thousands” also considering all the after care..

I asked the vet what other possibilities there are and he basically said you will pay a lot of money for something that most likely won’t work or has a tiny chance of it. “I’ve only seen two cats survive after a feeding tube”, and our other option is euthanasia. So needless to say my wife and I are heartbroken. We adore this cat, he sleeps on my head every single night and greets me after work/stays around me the entire night when I get home.

We have our first child coming this Monday, and the timing just couldn’t be more brutal. We really wanted her to grow up with him.. We’ve been so happy and excited but this just ruined us.. If anyone has any advice or can give us peace of mind that he should be put to rest because this is going to be very painful for him (from the way the vet made it sound) he mentioned bile contaminant’s being an issue too.

We’re both considering just letting him go peacefully at home so he’s happy with us (he literally adores us as much as we do him) but I don’t want him to suffer because we’re selfish we need more time with him.. The vet wants us to make a decision by tomorrow, either continuing hospitalization on the daily hoping he improves (which is very low considering his liver stage apparently) or we have him euthanized.

Sorry for the long story. Thank you in advance.

08:50 UTC


Cat doesn’t seem to want to eat after uti treatment.

My cat (6 years) had an episode of acute kidney failure about a year ago. She recovered fairly quickly. After that her blood has been tested multiple times and all parameters were within reference (including SDMA). Vet is therefore fairly certain it was acute kidney failure of which she recovered.

2 weeks ago I started to notice her belly was bald. Apparently she had been overgrooming. Brought her in. Vet checked her out. As a precaution gave her some anti mite and flea medicine and took some urine from the bladder (with a needle, looked scary but apparently that is not a big deal?). Had it tested. Turns out she has a UTI caused by structure crystals. Vet gave her a shot with metacam was given some metacam (oral dosage) and special food and was send home. That day and the next day cat seemed fine. Ate her food and was lively. After that it started to get worse. She stopped eating the food. Saturday she vomited. I went to the emergency vet because I thought her kidneys were failing again. They tested her blood and turns out all parameters were absolutely fine, even at the lower end of the reference numbers, so no kidney failure.

Since then it’s been a hassle to get her to eat. She does eat but just not her “new food” anymore. And what she does eat is taking effort. Called vet and they said I should keep an eye on her for now, might just be the metacam side effects. I haven’t given her a dose since Sunday afternoon.

I am extremely worried that she still might have kidney failure. How realistic is this? Her blood was tested on Saturday evening and were fine, Sunday afternoon she got her last (oral dose). What are the chances of the kidney failure happening after that time? Her appetite was down before her last dose and before the blood test.

Ps. I know that metacam is controversial but it is approved for use in cats in the EU and there are special little bottles of it just for cats.

1 Comment
08:23 UTC


dog is in possibly critical condition im very worried (weird bruise on belly and back legs not legging (is not abused she was like that when we came home))(will provide pictures if asked)

im sorry for my bad english but im 17 years old and we live inthe Philippines and i have a dog that came into our care named Cobi

she came from my other grandpa from my mom's side and he gave us to her since he couldnt take care of her (she was also covered in ticks and was only confined to a small cage) and we got her in 2022

yes we have already taken her to the vet

what happened to her is unknown, when we came home the other day my grandpa said he found her hiding under a pile of wood (it didnt collapse on her, the wood had stands so she was just hiding under the space below) and she couldnt move her back legs, when we took her inside theres a weird mass on the bottom right side of her belly, it felt like there was something seperate under the skin, like seperate from the flesh itself, and in 2 days (aka just today) the spot suddenly turned purple, her back legs arent paralyzed but it looks like she's struggling to walk or cant walk with her back legs at all, she's been like this for 2 days,

we took her to 2 different vets, one who said she's just aging and might have a problem with her blood because of her history with ticks and fleas (shes very clean now dont worry! or still worry...) (im sorry i couldnt really undertand what was being said because i wasnt allowed in the office where my mom and the vet talked) and the other that gave us an x-ray(again, i wasnt allowed in) it didnt look like she was run over or was abused physically, all her bones were okay and nothing showed up about the bruise on her stomach so we are really stumped.

it also looks like she's struggling to poop too, the only thing that came out was a slightly medium drop of wet poop and im pretty sure its a problem because the x ray showed a normal looking poop and now im worried that she might suddenly suffer from septic shock (idk if its actually called that but the bad thing that happens when you cant poop) please help im very worried and my parents are too nonchalant about this and saying she's gonna die and not doing anything except just feeding her and giving her water while she lays down and im trying to not cry cause i dont want to lose cobi please help

2 days ago she was running around in our yard happily and now she's like this

and to already answer some questions: no we do not have a second floor for her to possibly fall from the stairs and yes shes still being normal, just laying down

1 Comment
08:03 UTC


How to decontaminate my apartment from ringworm spores

Hi, so my cat had ringworm a few months back. I did one round of the treatments and baths etc, retested him and he was cleared, 4 months later, he’s got it again, no contact with any outside animals (he’s an indoor cat) I’m thinking maybe he picked up a stray spore in my apartment cause I read said spores can live up to 18 months. I cleaned, vacuumed carpet, threw out cat tree and got new one after first time he had it, so I don’t know what more I can do now.

I’m going to start a new round of treatment for him so my question is for any advice or what more I can do to decontaminate my home so I don’t have another reoccurrence

Thank you in advance 🙏

1 Comment
08:00 UTC


Does PU surgery help for stress induced cystitis? 2 blockages in 2 days, don’t want to put my boy through it for nothing.

Hi, it’s been a crazy week with my 8 yr old boy cat having his first full blockage on Monday and a catheterisation that was traumatic and didn’t recover well. He freaked out at the hospital and ripped his lines but they had already removed the catheter so they sent him home with still quite bloody urine. He blocked again by the next morning and I was recommended PU surgery after the second catheter had been inserted. My thoughts are that if the cause of his blockages are in fact stress induced cystitis, will we not be back at the same place again but with UTIs instead of blockages? I know it’s never an easy call in medicine, just looking for any similar stories or advice. Thanks

07:56 UTC


Lump on my dog’s upper lip

Today I took my dog to get groomed and just picked him up half an hour ago. Either he has had that prior to being groomed and I didn’t notice or it is a result of the groom, but unsure how that would be so. He is nearly 8 years old, King Charle Cavalier x Cocker Spaniel. If you have any knowledge, feel free to let me know. I can provide a photo if that helps. Thanks

1 Comment
07:09 UTC


Cat not interested in food, saw a vet.

  • Species: cat
  • Age: 10ish?
  • Sex/Neuter status: male, neutered
  • Breed: lynx point siamese
  • Body weight: 13.3 pounds
  • History: used to have diabetes but is in diabetic remission for almost a year now.
  • Clinical signs: the only difference ive seen is he isnt interested in his food. usually hes ravenous. hes eating but hes never left food after his meals.
  • Duration: its been 4 or 5 days of this?
  • Your general location: USA
  • Links to test results, vet reports, X-rays etc: his glucose was 120, everything was actually good except a little bit elevated liver stuff which my vet attributed to possible constipation.

basically, my cat just not eating as he usually does. hes eating but slowly. dr prescibed cerenia. tomorrow is his 3rd dose. i started him on a little pumpkin last night. vet said to monitor his litterbox habits and hes pooping and peeing. im enticing him to eat with treats and baby food mixed with his usual food. im just not sure what else i should be doing?

any suggestions? any supplements or should i go back to vet?

1 Comment
06:59 UTC


Reflecting on Our Efforts: Did We Do Everything Possible for Our Dog?

Hello r/AskVet, my dog (a pug) died just before his third birthday, and I'm hoping to get some insights from this community.

The Story:

A couple of months ago, my spouse and I got married. The day before traveling to our hometown for the ceremony, we noticed that our pug's dewlap was slightly swollen, though it wasn't very noticeable. Our hometown is about 20°F warmer on average than where we live, which is usually quite cold; this might be relevant.

We arrived in our hometown four days before the wedding to ensure everything was set. Two days later, we noticed a small bump on the dewlap that seemed more inflamed, so we took our dog to a local vet. She suspected a bite and predicted an abscess might form, advising that our regular vet should drain it once we were back in our city. She prescribed several medications, including daily injections.

After three days, she attempted to drain the abscess but found it wasn't ready. Here’s a brief timeline:

Day 1: Initial swelling noticed.

Day 3: Visited the vet as the swelling increased.

Day 4-6: Daily vet visits for medication injections and check-ups.

Day 7: Returned to our city. The dewlap was very swollen, and our dog became lethargic. We immediately went to our regular vet, who drained the abscess, conducted a blood test, and prescribed antibiotics and omeprazole, instructing us to clean the wound every 8 hours.

Day 8: Our dog vomited a few hours after starting the medication. The vet noted dehydration and hospitalization was required; blood tests indicated low platelets and possible liver damage.

Day 9: The antibiotics were switched to a different type, the dosage was adjusted, and omeprazole was replaced with Sucralfate.

Day 10: Diagnosis confirmed as Ehrlichiosis from a tick bite. Treatment continued with the same antibiotics.

Day 11: Our dog refused to eat but was deemed stable enough to go home. We administered medicine every 8-12 hours, and tried feeding him with syringes (Ensure and water) and Royal Canin wet food.

Day 12: He seemed happier at home, attempting to jump on the sofa with my wife and our other dog. I helped him up since he couldn’t do it alone. At night, he moved to a room across the hall, choosing to lie in his "brother's" bed . Thinking he might be more comfortable there, I moved his food and water to that room.

Day 13: Found him deceased at 5 a.m., lying in a large pool of vomit.

The vet later suggested that he might have died from bronchoaspiration.

I often wonder if there was anything else I could have done or if the diagnosis and treatment were correct. Any thoughts or insights from this community would be greatly appreciated.

06:45 UTC



Hello all. I am a former vet nurse and am at a loss. My 4yo M Pit bull is experiencing spots of hyperpigmentation on his legs and abdomen (~1cmx1cm each). I did not notice this progress until after his DAPP/Lepto vaccine on April 9th, have had him for a year. History of skin/poultry/environmental allergies (on Apoquel) and Canine Papillomavirus. He has no papillomas or accompanying symptoms/changes. No history of vaccine reactions or other symptoms of reaction. Normal bloodwork in December.

I do live in TN, and it is very sunny here.

I have two upcoming appointments for an exam and a dental cleaning where labs will be run again. Just wanted any thoughts or ideas. Thanks in advance.

06:25 UTC


please read the whole thing before commenting, any advice would be greatly appreciated

please send advice!

i have owned my cat for about 9 months now, he has recently turned a year old. over the past few weeks we have noticed some changes with him and im not sure what to do about it. recently he has been peeing outside the litter box, and no i dont mean hanging his butt over the edge of it or anything. he seriously pees directly in front of his litter box. personally im not the one that cleans it, im a teenager that has school, work, extracurriculars, ect, so im not sure about his pooping habits. he has also been considerably less cuddly, he was an extremely cuddly cat that would lay on me whenever he got the chance, and now he rarely even lays near me.

OTHER THINGS -about 3 months ago we changed him to a raw fed diet, but it was going great and he was still normal up until a month ago so i dont think this has anything to do with it but im mentioning just in case -we went on a two week vacation WITH him and just got back about a week ago. im aware he was quite stressed during this due to there being crying babies which he is not used to, but i was doing everything i could to keep him comfortable and happy. -another thing is he doesnt seem to be in pain when urinating, ive been researching a lot about this and most sources say that cat will visibly be in pain if there is an issue. he seriously will squat directly in front of his litter box, stare me dead in the eyes, and pee.

overall im concerned this might be a medical issue, but it might also be a behavioral issue. i just wanted to at least try to get advice for spending a ton of money at the vet just to say he’s fine, because my family doesnt really have a lot of money. i really adore this cat, and he has saved my life more than he will ever know, so any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

05:17 UTC

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