
Photograph via snooOG

News and articles on the topics of ethology, animal psychology, animal communication, and animal behavior.

News and articles on the topics of ethology, animal psychology, animal communication, and animal behavior.

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Favorite Animal Noises

What are some of y'alls favorite animal vocalizations? I love canids so I'm into a lot of those guys, but my personal fav has got to be African Wild Dogs/Painted Dogs hunt noises! Those freaking squeaks are great I love them. Here's a video for your ears: https://youtu.be/RWXmZQeGkCM?si=kdfH_kNuLYCHlIgP

(Audios/videos of ur favorites highly encouraged cause I wanna hear em!!)

05:18 UTC


Will wolves run from a tiger?

I remember watching The Jungle Book movie the other day, and in that movie, the pack leader explained why they couldn't protect Mowgli from Shere Khan. This is what he said,

"Even the strength of the pack is no match for the tiger."

Realistically speaking, how accurate is this? If a pack of wolves saw a huge male tiger coming their way, would they flee, or would they stand and fight him?

22:54 UTC


Aus crows see through mirror tint

I know it sounds far fetched but is it possible crows /ravens have some kind of filter that enable them to see through mirror film? i love my crows and I'm always watching their behaviours. I feed them mice we catch in our traps so have a good relationship with our local murder and I've noticed alot of mannerisms such as bowing the head down before approaching the food, bringing food from other areas and throwing it up, then taking a food source, just alot of cool little behaviours. Anyway Im really starting to think they have the ability to see through mirrored tint during the day 🙈at first I assumed they were looking at their own reflection as most birds do, and sometimes I run out of mice and the omnivour feed mix so I hide in the house where I assume they can't see me BUT when the crows start to follow your movements while behind one way mirrored windows, or sit at your window looking in at an angle I honestly don't think they are looking at their own reflection. I know there isn't enough research to say if it's possible, or how, but from what I've witnessed it's extremely likely, and surely it can't be impossible.

08:09 UTC


Maternal Bat Behavior Question🦇

How likely is it that a momma bat will collect her Baby from a box if left near the roosting area?

We have a bat colony in our chimney that our landlady keeps avoiding doing something about… she is family so it’s kind of a weird situation as far as “renting rights” or whatever…

Long story short, for the past few years during this time babies and adults will end up stuck at the bottom of the chimney and I will have to catch them and figure out what to do with them.

I’ve been able to get most to a wildlife rehabilitation lady, but some of them haven’t made it. It’s become more difficult because she doesn’t always have space…

My main question is: If the baby is put outside on a balcony in a large box at night, what are the chances the mom will care enough or be physically able to collect the baby and then return to the chimney?

19:57 UTC


Questionnaire on the interplay between Invasive Species & Climate Change

Hi guys, Unaware if this is allowed on here so please remove if not. I'm currently studying to complete an Animal Management degree and was hoping to find some help filling in this questionnaire I've made for a project based on the interplay between Clinate Change and Invasive Species, also their impacts on Ecologies and Economies worldwide. I would massively appreciate if any of you could fill in this questionnaire. It shouldn't take too long.



19:21 UTC


Bison Behavior?

I was in Yellowstone and I saw a herd of bison crossing a small river. One of the last few to cross, was a young calf and two females. One of the females continued to repeatedly ram the calf, even tipping it over at some points. It kind of looked like the other female was trying to stop the other from hitting the calf, but it was difficult to tell. The calf also looked like it had been struggling after crossing. All three eventually walked by and joined the rest of the herd but I’m really curious what was happening between the three. I think I might have an idea but I’m curious if anyone here can confirm my suspicions.

02:21 UTC


Greater Noctule Bat

I was doing some casual reading about bats, as they are pretty interesting animals and there's a lot of freaky lookin bats. I was reading about this one called the Greater Noctule Bat, and the site I read claims this bat hunts birds in the air instead of when they roost. However I haven't been able to find any video proof of this. Does anyone have a video, it would make my day to see I'm not gonna lie.

11:46 UTC


How to become ethologist

I’m looking to become a ethologist in the us. I have no clue what degree to get some sites say ethology is its own degree but when I go to UC-Davis or Indiana Bloomington website I t just shows animal behavior as the degree. I don’t really know how college works can anyone help.

04:06 UTC


I saw a rabbit rolling in the street like a tumbleweed today?????

He rolled across the street stopped and hopped away like nothing happened????? Rabbits aren’t known for this at all???????!! Help me understand what I saw please.

05:25 UTC


New animal language processing subreddit

Hello everyone,

I have created a subreddit to discuss animal language processing at /r/ALP

I am currently doing research on this topic and would like to discuss with others :)

02:39 UTC


Degree to work with Marine Animals

Hi, I’m 21, didn’t go to college after high school being I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I’ve realized through some soul searching I guess and volunteer work that I would really want to work with animals. I’m going back to college and am struggling to figure out what would be the best degree to get. I don’t think I’d mind going all the way to getting my phd but I really want to work directly with animals of different kinds. I want to be able to work with big cats and sharks and whales lol. I was told environmental science would be diverse enough but after research it doesn’t seem like I would get to do what I want to be doing. I imagine getting my bach in biology is the best route but have just discovered I can get a degree in animal psychology? What do you guys think and what are your experiences?

16:14 UTC


how do territories work?

I am thinking about domestic swan geese or Chinese geese. I have been looking at this flock that lives in a gas station, and i have so many questions.

  1. Do they mark out their territories? The geese never go beyond a certain boundary even though they could do so easily. They are not caged in the daytime at least.

  2. And how does territory work? They don't want other geese to enter it? But does territory also imply: these geese don't want to go beyond the boundaries of their territory either? (And that's why they don't leave perhaps)

  3. If geese don't want other creatures in their territory, how come they are sharing the space w humans? And a cat, and other birds etc. Does territory only pertain to other geese? It's not an interspecies thing?

Sorry for so many questions, I am v v curious. Would be v helpful if someone could help, thanks.

17:00 UTC


Crows looking in window reflection

We moved into a house in Whitby. There are 2 crows who live in a tree across the street. We have observed one of them sitting on the window sill looking at the window into our garage.

We have also seen one of the crows sitting and looking in the side mirror of car.

What's up with this behaviour? Anyone else witness this?

00:52 UTC


Weird Animal behavior!

I’ve never seen this before in my 30 years, but there’s like 30 to 40 snails all moving north for some reason! I would take a picture but there spread out. What’s it mean?!

1 Comment
14:15 UTC


How old does a female lion cub have to be to be safe from male lions taking over the pride?

It's well known that male lions will kill all cubs when taking over a pride, but I read somewhere that female cubs are safe as long as they reach a certain age/size. These female cubs will be coveted until mating can begin. So, what is that point?

I know it takes 3 years for a female lion to reach sexual maturity. so, at what point from 2 months to 3 years are they safe and no longer a target?

1 Comment
04:56 UTC


Training seminar Tampa Zoo

There's a training seminar in Tampa in June for anyone interested


17:07 UTC


is a Psychology major the right path?

hello all! i am aspiring to be a veterinary behaviorist, but i see that i should have a veterinarian degree first? is this true? Or is my psychology major okay?

20:50 UTC


Looking to do a small animal behavior experiment using insects

Currently I'm in an animal behavior class and we need to perform our own experiment, but im not sure what can be done. They said we can only use invertebrates due to protocols which makes sense, but I'm not sure what to do. If anyone has any recommendations for a small scale project (4 weeks max) let me know. Thanks!

19:18 UTC


Temple Grandin “Animals in Translation” updated version?

I’m working my way through Temple Grandin’s Animals in Translation book and really enjoying it. This last May I graduated with a degree in Anthrozoology and this book is right up my alley. However, I think the book is starting to show its age a little bit. (It was written in 2005) A few times per chapter I find myself taken aback by some of the topics or finer details she talks about that I know are outdated now with more recent research that I learned about in school. I still love the book and Temple, but I’m conflicted while I read it! Animal behavior and emotions as a subject of study is moving so quickly. I’m trying to read the book cautiously and keep in mind there might be more things that I’m reading that are outdated than I’m even picking up on!

Anyway, I can’t find any sort of updated version anywhere, but I would absolutely eat up a rerelease that addresses all the relevant research that’s happened in the almost 20 years since she first wrote it.

19:21 UTC


How do mice see the world?

I would love to learn more about how mice perceive the world around them. I came across some videos of mouse communication and was fascinated. I've looked for similar videos on vision but couldn't find any. I understand they have limited color vision, what colors can they see? What is the world like through their eyes? How far away do they see a predator? Is their vision focus on movement? Anything about vibrations or other sensory perception would be good as well.

1 Comment
16:20 UTC


Animal Behaviour definition


I was trying to find the newest Animal Behaviour definition, but I only found a paper by Levitis et al. (2009) and nothing newer. Of course, there are a lot of books with their own definitions, but they have no information about where they came from.

Well hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.

01:20 UTC


Any animals where some Individuals exhibit autism-like behaviour?

10:15 UTC


Advice on setting up an ethogram for wild dolphins

Hello all!

I live in a place where I see dolphins quite frequently. I’m intrigued by many of the behaviors I see. I’d like to set up an ethogram so I can keep track of these behaviors.

Most ethograms I’ve seen are of captive animals though. How do I go about setting up an ethogram an animal that’s wild? Also, unlike many terrestrial animals I can’t see the dolphins the entire time I’m observing them.

If anyone has recommendations for books or other literature on dolphin behavior I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

15:57 UTC


ISO suggestions on animal behavior courses

TLDR; Horse trainer looking for continued education/ Online BS in animal behavior /welfare

I’m an equine professional wanting to dive deeper into the behavioral science side and trying to find an appropriate program. I only have a few undergrad credits so I’m starting from scratch. My goal is to be involved in public education in equine science and psychology, as well as offering a different angle to horse training (ethical) that I feel is currently under utilized. I would also love doing research. I have an extensive background in veterinary medicine as both a tech and from working with high performance horses. The issue is I do not live close enough to any of the schools that offer a in person program. Am I better off getting a bachelors in business and doing the certification classes in addition to? Or maybe majoring in psychology and adding in additional animal/equine classes?

Sorry for the ramble, it’s all a bit overwhelming for me. There seems to be both a lack of quality resources and also an over abundance of information online. I have a decent local college to knock out the pre requisites, but currently don’t know exactly which pre reqs I need since I’m unsure of a program.

Any help or suggestions would be super appreciated!

22:10 UTC


Interested in studying animal psychology - any experiences (as an owner or professional)

Hi, I am interested in studying animal psychology (sometimes referred to as behavioral specialist/consultant) with a focus on horses and dogs, and while I've been doing my research and having had consultations with different providers of these courses, I would love to hear from anyone who's either working in this field currently or is a pet owner who's worked with one before. What are your experiences, positive and negative. Owners: has an animal psychologist genuinely helped with the behavioral issues your pet displayed?

A few things to clarify: I have a bachelors degree in an unrelated field and will be studying this course remotely through an adult education provider, while continuing to work in my current until I'm finished.

There are several institutions in my country (not the US) who offer this course. I've narrowed it down to 3 institutions who are all board-certified through a network of animal care professionals that is government-approved and who determine what qualifications are needed to be allowed to work in this field.

Thanks in advance to everyone!

23:17 UTC


Podcast Opportunity

I currently host a podcast wherein I speak with young social and environmental activists around the world. So far, we've had over 10 episodes, with 8+ countries represented and topics ranging from paper consumption and data science to sustainable architecture and environmental politics.

If you're interested in being on the podcast, feel free to dm or comment (website). Thanks!

1 Comment
21:01 UTC


Mouse cleaning sheds - is this for real? Why do they do it?

There was a new Guardian article showing a mouse cleaning up a man’s shed every night who had been caught on camera - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/07/mouse-secretly-filmed-tidying-mans-shed-every-night?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other.

Then I saw an older video from 2014 showing another mouse doing this in a carpenter’s shed.

Why would they work so hard on something like this?

22:54 UTC


Social bonds motivate hyenas to take big risks together. A recent study models the situational factors that predict whether a hyena mob will form against a lion, who participates, and who benefits

16:51 UTC


Do birds recognize their images?

I've been making bird houses for various species around my house. My intention was to burn the image of each species into each bird house for fun and also to keep track of, at a glance, what I've set out. After burning an image into an elf owl-specific house it occurred to me that this might dissuade the owl from moving in. I'm wondering if my concern has merit.

18:30 UTC


How much intraspecies violence is there in most animals compared to humans?

I know there are certain animals that are very violent and kill, hurt, or maim each other regularly, like chimpanzees. Then there are other animals that seem to kill ones in their own species but not in their own pack—i.e. wolves with territory disputes, etc. And then there are plenty of animals that are extremely peaceful and all get along great with each other (elephants, bonobos, etc). I'm curious if there's any way to rank 1. What species are most likely to kill their own species in general, 2. what species are most likely to kill even in their own families, and 3. Where humans rank in those lists compared to other animals. I'd guess we're pretty high up there, right? But I have no idea if that means we're in the top 1% of intra-homicidal or the top 50% lol. Is this something that's even tracked or measured?

03:26 UTC

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