
Photograph via snooOG

All about our furry and not-so-furry friends

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Leaving my cats for a month

I'm going to visit my grandparents in a few days and they live in a completely different country. When we took our two cats to a pet shop where they keep pets for a month or so I was disgusted as the place wasn't even clean nor the cage was big enough for my cats to play in

So we decided to keep our cats at one of our friends house but they have a female cat and 4 kittens will there be any problem because I know that cats are very territorial creatures.

06:54 UTC


My relatives sold my dog without my permission

So for backup my family and I moved out of our country to another country when I was 8 years old , there we built our life and most importantly we got pets , I've got one dog whom has been with us for 8 years, and two cats for like 4 years , anyways we had to move out of that country so we went to another country but because the pets had to get some tests and stuff we didn't take them yet , my two cats stayed in that country and we sent our dog to our own country so out relatives can take care of her , so for 3 months we've been in the new country try to work it out and in this time my friend's friend was taking care of my cats and my relatives taking care of my dog , so because it didn't work out in the new country we came back to our own country so from there we could go to another country but this time we could take our dog , so of course before we come back we told our relatives that we're coming, and the second we got there we saw that our dog is not there and they won't give us any information, my dad yelled and tried but they just kept lying to us till my dad said ok then I'll sue y'all for putting my dog for adoption.... So after a thousands of fights yelling and lying for days they agreed to let us meet my dog until my uncle came and said you can't meet her till you give the money back because apparently they sold my dog so my dad was like sure whatever but my uncle said that they sold her for 400 dollars (that we didn't even got any of that money ) so my dad , even tho he's so broke he said fine let us just meet her or give me the persons number so we can content with then and my uncles started yelling saying NO YOU CAN'T HAVE THE NUMBER AND YOU HAVE TO PAY US BEFORE YOU EVEN SEE THE DOG and so if course my dad was like then how do I know you won't scam us .... long story short, today is our last day in my country and my dad looks like he gave up and I really wanna just see my dog , I love my dog so much I tattood her two times but nobody gets me I don't know what to do, I feel so alone no one helps me I just feel like everything is ending for me because I don't even know whether she's ok or not or I don't even think I can ever see her and say goodbye, I just wanna cry and cry and just sleep.

Please someone tell me what I should do I just really need someone right now

06:35 UTC


I want to get a dog, but I've had a falling out with my boyfriend because of it.

I've always wanted a dog, but my boyfriend doesn't think the two of us really have the experience to get another dog. He feels that getting a dog is a very consuming experience and time consuming thing for each other. But dogs can provide us with a lot of emotional value. We've fought over this, what should I do?

06:30 UTC


My male cat has crystals in his bladder

My male cat (3) developed crystals in his bladder while I was gone on vacation (Mt finance was taking care of him and our other cat).

I went to the vet 3 days ago because he was meowing when trying to urinate. When he was able to it was in little spurts and all over the house. They gave him antibiotics, prescribed him gabapention every 8 hours, prazison every 12 hours, onsior every 24 hours, and gave us a prescription for specialized cat food.

They only gave us 3 doses of the onsior and he ran out yesterday.

Yesterday he was able to fully make it in the cat box and I hoped everything was on the upside. Now he's back were he started minus the meowing. Sometimes when he lays down he just pees.

Our normal vet doesn't open until Tuesday and I'm just worried that the medication isn't helping anymore.

06:00 UTC


3 year old standard collie chewed up my vape, he seems totally fine after 2 hours, playing, jumping, eating etc

he got one of my vapes sat on my dresser and chewed it pretty bad but not enough to get into the cotton where the juice is stored. he did however bite the nozzle off and chew it pretty good as well as the shell of the device but not enough to get through to the juice part. there was a small miniscule amount of juice on my fingers after picking up this white piece on the floor that protects the vape from juicing etc. im a bit scared but its been 2 hours and hes in great spirit, have been checking on him through the night still.

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


Cat refuses to use litter box.

My cat was an indoor cat for years. Then he learned how to use the doggy door and would go outside. After a disappearance scare, I now have him strictly back inside. However, now he refuses to use the litter box. He's been to the vet, I've tried different litters and boxes. I put the boxes in the places where he peed on the floor. Nothing has helped. Any additional ideas or advice?

05:17 UTC


Esa letter

Hello, I have a question and I'm hopeful someone can help me out. I live in apartments and I found a dog at my door one time when I ordered uber eats and wasn't sure if I was going to keep him so I didn't let the office know but I fell in love with him and i cant let him go now. In april the manager saw me walk him and my other dog (they know about and I pay monthly for him) . And she said I was only paying for one dog. He was 25 lbs when we found him but now he's 80lbs and hes a bull terrior. So she said he doesn't qualify. I tried getting an ESA letter but the one I payed for I think is a scam because I haven't been able to get a hold of anybody. Today she saw me again w the dogs and said I couldn't have him.
Has anyone been in this situation?

03:55 UTC


What behavioral changes did your pets have during the lockdown in 2020?

Our cat (7M) would sneak outside, hunt a bird and bring it indoors, placing it on the livingroom carpet. He'd also pee outside the litterbox. I'm curious, what behavioral changes did your pets experience during the Lockdown?

02:33 UTC



I just bought a cat harness for my cat. Here is the exact information for it in case you want to search for it on Amazon it has five star reviews size medium color turquoise. GoGoPaw Cat Harness and Leash Set, Adjustable Soft Kitten Harness Breathable Mesh Cat Harness Escape Proof for Walking, Reflective Cat Vest Harness for Large and Small Cat and Dog (Turquoise, size medium). Also would like to buy her shoes, but the problem is I don’t know exactly what shoe size we should buy for her feet. How can I figure out what size her foot? Is that way I can buy hr the exact shoe that will fit her size perfectly. my parent are the one saying that we should buy her cat shoes that way her feet can stay clean when she goes on walks my opinion is what if we buy the cat shoes she ends up hating them and does not like them at all. It’s going to be a big waste of money. My parent have also said that if you are not able to buy her shoes, she will not be able to go outside and come back in the apartment because the carpet is clean and the outside floor is dirty if I buy my cat how can I train my cat to like the shoes?

02:26 UTC


Flea meds I used for years stopped working! I need advice!

Cat = 16 lbs

June 1. I dosed my cat with Amazon basics flea treatment which I use every month.

June 16. My cat still had fleas so I have him a bath with dawn and gave him another dose of flea treatment (which you’re not supposed to do)

June 24. Took my cat to the groomer, she said she did not see any fleas or flea dirt.

July 5. My cat definitely still has fleas, so since I couldn’t do flea treatment I bought him a flea comb and gave him another bath. (He is long haired and very well behaved for baths!)

After his bath tonight I started combing for fleas and found 10+ fleas- So I vacuumed the whole house and washed all the bedding.

The fleas are all around his face/eyes. I am going to call my vet tomorrow and ask for a pill- what else can I do but wait till July 16th to give him the new flea meds I bought him (advantage II- large cats)

01:34 UTC


HELP!! Dog threw up yellow

I really need help urgently. My dog, who is about 5 years old now, just had awful diarrhea, so bad he had an accident inside, and a few minutes later, threw up a smooth bright yellow liquid. He hasn't gotten into anything recently as far as im aware. I need to know if this is just the result of him getting into something bad, eating some sort of human food, and if I need to take him to the vet. My family really doesn't have money right now and im worried if he needs special care, we wont be able to afford it. Anything helps, please I love my baby so much

01:23 UTC


Why do I need to keep putting the plate in front of my cat to get them to eat?

So this is a weird one.

I recently had to switch my cat (3 yr old) to a prescription diet. Her vet wanted her on only the prescription wet food, 1/2 can in the morning and 1/2 can in the evening but I can barely get her to eat 1/4 of a can in one feeding.

Usually what happens is: I will call her and she will come running like she is excited. I will put the food down for her and she will eat a few bites then walk away like she is done. But, if I pick up the plate and put it down in front of her again, she will continue to eat more. Rarely will she eat all the food after I put it down once. More often than not I have to put the plate in front of her 3-4 times to get her to finish. She will eat a few bites, start walking away, I pick the plate up and put it in front of her again, she will eat a few more bites then walk away. We repeat this until she eats it all or refuses to eat more. I feel like I am forcing her to eat but it seems like when she really doesn't want to eat anymore, she won't. When she is done I will put the plate down in front of her and she will turn her nose at.

Part of the problem is she is extremely picky about her wet food. She always has been. If it sits out for more than like 5 mins she refuses to eat it. If it has sat (covered) in the fridge for too long (even in the can with a lid) she won't eat it. I have tried leaving the plate out on the floor for her to eat whenever she wants but she will not touch it again. I tried putting it in the fridge and then putting it back out for her a bit later but she won't eat it. I end up having to throw it out and the prescription food is kind of expensive (>$4 per can).

I do not get why she is like this. Any ideas? The only one I can come up with is that maybe she needs one of those elevated plates. Right now I put the wet food on a flat plate and then put it on the floor. I used to have a bowl I used but I think it was not wide enough and was giving her whisker fatigue

23:40 UTC


How do I privately give a dog up for adoption?

About 8 months ago I adopted a dog and he is my best friend. Hes literally such a good dog and I dont want to let him go. But since he has been here he has been aggressive and attacks my brothers dog. shes only usually with us half the day. At all other times he is such a perfect dog. I have tried everything, all types of traning and gates and seperation but its just not working. I would love tips for the moment being. But I am so close to him I do not want to give him up to someone random. I would want the person to be local because I want to watch him when they go on vacations and whatever. So how do I find someone locally that Im in control of, not another company.

23:29 UTC


Spay/Neuter vs. Not?

I'd like to start by saying i am pro- spay/neuter for all pets (not intending to be bred ethically)

My husband and i have 3 dogs and a cat.

Our oldest dog (8 years) is not neutered, the 2nd oldest dog (6 years) is spayed, the youngest dog (3 years) is not spayed, and our cat (11mo) is not spayed.

I have gone rounds with my husband about getting all the animals fixed. I've tried to talk science and explain the logic behind spay/neuter, but he believes it to be a form of mutilation.

I'm writing this with my cat, turned hussy, yowling in the other room currently in the throes of heat. It's been a stressful week, and im not sure how much longer she'll be like this. Despite everything, my husband still isn't budging on refusing to get them fixed.

In regards to my one spayed female, he often tells my that spaying her was a bad idea and tries to tell me how regretable the whole thing is, using it as more reasoning against spay/neuter...

Any advice on how to sway him without having to sneak the animals away and fix them behind his back? That's my last resort at this point..

Also, no litters have been made by any of my pets, nor do we have any interest or intention to breed.


23:12 UTC


Help with bored dog

I am a cat person normally but my roommate has a dog. It is a St. Bernard/Anatolian Shepard Mix that is 2 years old. Since roommate just got a new job and is going through training and I am between jobs, I agreed to take care of his dog while he works. The problem is the heat index. We have limited space inside and I can take him out a bit but I don't keep him out longer than the ASPCA guidelines for double coated dogs in this heat. How do I keep him entertained? He is doing quiet little whines constantly because he wants to go back outside like he does when it's cooler but I don't want him to get sick from the extreme heat/humidity levels. All his usual toys are outside for the most part and are meant for throwing.

TL;DR: High heat index keeps doggo inside more than he wants and I need ideas to help him stay happy inside until it cools enough for him to play more outside again. St. Bernard/Anatolian Shepard Mix that is 2yr old.

22:24 UTC


My cat just attacked me

My cat just scared the heck out of me so I'm asking for advice, hope you can help!

My cat has been pouncing at me from the time I got him, when I contacted the vet they told me this was just playfully behaviour. He never hissed at me, he just kind of tapped my arm and would then run away to do it again. I do play with him multiple times a day, he has a lot of places to shelter him self whenever he wants and he gets all the attention he wants.

Now today, after we had visitors in the home he tried to scratch my face while hissing loudly. He did not leave the room while our guests were there (he could if he wanted to and he does this frequently) and he interacted with them in a positive way, about five minutes after they left I sat down on the couch without interacting with the cat after wich he came for me.

What does this mean? And how do I deal with this behaviour? Now I just left the room and left him alone but it's not anything I want to get used to.

Any advice? Thanks in advance!

22:13 UTC


What air purifiers/filters do you use for your home?

What brands are everyone using these days for air filters/purifiers? We have 3 pets in the home and also live in an older home in a wildfire smoke area. Never bought one before so looking for some guidance!

1 Comment
22:03 UTC


Trying for intimacy with three large labs in house.

None of our guys go in crates. If we simply lock them out of room they will bark and scratch door. Anyone with labs knows the frozen bone trick, may get you two out of three for sort time. Locking them in back yard will just make the neighbors crazy with barking. Do not suggest cbd, these things are worthless. Someone out there has a workable fix. The little guys comparison is amusing. Smallest is 75#.

Also please spare the lectures how we created. We know but love and spoil them rotten. Still do not think celibacy is a fair trade off. Need some advice. Thanks.

BTW wife is the one encouraging me writing. So no one thinks I am a dirty middle aged man

21:59 UTC


Lost dog in the Hague

Hi guys, I am currently travelling and left my dog with sitters. They lost him in the Bos, Den Haag this morning and he has yet to be found. i have registered him as missing and called the pet ambulance. I will travel back tomorrow morning, but I cannot stop overthinking. Are lost dogs usually found in The Netherlands?

20:54 UTC


Help Rehoming

I’m located in AL for reference, but below is the description I used on nextdoor. Any tips on where else I could go to rehome them? I don’t want them to go to the shelter.

BONDED PAIR: Looking to rehome these bengal mix kitten. unfortunately my allergies toward them have become unbearable. I don’t want them to go to the shelter and unfortunately, they cannot go back to their previous owners. Will come with food, litter/litter box, toys/climbing tree. Just want them to a good home. Male: bigger, kind of lazy but loves to cuddle Female: smaller, super active but does a good job of entertaining herself. Both good with smaller and older kids and dogs. Super sweet and litter trained.

20:31 UTC


Recommendations for a good cat brush (short hair)

I have 2 short haired cats that shed A LOT. I currently use a rubber grooming glove but the brushing seems never ending. I have brushed them for 30 minutes and it seems like the amount of fur I brush out is the same as when I started. I thought about getting a furminator but I heard the metal isn’t good for their skin.

Just looking for suggestions on ones that you guys may use. Thanks!

20:16 UTC


19:50 UTC


Not sure if my cat is eating right, but doesn't seem unhealthy.

About a year ago I adopted a stray cat and took her in. I made sure to take her to a vet and get a checkup make sure she's healthy and get her shots, but recently I've noticed her bowl doesn't seem as empty or like its being touched at all. Been about a day in a half haven't noticed her eat anything, but she looks totally fine, she's still running around with energy doesn't seem sick, she will play with the laser pointer and cat toys even jumping in the air. I even tried giving her one of her favorite treats yesterday being on of those chicken tubes she used to bite the thing out of my hand but she barely managed to finish half of it. She is currently in heat so I'm worried and just wanting to know if I'm over thinking everything and that she's just uncomfortable being in heat.

Quick edit: shortly after posting this i made an attempt with another one of her tube treats and she went to town on it.

19:39 UTC


Just got a cat carrier that comes with a fan and light, any power bank recommendations?

Hello I recently bought a cat carrier that comes included with a fan and light, turning it on and changing moods with a pressing a button. It's connected to a USB cord that is for the powerbank, the brand is called petkit. It's our first time using this backpack and my cats first time going out.

I been letting her get use to the backpack by leaving it open on the floor, so she can explore and check it out herself so she feels comfortable when the time does come to use it. I wanna be prepared once I do go out and not worry about the fan stopping because of the power bank running out. Any power bank recommendations for a cat carrier? I would say the Max she'll be in there for is a hour or 2 1/2 depending on the outing.

For example; hiking, pet friendly store visits, kitty play dates where I take my cat to my friends house and we go on walks to the downtown area of our small city/town for abit To get a coffee/smoothes and head back to there place where our cats can chill outside the carrier.

19:25 UTC


What’s going on?

To give a bit of context, I was watching tv late at night when I saw my cat hurriedly scurrying to my room after being in the kitchen. I followed him and he stood there looking at me since I followed him. Today he’s still in my room.

He always follows me till we reach his bowl of kibble but this time he stayed in my room. I brought him to our living room and after a short time he scurried off, back to my room.

I brought him treats and created a path of treats to bring him out, switching to those kibble pellets. Not long he got over it (I assumed) and began to eat his bowl of kibble after staying in one place, looking in the general direction of the kitchen.

After sitting down and watching YouTube I lightly kick a balloon which caused him to run back to my room. When I say I lightly kicked this ballon I mean I could barley hear it but this caused me to think my cat was still on high alert when eating as he doesn’t get scared like this as he wouldn’t run, he would look at the balloon.

I’m kinda worried for him and I’m worried about what he saw at night.

19:12 UTC


Animal training

Is it possible? I am able to training my cat or dog not to be scared of fireworks and not care about the noise of fireworks. Because I hear a lot of stories on the Internet of animals freaking out when they hear the noise of fireworks or many times the dog will run away from the owner when they hear the fireworks.

18:37 UTC


Early Arthritis Diagnosis in pup… should we X-ray?

Anyone have experience with an early arthritis diagnosis, and did you have X-rays to confirm it? My 6 year old dog was recently given an early arthritis diagnosis. We just started a supplement for her and are making some diet tweaks.

I keep debating whether we should just get an X-ray to confirm that nothing else is going on. The vet seemed confident in trying the supplements for some time before we X-ray as a next step if needed, but I'm paranoid that we'll miss something else that's going on in her hips/legs and could've better helped her pain sooner. It would be an easy decision if X-rays weren't $500+

Would love to hear anyone else's experience with this diagnosis for their pup

18:26 UTC


I have a dog but I'm getting another pet which should it be?

Veiled chameleon Chinchilla Green cheeked conure

1 Comment
18:24 UTC


Should I get a third cat?

A few months ago, we adopted a kitten and her young mother (she’s about a year old). They seem to be adjusting well, though the mother is still very timid. I have read that kittens do better in pairs. Would my eleven week old kitten do better with a buddy, or do you think her mother is a young enough companion to keep her entertained? I want the smoothest adjustment, and they seem pretty happy right now, so maybe I shouldn’t fix what’s not broken?

17:47 UTC


Anyone use tofu cat litter, pine pellets, or paper pellets?

Hi everyone! I have an indoor only 6 year old male cat who we adopted from a shelter 3ish years ago now. He definitely has allergies of some sort as he's had some issues with scooting his butt as well as sounding sniffly (despite not having any parasites, sickness, or diseases).

I know it can be expensive and/or a long process of diagnosing cat allergies, especially doing an elimination type of diet with a cat when you don't know what they all ate in the first 3 years of their life.

Anyway - for the time being, I'm wanting to switch up his litter. I do not like clay clumping litter, and I can't deal with the tracking and dust of the crystal litter we use anymore. I know it's bad for the environment and the dust can't be good for him to be breathing in either, especially if he's got allergies/respiratory issues. And he tracks it allllllllll over our small apartment.

I've been looking into pellets - specifically tofu, pine, and paper. Please share your experiences with any of these! Thank you :)

17:34 UTC

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