
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for people who are actively trying to be more of an adult. It can include tips, victories, and questions.

Welcome to /r/Adulting!

Urban Dictionary defines adulting as "Doing something grown-up and responsible" and that is what this subreddit is all about.

Whether it is getting an apartment, paying bills in a timely manner, budgeting, getting a job, furthering higher education or anything else responsible, this is the place to talk about it.

We welcome all content related to being responsible and put together. Victories, tips, questions and struggles are all welcome.


  1. Don't Be a Dick. - Everyone's adulting journey is different and should be respected. Disrespectful / rude comments will be removed.
  2. No Medical Advice. - Do not ask for or provide medical advice. The only correct answer is to ask your doctor. Do not post your random bug bites for identification.
  3. No NSFW content. - No porn, OnlyFans, FeetFinder, escorts, etc. There's 100+ other subs for that. Keep it out of here.
  4. Respect Mental Health. - No posts or comments involving threats to oneself or others. /r/depression and /r/SuicideWatch/ have resources and trained members to provide support.

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Hello all,

I am moving a 1 hour & 15 minutes away to build a house on 60 acres with my family to live debt free / very low debt. I currently make about $60K a year & I have no debt & I’m 24. The issue for me is our land is 57 miles away from my work, should I stay at my work & make the 1 hour 15 minute commute there & home? Is 57 miles too long of a commute when I’m only making about $60K a year ? I live in Kentucky by the way & the city I work in is Louisville. ( Biggest economy in Kentucky ) Thinking about buying a gas saver car for the commute if I stay at my current job.


16:12 UTC


I do not understand how people get things done in their day to day life. We suck at being adults.

I swear my husband and I just do not know how to adult, which is unfortunate because we're in our mid 30's to early 40's. We both work full time and don't have any kids.

It's like we each get home around 6-6:30pm from work, make and prepare dinner, eat it, and have no time for anything else but taking a shower and decompressing before going to bed and doing it all over again the next day. We both get home and we're so tired. We're both on our feet all day. Neither of us wants to get up and do "chores" on a daily basis, so a lot of times the weekends are spent cleaning and catching up on shit. 1 day spent on chores, and the other day for doing nothing. Please, I just don't want to have to do something for 1 day out if my week, I need to decompress. Sometimes it's spent on more house stuff though.

Forget house projects. We moved into a new house 2 years ago and it's all gone to shit. The lawn is dead, weeds everywhere, a million half finished projects, it's like we can't get on top of anything.

I do not understand how people have kids on top of all of this and somehow have it all together. I don't understand how people go to school while juggling all of this.

We absolutely suck at being adults.

1 Comment
16:06 UTC


Owning a house is tiring

It’s just work, and a lot of work…simply just to upkeep and maintain a house. Or the outdoor space of a house. Now I know why so many owners let their properties go (like all my neighbors who never do anything about their weeds)…because it’s truly exhausting.

16:00 UTC


Do I leave a stable career to follow my uncertain dreams?

The best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life was when I was 18 and spent two months in Europe by myself. I have been shy and severely socially anxious my entire life, and I honestly thought I wasn’t going to go through with it. But I did, and it was amazing. Since then, I’ve had a dream of moving abroad.

I’m 23 now. I’m not getting any younger, and it seems like the older I get, the more unrealistic that dream is becoming.

I graduated college two years ago, and I’ve been working at the same place since then.

I now have the opportunity to move, but it would be short term (1-2 years). And then I’d come back to nothing. Worth noting, I’m a teacher, so when I come back, finding a job shouldn’t be super difficult, but still.

I have offers in Spain, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic.

My fear is that I’ll either leave my job now (which I’m happy at) and not like the place I move to. Maybe even quit.

I’m also scared I’ll make the wrong choice out of the offers I do have. But I am also worried about having regrets.

Would I be crazy to leave a stable career to follow my dreams?

15:59 UTC



15:46 UTC


I Need Advice

I've basically gotten myself into a predicament. My car got towed and I don't know where my keys are because I got black out drunk and lost them. I barely have money at the moment because I basically got layed off from my job. I'm also pretty sure my tire is completely flat and my battery is dead so even if I got everything else sorted I'm not sure how to get that situation sorted. I have no car insurance as I was unable to pay last time and new cell phone number as I was also unable to pay.I've come to terms with the fact that I've put myself into this but now as a new adult I'm asking advice from more experienced people, what should I do in this situation

15:36 UTC


What are some things you love about men?

I was listening to some podcasts about testosterone. Essentially, the ones I listened to focused a lot on violence, aggression, and sex drive. By the end of one of them, the narrator started crying!

She said, ‘I don’t want to make men seem like these evil creatures. They have so many important things to offer. My husband has so many things to offer. We aren’t covering the heroic side, where many men make up the majority of fire fighters and protective workers, and he just has things to offer my son that I don’t.’

I don’t know. I love when I see bro bonds, like men who clearly love each other and lift each other up. It feels different than girl bonds, although equally warm-hearted!

Personally, I’ve had so many negative experiences with adult boys that it’s hard to remember why they’re worth my respect. I need some help restoring my faith.

15:31 UTC


My younger brother is very rude towards me.

I am 23M and my brother is 22, for now I have 2 months at my home, until my offer letter arrives, my younger brother is doing his video editing internship for a month and today things went overboard.

I came home after gym and he was doing his work and I started using my phone, and later he complained that shut up the phone and I started saying you're yourself playing music, how the hell I'm gonna know a call has came.

He shut his laptop and headed upstairs yelling it's not only your home. At that moment I literally felt like yelling and saying hurtful things but I stopped.

And told mummy about the whole incident and said that things won't be tolerated the next time and I will report it to my father as well.

did i did right?

I love my brother but he is rude and pitys me. I am a productive person, I may not be earning rn but that doesn't means I deserve no respect.

15:18 UTC


My card got declined buying ramen.

It was so embarrassing. I’ve been hunting for a second job for what feels like forever. I live in a cheap area, I’ve rarely gone out this past year, and can still barely get by.

The food banks here legit only had tins of chicken broth, peanut butter (I’m allergic), and saltines. Apparently they’re struggling too. I’ve spent all week trying to get help and I either don’t qualify or they don’t have anything. And to make stuff worse, I also need tampons.

I have an interview coming up next Saturday, thank God. But I have no clue how I’m gonna make it through the next week without starving.

14:51 UTC


Massage service for female for kitty party and birthday party.

Exiting offers available for massage service for kitty party and birthday party and bachelorette party. Mumbai only.

14:24 UTC


Lack of adulting skills due to OCPD parents unwillingness to delegate

My OCPD parents were either working or unwilling to let us do anything in the home i.e. unwilling to delegate. They'd also have very strict ideas about how you put things in the dishwasher and so on and forth. They'd also micromanage what we did and had very complex systems for how things had to be done. Then they'd complain about us not helping.

Well, I now lack a lot of adulting skills. What's worse: I'm so perfectionistic that I make them into a complex task or I have anxiety to try.

I'm a bit at loss. Where to start?

14:11 UTC


At what moment you realized your existence was going to be miserable for the rest of your life?


Right before moving to Europe with my mother (we're immigrants in Italy). I was 16 and had no friends or anything and I knew wouldn't be able to study, own anything or reach anything important. Almost 20 years later and nothing has changed. Sometimes I wish I could just disappear without feeling anything.

13:18 UTC


Can We Talk About The Stones For A Second?!

Who da thought Mick and Keith would raise the bar and redefine aging for everybody?! 😳

1 Comment
13:07 UTC


Recently turned 40 and realize I have no social/support system (no partner, no friends, no family). Help!

I’ve tried very hard over the last 5-7 years to make friends but it’s never really worked out. I moved cities two years ago and gave it a huge effort and ended up just being the conduit for other single ppl I met to find friends (people I met and introduced, then basically pushed me out of the friend group bc they liked each other better and thought I was weird). I’ve recently lost both parents (one deceased, one had a stroke and is no longer mentally capable). I haven’t had a partner in over seven years (last relationship was very bad and borderline abusive). I don’t remember what it feels like to connect to others and feel loved/included.

All of this has compounded to make me feel like a sad, insulated and defeated person. So how the hell do I find some sort of social net at 40 when I’m literally traumatized by the last 10 ish years of my life and it seems friendships don’t come easy to me in general (raised as an only child, more introverted and shy, late adhd diagnosis).

12:41 UTC


Fuck the federal law that's forcing 18 and 19 year olds to be adults it's stupid

I'm gonna be 18 next Month and it's fucking stupid that the federal law force 18 and 19 year olds to be adults honestly rasie the adulthood to 21 just like this person said if you have teen at the back of your number you're not and adult and that person is right.

12:25 UTC


Finished my bucket list - what's next?

Long story short - I kind of achieved everything I want to in my life. Anything higher than this would be just another bigger version of what I've done.

I'm pretty sure it won't make me happy and probably I don't even need it.

So the question is - what's next? If I see my life as a project, I think I've successfully executed it - by all norms.

Anyone has been in similar spot before?

12:09 UTC



11:46 UTC


I suspect people selling themselves on fa Facebook.

11:13 UTC


Advice needed!

10:36 UTC


How often do you have lunch or hang out with your parents after getting independent of them?

I do from time to time (once a week or so) and I can't help but feel like I didn't really get independent from them. By having lunch with them I mean having it at their house, as if I were still living with them. It's not everyday though, and on the other hand I think it's a nice way to not loose contact with them.

For context: We live very close, less than 5 minutes walking.

10:25 UTC


How do I get my coworker to stop talking about work at lunch/general

I strongly dislike my job but I stay because the money is good. I have a junior coworker who I’m friends with, but anytime we eat together or start up a conversation he steers it to some current work topic or asks me about the history of some work thing.

While I understand I am supposed to help teach, I absolutely hate giving any more of my consciousness to my job than I must. How do I get him to avoid talking about work/get out of conversations like that?

10:04 UTC


Men & their bowls of random stuff !?

Howdy 👋🏻

My friend and I are conducting a personal research project on the correlation between men & having a random bowl they keep things in (we just really want to know) !! It would mean the world to us if some of you could fill out this google form !!

Do you have a father figure who has a random bowl filled with stuff? Click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc1ZdM4q8Kb14loREwcvCVo5WhMGqjhT8gh-6rxzBFK5B1l0Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

Are you a man who has a random bowl filled with stuff? Click here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMNJ8ZDMS4VPmAXNw_pD9h2kfp0lGKaveXLdMSmRJa3sOp2g/viewform?usp=sf_link

09:31 UTC


How do you deal and make peace with a fatal choice/mistake you've made

To cut a novel short, I (22F) recently realized I've made a massive mistake that can affect my career prospects ( it's not picking the wrong college degree btw, it's about accidentally shutting myself out of certain job opportunities). I've already figured out the practical next steps but I'm still mentally beating myself up. In my head I know that there are many roads that lead to Rome and I only closed one of the road. It seemed like the shortest and smoothest road but it's just A road out of plenty and not THE road. But mentally I feel like it's all over for me. I tried to seek help from my parents and as much as I love them, they also make it seem like it's all over too.

07:59 UTC


How do I (28M) survive knowing that I'll always be an average and good/best at nothing?

Sorry for the long post but I would really appreciate if anyone can give me advice. I’ve been an average at almost everything my whole life, be it studies, work, chores you name it. It did not bother me for the longest time, but it has now started to affect my day-to-day life. It started with my job. Everyone around me was super smart, super successful. They were all getting promoted for their good work, whereas I did not get any promotions. The situation got worse when I referred my girlfriend to my company. We both joined almost in a difference of 2 months and in a span of one year, she got 2 promotions and became my manager. I became extremely insecure due to which we had constant fights, which eventually led to our break up. In this day and age of Instagram, where everyone is pushing to be the best, how does someone who knows they are good for nothing or can never be the best at anything survive? It almost feels like I’ll not be able to survive in this world or even if I survive, my conditions would be bad. I’ll always be scared, insecure, jealous of other people’s success. I am extremely scared and suicidal sometimes, due to the constant fear of not able to achieve anything in life, and being behind all of my peers, my friends. I am constantly angry at myself for not being good at anything or not being the best at anything or not being smart enough, which is hampering self-confidence, extremely

Tl,dr - I have always been average my whole life, and it has started to affect my relationships, my work. I am suicidal and feel I won’t be able to survive this world of excellence and success

07:23 UTC


I’m 20 and need a new job…

I’m in college. No idea what I want to do with my life. I’m 20 years old working as a part time server. I make good money but I’m so over being at people’s beck and call all day, and cleaning up peoples half eaten food. On top of that, my boss is extremely toxic and makes me an anxious wreck at work. I love serving, but I am really more of an introverted person and want something more mellow where I can settle down at a job for couple years.

My boyfriend has a full time job, and gets paid almost $30 an hour PLUS commission. He did get lucky with this job because he works in a big company with his dad. I would die for an opportunity like this. I want a desk job, or SOMETHING other than serving, where I don’t need to be on my feet all day(20 years old with chronic back pain). Where do I even start to look for a real “adult” or “big girl” job??? Any suggestions on job titles I should look into?

ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.

07:03 UTC


How much money do I need to move out?

I’m turning 18 soon, and I’m planning on moving out. I live in BC, Canada. Unfurnished studio apartments with heat and water start at 1200 CAD in my area.

Realistically, how much money do I need to save to be able to move out? Assuming I sleep on the floor and only eat ramen. I use the city bus or walk.

I work about 36 hours a week at 19 an hour, but I’m getting a promotion and more hours starting June.

06:17 UTC


A girl flirting with me

Okay..... So I have a boy hair cut most of the time girls mistake me as a boy, so she started flirting with me & this makes me totally.......

05:21 UTC


Was seeing how much I 'should be' making' to afford to move out and found an article saying..

I found an article saying you should cut expenses like heath insurance, cable, and food..

Like I understand it's too expensive if you go and buy the $45 state dinner for one every day.

But when I work I get an employee discount and it's hard for me to make meals like I used to and being lunch etc. ( I live with my parents now so space is somewhat limited for my things as I buy my own food as per request which okay. But again just hard to make meals and have leftovers. It's possible but stressful to accomplish some days.)

Like I go and try and buy things on sale or stick to just what I know I like if I absolutely don't like generic. I buy canned foods too because to be honest I couldn't tell you if fresh is cheaper plus I can bring a can to work or save it for next week and not worry about it going bad.

But anyways. You're telling me that we're supposed to cut down on food when that's all I feel like I've been doing since COVID-19?

When I use almost every item I get from the food shelf and use 'old' food that I dislike but still eat since I couldn't afford anything else while waiting and waiting on jobs? I have a job now and yes I have money saving up. Yes I eat once for sure a day and snack a bit on $1 deal trail mix or bulk protein bars.

But really? Tell people to just quit spending money on food?

05:18 UTC

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