A community for discussion and posts about weather. Mostly on Earth.
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/r/AskWeather For asking questions
/r/atoptics For pretty things that light does in the sky
/r/climate For the average weather, past present and future
/r/longrangechaos For not-so-realistic long-range forecasts
/r/meteorology For a more scientific weather subreddit
/r/myweatherstation For questions and discussion about buying or making your own weather station
/r/naturesfury Nature can be scary sometimes
/r/radarloops For loops.....of radar
/r/stormchasing For those who aren't content to let the storms come to them
/r/stormfront For news and first-hand reports about weather
/r/Tornadoes For twisters and twister accessories
/r/TropicalWeather Specifically for tropical cyclones
/r/WeatherCanada For discussing how the weather will affect the maple syrup crop
/r/WeatherGifs For inefficiently compressed animations of weather
/r/weathernerds For nerds
/r/Winterwx For the colder stuff
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I wonder where all the snowfall from the recent snow storm was…any ideas?
I have never been to new york city in February and I'm thanking about going. What is to be expected weather wise an will it be to cold to sight see for a couple days with younger kids.
Can somebody explain why there’s been next to zero rain in the NE for like 3-4 months? I think it’s maybe rained 3 times. There’s a wild fire in Prospect Park NYC for gods sake…..is this climate change or is there something bizarre going on this year?
What are the biggest weather forecast busts that you remember or have read about? To make it fair, let's omit examples before radar and satellite technologies were in use for monitoring the weather. (So this excludes the Galveston hurricane of 1900 that people were completely unprepared for.)
I'm guessing that the biggest weather forecast busts involve being close to a very sharp divide between warm air and cold air and a sharp cutoff between extremely heavy snow and heavy rain. I'm guessing that other forecast busts involve lake effect snow with a sharp cutoff between multiple feet of accumulation and nothing.
Has there ever been a time when the forecast predicted heavy snow but reality brought a sunny 80-degree day instead? Or vice versa? Has there ever been heavy flooding rain in the face of a forecast for extremely dry conditions and a wildfire threat? Or vice versa? Has there ever been a time when there was record heat instead of the record cold predicted, or vice versa?
47 degree *C in november feels unreal. in my region -10 bone chilling cold
Australia is the only bloody red hot place on the planet right now