
Photograph via snooOG

/r/union is a subreddit about people working somewhere banding together to fight to improve their lives in a union. Organize your workplace today!

Unions, industrial relations and the labour movement

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Welcome to union reddit. This is a community for discussion, news, and promotion of unions and unionization. Humor is welcome. This community is not associated with any union.

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What is the sentiment for those whose Boeing jobs were lost as tied to the collective union’s strike and demands?

Hi just really wanted to understand what the general sentiment is for those negatively impacted in an effort to get what the collective within the Union deserve and want?

Again, just wondering if it’s just collateral damage that must be expected and comes with the presumption they will be ok regardless? Does the Union also demand some soft landing for those being laid off? Their severance packages are the lowest for those types of roles compared to the same roles in other industries and their skillsets are not very transferable to other verticals. Especially the engineer positions. Not to mention anyone at the senior level will find it impossible to transfer to a similar level in another company.

I do agree Unions have a task to do and that is to optimize the lives of their members. My focus is on the collateral damage and the sentiment tied to it.


Thank you in advance for sharing.

19:35 UTC


US Private Sector question

Those of you in the US private sector unions--do your bargaining team members get released from duty to be on the bargaining team? If so, who pays for that time--the employer, the union, or split?

18:28 UTC


Disparate Treatment and/or Demand to Bargain?

WA state, Transportation

I am hoping to gather information and potentially assistance in addressing what I believe is either Disparate treatment or possibly an issue to broach when/if we demand to Bargain.

my employer has recently moved our operations from one location to another. The new location is quite a bit smaller than the previous location. Previously there was ample room for all employees to park their personal vehicles within the yard. Now there is not enough room for all personal vehicles to be parked within the yard in a safe manner. The workforce (Union members) is expected to park outside the yard, on the street, while the supervisors and management have reserved parking spaces within the yard.

I have spoken with our brand new (has not even gone through training) shop steward. She confirms that she, also, cannot find any clause in the CBA or the employer's policy handbook that specifically addresses this issue. We are both aware of the "management rights" clauses within the CBA but those clauses are vague and all encompassing for a reason.

Our shop Steward is currently attempting to address an issue that is more important, and may require a demand to negotiate, but is willing to fight this battle if I can come up with a reasonable/defensible argument for us. While no Union members have, currently, received any written discipline for parking in the supervisor/management reserved parking spaces, a number of us itching to press the subject.

What I am hoping is some assistance in forming the argument against management's unilateral decision to reserve parking spaces for non-Union members. To me this seems disparate treatment.

I am aware that past practices may come into play, and I am also hoping to come up with an argument to nullify.

I await helpful comments and suggestions.

12:38 UTC


Rejoining Union

Hello, I joined my local 714 when I was 19 right out of high school joining the apprenticeship program not knowing what I wanted to do in life. I left a little over 4 months in and tried some different things. I am now 21 and think it would be a rewarding and fun career and have interest in rejoining now. Is there gonna be any issues in doing so? what should I expect? Have one of you done this?

15:04 UTC


Will you fail a union drug test because your prescribed to a control substance?

I figured they wouldn’t discriminate against someone that actually has a legitimate prescription. That’s my question so it’s kind of a silly question. I just want to confirm. How often have you been tested for your union if you’re a plumber?

12:17 UTC



things are bad at jcpenny salon. new leaders know nothing about running a business and they are forcing the stylists and barbers to lower their prices for $10 haircuts when they normally get $50+ then mgmt writes them up and demotes them for not making quota. long time stylists are pissed and for good reason. top bosses say its all for the good but when it comes out of your paycheck, its not. we need a union at jcpenny or we need new leadership that has an idea!

1 Comment
11:20 UTC


Would my old union nurse help me get an interview?

*meant to say old nursing union

Background: I quit my job to move with a partner, we broke up, now im not moving and cant find a new one. At my old job I was in a union for 3yrs, paid dues every month.

Now that I cant find a job I've started reapplying at my old place of employment, applied to 13 jobs with no call back or interviews. Its all equal opportunity hiring. My dad was in a union in like the 90's-early 2000's and is addiment that because I was in the union I should be at least interviewed first. He said I need to reach out to the union stewardess and tell them I need help getting rehired/getting an interview. I'm too embarrassed to email them, I've never heard of anything like that. I could see how me being an ex-employee makes them more likely to hire me but I don't see how the union could better sway them to give me an interview especially since I wasn't fired and am no longer part of the union.
TL'DR- Should I email my old union and ask them to help me get an interview?

19:46 UTC


custom union made stickers

i work for a nonprofit that’s looking to print custom stickers that are union made at an affordable price

does anyone know any local businesses that do a good job?

21:48 UTC


Hypothetically, if we feel our company's union sucks, can we counter-organize against the incumbent union?

& what would this look like (if there are examples elsewhere)? Would we simply reach out to another union or would it not be able to get that far?

1 Comment
01:02 UTC


Jobs Doing Research for Unions?

What jobs are there for people who want to do opposition-type research on employers to help unions? Used to see "campaign researcher" jobs on unionjobs.com, but not so much anymore. Is it all at think tanks now? If so, which ones? I'm a lawyer in Chicago. Would love to do research to help unions.

1 Comment
01:35 UTC


CLAC union

I work for CLAC and we have had about 450-500 UNIFOR members leave UNIFOR and join CLAC in 2024. We also have members from SEIU and HOPE reach out because they want to change unions. In all cases the stewards lead these campaign towards CLAC because they don’t get any support from their current union.

Does anyone know anything about the CLC? The Canadian labour Congress is made up of 52 unions that agreed not to compete with each other. The Carpenters got kicked out because they started a war with LIUNA. CLAC sees the CLC as anti-competitive. How would you feel if Bell, Telus, Roger’s and Virgin colluded together to not take each others customers. How is this type of collusion legal for unions but not businesses?

02:32 UTC


McDonalds Employees, we set up a union organizing spot just for you. r/McDonaldsWorkersUnion

r/McDonaldsWorkersUnion was created today to show you we stand united with you to ask for better from your employer. You are not a scene for a political ad. You are a hardworking employee that deserves so much more.

03:10 UTC


Great News: Canada’s Flight Attendant Union Applauds A Bill To End Unpaid Work In Canada’s Aviation Sector!

Great News: Canada’s Flight Attendant Union Applauds A Bill To End Unpaid Work In Canada’s Aviation Sector!

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), representing over 18,400 Flight Attendants in Canada, is celebrating Bill C-415, a Bill aimed at ending unpaid work within Canada’s aviation industry.

Bill C-415 was introduced by Member of Parliament Bonita Zarrillo, a Member of Parliament with the New Democratic Party (NDP), which proposes amendments to the Canada Labour Code.

The Bill reads, in part, “This enactment amends the Canada Labour Code to provide that, in calculating the time in respect of which…a Flight Attendant is to be paid, the employer must include the time that the employee spends in carrying out their pre-flight and post-flight duties…It also provides that the employer must pay this employee not less than their regular rate of wages for carrying out these duties.”

“Canada’s Flight Attendants have been sounding the alarm about the abuse of unpaid work in our industry. We’re calling on the government and other...parties to back this…Bill that sets the standard for what Flight Attendants need going forward, and get it passed before the next election.”, said Wesley Loesky, the President of CUPE's Airline Division.

In 2023, CUPE launched their “Unpaid Work WON’T Fly!” campaign to raise awareness about these unfair practices.

“For decades, our employers have tried to convince us that the practice of forcing employees to perform hours and hours of free work is normal, because that’s just the way it’s always been. Well, those days are over. We simply won’t accept it any longer.”, said Rena Kisfalvi, a Flight Attendant with Sunwing Airlines.

Support Canadian Flight Attendants:

  1. Learn more about the “Unpaid Work WON’T Fly!” campaign (you can also sign a petition, but it requires a Canadian Postal Code): https://unpaidworkwontfly.ca/.
  2. Sign a petition on the NDP website to help this Bill get passed (doesn’t require a Canadian Postal Code): https://www.ndp.ca/protect-airline-workers?source=20220216\_WEB\_GEN\_1\_AYN\_NDPWS\_NDP\_EN\_ALL/.
  3. Watch Bonita Zarrillo’s speech in the House of Commons: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBaAbvlxrIw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==, or go to bonitazarrilla on Instagram.
  4. Watch as Bonita Zarrillo confronts the CEO of Air Canada, who makes $12.50+ million per year, on the “Unpaid Work WON’T Fly!” campaign: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3Qs-0gvtu4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==, or go to bonitazarrilla on Instagram.
  5. Read Bill C-415 in its entirety: https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-415/first-reading/.
1 Comment
03:04 UTC



Negotiations start soon at my work the 29th of this month and if we can’t come to terms Nov 12 is when our contract expires. USFW hopefully we can come to an official agreement with AOC.

02:33 UTC


Union doesn't recommend contract IAM 751 Webinar.... PTO/Progression steps/GWI%/Cola

01:33 UTC


How could McDonalds unionize similar to Starbucks?

In the wake of a Bucks Co PA McD's using their brand (in opposition to company policy) to promote Trump yesterday, it begs the question, how could McD's workers unionize?

Obviously most McD's workers are not the stereotypical aggressive middle aged males you see in factories, building trades, trucking, etc. But Starbucks does seem to have a somewhat similar worker base, so how could McD's workers take a page from what Starbucks is doing?

01:07 UTC


This Day in Labor History October 21

October 21st: Third stage of 1933 Wisconsin milk strike began

On this day in labor history, the third stage of the 1933 Wisconsin milk strike began. As a result of the Great Depression, farmers received a smaller share of profits while prices continued to decline. Inflation worsened the situation, particularly for small dairy farmers whose milk was used for products other than bottling. This hardship prompted the formation of cooperative milk pools, which united with larger farming organizations to advocate politically for their interests. One prominent example was the Wisconsin Cooperative Milk Pool. As farmers' frustration mounted from government inaction, the Milk Pool organized a statewide strike in mid-February 1933, aiming to disrupt dairy production, but it ultimately failed. Subsequent strikes became more violent. The second strike in May saw clashes in front of dairy plants, with strikers tainting milk with kerosene. The third strike, beginning on October 21st, was the most violent, with bombings of creameries. It ended on November 18th after concessions to investigate milk prices. However, real relief didn’t come until federal intervention.

Sources in comments.

1 Comment
22:43 UTC


Get Involved! When you are actively organizing, you are protected by Federal Labor Laws

22:37 UTC


Marathon refinery (Detroit) strike

Haven’t seen any updates recently, anyone know anything? Just curious, the news of new Boeing offer made me think of other current strikes

1 Comment
18:48 UTC


How Long Should I Wait To Call About My Application

I’m really interested in joining IUPAT as an apprentice but I have no experience. Regardless, I sent in an application on their website and sent in a contact request leaving my name and email address. It’s been a couple weeks since I sent in the application and a few days since I send in that contact request. How long should I wait to call them? I’m kind of urgently looking for a job too as I got laid off from my current job but I don’t want to find somewhere else to work just to have IUPAT call me back. I guess I’m stuck and could use some help. I’m in Wisconsin if that helps anything. Thank you!

1 Comment
17:28 UTC


I need help real quick!

Our TA was ratified and went into affect this Sunday. Our payroll goes in on Monday. Will we be paid at the new rate for the hours worked before the TA was ratified? Meaning on the upcoming check.

13:43 UTC


Disparate treatment in arbitration.

Union is going to arbitration in a disciplinary case where due process was violated, CBA is breached and disparate treatment is evidenced.

My question is are these two factors enough to violate just cause and reverse an action in labor arbitration? The remedy requested is made whole. Wondering if anybody has experience with this. Thank you

CA, public sector, healthcare.

09:34 UTC

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