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Appreciate any help or advice regarding this. A little about my background. In high school I worked under a pipe fitter for two years for a graduation program. I never received the schooling but the credited hours towards the schooling. Fast forward a few years I never pursued that industry, bit of a regret now. Regardless I’m a power engineer 5th class(13 years now). I have worked under 2 class A gas fitters and currently work with a HVAC tech with his Gas A. I’m a CFAA holder, did the schooling on my own and currently a maintenance supervisor. My career has always been myself working under a tradesman doing the majority of the work while my bosses enjoyed my cheap labour, never sending me to school. My current employer is willing to sponsor me based on my current and past experience to get my gas ticket. I’ve got a lot of experience in working with gas, know a fair bit about code especially regarding appliances such as furnaces, heaters, hot water tanks, boilers since a lot of that has been covered in my power engineering. In the last 8 years I’ve replaced 29 boilers, 400 plus furnaces 200 plus hot water tanks, repaired 600 plus furnaces, do combustion analysis on 32 boilers annually a year as per our companies contract, along with other repairs to boilers, furnaces and heaters. Since I’m being sponsored I have the option of challenging my second and final year of Gas fitter B or second year Gas fitter A. I know the difference between both of them, I would prefer the A ticket however since I’m having to read these courses and material on my own to challenge is there a difference in difficulty between the two courses? Call it pride but I just want a fair representation of my career and just want a chance to have a trade certificate. There’s no guarantees in me passing, I can accept if the task is to challenging but any help from the community is greatly appreciated. Ive been working with Trade Secret to make this happen and they’ve given the approval to proceed. I’ve completed my 5th class power engineering, my CFAA certification and my Bomi Facility Manager certifications all by correspondence so I’m stubborn and willing to put in the work reading.
Thanks everyone and appreciate the experience, feedback and support.
We had Hardie Plank installed and a small front porch built. Contractor says there's flashing behind the plank and putting a flashing strip over the uneven boards is not recommended by Hardie and voids the warranty. It looks ugly to me. Are they correct?