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What death had you like this?

11:55 UTC


Am I the only one that didn’t find the Whisperers scary?

The majority seems to think they were interesting. My personal hot take is that I found it to be a boring arc.

11:20 UTC


Walkers evolving?

Okay so people who have watched the show know that walkers start to evolve in the later seasons, they start climbing, opening doors ect. Am I the only one who noticed and remember that in the very beginning of season one, when Rick is staying with Morgan, when Morgan’s wife comes up do the door and starts to turning the door knob trying to open the door? Also In the beginning of season one when Rick is in Atlanta stuck in the building with everyone else, and walkers are starting to surround the building, does anyone else notice the walkers holding big rocks to smash the glass doors to get in? I noticed this rewatching the show after a couple times, I know the show sometimes doesn’t finish some storylines but I just wanted to ask to see if anyone else noticed this.

00:37 UTC


The fate of Lori and Judith Grimes in the comics.

In the comics, while escaping the prison with Judith Grimes in her arms, Lori is shot in the chest and dies. She ends up falling on Judith, which kills her too. What I'm wondering is, since they weren't shot in the head, that means somewhere out there zombie Lori and Judith are walking (Or in Judith's case, crawling) around somewhere.

11:23 UTC


Do walkers remember anything about there previous life?

I’m rewatching the walking dead and I’m the first episode it seems like Morgan’s wife maybe remembers the house there staying in? She seems more lifelike then other walkers is it possible that the longer there walkers the more they forget and rely on instinct?

07:56 UTC


So is it just me? Or did the Darryl spinoff hit harder than the actual show?

Darryl (senpai) is my favorite character in TWD, and I have a problem. His spinoff is better than the actual show. (Oh yeah and btw, season 3 Darryl is the best Darryl)

06:22 UTC


oh my God I just realized that if Carl has never played with the stupid walker in the forest, then Dale would’ve been alive. can this be right?

23:27 UTC


lori still sucks

from the first time i ever watched twd to the 7th time i've rewatched it, lori is still as despicable and horrible as the first time. seriously, how are there people out there who try to justify what she did to rick and carl with shane? she was utterly useless to the series and just overall a burden with no conscience or integrity.

05:09 UTC


season 4 terminus

anyone else find it corny when the gang reunites after they get to terminus and are in the train car, specifically when rick says “they’re gunna feel pretty stupid when they find out” dramatic pause as all the characters come to light through the cracks in the car, then abraham asked “find out what” and rick says “they’re screwing with the wrong people”. i know what they were trying to create with that scene but it just didn’t do it for me. i liked some of their “cocky” moments but some made me just be like “alright🙄😂”

04:20 UTC


How do you all feel about this?

Context: The initial comment was about Rick's scene at the bar, where he killed everyone after promising them his word, criticizing him as a coward unworthy of being the main character and how he doesn't deserve the merit for being a "man." Then, there's talk about how "deceitful" he is, mentioning how he didn't like the way Rick lied to Shane right before killing him.

11:27 UTC


Beth's fate

I just watched the scene from season 2 where Beth and Maggie were arguing upstairs while Andrea and Lori were downstairs and Lori told Andrea that she shouldn't have taken the knife away from Beth in the bathroom.

This got me thinking about how Beth died and I realized that she may have stabbed Dawn with the intention of getting shot. Then I watched her death scene and when Dawn tells Noah "i knew youd be back", Beth appears as if shes is looking down at Dawn's gun right before she looks up at her.

Another thing I noticed is that when Andrea and Lori begin to argue down stairs, Beth and Maggie begin to quiet down as Andrea says "if shes serious about it she'll figure out away". Then the argument ends with Andrea telling Lori,

"You don't get it, do you? ..the rest of us have piled up our losses, me, Carol, Beth, but you just keep on keeping on. We have all suffered. And you're playing house acting like the queen bee, laying down rules for everybody but yourself. You know what? Go ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay, just like it is for you. She'll get a husband, a son, baby, boyfriend. She just has to look on the bright side."

Idk if it's just me, but it sounds like Andrea just described Dawn in this scene (keeps on keeping on, playing house, acting like the queen bee, laying down rules for everybody but herself)

As for the second part of the quote,

"You know what? Go ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything's gonna be okay, just like it is for you. She'll get a husband, a son, baby, boyfriend. She just has to look on the bright side."

Keep in mind that Beth heard all of this from upstairs. Fast forward to when Noah is about to leave the hospital with Beth and the group, Beth is finally going to have a boyfriend, only for Dawn to take Noah back. Beth did try to look on the "bright side", but he was immediately taken away from her as soon as she did. She gets it now.

Hopefully this makes sense lmao but did Andrea unintentionally influence Beth to kill herself 3 seasons later🤯😭

06:41 UTC


season 6

Why does everthing feels different , the acting OMG . Too many charecters , rick glenn darl are not the ones from season 5 . makes me want to quit watching.

03:07 UTC


they all speak to me in such unique ways

19:50 UTC


daryl and carol relationship

so daryl and carols relationship was that of best friends maybe even brother/sister type. but anyone else remember when they slept together at the prison?😖

07:05 UTC



OK so New fan here, watching the show for the very first time and I'm currently on season 10.

Really shocked that Dante was a Whisperer, idk if it was the same in the comics, I've never read it. But it just crazy, coz personally I did not see that twist coming, sure eye brows were raised when Dante was getting to close to sidiq, but I thought he was kinda into him lol.

Also, come to think of it, it evil that he was the whisperer that made sidiq watch the slaughtering in the barn and then literally became bros with him just to keep tabs on him.

He knew what sidiq was going through, and he knew he was the one behind. I'm really trying to process everything right now. Lol

Poor Sidiq, he deserved better.

06:58 UTC


Got this with my Blu-ray box set. Figured someone here would use it.

Because I won’t 🤷🏻‍♂️

05:34 UTC


Where can I read the comic?

I really wanna read the comics but I don't have the money to buy them, does anyone know where I can read the comics online for free?

1 Comment
04:05 UTC



Why did Noah have to die so quickly he was an amazing character and had plans to help Alexandria in the long run but sadly he only lasted 10 episodes and got killed horribly

00:57 UTC


S1 - the CDC episode “what if the characters could see their fate “

While rewatching the episode where the group desperately tries to escape the CDC, I couldn't help but wonder if some of them, knowing their future suffering and death, would have chosen to stay with Jacqui and Dr. Jenner.

Here's the list of people who escaped the CDC explosion. Who do you think would have stayed if they could see their life and ultimate death into the future?

Note that they cannot change their fate in this hypothetical scenario

Rick, Lori, Carl, Shane, T-Dog, Andrea, Dale, Carol, Sophia, Daryl, Glenn.

I believe Carol, Sophia, Andrea, and Dale would have stayed.

Carol, because she could foresee the loss of her children and the terrible things she would have to endure and do.

Sophia, because she dies alone and scared shortly after.

Dale, because he suffers a horrific death and witnesses the erosion of humanity in this world.

Andrea, because her post-CDC life may not have felt meaningful, and her eventual death was a form of self-execution, mirroring what might have happened at the CDC but more painful.

Im on the fence with Shane… considering how his mental state deteriorates and the crazy shit he does, but he would also see that he saves Carls life so that would be enough for him to not stay at the CDC.


23:57 UTC


Why are people more mad at Daryl for Glenn's death then they are at Negan?

I understand that it's Daryl's fault for hitting Negan, but people have to understand that Daryl didn't kill Glenn, Negan did, so why are people more mad at Daryl for his death? Daryl doesn't have Negan's brain he didn't know Glenn was gonna get killed, and yes i understand it was stupid for him to just punch Negan knowing he wasn't going to win but people already know that Daryl can't control his anger when it comes to people he loves and yes it still doesn't make it right for him to just lash out at Negan like that but it was Negan's choice to kill Glenn, not Daryl. So Negan fans should just accept that it's not fully Daryl's fault, its more 10% his fault but 90% Negan's fault since he's literally the one who killed him.

22:32 UTC


Season Six drag

Just starting season six which honestly I think it probably the most boring season, (I’ve only watched upto Glenn’s death) I dunno what it is, if it’s the constant jumping back and forth in the time line, using the technicolour and black and white to represent past and present, or the fact it’s mainly about the quarry issue, but I’m trying to think of something to help me get through this season, I can only crochet so much in one day without my hands cramping up lol

20:50 UTC


Why didn't Bob scream to lure walkers?

On season 5 episode 3 four walls and a roof when the Terminus group was eating Bob's tainted leg why didn't Bob scream to lure walkers to that groups position? Wouldn't that have been the best way for him to sacrifice himself for The ones who live?

20:43 UTC


What would've happened to Axel if he survived the prison?

The title is self-explanatory, what would've Axel of been like or done if he survived the prison. (For those that don't remember, Axel was the guy in the prison with the killer mustache)

19:13 UTC


My reasons on why I hate Lori

Before the apocalypse even happened, we hear Rick and Shane talking about Rick’s marriage. Rick goes on to say she gets mad at him for not arguing back with her and that she told him “do you even care about us at all” in front of Carl. He goes on to say “Imagine going to school with that in your head.”

I understand not everything needs solutions but to be mad that he won’t yell at her is over the top.

Then when Rick finds them again she accuses Shane of lying, which really Shane didn’t lie. He had a logical reason to believe Rick was actually dead. Though he didn’t actually see Rick die, he saw the military come in with guns blazing followed by walkers. He tried to get Rick out by he was covered in medical equipment and IV’s. He didn’t know how to get Rick out. He even told him “if you’re going to wake up, do it now. Right now!” As a last resort effort to try to save his friend he closed and blocked the door.

Since I’m assuming Lori wasn’t there with Shane just waiting outside for him, I’m guessing he had to meet back up with her and Carl later on. Within that time he probably thought Rick was dead by then.

Lori also didn’t help at all. Anytime we saw her she wasn’t going much. While Andrea and her sister would fish or do laundry with Carol and the other girl (I forgot her name) Lori wasn’t really seen doing anything important.

Shane wasn’t trying to replace Rick as Carl’s dad like Lori claimed. Infact Shane was playing with Carl in the water trying to teach him how to catch fish with a net and Lori came in and ruined it, that’s when she accused Shane of lying.

She also wanted to put Carl out of his misery after he was shot and got mad with Rick when he was clearly upset with it. Who wouldn’t be upset with that topic?

I also have more reasons but I feel like these often get overlooked the most when the Lori hate is brought it. I feel like I have an actual reason to hate Lori’s character rather than what other people hate her for which is that she was a whore when she really isn’t.

I don’t hate her for being with Shane less than a month after thinking Rick was dead. I think it’s wrong but you have to imagine what it would be like to see your friends and family get torn apart by the undead, having your normal routine stop suddenly and life as you know it changing completely. You wouldn’t think rationally either. Also it’s not like Shane and Lori knew Rick would come back. They didn’t do anything wrong.

12:47 UTC


If Lizzie loved the walkers so much then why did she keep running away from them? S4 E14

I know she says “I had to save Mika” when Carol asks her if she knows what they are now.

My question is though when the burning walkers start coming onto the tracks near them after she says she wants to be like them moments after she held her hand out for the train track walker she starts running.

Before this scene she was playing tag with a walker and threw a fit because Carol killed it.

Why would see be scared of some but not all of them?

12:10 UTC

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