
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to /r/TankStarter, a subreddit where you can get advice on starting your tank. Got a carnival goldfish and have no idea what to do? Ask here! Want to show an album of starting your new tank? Post here! Want to learn more about setting up a succesful tank on a budget? Ask here! Build a new tank stand from scratch? Show us here! This subreddit is here to help you start your tank and provide a place to show off they way you start your tanks.


Welcome to /r/TankStarter, a subreddit where you can get advice on starting your tank. Got a carnival goldfish and have no idea what to do? Ask here! Want to show an album of starting your new tank? Post here! Want to learn more about setting up a succesful tank on a budget? Ask here! This subreddit is here to help you start your tank and provide a place to show off they way you start your tanks.


Fishless Cycling

Aquarium Wiki

Aqadvisor (for checking tank stocking)

*Aqadvisor isn't 100% correct sometimes so always double check. Make a post here if you need more detailed stocking advice

Small tank startup cost (rough guide as prices may vary) originally posted by /u/-Knockabout

Reddit aquarium IRC chat

*This list is a work in progress, suggestions for additions are welcome

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/r/ReefTank-Coral reef tank advice and picture

/r/shrimptank-Shrimp, lobster, crayfish etc specific subreddit

/r/Aquascape-Aquascaping advice and pictures

/r/Crayfish-Crayfish specific subreddit

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2)Do not make fun of new people, we all started out as newbies

3)Do not advertise without mod permission. /r/AquaSwap is the place to go for buying and selling

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7)Update posts are allowed ONLY with a link to your original post or the start of your tank

Mod News: -Flair is up! Add flair to show how long you have been in the hobby or what fish you keep


1,413 Subscribers


My list of 10 guides, tutorials, and resources for new and veteran aquarists in 2020

Hi all,

I've been scouring the internet during quarantine to both pass the time and prepare for my first tank! Some of these resources will be shrimp/planted tank specific, but I've found them to be very helpful and in depth. Many of them link out to other resources too!

  1. Eco23’s AquariumAdvice.com Fishless Cycling Guide
  2. Bud 29s AquariumAdvice.com Shrimp Guide
  3. Ecology of the Planted Aquarium: A Practical Manual and Scientific Treatise by Diana Louise Walstad (book)
  4. McMerwe’s YT channel for misc guides and product reviews
  5. Dennis Wong’s YT guide to lighting a planted tank
  6. Dennis Wong’s website's guides to all aspects of the planted-tank, including CO2 injection
  7. Foo the Flowerhorn low-tech nano tank setup YT video
  8. /u/criticalanarchy**’s** primer on algae eaters
  9. carpet plant infographic guide by Adam Edmond
  10. /r/plantedtanks, /r/shrimptank, /r/aquariums, and /r/tankstarter communities. Many Instagramers have even replied to my questions, so definitely put yourself out there for questions you've had trouble researching!
16:51 UTC


Plan/budget for 10g planted shrimp tank

Hi all!

Below is the plan for my first tank. I'm pretty much starting from nothing, so I'm trying to be as budget-conscious and complete as possible. I will crosspost this to /r/shrimptank and /r/plantedtank for feedback as well. Here are my current questions:

  1. Do you have any ideas to bring down the cost?
  2. Are there any glaringly absent tools a hobbyist should own?
  3. Would fish necessarily add to the health of the tank? I’ve considered pygmy cories and otocinclus, but I'm about not having enough space for a proper school and about the loss of shrimplets.
  4. Are there other invertebrates you would recommend to help add to the diversity of the tank?
  5. Are there any advantages to CFLs over LED?
  6. What’s the best way to cycle a planted tank? Pre- or post-planting?

Goals: Pretty shrimp, ideal shrimp breeding conditions, low budget, low tech, decent biodiversity, quiet, space efficient for a Brooklyn apt.

Livestock: 8-10 mixed sex blue velvet or red cherry neocardinia shrimp. 1-3 nerites and Malaysian trumpet snails. Most fish will eat shrimp or shrimplets, so I’m leaning toward going fishless. I'm anticipating $40 w/o shipping for livestock from local breeders. Ideally I would breed them into a colony of around 50 or so.

Plants: I chose mostly North America-native, fast-growing, low-CO2-requiring plants. I intend to network with and purchase from local hobbyists post-quarantine.

  • Duckweed - floater
  • Hornwort - background left
  • Vallisneria - background right
  • Phoenix Moss - midground left
  • Guppy Grass - midground right
  • Dwarf Sag - foreground

Substrate: 1.5” Potting soil + 1.5” Carib Sea Gravel


16:42 UTC


Algae and plant growht in a cycling tank

Hello everyone

I've been cycling my tank for 2+ weeks now and there is a lot of brown hairy algae growing on plants/rocks/glass. It looks nasty and it's growing everywhere on the plants.

To treat this, I've read about specific fishes and shrimps that could help but my tank is still cycling.

Is physical removal until the tank is cycled my only option?

I've heard snails are more resilient than other inverts and fish, maybe I could add some ?

1 Comment
12:40 UTC



Hello everyone,

I'm about to set up a shrimp/community tank next month and I've been doing a lot of research. I'm a beginner and never had a aquarium before.

I'm so excited to finally fulfill one of my dearest childhood dreams but I'm overwhelmed by all the informations available on this subject. This is why I'm taking a break from youtube and reading, to come ask some specific questions to you all.

I want to run a community tank (min ~20g but I hope I can find something bigger). My goal is to have a planted tank, fresh water, with shrimps as my main tenants.

I was thinking about something like 5-10 shrimps (red cherries, probably), 34 Limnopilos Naiyanetri, a few snails, ~7-10 Microdevario Kubotai and 5 Otocinclus Affinis.

Now I know this is not a shrimp tank. But since shrimps are my favorite, I wanted to ask you guys how can I make this work for them. I'm willing to take everything off my list but the shrimps.

I havent bought nor set up anything yet. I'm trying to be as much prepared as I can by asking questions and doing research.

Keep in mind that I'm a noob, and I will ask stupid questions. I'm aware that what I have in mind might be wishful thinking.

Here are my questions.

  1. I read everywhere that shrimps must be kept "alone" without any other species and especially fishes because they will eat the shrimplets. What if I'm not planning on breeding the shrimps?

  2. I dont want a tank full of breeding shrimps (assuming I get this to work properly.) So I dont really want them to breed. Can I save some of the shrimplets with a net and put them in a smaller tank for them to grow big enough so they dont get eat by the fishes? Is it doable or is it wishful thinking? Can this be a good method of "controlling" the population?

  3. I read everywhere that shrimps cant be kept around fishes. But what about fully herbivore fishes? The microdevario and otocinclus affinis (and even the small crabs limnopilos naiyanetri) are supposed to be 100% herbivore. Will they still try to eat shrimplets? (edit : oops microdevario are insectivore apparently. This changes things a bit)

  4. What happens to the ... how can I say ... "excess" fish? I know this a stupid question but... What happens when you have to many fishes in your tank (because of breeding for exemple). Do you kill them? Can you give them to a local pet store? I dont plan on killing my fishes but it's something that I want to know if anything happens.

  5. For the fish "roster" that I gave, how big of a tank should I be looking for?

510 shrimps (1-2cm) 34 mini crabs (0.7-1cm) 7~10 microdevarios (1.5-2cm) 5 Otocinclus Affinis (4-6cm) and a few small snails (maybe a big one too)

Add to this the soil, rocks, plants, maybe a marimo moss ball, ...

Is 20 gal enough or is it too small?

  1. Do you guys mind if I come back later to ask some more questions?

  2. What are aquarium components that I can buy for cheap (second hand, thrift shop, wish/alibaba,...), and what do I must buy at full price (good quality, import, good brands)? For exemple, are cheap lamps ok? Or not?

  3. What about fluorescent/luminescent decorations? I saw glow in the dark blue gravel, and I was thinking about scattering a little bit of them around to give a eerie feeling to my tank at night. Is it bad for the fishes? Even if it's 10-15 little gravels scattered around the bottom?

  4. The more I research microrasbora/microdevario and the more I like them. They are so smol it should be illegal to be this smol. Can I mix different microrasbora/microdevario species/colors in the same tank?

Thanks a lot !!

(I'm french, so be kind with my english)

Edit : I dont know what happened to the title. I was not yelling I'm sorry

21:56 UTC


How do i read this thing

23:21 UTC


We got brownie ghost 2015 plus over other species of buce and 30 species of stem plants

05:32 UTC


Have a bunch of buce

01:03 UTC


It’s snowing

1 Comment
05:07 UTC


New plant have tons of it

18:49 UTC


Need some crypt? Lol

04:32 UTC


Emptied my 75 tons of trimmings lol

20:24 UTC


Just joined this subredit thought it was about the cool tanks rip as in vehicles

1 Comment
18:17 UTC


New tank, ph weirdness

23:35 UTC


Any thoughts

20:37 UTC


Glass Thickness Overkill ?

I asked my LFS to inform me about a custom-sized tank today for a new aquarium. It was 50x35x35 (cm). They said it should be built with 8mm glass. Is that TOO much thickness for a planted tank or should I stick to 5mm ? 8mm cost like ~8-9 dollars more.

18:25 UTC


Stringy seaweed

Okay while I am new to the hobby and I have a lot of that thin stringy seaweed overgrowing my tank anything I could do to get rid of It?

01:58 UTC


fluval spec 2.6 gallon questions

Hello all.

I have had many fish tanks over the past 5 years off and on. They all eventually leaked. I wanted to get a small tank for the office and purchased the Fluval Spec 2.6 gallon for a whopping $80. This price may have been a bit high for the tank but thats ok.

My point in doing this is to really try to get a tank that will not leak. My plan is to put some live plants and one Betta fish in it. ( I do know its a bit small of a tank for a betta or any fish really)

My questions to you: Is this a good tank that will last or do I need to return it to get something different?

What type of fish other than a betta would you recommend?

Am I heading for disaster with that small of a tank?

Thank you guys/gals I only recently found reddit and used to brows forums and websites for hours the last time I got into this type of thing.

01:14 UTC




I just bought a 10 gallon tank (my first one) and I am not sure what to do with it regarding a stand. Money is an issue so I had planned to put it on an old wood dresser, but researching around I keep reading people saying it depends on the dresser whether it will support the weight or not as well as the water spilling from water changes ruining the wood after some time.

This led me to search for stands and most are quite expensive, except one I found in Wal-Mart for $30 but its meant for a 20 gallon. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Aqua-Culture-Steel-Aquarium-Stand/180670405?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227043047717&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=97258721072&wl4=aud-310687321802:pla-198787248992&wl5=9029805&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=180670405&wl13=&veh=sem

Its steel and looks strong, the problem is its for a 20 gallon. Is it a good idea to get a thick piece of wood cut to the same size as the top of the stand and then put the aquarium on it?

Thank you

00:55 UTC


30 gallons under

I have had a lot of trouble this month with my freshwater aquarium. I need some advice. Four of my fish have died in the past month. One of the fish that died jumped out through a 2 inch gap in the cover. I currently have 1 adult bristlenose pleco, 2 baby plecos, 1 tetra, and 2 angels. My tank is 29 gallons. I visited two different pet stores. At pet store one they tested my water for PH and ammonia. They said my ammonia was high and my ph was slightly off. I have always had issues with the town water. They suggested that I add more plants, take out one of my rocks and re-home the baby plecos. I took out the rock and added the plants. I am not crazy about re-homing my baby plecos. My experience at the second store was completely different. I called them on the phone a couple days before and they said they would test my water sample. I brought them a water sample for a second opinion. They only tested for ph and then threw the water into the drain without testing for ammonia. They said my ph was high. They stated that I need to do a 50% water change every 2 weeks and clean the filter every 2 weeks. They said no need to re-home any fish. They also stated that a established tank should not have issues with ammonia.

21:34 UTC


TANKS ON THE CHEAP? Most unusual methods

22:50 UTC


Need help with choice of internal filter

[x posting from r/aquariums] Hi all, I'm new to the hobby and I got a nice second hand 60L Juwel tank (Juwel Rekord 600) - around 15Gal. The tank originally had a built in filter but the pump was broken and I was not able to find replacement unit (the model seems discontinued).

Since the tank has a plastic hood with lights, I'm looking for a internal filter (since the tank is against the wall, HOB or cannister are not an option). So far I've found these options:

I'm looking for advice on internal filters - the list above is just my first selection, but this is my first tank and I'm total newby, do not hesitate to propose other modesl!

Thanks a lot for the help to this total newcomer to this awesome hobby!

21:57 UTC


First aquarium ever - need help selecting

Hi all, I've been lurking around the different subreddits and decided to make the plunge. I don't want to start big and do not have high expectations on getting loads of fishes etc. What I'm looking for is a starter kit, more interested on getting some planted plants and only some shrimps first. To recap:

  • I'm looking for easy things to maintain - i would love it to be self-sufficient
  • I'm looking for sturdy plants and some sturdy shrimps
  • I know starting with a small tank is actually harder so I was thinking of 20L or 40L

I live in Dublin, there seems to be a nice shop around here: http://www.seahorseaquariums.com

From there here is my selection:

Thanks for the help!

I'm basically looking for advice and see if the selection makes sense. If it doesn't - any recommendation from that shop?

21:35 UTC


To sump or not to sump 90g

So I am in the middle of remodeling my fish room/office and have a 90+ gallon cube that I picked up at a thrift shop that I plan on making the centerpiece. The Tank was originally setup for saltwater with an overflow and sump and has a single bulkhead drilled in the base. I will be making the tank into a high tech planted tank but I'm trying to decide if I should keep a sump or close off the bulkhead and run a canister filter? I do plan on running co2 but is the co2 loss from agitated water in a sump really that significant? Thanks all

22:25 UTC


Cycling a saltwater

I am curious what people have heard and what has worked for increasing the cycling time of a aquarium?

09:55 UTC


setting up a previously used 44 gallon

I recently acquired a used 44 gallon pentagon corner tank for free. Its currently leak testing outside (on day 3 now). However, it came with a bunch of extra stuff that I'm not really sure how to clean or use in the new set up. I've only had a small 5 gallon with an HOB filter before, while this has a canister filter, bioballs, etc.

Here is an album which shows all the stuff it came with.

I'll boil the decor, but any further advice is appreciated! Thank you!

16:51 UTC


Weekly Themed Thread! This weeks theme- subreddit suggestions

Hey Everybody! Sorry for the really long absence, but welcome to another weekly themed thread. Since its been quite a while since I've been active, I thought another subreddit suggestion thread was in order. So leave any suggestions you may have here!

03:37 UTC


Weekly themed thread! This weeks theme- Aquarium lifehacks

Hello everyone, sorry for the few-week absence but I'm back with a new weekly themed thread! This weeks theme is aquarium lifehacks, things you can do in the hobby to save yourself time, money and hassle. So share any tips you may have or tips you may want to know!

02:41 UTC


Death :(

i recently got a planted 10 gallon set up and i had 2 plecos, 4 mystery snails, and 6 red cherry shrimp. its been a month now im down to 1 shrimp, 1 pleco, and 1 snail. ive done water changes regularly. but ive noticed some weird bugs on mt drift wood they kinda look like baby shrimp but im not 100% sure, and my plants have like these little clear things all over them. and this morning there was foam floating on my tank. could someone please help before its to late.

20:32 UTC

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