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Advice needed, notice period in Ticino

Today I gave 3 months' notice to the landlord who swiftly pointed out that I can move out on 31.07 at the earliest, as stipulated in the contract. Hence, I need to find a Nachmieter, i.e. a substitute/replacement tenant. Thing is, I am actually leaving the country, so this complicates things quite a bit. I am currently based in Ticino. I am f*ucked, aren't I?

22:21 UTC


Questions for buying first used car

Hello guys I'm about to buy my first car (used car) I literally have no idea what is good car and what is bad car. Only thing i know is i need to choose Less Kliometers I'm about to ride for 3-4 years and change a car so i want to buy cheapest car that i can

  1. Is it fine to buy 2007 18KMs used car?
  2. Which car brand has no breakdowns??

Also I would be appreciate of any tips


21:53 UTC


Future after doing an Apprenticeship?

Hey Guys

I am currently 18 years old and in the third of four years in my apprenticeship as a mediamatician. I feel very lost about my future. On one hand i love the creative aspect of the job, but in reality it's mostly office work. Also, i believe the job market in this field is very competitive and it's difficult to find a job after the Apprenticeship.

Currently my plan is to do the Berufsmatura right after and then do the civil service. However i don't really have much money saved up, because i invested most of it into camera gear.

After that i am thinking of going to PH and become a Teacher, or become a Teacher at a Berufsschule, because i learned i like working with Kids and teaching them. It's also a very stable job and there is a lot of demand currently.

But i also want to continue doing creative work. I feel like i am on a semiprofessional level in the photo and video niche and it's truly my passion. But i don't like doing it as a 9-5 job and the freelancing market is also oversaturated. However freelancing would be my dream.

Another problem is that i have ADHD and can't focus too long on a task and am always pushing Deadlines.

So yeah, i am struggling with deciding what to do, and how to handle the finances of it all. If i would get a job right after i could save up for the Berufsmatura, but if i did the Berufsmatura right after i would be better prepared.

I am sorry that this post feels so unstructered, i am just really lost.

20:25 UTC


Anyone drive Uber in the Geneva, La Côte area?

Hi curious to get some insights from anyone who has or does still drive for Uber in the Lake Geneva region as a side hustle. If so what have been your experiences? I know Geneva has tightened up the law hence the i increased number of Geneva plated Ubers in Nyon Gland. What is the break down of revenue, costs? Has it helped you with additional revenue? What are the success factors? Thanks in advance.

Bonjour, je suis curieux d'avoir des informations de la part de quelqu'un qui a conduit ou conduit encore pour Uber dans la région du lac Léman en tant qu'activité secondaire. Si oui, quelles ont été vos expériences ? Je sais que Genève a renforcé la loi, d'où l'augmentation du nombre d'Ubers immatriculés à Genève à Nyon Gland. Quelle est la répartition des revenus, des coûts ? Cela vous a-t-il aidé à générer des revenus supplémentaires ? Quels sont les facteurs de réussite ? Merci d'avance.

19:35 UTC


Combined shipping with Moneyguard at Ricardo

A seller sells his goods with Moneyguard. I would like to buy various things from him. How can I ensure that I only pay for shipping once? I can't contact the seller directly via Moneyguard?

So I don't know what to write more. So I'm writing this underneath so that my question contains 200 characters, otherwise my question won't be accepted here.

19:26 UTC


Newly Swissed! 🇨🇭

So as of today I am now officially Swiss after living in Switzerland for 15 years! I am beyond happy! The process took 19 months in total in Stadt Zürich. I have to say the process was fair and efficient. The wait was the ultimate test of patience but worth it in the end.

I have been an immigrant for 30 years and lived in multiple countries, but a citizen of none. It’s such a great feeling to finally be able to say this is my home! I’ve never voted in an election in my life and I’m almost 50!

So any advice on how to navigate the Swiss political landscape and how to approach voting on referendums, etc?

18:38 UTC


Career advancement options as Informatiker EFZ

Hello reddit users,

I have a friend who successfully completed his EFZ but does not have a Berufsmatura. My question is, what the best way would be to advance.

The easiest method would probably be the HF in Informatik, but I am not a big fan of that: Its expensive and not as well recognised as real degree. The other option would be the Berufsmatura and a FH (university of applied sciences) but this would need around six years part time. I studied at a normal Uni and I have some kind of prejudice agains FHs, as the the seem not as attractive to top employers.

My suggestion would be an online MSc at a foreign Uni (UK, US) like the Uni of York. It is not very expensive and he could study without a bachelors or passerelle simple by having enough job experience, usually two to three years. It seems to be a very flexible model of studying.

What's your opinion? Do you have any experiences? Thank you in advance!

EDIT: To illustrate the possible paths:

option 1: Part-time BM (2 y) + part-time FH BSc (4 y which is probably very optimistic as I need 4 y full-time for my CS Bachelors at a Uni)

Result: 6 y until BSc from Swiss FH , option for Master's FH

Option 2: Part-time online Masters (2 y) from for example University of Keele or Sheffield Hallam which do have only minimal Math. You need a few years of experience to start such a masters.

Result: 2 y until MSc from foreign Uni

18:06 UTC


Depot Switzerland: Bankrupt

Depot Switzerland shut down today, with very little notice. The was no „alles muss weg“ sale and the whole day it was just returns and people desperately trying to find some junk to spend their gift cards on. Tomorrow the stores won‘t reopen again.

I‘m just curious to hear some thoughts about this company, customer experiences and so on. Are you disappointed? Do you care? What speculation do you have as to why it went bankrupt?

17:56 UTC


Do you all work exactly 42 hours a week?

As we all know the Swiss full time hours amounts to 42hours a week. However we do know that some in some industries such as finance for example working 42 hours a week only is impossible.

Curious to know about you all. Would be interesting for everyone if you could all give your


-age range

-how often you go over the 42 hour a week mark.

-Do you get paid overtime for the extra hours worked?

17:37 UTC


Anibis 350.- Handy Gekauft Verrarsche

Guten Tag ich habe auf Anibis ein Iphone für einen sehr guten Preis von 350.- CHF gekauft, es war gebraucht wohlgemerkt. Der Verkäufer hat behauptet er habe es abgesendet, es ist jedoch nichts gekommen und seit dem werde ich ignoriert. Es sollte ziemlich klar sein dass es sich hier um eine Verrarsche handelt. Was soll ich tun?

15:57 UTC


Hey you

Hey you what's upp I'am just asking if someone wouldn't Like to go outside and chill or go into the fitness, or just type I'am 21 years old boy, kinda bored (SG) Or give me some advices what should I do Mercii have a nice Day Yall

15:55 UTC


Broken window in Italy because of Swiss Plates

Last week I was in Parma for some personal things, I’ve parked my car near to many many others in a pretty good neighborhood, the car isn’t fancy or anything, in fact near to mine were some fancier cars with Italian plates, and anyway, somebody broken a window of mine trying to find something of value…

I never leave anything of value inside the car and there was nothing particularly interesting inside so someone would choose my car based on the content… I can only assume that it was because of the Swiss plates…

Having all this in mind my question would be: anybody else has problems like this because of the Swiss plates? Is there any prevention tips to be taken in consideration?

After the hell that it was to activate insurance over this problem and all the hustle involved I’m considering to rent a local car instead of driving mine in those countries…

15:06 UTC


Best Cat litter?

Hi! I’m looking for the best cat litter option. I have two cats and have been using Vitakraft Magic Clean (silica) from Coop/Jumbo. However, I’ve noticed a fine dust residue on their fur and paws, as well as in their litter area. Every time they use it and stir the litter, my air purifier shows red numbers due to the dust in the air. This also concerns me because my cats might be inhaling it.

I’d really appreciate any recommendations for better brands to try. Thank you!

14:13 UTC


Liste der Schweizer Postleitzahlen

Wo finde ich die aktualisierte Liste der Schweizer Postleitzahlen? Möglicherweise aus offizieller Quelle.

Ich weiß, dass es diesen Dienst gibt: https://www.post.ch/de/pages/plz-suche. Allerdings verfüge ich nicht über die vollständige Liste, die ich lokal speichern kann. Ein Dienst, der per API aufgerufen werden kann, wäre auch in Ordnung.

Danke an diejenigen, die mir helfen wollen

13:30 UTC


Drone over China residence in Bern

There is drone flying over eggholzi next to the China residence. It has a bright light and he's visible during nights. He's not seeable every night.

Its very difficult to distinguish it from stars but it does move and have been seeing it with clouds.

Is it important enough to report it?

13:03 UTC


Insurance for Key lose

Hi there

I‘m about to sign a new contract regarding my household insurance (Privathafpflicht and Hausrat from Axa).

In the offer, there is a extra insurance for key loss. In this case, we‘d be covered up to 10k with a deductible (Selbstbehalt) of 200. It‘s for my partner and myself - we‘re unsure at one point wether it‘s necessary or not.

Since we live in a rented flat where the building uses digital keys (by Dorma Kaba), I‘d like to ask, what typical costs in case of a loss would amount to? We never lost a key to this point.

The extra insurance doesnt cost much, its also more a principle thing: Saving small costs, so they dont pile up into something big.

Many thanks for your thoughts and inputs :)

12:38 UTC


Unknown calls from 044505XXXX

Unknown call from 044505XXXX

Hi, has anyone got a bunch of calls from numbers like 044505XXXX, when you call back , the call will fail. And they seem to use a lot of slightly different numbers.

Very suspicious activities going on ?

12:19 UTC


What happens if I don't pay the fee pt2

Update from yesterday's post. I called soccar, and the regional manager said it was okay to pay just for the gas and told me they are going to cover the 80 frs to beppo. But now I don't understand why paying a company that you can't even cancel a debt without paying fees. As they no longer following me but are still on leash to beppo and have to pay them 80 frs.

09:35 UTC


Bahn zum Jungfraujoch

Bin gerade in der Bahn hoch von Eigergletscher zum Jungfraujoch. Mit Halbtax kostet das Ticket 69CHF. Und jetzt ist diese Bahn voll mit Bildschirmen auf denen Werbung läuft - MIT SOUND! Wollt ihr mich verarschen?

09:27 UTC


Car broke down in Germany

Hi. my swiss registered car broke down while visiting family in Frankfurt. I got it to a dealership and was told I had to completely replace the engine. I don't know my options, but it seems like I almost have no choice but to replace the engine and declare it at the border when I drive home. an option I was told about doesn't seem realistic, selling the car within the EU, because I didn't export it for this purpose (I also, didn't intend to, I like my car).

The car is about 5 years old, 100k km, I bought it with the help of a third party 'ex-pat' company, so I don't know the original dealer of the car.

any advice? what should I pay attention to when bringing my car back across the border, any specific documents I should ask the dealership to provide me for the customs declarations, and can I get the German MwSt back??

thank you all. :)

09:26 UTC


Swiss podcasts/ podcasts Suisses

Can someone recommend me some good swiss podcasts.. (french or English) mainly interested in comedy, social in political commentary, interviews etc.. but open to recommendations.

Thank you

Quelqu'un peut-il me recommander de bons podcasts suisses (en français ou anglais) principalement intéressée par la comédie, les commentaires sociaux et politiques, les interviews, etc. mais ouvert à des bonnes recommandations.

09:03 UTC


Any point in complaining to post about lost package?

Had notification via the app that a package was coming Tuesday - just cheap junk from AliExpress. I'm at work but I know it's small and fits in mailbox.

08.30 I get an update - package delivered to the mailbox
11.30 I get an alert on my CCTV, post van, I see person deliver a letter
No package received.
No other people or vehicles in my driveway all day.

11 -- 12 is the normal time for the post to come so why/where was my package scanned as delivered at 08.30.

In your experience, much point in going to complain and show them the app / cctv ? I know I should in principle but it's a couple of hours out of my day to complain about a 10chf package that I'll get a refund on.

06:41 UTC


Rant: is the discrimination against couples when looking for accommodation real?

We just got rejected for the third time because we have no kids an they would prefer a family in there…

Its a pitty… is this common sense in switzerland? Do we need to make some kids do get a nice flat? 🧐

04:48 UTC


Bitte um eine Meinung zum Autokauf.

Hallo an alle,

ich habe letzten Montag einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft (3999.-), 2009 Baujahr.

Mein erstes Auto (bin 31, bis vor kurzem noch Student gewesen) und alles schien im Topzustand zu sein.

Ich habe ihn gebeten ob er es hinkriegen kann alles bis Freitag fertig zu haben, denn am Montag 03.02 fängt mein erster Job an und ich benötige das Auto weil mein Arbeitgeber etwas entfernter ist (45' mit Auto, 1:45 mit Öffis).

Er meinte kann er nicht versprechen aber er wird es versuchen, denn er würde ein Service machen und MFK beantragen und ich würde alles fertig kriegen, sogar um die Kontrollschilder wurde er sich kümmern. MFK war noch nicht durch.

Alles gut, da habe ich dann direkt das Geld überwiesen. Heute angerufen um zu melden die Haftpflicht Versicherung ist fertig und wir es vorangeht, ob zumindest MFK durch ist.

Da meinte er, der Service, welchen die gemacht haben, hat ergeben, dass es Probleme mit der Hinterachse, Auspuff, Bremsen und Windschutzscheibe (?) nicht stimmt. Ich habe 0 Ahnung von Autos, ich meine das hat er gesagt Windschutzscheibe oder etwas mit Wind aber auf jeden Fall 4 Sachen. Ersatzteile wurden bestellt aber erst am Dienstag werden die da sein und er wird versuchen bis nächsten Donnerstag alles fertig zu haben, aber ohne sein Wort zu geben.

Da habe ich gesagt ok, dann werde ich gucken was ich machen werde mit Zugtickets.

Nach Gedanken und Gespräch mit Familie, habe ich erneut angerufen einige Stunden später.

Da meinte ich, wie kann es sein dass er das nicht wusste mit den Teilen? Ich dachte, wenn da ein Auto geliefert wird wird doch sein Zustand kontrolliert, daraufhin meiner er nein wir wissen nicht über den exakten Zustand vorab Bescheid. Ich habe dann gefragt ob es einen Ersatzwagen zum ausleihen gibt, zumindest bis alles fertig ist. Wieder nein, so einen Dienst bieten die nicht an.

Dann meinte ich eine Kulanz für die Tickets? Denn das Monat-Ticket hat mir ~330.- gekostet, einen Betrag welchen ich nicht vorhatte zu zahlen. Hierzu meinte er ist nicht mein Problem, wo du Tickets kaufst. Hat er auch Recht ehrlich gesagt, dieser Vorschlag von mir ist tatsächlich dumm gewesen rückdenkend.

Dann meinte er, du machst mir mehr Arbeit mehrmals mit mir zu telefonieren am Tag, wenn du einen Rücktritt machen möchtest mach das aber du zahlst trotzdem 20%. Das steht auch im Vertrag und ich tätige den Kauf mit geliehenes Geld meiner Familie, wäre ich in der Lage mir diesen Verlust von 800.- zu leisten, hätte ich das gemacht ehrlich gesagt.

Er meint er hatte mir nie etwas versprochen, was auch stimmt, nur er würde es versuchen aber der Gedanke will nicht los als ob er das alles wusste und wollte nur den Wagen loswerden.

Nach kurzem überlegen habe ich ihm etwas später eine Nachricht geschrieben und ihm gesagt OK machen wir jetzt weiter aber bitte versuche Donnerstag fertig zu werden. Ehrlich gesagt bezweifle ich das.

Jetzt meine Frage, hat er mich übers Ohr gezogen? Oder ist das alles richtig und zu erwarten bei einem gebrauchten Wagen?

Ich verstehe auch dass ich viele Fehler gemacht habe, keine Probefahrt, und nicht mehrere Fragen stellen wieso es bis Freitag nicht schaffen könnte, was könnte die Verzögerung verursachen.

Wie hätte ich alles besser angehen sollen? Ich fühle mich deprimiert, wie ein kleines Kind gleichgesetzt, welches nicht in der Lage ist einen wichtigen/richtigen Kauf sicher zu machen.

Ich hätte ein Auto nehmen sollen welches MFK schon drin hatte, aber ich dachte cool 2 volle Jahre werde ich haben. Desweiteren bin ich neu in der Schweiz und kenne mich so gar nicht mit den Vorgang aus und er hat gesagt er würde sich um die Kontrollschilder kümmern, was ich als großen Vorteil sehe, es sei denn alle machen es so.

Eure Meinung hierzu?

Falls ihr das alles gelesen habt, vielen Dank!

00:32 UTC


Putting out an idea - Health Insurance Financing Initiative

Health Insurance Financing Initiative

I had this thought after watching the EcoTalk from January 27, 2025, featuring Martin Schlegel, where they presented the staggering number of 795 billion Swiss francs managed by the Swiss National Bank (SNB). When broken down per capita, this amounts to 88,000 Swiss francs per person in Switzerland. Although that number seems enormous, when you consider it in relation to the average gross median yearly income (published by the Federal Statistical Office), it’s only slightly higher. This led me to think: What if we could take a small amount of money from every person each month? We wouldn't solve the issue immediately, but it could help alleviate the financial burden that health insurance premiums (Krankenkassen) place on many households, at least for a while.

My proposal would be to create an institution similar to the National Bank, funded through mandatory health insurance premiums—let’s say 1 Swiss franc per person per month in Switzerland. This institution would invest the capital in a manner similar to the SNB, possibly with more freedom in asset selection (e.g., ETFs) and fewer restrictions on how much capital must be invested within Switzerland. Instead of paying dividends to the cantons, the funds could be used to subsidize mandatory health insurance premiums. The capital would be constitutionally bound to this purpose and could not be used for anything else. Furthermore, the dividends could only be used to subsidize mandatory health insurance premiums and to cover the costs associated with reminders and payment requests from insurers.

I am aware that this wouldn't directly solve any of these challenges, but it could provide some relief to people in Switzerland in the coming years, until the government addresses these issues.

What do you think of the chances for such an initiative? What criticisms do you foresee?

Edit: The part that the dividens are only allowed to be used for mandatory health insurance premiums was supplemented by the following addition "to cover the costs associated with reminders and payment requests from insurers" as requested by u/riglic

00:22 UTC

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