
Photograph via snooOG

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Living in an old building from XVIII century

Hi All!

I was recently casually browsing apartments available for buy/rent in different Swiss cities and found some interesting apartments in buildings from XVIII and XIX century.

What is it like living in such an old building in Switzerland? Is it a good idea to consider buying apartment in a 200/300 years old building?

Please share your experience!

14:36 UTC


Swiss citizenship through marriage

Please tell me your experience when you applied for swiss citizenship through marriage ( facilitated way) like processing time , what did they ask after passing the interview? Is there someone get declined after he passed the interview and why ? Thanks in advance

1 Comment
14:34 UTC


Kennt sich jemand mit Münzen aus?

Habe 50-Räppler von den Jahrgängen 1906 - 1967, 1-Fränkler von 1920 - 1967, 2-Fränkler von 1920 - 1967 und 5-Fränkler von 1931 - 1969. Was macht man damit? Muss ich auf bestimmte Jahrgänge achten. Der Zustand von fast allen ist gebraucht (etwas grünlich gefärbt).

14:30 UTC


Tipps zur Jobsuche bei gewolltem Branchenwechsel als Erwachsener

Hallo zusammen, ich wollte kurz eure Meinung haben. Und zwar habe ich von knapp 10 Jahren eine Lehrer zum Maurer absolviert und hatte aber damals schon nicht den Wunsch dies wirklich lange zu tun, ich war etwas naiv und dachte mir wmein wdchselnsollte nicht schwer sein. Nun wollte ich mich beruflich umorientieren und z.B. in die Maschienenbaubranche wechseln. Erst dachte ich ich könnte ein Praktikum machen um anschliessend die Ausbildung zum Maschienenbautechniker HF zu absolvieren. Aber ich fand keine Stelle wegennder Fehlenden Erfahrung. Also dachte ich, dass ich also doch noch einmal eine Lehre machen soll. Dort finde ich aber auch keine Stelle weil die meisten Firmen lieber Schulabgänger nehmen. Ich bin langsam aber sicher ratlos und frustriert und wollte euch um Tipps fragen wie ich mich beruflich neuorientieren kann.

Bin um Ratschläge sehr dankbar.

14:21 UTC


Maximum age limit for supplementary health insurance

Hi Everyone.

Today, I have learned from my health insurance that there is an age limit until when supplementary insurance can be taken. With CSS, hospitalisation insurance can only be taken until age 70; outpatient insurance can only be taken until age 80. Different insurance companies seem to have different age limits. It is "surprising" to see that the supplementary insurance can not be taken in old age, exactly when one is more likely to need it.

Do you confirm this information? I now wonder if there are alternatives in old age. Especially for things like ambulance and private / semi-private hospital rooms - these are things that would still be useful.

14:02 UTC


Swiss finish 🙄

My ISP green.ch just informed me that domain fees will be going up. This is ridiculously and just another example of fantasy prices just because something is swiss.

It looks like everything is going up - except my salary.

12:37 UTC


Found the holy grail of Switzerland

I mean, I don't blame those who dislike Zeki, the instagram influencer/humorist/whatever, as he can be quite annoying. But this epic gag he pulled at his recently opened kebab place in Oerlikon is simply golden. I died of laughter when I saw it.

(I hope it is 24/7 accessible 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼)

((I also hope I got this one up to 200 characters this time. I think this post is clearly in everybody's interest. And is beneficial. And contributes to the greater good. And is vor allem: gabig.)

12:29 UTC


Book about swiss history

I‘m increasingly interested in Swiss history and am trying to find a good book about that topic that is pleasant to read.

Do you have any recommandations? The book can be in French, German or English

12:20 UTC


is there bus etiquette?

so i've been living in Switzerland for a year and a half and I'm not to clear on social rules. when i get on the bus, i'll see a couple open seats, and people standing. the people standing won't go sit on the seats, and some of them are even carrying heavy items. i'll usually wait one stop before sitting down, but when I sit down, i get weird looks. there's nothing wrong with the seats and this has happened at least 12~ times, is there some unspoken bus etiquette that I don't know about?

12:11 UTC


Halloween (House)- Partys in Bern

Hoi zäme,

Are there any big (house)- partys this friday or saturday, that you guys know of?

I was invited to a huge student party, but they uninvited like 50% of the people now, because they didn't think about the fact that every invited person brings atleast a +1. LMFAO

But yeah, now I've got a fresh haircut, fresh shoes, fresh halloween mask and everything, but I don't have a party to got o anymore.😂

So i thought maybe I'll just ask here if anybody knows if there are any big partys tomorrow.

1 Comment
11:34 UTC


Best way to test for vitamin D deficiency in Switzerland?

Hello, sorry if this question doesn't fit the subreddit much, but it's Switzerland specific and I don't know where else to ask.

I'm pretty sure I have a vitamin D deficiency. I stay indoors most of the time and have an office job. I also have symptoms such as fatigue, low mood etc..

I already asked my doctor about testing for vitamin D and she told me it's not covered by insurance. If I'm not mistaken, vitamin D blood tests are only covered for some specific diseases involving bones or absorption of nutrients, not for fatigue or low mood.

I have already started supplementing vitamin D, bought from pharmacies, but I'd really like to actually see how my levels are. I've found some home tests on Galaxus, but they are not very accurate.

I don't know what the best way to go here is. Can I pay for a vitamin D test out of pocket? Would it be very expensive? I'd be grateful for some tips...

edit: while I'm grateful people are giving me tips as to what my symptoms may be caused by, I am not asking for medical advice. Just FYI. I just want to check my levels and fix them if they're low.

09:01 UTC


Check-up without Hausarzt?

I have an additional insurance that I cancelled and is running out at the end of the year. It offers an annual checkup coverage. How does one go about this without a Hausarzt?

(Any covered service that check for modern markers such as APO B etc.? I guess CARE is not going to covered?)

08:33 UTC


Loud noise in apartment block

I work nightshift, at the moment we have some renovation workers drilling in an apartment one floor lower than mine. I hear it as if it would be in my bedroom, the renovation works will last a couple of months. Is there anything i can do? Or am i just fkd cause i work nightshift and need to sleep trough the day?

08:18 UTC


So many people wanting to find a job where they don’t need any German

In everyday life in Zurich and also on platforms like Reddit i keep meeting so many people who assume they must be able to find a job in Switzerland where they don’t need any German. Friends, you are in Switzerland. What did you expect? What did you imagine finding here, when you moved in the first place? To me it is very surprising, I would never think I could move somewhere, work there and not being fluent. Not wanting to piss anyone off but just very surprised??

EDIT: Well, so many upvotes in very few hours. Must be a topic then. But got a little out of hand 😅.

07:17 UTC


What happened to Frelitta?!

Why did Migros change it? It used to be the best "Brotaufstrich", back when it was sold in its plastic container, but now it tastes just like every other generic spread out there.

You don't change the classics!


06:20 UTC


Unemployment in CH - psychology

I (F31) recently moved to Ticino for family reasons and I'm finding it super hard to find a job. I do speak the local language (Italian) and I also have basic French. I have 10 years experience in the psychological field (in the UK) and a master degree in clinical psychology.

This is what I'm struggling with:

-no clear instructions on where to find jobs (linkedin, indeed, or other job engines are useless here or not widely used)

-i have forwarded different "spontaneous applications" and nobody got back to me with a feedback or a "thanks but we ain't looking"

Am I right to think psychology graduates are not needed here?

What do I do?

05:42 UTC


Networking meet up for recent unemployed

Hello everyone,

I've noticed a large amount of posts regarding those recently fired or currently unemployed and living in Switzerland. I am in Zurich, would any of you be interested in a networking coffee morning?

I'm sure that we could help each other and if not , we've at least had a coffee and can support each other morally.


23:07 UTC


Anyone NOT having troubles finding a job?

There are lots of posts recently about the shitty job market, layoffs etc. Although i do agree that the market is definitely not the best right now, but somehow I suspect reddit has a negative bias. Hence my question: did it happen to anyone to find a job easily?

22:02 UTC


Mental health (anxiety) question - where to ask for help in Zurich?


Can you please help and advice from your experience? I really need honest opinion and advice.🙏 I do not want it to turn into a depression.

Since I moved to CH, I noticed that my mental health, especially anxiety really intensified working in the corporate structure.

I would like to see a good competent doctor, a psychologist or even a physiotherapist. Any suggestions in Zurich or around? What are the approximate prices? Treatment methods, medicine names?

Or would it be better to seek help at my home country? I trust the system and could get recommendations too.

In my situation, I feel like I would need some medicine for the beginning but my goal is to do therapy (in my native language online), do sports, long walks in the forest, meditate, practice gratitude and so on to work on it and heal in the natural way eventually.

Many thanks for your insights! I would really appreciate your personal experience and opinions!

21:33 UTC


The best Swiss banking app


I want to get a useful and comfortable to use a Swiss banking app with no charge, also reasonable customer service. Can I pay abroad too? Good money exchange rate?

Any smart solutions and suggestions?

I would be very grateful. Got tired of CS/UBS.


21:19 UTC


Job search with constant rejection

I have been applying for a new job for the last 6 months and I’m getting only rejections. I have 5 years of experience and work at a company with a good reputation. I just don’t like the working conditions, that’s why I want a new job in a new company. I feel like they don’t even want me to give me a chance.

Is someone experiencing something similar or just me?

21:14 UTC


I did Multicheck ICT.

Hello r/switzerland,

I have been in Switzerland, Zurich for only 2 years. My German is not good enough (as you can see from the results), and I am currently searching for an apprenticeship. I was getting denied because I did not know the system, and there was a language barrier. But my friend told me that if I did that test, I could prove myself. I did it, and it went well, but there was a problem: German. I just can't do it; I don't know why. But I will send my applications with that. What do you think about it? Should I do it again? Because it's about IT, so English is the key. I really want that apprenticeship, but I can't find it.

20:16 UTC


EORI importer

Hi all,

Im trying to import something where is will cost 900 normally, or 300 if I have an EORI number. (Freight hauler vs fast packer).

Are there services for individuals for handling imports and take advantage of their EORI? Google seems to only find solutions for big companies.

Thanks Sal

20:08 UTC


Swiss Made Belgian Coca Cola

Swiss Made (and hergestellt in der Schweiz but without French version of the same statement), Belgian barcode (or Luxembourg). What’s the truth? Which economy do I support? And other questions that help me make the post longer.

18:48 UTC


I’m on a mission to impress my SO. What is best tuxedo tailor in NW Schweiz/triple border?

18:36 UTC


Visited my friend near Geneva and no one wanted to speak with me

Hello! I recently visited my friend who lives near Geneva. I speak a bit of French, having worked in France for some time.

When interacting with strangers, such as ticket handlers, people at cafes, bookstores, etc, had no problem communicating in French and being understood. However, when I spent the weekend with my friend and her friends in their châlet, no one wanted to speak with me, or even look me in the eye the entire weekend.

To be clear, I helped buy food, set up for, and clean up after the party. I helped with preparing for and after events, took photos and tried approaching people politely, but ended up feeling hurt by the whole ordeal.

To give an example, the day after the party, I helped set up the table for breakfast. I helped make coffee, tea, omelettes and prepare the bread. Not only did people pass food around me, they refused to even pass me the water jug when it was going around.

I didn't want to inconvenience my friend during her party, but asked after if I had offended her friends somehow. She said it was impossible. I am so confused and am trying to understand if I have crossed any cultural boundaries, or what the issue could have been.

Any insights?

17:42 UTC


Motorcycle (consumable) parts

I am in the process of learning how to service my motorcycle and I was wondering where people buy replacement parts. I know I can find almost everything on ebay. But is there a good online shop that sells common parts at reasonable prices? E.G.: spark plugs, oil filters, light bulbs and so on...

1 Comment
16:43 UTC


Übertretungsanzeige Müll

Hallo Zusammen

Ich habe heute eine Übertretungsanzeige von der Stadtpolizei Zürich erhalten, da ich meinen Müll falsche deponiert habe. Begründung ist ich habe meinen Müll (Karton) an einer nicht genehmigte Sammelstelle deponiert.

Die ganze Nachbarschaft legt dort ihren Karton ab, er wird immer abgeholt und ich hatte bisher nie Probleme.

Laut Schreiben kann ich Stellung beziehen zu dem Vorfall und angeben, wenn ich es nicht war sondern eine dritte Person.

Nun wollte ich fragen was als nächstes auf mich zukommt und ob ich eine Busse irgendwie verhindern kann.

Lieber Grüsse


16:29 UTC


Legal requirements for specific employee titles?

Hi everyone,

Are there specific regulations in Switzerland, particularly in the Canton of Zurich, regarding the use of certain employee titles? Specifically, is it permissible for someone to hold the title of Managing Director without being listed in the commercial registry?

My understanding is that this should generally be acceptable. However, I think it can complicate business if the person isn’t registered as third parties often rely on the Commercial Register to verify the authority of company representatives.

If listing is indeed a requirement, are there alternative titles that wouldn’t necessitate registry inclusion?

I’m not a legal expert, so thanks in advance for your insights!

15:43 UTC


Just found this sign going to Bern by train (Chiasso is not in Italy)

14:43 UTC

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