DC's "Suicide Squad" Entire Series! The Comics, Anime, TV Shows, Movies and More!
For discussion of the Suicide Squad comics (both pre and post New 52) and the 2016 movie adaptation.
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Pairing: Harley/Joker
Off to the Races by strangerthan http://archiveofourown.org/works/8373196
It's not on the wayback maschine.
Fandom: Suicide Squat, Batman etc.
I'm not sure what these are and how to collect if anyone knows please help
so i was playing the game and then was told to get off the wifi so i did and the game stopped because it needs wifi but when i reopened it it asked for an offline account i said yes played then when my wifi worked i closed and reopened but it restatrted me and it still says 57% complete (i just killed superman) but no matter what i get restatrted what do i do?
Just got the game for free, so I'm certainly enjoying it more than the ones who bought it day one...
I didn't play too much yet, just got to the city after the encounter with Green Lantern and Flash then I looked at the Store/BattlePass.
Is this the ONLY way to get new skins/characters? Do you get more from side quests/achievements/story? How does this work?
Just enough looter stuff to keep me engaged..:the traversal is phenomenal…every character plays different…love getting the loots..I’m at 13hrs and I just can’t get enough…it’s soo fun..and almost every game suffers from lack of endgame when it’s online…but man the loop is already better than helldivers and I’m still on chap 5….man this is so much more more fun than avengers…I see nothing wrong with this game where I’m at…I can see lack of endgame coming, I’m on the brisk….but everything is so fluid I don’t want to stop playing…rant over..!!!
What did you guys think of the first season? I guess there’s no way we’re getting a Suicide Squad sequel at this point, so we’ll have to settle for this.
That being said, I really enjoyed it. Granted, it’s definitely a show more fit for binge watching than watching it week to week.
I just hope TSS is not the last we see of Bloodsport and Ratcatcher 2.
You can choose anyone but not Deadshot HarliQuin Captain Boomerang King Shark
So me and a buddy of mine have been trying to find out how we can craft the legendary stuff for our dlc characters like joker and what not and anytime we go into the hall of justice to talk to penguin we cant and i havent saved my joker yet but he saved his deathstroke and still cant craft it for them is there a way we have to unlock it or what and if yall can tell me how i can craft those other notorious gear items cause my friend can do it and he has no idea how he has the option to do it please help
Leader: Rick flag Co-Leader: Deadshot Muscle: King shark ( or killer croc ) Wildcard: Harley Quinn Thief: Black spider I don’t know what role he would fill but, Captain boomerang I know it’s pretty generic but there all cool characters.
Don't really know how the bomb would work but I'm just curious
Everyone has their own wishes for a suicide Squad cast, and well I know mine ain't your normal it's a real fun one if you ask me
Gizmo- Teams Intelligence & tech guy who could probaly provide weapons (7/10 survival rating)
Snowflame- Somewhat smart distraction work and head on brawls (5-6/10)
The mask- An almost unstoppable all-rounder who can pick up others slack (9/10)
Solomon Grundy- Nigh unkillable wall of flesh, grundy is the perfect for use as a bullet sponge, head on attacker, or breaching. Even if killed he'll eventually get up (10+/10)
Trickster- Amazing for infiltration with his intelligence mixed with unpredictable (6-8/10)
Rick Flag (Jr or Sr)- Wallers man watching over the mission, well flag would probably have a hard time leading this team he could probably use each of them to the most of their potential in a fight.
Extra: This cast is much harder for waller to control, thus instead of the normal neck bomb select members (Grundy, Mask, Snowflame) would need to have incendiary explosives in both legs and the neck to prevent escape if they survive the bomb, along with higher explosive amount.