
Photograph via snooOG

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What else to I need?

Longtime lurker- first time poster:

I’m brand new to reloading and I want to load 50-100 rounds at a time in 44 special/magnum strictly for range use. At this time, I’m not interested in hunting/defensive loads- I’ll buy factory ammo for that. I’m contemplating this Lee turret press kit. I’d also add a carbide 4 die set, bullet puller, and case length gauge. Besides primers, powder, bullets, and cases, do I really NEED anything else? Or will this get me by? Thanks in advance!

13:37 UTC



I have awlawys been RCBS for dies , Redding to precision , Whats the opinion on Hornaday dies ?

08:06 UTC


High SD and ES

Reloading 223 rem for tac class PRS. Using starline brass, multiple firings (2-3x), cci primers, varget, 75 elds, rcbs matchmaster dies, have tried 1-3 thousandths neck tension… cannot get my es and sd decent. I am using a Hornady auto charge pro dispenser. Could that be the issue? Not uncommon to be seeing ES over 60 FPS and SDs around 20-25.

I am full length sizing with a bushing die, using a mandrel, chamfer and deburr with a giraud.

26” proof 1:7 stainless barrel.

Anyone have a clue?

07:33 UTC


Reloading related ?

Evening can anyone give clear instructions to fishtrap shooting area west of spokane? , Ive got some reloads i want to try out sunday . Tia

06:14 UTC


Is there a way to make Lee dies work on an RCBS Rock Chucker?

And if there is, what do I need?

04:45 UTC


Strange Question About Molybdenum

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, maybe I should’ve posted in firearms but I think you guys might know the nitty-gritty a bit more. I am doing a school project that involves researching the site of a former rifle range that operated from 1904-1928. Soil testing has revealed elevated levels of lead, arsenic, antimony, and molybdenum on the site. The lead is obvious, and I know that arsenic and antimony are used in casting bullets and shot, but I can’t figure out the molybdenum. I know there was the trend of coating bullets in moly, but that was way after this range closed. I can’t find anything about moly being used in the casting process prior to the last couple decades. Was molybdenum used in older powder formulations? Thanks so much in advance and I apologize if this is the wrong sub to ask. Cheers.

04:28 UTC


Question on reloading

Hey there I wanting to get into reloading 300blk subs what powders & bullets works for yall & recommend?

02:51 UTC



Hi - does anyone have a good video that covers hull inspection for reloading (i.e., signs of wear and when to stop reloading the hull)? When I first started reloading for rifle I found a fair amount of videos covering inspection but I can’t seem to find one for shotshells.


02:18 UTC


.38 special with 244 win

Started my reloading endeavor with .38 special with 244 win. Loading 158 Grain RNFP with 3.8 grains of 244 at 1.48 OAL. With this load I was getting about 630 fps out of a 4 inch barrel. I upped the charge to 4.2 grains and am now sitting at about 730 fps out of same 4 inch. These velocities seem low to me based on the amount of powder in the case. Been shooting in 20-30 degree weather could that be the cause? And for curiosity's sake what speed do you guys think these projectiles would go out of a 16 inch barrel. Thanks.

23:57 UTC


Sierra's customer service is shocking...

and amazing. If only more companies were like them! I'm really hoping I find a good load for 180gr TGKs and 200gr SMKs because this is a company I would love to continue supporting. Super fast, friendly and detailed replies of someone curious about their fancy bullets.

23:52 UTC


7 PRC ELDX seating depth

Hornadys load data for the 175 eldx list a COL of 3.265", but factory Precision Hunter ammo measures between 3.288 and 3.290" and shoots well in my rifle.

Should I follow the book or mimic the factory seating depth to start?

23:01 UTC


Hard to find powders

Anybody know where to find Trailboss or Shooter's world Buffalo Rifle?

22:32 UTC


Papaw's Old 30-30 Recipe

Came across this a while ago and thought this would be a good place to share it. It's written on an old Revelation 30-30 ammo box. Ink has faded but the indentation of the pen is still there. My papaw taught me how to reload when I was young and we loaded probably thousands of rounds together. I haven't loaded anything since he passed which will be 16 years this July. Recently I've thought about getting back into it and this may just be the push I need to dive back in. In case anyone can't make it what it says, it reads:

Bullet 150 Powder 4320 Grs 36 8-31-69

22:02 UTC


10.4 italian Vetterli AGAIN

I'm here to ask the age old question in a different way. I've decided it's time to make up some cartridges for my italian vetterli. I want to run my (the fool) plan past y'all (the experts).

8mm lebel brass. Trim it to appropriate length, fire form to size. Prime it, neck size it with a .41 swiss full length sizing die that I'll only press down part of the way (this is the thing I'm uncertain of whether it'll work) because I can't find a just neck sizing die for .41 swiss. Then seat a .44 magnum bullet with a .44 magnum bullet seating die. And of course there will be some powder and stuff put in there at some point. I'm gonna do this with a lee hand press. I know a bench press is better but my wife will kill me if I bring in one more piece of equipment that can't be easily put away such that she can pretend it doesn't exist.

Problems with my plan? Will the .41 swiss full length die work for my neck sizing? Advice is appreciated before I pull the trigger on all the components.

Bonus picture: 11x59r gras, 3d printed wirh 209 primers and airgun slugs. Please don't hate me for my destiny mousepad. I haven't played it in like a year.

19:24 UTC


Aftermarket toolheads and parts for a new Dillon 550C? Optimal upgrades?

I recently bought a Dillon 550C with conversion kits for 223 Rem and 9mm, and thinking about expanding to other calibers (357 Mag and 38 Special at first) with optimal cost, as well as accessorizing the press (maybe).

I've seen some aftermarket toolheads for Dillon on Amazon, are they any good? Does anybody have experience with particular kinds?

I currently use Lee dies and powder measure, I have several of them, but buying conversion kits and toolheads seems inevitable.

Eventually I'll probably get an Inline Fabrication mount, roller handle, and double output bin bracket, but man, it's so expensive for a few metal parts, you can buy a small fridge or electric scooter for this money. Gotta wait for a sale, I guess.

What else would you buy first for a 550C?

Is the Dillon bullet tray worth $75, or is the Inline Fabrication 3D tray enough, or is the double component tray assembly better?

19:23 UTC


Are Dillon rifle dies worth it?

I just installed a Dillon 550C and loaded first 50 rds of 9mm. I used Lee Auto-Drum Deluxe powder measure and Lee carbide 9mm dies, they work great. The dies have just enough length for Lee lock rings on the top.

I also have a Dillon conversion kit for 223 Rem. I have only one set of 223 dies (currently in a Six Pack Pro), and I wonder if Dillon steel rifle dies are worth 3x of the price of Lee dies.

I've opinions that some people use a Dillon sizing die, but look elsewhere for seating and crimping. Does it make sense to get just a Dillon sizing die, and complement it with another set of Lee dies?

19:02 UTC


PSA for wet tumblers: Get a Frankford Arsenal.

If you are one of the people, like me, who’s been suffering through using the harbor freight single/double drum rotary tumbler: STOP. Get yourself a rotary tumbler that’s made for reloading. It’s larger, easier, faster, more efficient, and just all-around more enjoyable to work with. Even though I went with the smaller “Lite” version, it’s such a huge step up from the “rock” tumbler I was using. Paired with this hornady media separator, it’s a game changer for cleaning brass. If I can offer one criticism, it’s a heck of a lot louder than the single drum tumbler I was using. I can kind of hear it when it’s going in my basement while I’m upstairs. Anyway, happy reloading y’all!

17:21 UTC


Here we go! 50 bucks is right around the corner…

16:15 UTC


Will Hornady 12th edition be released this year?

I bought the Hornady reloading app and gave my 10th edition book to my buddy who was just getting into reloading. I unfortunately wasn't aware that the app was a subscription, so I'm in the market for another reloading manual.

The 11th edition came out in 2021, and I don't want to buy it if the 12th edition is only a few months out.

Do you guys think the 12th will be released sometime this year, and if so likely when?

16:02 UTC


Difficulty Resizing

Good morning. Newbie to reloading. I recently started to resize and de-prime some existing brass I had for 6.5CM. The kit I purchased included Lyman Brass Lubrication. I put approximately 30 cases in a ziplock bag, squirted the lub into the ziplock back and moved them around for about a minute. I then dumped the cases into a sorting bin. When trying to resize the brass, the stroke of pull when pulling the press lever doesn't feel smooth, as compared to the videos i've seen. What would this be an indication of?

14:17 UTC


So I'm pretty new to reloading and wondering something.

Would anyone be able to help me resize brass for my 30-338 win mag? Traded a 30-30 for it thinking it was a 338 win mag. But it's not and can't find brass anywhere. New to reloading so I'm not sure what to do to get brass.

08:24 UTC


Reaming on a cp2000

This is a cp 2000 innovated by lithium machining. The reamer is made by Vincent at VP manufacturing. 3,000 5.56 an hour. With the lithium machine I can set the machine to kick the brass off after it goes through station 2. Ran 12,000 pieces today for a customer

08:03 UTC


Using grill to dry wet brass

I’ve heard of people using the oven to dry brass, I’m pretty sure that might get me murdered. Has anyone tried a grill? I think I’m going to try it. I have a sweet wet tumbler where I can do 10,000 pieces of 5.56 brass at a time. If I take it out and then go into corn cob; that’s fine for one or two batches, then I get corn cob packing in the bras. Corn cob is expensive as well. I think my best option is propane… anyone have any insight? I’m thinking deep baking pans full of brass on top of the grates.

07:48 UTC


180 gr Norma Bonstrike load needed

looking for a 300 win mag load to use some 180 gr Norma Bonstrike projectiles .

I have been given 20 projectiles to try .
So, 20 projectiles isn,t really enough to run up loads to find a good load . So i am after someone elses load to try .
I do have a good 185 and 210 berger load , and a reasonable 178 eldx , but no 180 grain loads for the 300 win mag . I shoot a 7mm prc as well , so i I have a variety of powders h1000 , H4831sc ADI 2217, ADI 2208 + 2209 , rl 22 , rl 19 , viv 160 + 540 ,
But i dont have any Norma MRP which i understand is the right powder ( got loads for that ) for the bonstrike .
for info , my 300 is a SAKO A7 at 23.5 inch barrell , lapua brass at 92.5 grain Volume , federal mag primers .
You are going to have to trust me , to not be a fool on this matter.
Now i have been around long enough to take your best Bonstrike load and run it through Gordens and XXL and If it goes well in yours , its likely to go fine in mine
so what you got ?

07:24 UTC


Coax shell holder and rimmed cartridges

I’m loading a rimmed cartridge for the first time and I’m having this issue where the rim isn’t sitting under the lip on the Co-ax shell holder. Does anybody have a solution for this? The brass is 30-40 Krag.

03:11 UTC


Best powder and recommended recipes for 77gr Barnes Match Burners

Just picked up a bunch of 22 cal 77gr Barnes Match Burner Bullets to load 5.56 and wondering what powder(s) would be best that isn’t unobtainable. Any load data recommendations would be helpful too. I’m fairly new to this so take it easy on me. I’ve seen some people saying stuff about N140 or RL-15 but those seem harder to get so just testing the waters. Not looking for super high velocity, just need groupings that aren’t miles apart

Edit: Cartridge and terminology

02:39 UTC


Newbie Advice - Rock Chucker or Lee Classic Turret

I have the opportunity to acquire either the RCBS Rock Chucker or the Lee turret and I’m conflicted.

I’m new to reloading have been researching a lot and have ordered some manuals, but I haven’t gotten my first press yet.

  • Lee Turret is $50 more. These are brand new and not kits just the presses themselves at a discount.
  • I plan on reloading 5.56, 7.62x39, .308, and 9mm. Mostly supers, but I’m not against subs one day.

I understand with a turret the whole process gets sped up without having to change anything unless I’m changing projectiles, bullet seating stem height, and crimping.

I’m I missing something here, or is the Lee Classic Turret a perfectly acceptable first press? I can always turn the Lee into a single stage, but I can’t turn the Rock Chucker into a turret is kind of what I’m thinking.

00:39 UTC

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