
Photograph via snooOG

News and discussion about the Tor anonymity software. New to Tor? Please read the Tor FAQ!


Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis. Get Tor.

This subreddit is for news, questions, opinions and tips about Tor.

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions before posting.

Community guidelines:

  • No posts about specific .onion sites, or requesting or sharing links to onion sites or link collections – these belong in /r/onions.
  • Do not ask for or give advice about activity that may be illegal in most places.
  • Do not ask for or give advice about using Tor for abusive purposes.
  • Do not ask for or offer assistance in private (PM)
  • Do not use URL shortening services: always submit the real link.
  • Articles that do not mention Tor are usually off-topic; /r/Tor is not for general news about privacy or security.
  • No memes or low effort content.
  • System-level questions about operating systems are off-topic. Questions about installing Tails, for example, belong in /r/Tails.
  • Do not ask for or offer invites.
  • Do not share bridges or refer to unofficial bridge distribution channels.
  • Posts must be in English
  • Be excellent to each other.

Tor + VPN?

This is a very frequently asked question we see in this subreddit. You generally do not need to use a VPN in conjunction with Tor, and you may even hurt your anonymity by doing so. However, a VPN may help if Tor is censored by your network. Please see the Tor Wiki for more details.

Tor on iOS (iPhone)?

The Tor Project recommends Onion Browser. See onionbrowser.com.

Tor or TOR?

The proper capitalization is "Tor". The subreddit's name is incorrectly capitalized as "TOR" and cannot be changed due to Reddit's technical limitations. Please read the Tor Project FAQ for more information.

How to get started

  1. Download Tor Browser
  2. Install
  3. Start it. You're done. It's that easy!


Related subreddits

  • /r/onions – all about Tor's hidden services
  • /r/tails – the Tails operating system helps preserve anonymity
  • /r/netsec – security news and discussion
  • /r/privacy – privacy and freedom in the information age
  • /r/PrivacyGuides – Helping you protect your data
  • /r/FreeSpeech – freedom of speech
  • /r/i2p – The Invisible Internet Project, anonymity system with similarities to Tor
  • /r/Namecoin – Namecoin, decentralized DNS

/r/tor is not managed or endorsed by The Tor Project.


285,802 Subscribers


Unable to login to y99.in website from tor browser

I am trying to login to my account on a website y99.in from tor browser, but it absolutely won't connect. The website homepage opens from tor browser but when i enter credentials and click on login, it just stays on loading/connecting screen and never gets logged in. How can I fix this?

05:34 UTC


Windows has a lightweight virtual machine capability called Windows sandbox. Can you run the TOR browser inside the windows sandbox? Everything inside the sandbox seems to be deleted every time you close the sandbox. Is the TOR browser itself, a kind of sandbox?

The TOR browser is good at disguising your IP address, but not necessarily good at stopping viruses and malware. A Windows virtual machine, or sandbox, can prohibit the spread of viruses or malware on your computer. But since the sandbox deletes everything within it, every time you close the sandbox, do you have to reinstall the TOR browser every time you use a sandbox? Thanks!

04:28 UTC


No video with supported format and mime type found android

I get this error sometimes on some videos ive tried setting noscript to temporarily turst the site but that doesnt work. What do i do?

19:45 UTC


Introducing & Discussing "Reflec-Tor"s as concept | Exit-Relay as Entry-Relay | Tor & Echo | Adding Entry-Relays as Reflec-Tor to Exit-Nodes

Tor-Messaging: Introducing & Discussing "Reflec-Tor"s as concept | Exit-Relay as Entry-Relay |


I think this belongs to this core, general, relay topic-forum, as it is also a development & community issue, request and efford, I post it here into the reddit forum for your core discussion:

The idea is to add next to Bridges, Relays and Exit-Nodes also "Entry-Nodes" as "Reflec-Tor"(s) to the point of Exit-Nodes. Hence: Exit-Nodes are developed futher to be also an Entry-Node.

Some may remember when gnutella got hybrid with edonkey and then also with torrent, Mike Stokes from Shareaza did that.

The idea today, 20 years later, is to add some Echo-capabilities to Tor in regard of the servers for Exit and Entry.

Vision: Every (updated) Exit-Node is an Echo-Server - For a better Tor-Messaging.

What does that mean?

An Echo-Server is a server for chat-messaging to send an incomming message packet again out to all connected clients at the moment. Ping-in and Ping-Out to all. That simple, that's why it is called the Echo. Like a shout in front of a forrest, all connected users can hear and get the (encrypted) shout or message or packet back from the tree wall.

There are 3 software applications for Echo-Servers:

Now, the Listener function with ping in and ping out should be implemented within a Tor-Exit-Node.

When it comes to Tor-Messaging, there are some pathes possible:

A) Tor-Chat-Client-Alice - Tor - Internet - Echo-Server - Internet - Tor - Tor-Chat-Client-Bob (Tor-proxied Chat-Server, which only accepts encrypted packets)

B) Tor-Chat-Client-Alice - Echo - Tor - Tor - Echo - Tor-Chat-Client-Bob (Echo Tor-tunneled)

C) Tor-Chat-Client-Alice - Echo-Server - Tor-Chat-Client-Bob (direct connection to Echo-Server with only encypted packets)

The request here is to build and develop option A.

That is just right now also possible, by an Exit-Node of Tor running the Echo-Server-Software on the same machine in parallel. Just the port is different.

This is an idea for some might be new, but thinking Tor Messaging a bit, it comes quickly to this ideas and better soluttion.

The way to connect

D) Tor-Chat-Client-Alice - Hidden Onion Server v3 - Tor - Tor - Hidden Onion Server v3 - Tor-Chat-Client-Bob

is the current given way for clientes like RicoChet Refresh, Quiet or Cwtch.

Similar to Briar, even developers of such clients above tell the loss of messages and low reliability of the hidden to hidden path. Some of you might know, that there were use cases with missing messages in a range of 35-45 %. Don't quote me on that, but as core developers and community members you might be in contact with those who experience this.

Furthermore the Messaging clients are not advanced in functionality, nor advanced in strong encryption.

It would be third a long development way to got that route.

It is cost effective and needs cappable developers.

Some project have stamped on and made a workable client, but does that unite all our power in the sense of Tor-Messaging?

Messaging needs a Vision and Statement from the Tor-Core-Developer team with a discussion in the community in that regard with honor to the individual projects and also with support for their chosen path (Model D). At the same time we have to state that it is as it is, a HTTP-Server in the middle like in Model A is faster than Model D.

In the graph-path the Echo-Server in the middle handles only encrypted traffic, so it is just like another Relay. We can call it "Reflec-Tor". The only sense it to multiply incomming encrypted packets from one node to all connected nodes.

With that Idea, the Messenger Spot-On could be used as a Tor-Messenger.

This Messenger has stong encryption and is full of feature for messaging and also cryptography.

it is like adding Firefox to Tor-Browsing, when Spot-On is added to Tor-Messaging.

Something to read at the community forum:


Also there is a Mobile Client for Android, which also connects to Reflec-Tors, find "Smoke" Messenger at F-Droid.org.

Please, get this right, it is not about a technical view on slow and failing chat-packets to hidden servers, and it is not about those start-up clients using this inside technology, some do a good project. It is about the idea, that an Reflec-Tor mirroring and pinging back packets on the Exit-Node this hop within the path of tor is not outside, it is always fully encryted for the messaging packets and should be seen as one Tor-Path, especially if the Listener-Ping-Back function (the Echo capabilities) is build in the Exit-Node-Tor Software.

Spot-On is already a Tor-Messenger - as it uses also HTTPs and it sends only encrypted packets.

A test is easy to make:

(1) Start the Tor-Browser, which has always the Port 9051 to Tor, Tor is running.

Next to Surfing with Tor-Browser Firefox the Chat with Tor-Messenger Spot-On can start.

(2) Start Spot-On on a webserver and create in the Listeners Tab a Listener on Port 4710.

(3) Start two Spot-On Instances Alice and Bob on two Laptops, in the Neighbors Tab you connect the Webserver via Tor: Add the IP and Port 4710 to the neighbor and choose Proxy: Port 4710.

You get the the Path:

Tor-Chat-Client-Alice - Tor - Internet - Echo-Server - Internet - Tor - Tor-Chat-Client-Bob

The idea is now to integrate this a bit more:

Tor-Chat-Client-Spot-On-Alice - Tor - [Tor-Exit-Node also Reflec-Tor (Echo-Server)] - Tor - Tor-Chat-Client-Spot-On-Bob

You see, the way stays all within the Tor-Family.

For sure, in case Alice does not want to use Tor, she also can message to Bob, who is behind Tor.

Tor-Chat-Client-Spot-On-Alice --> [Tor-Exit-Node as Entry-Node also Reflec-Tor (Echo-Server)] - Tor - Tor-Chat-Client-Spot-On-Bob

The IP of an Entry-Node is shown in the Tor-Browser and can get a port added. Then two user can simply cata over that node.

We need in times of surveillance, data retention, chat control and for sake of the needs of whistleblowser and people who want to chat privat and anonymously more decentral and open source chat server.

The mission is: Every Tor-Exit Node is an Entry-Node for Chat.

It should be not a lot of code to be added to the ports of an Exit-Node and displaying the Port of the Exit-Node in the Tor-Browser path icon.

This makes sense in several effects to be discussed and developed further:

  • Taking the next Development Step for Tor-Messaging: BTW, A Forum about Tor-Messaging could be made as a category here in the forum please.
  • directly support Tor-based Messaging for the Spot-On Messaging client

To be developed and discussed is, if this infra-structure could help to

  • support bootstrapping of Tor
  • support Censorship circumvention of Tor Reflec-Tors as SnowFlakes over the Messenger with EPKS
  • Accept, that some routing to an HTTPS internet server at the Tor-Node is faster than to an hidden onion server at the Tor Node.

Well, to add some "ping-in-and-out" for an packet is what every netcat and socat under linux can do. It is a small development step to make each Tor-Exit node a free chat server for messaging, which is a big step for mankind to have a network of free messaging chat servers.

Lets also see, how users and community will test and develop this messaging. So it is not only a discussion for developers, it is also a step forward the needs of the communities for a free internet:

  • for chat and their discussions.

A few code lines to exit nodes make them a Reflec-Tor and messaging over Tor can start really decentral and open source and free.

What do you think? does this privacy-concept bring more privacy and reliability in packet delivery to messaging with Tor?


16:42 UTC


Can my ISP track TOR activity?

TOR newbie here - I wanted to know whether my ISP can see my TOR browsing history ?

09:33 UTC


The tor project repository's key isn't working?

I can't update my webserver (just my personal webpage dont worry) because the key to verify deb.torporject.org repository won't work

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org bookworm InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 74A941BA219EC810 deb.torproject.org archive signing key
W: Failed to fetch https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/bookworm/InRelease  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 74A941BA219EC810 deb.torproject.org archive signing key
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.            

Anyone else having this problem?

09:07 UTC


If I’m using Tor for day to day stuff and not visiting any sketchy sites should I follow tips like not full screening, downloading files and logging into personal accounts?

That is to say, is there anything inherently risky about just using the browser or is it more so the sites people may visit on it.

04:55 UTC


Is torproject.org down for anyone else?

I have had no problem before reaching the site on the same computer and internet, so I'm wondering if the site has some trouble rn.

23:52 UTC


I cannot connect to my tor directly. Have removed and downloaded back several times still didn’t work?? Need some help.

Please help me! I am new to Tor. My error code was status code 6. Does anyone know what that means and how to solve the issue?

21:59 UTC


How to download torrent magnet link?

So with the stupid VM connection, I can't use torrent websites anymore. I downloaded TOR, I can access TPB now however it won't let me download the magnet link when I click on it :(

It says it's not supported. How do I get the magnet link to work? It worked just fine with Safari (when I didn't have Virgin Media wifi)

thank you!

16:55 UTC


Is it safe to use tor on mobile? I am new bee for it

10:14 UTC


Need help for being newbie

Hello there. I've been using tor on my windows 10 for last 2 weeks straight. I've been doing all my online stuff there cause for being anonymous, obviously.

I'm trying my best for being anonymous like using safest option, using duckduckgo, etc. But I still think that I'm not being fully anonymous from the world. It's my gut feeling or instinct or whatever you say. So please guys help me by telling me more & more tips and tricks for being more anonymous on tor. Also can I use tor on android without compromising my anonymity. Plzz do tell me.

16:34 UTC


Failure to access onion webpage

Hi everyone,

Deployed Privoxy +TOR and confirmed "Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor".

But when access to onion webpage, there is an error.

May I know any configuration missed ?


05:29 UTC


Request and response headers concern

When using tor some information about your device like operating system can be accessed by the onion service which is sent in request headers and similarly some information about onion service like server software can be accessed by a user in response headers.

This is just so unecesary and only causes anonymity and privacy issues. Why doesn't tor just remove all unecesary headers?

21:10 UTC


Haven't found recent posts about this and old ones might be outdated

Me and my friend want to mess with the dark web with TOR on my Mac, other than downloads what should I do to stay safe other than using outside wifi and no dowbloads

17:56 UTC


Why doesn't NoScript save my settings

It has "script" enabled in the "default" (why do I need it then) preset and if I change it, it persists until I close the browser

13:57 UTC


The TOR browser comes with one extension, it’s called NoScript. What does the TG designation on the NoScript icon indicate? The instructions are so complex I can’t understand this. Thanks!


04:10 UTC


IPv6 entry policy rejected by tor

Hi, tor is rejecting my torrc statement SOCKSPolicy accept6 ::1 with the error "Malformed IP "::1" in address pattern; rejecting.". What might be wrong?

I have the same issue with other IPv6 addresses too.

16:03 UTC


Why is using windows considered dangerous for Tor?

Correct me if I am wrong but If I recall, all internet activity and browsing you do on the tor browser stays localized within tor itself. however lots of people on the sub say that it is dangerous to use windows due to its privacy practices and that you should switch to linux or use tails. But, If all of your network activity is confined to the tor browser, doesn't that mean that only the data requests sent to microsoft would just be sent outside tor and your sensitive traffic itself would be safe? what other privacy issues could using windows with tor possibly have? are they logging your tor browsing history? thanks in advance.

23:55 UTC


Windows 11 Software?

Is there any software/app for windows 11 that lets you connect to the TOR network with a button or something else?

19:08 UTC


Why doesn't Tor let me log into Reddit?

I used to be able to log into Reddit via Tor, but no more.

Whenever I type in the password and the nickname, it just says that something went wrong.

I should add this only concerns the Android version, I believe the Desktop one works fine.


15:44 UTC


Question about hidden_service

Hello, I have a question, can a VPS provider know if one of their custommers is running a hidden service?

15:18 UTC


Tor router

I have a gl inet ax1800 it has openvpn wireguard and tor, how safe is routing all traffic trough tor i have been using the tor mode on my router and it works great, my country recently implemented meta data surveillance wouldn't using tor provide way more anonymity and make trafic analysis harder then VPN

09:17 UTC


How to hide the fact of using TOR from the provider?

How to completely hide the fact of using TOR from the provider? The fact is that when using, for example, torctl + torbrowser, traffic is encrypted through TOR nodes, but the fact is that the provider sees the fact of using TOR itself (it sees all the packets transmitted between the client and the servers and identifies them as TOR and can also see the amount of data transmitted between them). I want to know from you how to completely hide the transmitted packets from the provider? Obsfproxy, vpn, ssh tunneling or setting up your WiFi module? Which method is more effective and is there any?

07:02 UTC


What things did you see at Deep Web?

Personally, I have never stumbled upon it, but I have heard rumbles about illegal drugs, stolen passwords, credit cards and the occasional red rooms

I'll like yo hear what are the most interesting, most disturbing or most boring things you have found in deep web/dark web

Does anybody recommend for me to go to deep web, why or why not?

06:58 UTC


Do i need to use TailsOS for every single dark net activity?

So I am on arch linux and i don't want to sell/buy stuff i just want to explore websites and maybe chat on some chatrooms, my question is, do I still need tailsOS for just basic browsing or arch is fine?

05:43 UTC


Deepweb link and now this...?

So I had a link saved to a good read on an onion link and when I went back to it I came upon this.


Все ваши данные теперь наши. Вся информация о сервере, исходный код, базы данных и содержимое почтового сервера Impreza.host теперь находятся у нас. Сейчас мы завершаем захват других серверов, и вся информация скоро будет публично утекать в большой дамп данных.

All your data is now ours. Information about the servers, source code, databases and contents of the Impreza.host mail server are now with us. We are now completing the takeover of other servers, and all information will soon be publicly leaked to a large data dump. Великий взлом Impreza 2024 The Great Impreza Hack 2024

Почтовым серверам и некоторым частным VPS будет разрешено продолжать работу в течение 30 дней или до тех пор, пока Impreza не закроет свой центр обработки данных.

Mail servers and some private VPS will be allowed to continue running for 30 days or until Impreza shuts down their data center."

Would you think this would be a problem or is stuff like this pretty common?

05:03 UTC


Couldn't browse .onion sites

I've installed Tor browser and orbot on my android , but I still can't use any onion link . How can I get to dark web

14:16 UTC


Tabs crashing on TOR

I recently downloaded tor browser but now everytime I use it it sljust shows 'Gah. Your tab just crashed' And it is happening multiple times...How to solve this?

03:39 UTC

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