
Photograph via snooOG

A safer space for all pregnant people.

Welcome to /r/Pregnant.

If you or someone you know may be pregnant, please click here. Pregnancy scare posts will be removed.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

This space is for all pregnant people from all walks of life. Whether you're trying to conceive or currently in labor, whether you're a surrogate or a birth parent, whether you're keeping your baby or choosing abortion or are undecided, we are here to be a safe and supportive resource for you.

Please note these important subreddit rules:

  1. Respect pregnant people's choices without judgement. Nobody is too young, too poor, too single, too manly, too gay, too whatever to be pregnant. No pregnant person needs you to tell them that they're eating wrong, drinking wrong, weighing wrong, exercising wrong, or doing wrong by their pregnancy.

  2. This space is pro-choice. No links to anti-choice material or websites allowed, no anti-choice comments allowed.

  3. No body policing. Please take your weight loss/gain comments and links elsewhere.

  4. Bigotry will not be tolerated. Please hit the report button if you see any racist, sexist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic, etc. comments to help mods remove them promptly. We are a friend of the fempire.

  5. Please do not promote or link to other pregnancy subreddits here. Some relevant subreddits are listed below with necessary warnings, but in our experience some other subreddits have very little moderation, which means lots of bigotry and hostility towards pregnant people. This is a safe space. Links to such subreddits do not belong here.

  6. Asking if you or someone you know could be pregnant will result in a ban. Nobody on the internet can tell you if someone is pregnant. Take a test.

  7. Questions regarding medical issues must be submitted to the sticky post. Starting Oct 23, 2017, all medical questions must be submitted to the stickied post. Any questions posted individually will be removed and redirected.


  • /r/miscarriage - a safe and supportive space for those who have experienced miscarriage

  • /r/plusSizedPregnancy - a safe and supportive private subreddit for the pregnant and plus sized. Message the mods here.

  • /r/PregnancyOptions - a safe and supportive private community for those dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. Message the mods for access here.

  • /r/infertility - a safe and supportive space for those dealing with infertility

  • /r/newparents - a supportive community for those dealing with life after the first baby. WARNING: no explicit moderation policies, may not be a safe space.

  • /r/breastfeeding - for breastfeeding support. WARNING: tends to be 'lactivist' in attitude; can often shame parents who choose formula

  • /r/AmIPregnant- This is where you ask if you or someone you know might be pregnant.

  • /r/BlackParents- A safe space for black parents and parents of black children


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Free gift cards

Hi y’all! I got a couple gift cards from Enfa*il- they’re for custom items and they’re pretty cute, however you gotta pay for shipping and I personally don’t want to pay for shipping. $60 for little wanderers $35 for udder covers $30 for custom pacifiers $50 custom snappies Code for HelloFresh - it says 16 free meals. The gift cards are legit but you can’t use them for the shipping. PM me for the #s and I’ll edit my post when one goes out

1 Comment
06:47 UTC


at risk homeless :(

i live in fl where everything us so expensive. ig i kinda didnt know about safe sex…was already at risk homelessness…idk what to do. ive tried so many places but they have no space :(

1 Comment
06:26 UTC


bowel accidents?

this entire post is tmi, you have been warned.

hi, as the title says, im due for my first in a little over 2 months. recently (as in the last week, maybe two) ive been having issues making it to the toilet in time. the first time it happened i was at home THANK GOD b/c i feel like without that “warning” it could have been MUCH worse at my job. i was just sitting at home trying to finish an email to my doctor when it just came out. tbf i kinda knew i had to go for awhile this time but thought i could wait. wont make that mistake again got it. my husband was right there and was so confused why i just sat there and let it happen, i lied i didnt know i even had to go. what else was i gonna do.

the issue is i only have 12 weeks of maternity leave, so id really rather not leave my work.. so far ive gotten lucky and all my accidents have been literally on the way to the bathroom, but what if im stuck on the assembly line?? we have to get someone to take over and it isnt always easy or possible. pee is one thing... ive had a pee problem, mostly urge and frequency thats gotten worse the bigger ive gotten. i just wear a pad b/c even though it feels like an accident when it happens and i cant wait it usually isnt much at all. fyi i NEVER let it go intentionally. but i dont ask for breaks anymore either b/c its every 15 mins.

ive only had this job for a year too and am scared of getting fired if i take more leave. i am in the midwest and there isnt much around here. my #2 accidents arent diarrhea, theyre solid, which makes it even more confusing,

but each time i did everything before actually getting on the toilet.

the first time at work (yes as soon as i could tell i had to go) they really took forever to get me my relief, and im pretty sure at that point it was already happening. i RAN to the bathroom but it just kept happening. i was so devastated i called my husband to just come pick me up. He brought spare clothes to the bathroom but just saiid it was too bad to fix. he wrapped a sweater around my waist and walked me out. i called and said i was sick but im pretty sure it was obvious when walking out to everyone around. i smelled so bad. he wouldnt stop commenting on it the whole way home.

Then the NEXT day, it happened again...i think they got the hint and came to relieve me quicker, but i lost it while walking. the hallway is long and kind of far for me which is also why i dont bother with pee most of the time. i just dont make it. i cleaned myself up this time best i could since my husband obv wasnt any help and got back to work b/c twice is just way too obvious. i still think i smelled and the whole time i was paranoid. i also didnt want to get written up or fired for leaving again.

then the coup de grace.... i went a few days without any accidents at work and maybe without even going at all... and i still made it through work fine, but not the drive home. we live in a suburban area, and even though it's only 10 minutes (or less) from work, i STILL didnt make it. i had no idea i had to go until i was almost there, i was almost on our street, then a stop sign...i lost it. very very tmi but this time was actually HARDER than normal, it actually really really hurt but my body wouldnt stp going. maybe because i was sitting?? so when i stopped in front of our house, i just.... i cant believe im admitting this, but i lifted up and pushed. i still regret it and the whole time i was just looking around so scared one of my neighbors would see what i was doing but it just hurt too much i couldnt. pile after pile of rock hard poop and the entire time i peed on the seat too.... my husband came out to see me sobbing and was shocked. he literally couldnt believe how much i pooped. i was crying too much to help myself, he had to do it and it was not pretty. i feel like he suggested i was eating too much and that really made me upset. i HAVE gained a lot of weight and am eating a lot but i was underweight to begin with and thats what youre supposed to do??.... it doesnt explain why i have a 5 minute warning, max, before it all just happens in my pants. i want to ask my dr if my weight gain is normal now but im like 99% sure it is. people have said i look great...

he also said constipation but i pooped my pants 3 days in a row... im not constipated.

ive literally never pooped my pants in my life before this. not even pee accidents before i got pregnant.

just yesterday i had ANOTHER accident at work. thankfully they relieved me quickly b/c i barely made it into the stall before it happened. but obviously i cannot keep my pants clean at all. it was another awful day of feeling incompetent and smelling of shame.

im kinda hysterical. my husband has suggested a diaper but what, am i going to stand at the assembly line smelling like a used diaper?? that is beyond disgusting and i cant even imagine. i would die. my living room and car both smell like poop and i dont want to go back to work but literally have no choice.

06:15 UTC


Baby Girl Name Suggestions??

I’m entering into my 3rd trimester and we still cannot decide on a name. Any ideas? No “B” names please. TIA!

06:06 UTC


Constipation and impaction

So I've been pretty constipated for awhile and not able to really do anything about it, money is super tight so food is limited and medications are pretty low priority. Well I had a fecal impaction today and it was a horrendous experience. I'll spare the details, but I was in the bathroom for 2 and a half hours and was about ready to go to the ER 😭😭 My mom did bring me some miralax later, so I have that now. Anyway, I need some advice on 1. Avoiding that ever happening again aside from laxatives. And 2. How to treat and heal my poor bum. Google hasn't been very helpful, I'm just using aquaphor right now. But any ideas on how to make it not so sore, and to heal quickly would be great!

05:59 UTC


Breast feels on FIRE

I’m 34 weeks and my breasts and around my breasts feels like they’re on fire on top of feeling sore. Is this normal? Have you felt this before ?

1 Comment
05:56 UTC


Garden of Life Protein

25 weeks pregnant, I’ve been drinking Garden of Life’s Raw Organic Meal (lightly sweetened, no stevia) almost every other day and didn’t really think it would be harmful. But now I went on a deep dive of protein powders and pregnancy, and I am FREAKING OUT!! Did anyone drink protein powders, or even this powder specifically, throughout their pregnancy and everything was okay? Let me know, thank you!

05:51 UTC


Seeking Advice on External Hemorrhoid During Pregnancy

In my third trimester, I have developed an external hemorrhoid, not due to constipation but from prolonged sitting and a slight strain while hurrying back to bed one night. The pain was intense and made sitting or standing unbearable for the first two days. My doctor hasn't prescribed anything because most medications contain steroids, which are unsafe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They mentioned that it's unlikely to resolve on its own and may require a small surgical procedure after childbirth, which worried me. I found it surprising that this determination was made over a phone consultation and seemed extreme. I'm curious if others have experienced something similar during pregnancy and if the hemorrhoid resolved naturally after childbirth or required intervention. A midwife leading my antenatal classes mentioned that for most women, the external hemorrhoid resolves after childbirth but wouldn’t now due to the increased pressure baby is putting on my body and also the pushing during labor that’s to come. While mine has shrunk since it first appeared, it's still visible and makes sitting or laying sometimes uncomfortable, and although I've tried remedies like Epsom salts, natural creams, and alcohol-free witch hazel, the sensation persists. I'm hopeful it won't be a long-term issue, but just wondering if anyone has experienced the same issue and can share with me how it might work after birth, if it went back or required a procedure?

1 Comment
05:50 UTC


Pregnancy and breast feeding

im 4 weeks and I’m having symptoms of milk dropping and my child is no where near on track to start weaning I’m afraid of my opinion please any advice on how to keep the milk or anyone’s Story. Anything please


1 Comment
05:15 UTC


Feel like i’m losing my mind

Let me start off by saying i absolutely adore my husband and everything he does for me. We’re only 7 weeks along and he’s been great with taking over chores and dog walks because i’m so fatigued, he supports me quitting my toxic job, but god he won’t get off my back about what i’m eating.

Since the pregnancy he’s been overly concerned about any “junk food”. It’s starting to really get under my skin, and with how crappy this first trimester has been so far i just don’t want to hear it.

It started when we first found out, and i wanted my usual monthly bag of takis. He wouldn’t buy them when he went to the store and it really upset me. I ended up going to the store to get some cherry juice(since nobody even recommended i could continue to take melatonin) and bought myself a bag. When i got home with them he immediately seemed disappointed and said how there’s no vitamins or nutrients in takis.

Today i got my blood taken, a lot of it i might add, and i was really craving sugar afterwards. We went and saw the movie Abigail and i had been looking forward to a nice slushee since we got the tickets and he didn’t say anything when i ordered it, but afterwards it was a half joking manner of “should you really be drinking that”

And finally, the reason i’ve been giving him the silent treatment for the evening.

We ate a mid day lunch and he took a nap, i snacked on some sour straws and didn’t think anything of it, until he woke up- mentioned he was craving a nutty buddy bar, and in the same breath he made a comment about how i have been eating like crap all day.

I threw a stupid swiss roll at him and have pretty much been sitting on the couch silently since.

It’s just so fricking frustrating. Im so thankful for this baby, but i’ve given up so much of my regular day to day life for this. My anxiety is through the roof, i can’t smoke, i can’t have an adaptogen tea, i can’t even have my favorite snack of brie cheese or even a nice simple cold turkey sandwich.

I know he’s coming from a good place but ugh idk. I feel like it’s too much for me right now. I know i should be eating healthy and for the most part i do, but if i have a day of indulgence i hear about it immediately. I appreciate that he cares but sometimes i wish he didn’t so much.

04:42 UTC


Morning sickness help?

My fiancé is 6 weeks pregnant with our first and we're really excited and she's being such a trooper, but she's sick as hell man:/ And I feel horrible. She's being so strong and everything but it's really hurting me to see her throw up so much and feel so shitty. Since week 5 it's just been every day and some days it's all day barely can eat and keep anything down. Is there anything else I can get her? Or try to help her out? We have Zofrans we got her these pregnancy pop drops that are supposed to help with nausea I've got gas relief pills we got some vitamin b6 pills. I've been trying to make and get her foods she can stomach, but its just rough. Does she just gotta keep being tough?:/ or is there anything else more I can do? Sorry if this is longwinded and thank you in advance

04:29 UTC


*Need advice* Fear of pregnancy, birth & motherhood

Hi – some back story of this title is all my life I didn’t ever think I would have kids nor want kids but lately I have been thinking about it so much. Sometimes it excitements me, most times it’s fear. I want to want all of this but did not grow up in an environment where kids were considered a good thing more of a burden (my mother said this to me). I feel like I have always been exposed to the negative and would truly love to hear the positive.

I am now starting to think I want a kid but I’m so scared, any advice would be great since I am not surrounded by many women or women who are pregnant/given birth

TYIA ♥ (:

1 Comment
04:28 UTC


Is proactive safe during pregnancy?

Anyone know if proactive is safe during pregnancy? My OBGYN recommended it but I see mixed reviews everywhere.

04:24 UTC


Freaking out over supplement

Hey guys,

I was told to take Omega Vitamins during the third trimester, so while shopping at Costco we took a look around. We found some free samples of Youtheory Omega. We took some home with us. I only took one of the pills (each sample pack has 2).

However, now I just saw on the back it says to not take while pregnant or nursing. I am freaking out and crying that I may have hurt my baby. Someone please help me in just making sure everything is ok. My husband said it will be fine that I only took one pill and not even a full dose. Also, that it was my first time ever taking an omega 3. I just entered my third trimester and these hormones are killer!

1 Comment
04:16 UTC


Boyfriend’s porn use?

Sorry if this post doesn’t make a lot of sense, I don’t ever post on Reddit but need advice/to vent and don’t know where else to go.

I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant with a baby my bf and I planned for. I was placed on pelvic rest for 5 weeks due to placenta previa but recently got cleared to have sex again.

But lately my bf has been watching transgender mtf porn almost every chance he can get? Like I will run to the store to grab something and he runs and beats off….

Obviously I’m already feeling insecure due to my body changing, especially now that I’m starting to get bigger, but with the type of porn he’s been watching it makes me feel like he’s not attracted to me whatsoever. We had a really great sex life before my pregnancy and have still been having sex after I got cleared so I’m not sure why he’s needing to get off to other people so often? I almost feel like the sex he has with me is just like out of pity because he’ll literally just watch porn the morning after as soon as I leave for work.

I’m truly not okay with him watching any kind of porn and I doubt he will ever stop and I don’t know what to do.

04:14 UTC


He's here!

He's finally arrived.

I was due on 28th April but wee man finally made an appearance Friday the 3rd.

I started off Wednesday morning around 5am being woken up by some cramping. Hubby's alarm went off for work just after that and I stood up to go for a pee and that's when my waters started to go! Cramping came closer together, around every few minutes and quite strong, so went into hospital. I was there for a few hours and went home to see if I'd be a bit more comfortable while things progressed. I only lasted a few hours before contractions became quite strong and I couldn't hold off. Went back in and was admitted.

Well I got the morphine and it was so so good! But unfortunately it slowed it all down for me. At this stage I was only 2cm dilated so they kept me in the communal ward for women and then eventually I got my own room that night around 9pm. That's when it all kicked off again and I was put onto gas and air. Contractions were really close together and strong again and so was given the epidural. There was no way in hell I wasn't getting that after such a difficult pregnancy. It worked a charm and was contracting 4 in 10 minutes and had absolutely no idea it was going on haha! Well by the following day (Friday) I was only around 4-5cm. And then after around 4hrs had only progressed to 6cm. They made the decision to perform an emergency section as baby's head hadn't progressed further down and I had only widened by 1cm in 4hrs.

So baby boy was born on Friday by cesarean! He's suspected to have an infection now though. He's to stay in for at least 5 days and last night he was taken to the unit so he can be monitored more closely. That was difficult I can't lie. I haven't had a solid sleep since Tuesday night, and it's been very emotional. Was quite hard being alone in the room last night without him and not having him in his crib next to me, so I can soothe him if needing seen to. But I know he's in the best hands possible and at least it's allowed me some sleep and to get some strength back.

I didn't even think I'd breast feed as well; I have formula at home with bottles ready, but it's all I've done. Nurses have been amazing and supported me beautifully, helping if I struggle to latch or express. He's needing formula now to get some extra fluids but I'm still pumping to help my milk come in and help him have whatever nutrients I can give him.

But yeah! What an ordeal! I'm recovering okay and he's hopefully getting stronger day by day with the help of the hospital staff. I honestly can't fault any member of staff so far, they've all been so tentative to me and my baby and have treated my hubby respectfully. I'm in such good hands and I couldn't ask for better care during this difficult period. 💙

1 Comment
04:13 UTC


Three day NIPT result hold in certain states

Hello Everyone! This is my first time posting on this group but this group and Reddit in general has been so helpful so far in my pregnancy.

I recently got my lab work done for my NIPT through labcorp and some other posts had mentioned you could create a labcorp portal to see your results as soon as they were final. I did this, and after about 6 days I got a message in my portal that my results were “upcoming” and the final report wouldn’t be released in labcorp portal for three business days. There was also had a note that said the results had been sent to my provider for review.

Now, I’m a naturally anxious person and one of the first things that came to my mind was that this meant the results were positive for something and my provider needed to see it first because of that. I tried to search on Reddit and google to find out if this was normal and didn’t see any posts giving definitive answers as to why.

I have since learned that some states have a law that prohibits test results containing information on genetic markers to go directly to patient portals and instead automatically go to your doctor first. This hold lasts 72 hours. Also - my report came back negative for everything so this obviously debunks my original fear as well.

Side note - even though labcorp had the 72 hour hold in their portal, I had emailed a customer service agent about the status of my test a day earlier and they actually ended up emailing me my final report the day that I got that message in my portal. Not sure why they could email it to me and not post it, but if anyone is going through a similar situation I would see if you can get your report emailed to you!

Anyways, I’m not sure if this is common knowledge but seeing a post like this would have helped me, so I’m making it. Wishing everyone the best!

1 Comment
04:06 UTC


I’m curious…

At the beginning of pregnancy do you get cramps as if on your period? Without the blood of course.

03:58 UTC


How far along are you

How far along are you in your pregnancy? What is your babies birth month and what is the gender if you found out already?

Twin girls due this month in May💞

03:51 UTC


Does Diet Coke Cause Autism

I read this study on the internet that it does or there is correlation and now I am freaking the F out!! I wouldn’t say I have been having 1 can everyday but I have had it frequently, like I would say more days than not.

I am just looking for reassurance - If you had diet coke frequently while and had a healthy baby I would just like to know to feel better.


03:29 UTC


Leg cramp relief?

Currently 32 weeks pregnant. 2 nights ago I woke up to EXCRUCIATING pain from my calf muscle. It was like a pulsing pain for 45 seconds that would not stop. After I finally got the pain to stop, it left my leg extremely sore for two days.

I’ve been putting heat on it, massaging it, took a bath - which all helped temporarily.

However I got another one today and it was the same leg and same spot as the one from the other day. I can barely walk today, can barely even stand. Even keeping it on a pillow resting hurts because I can feel how tense and sore the muscle is.

I drink a lot of water, I know I’m hydrated, as I originally thought that could be the source of why they’re so painful. What do you guys do for these pains and muscle cramps and spasms? They’re the absolute worst. I hate waking up to them and have been looking everywhere for what may help.

03:26 UTC


Feeling like a failure at labor

I am 40 weeks today and I feel so discouraged. Baby dropped almost 3 weeks ago and since I’ve lost my mucus plug, had a bloody show and have had pretty strong period cramp like contractions on and off. Two days ago at my weekly appointment I was informed I was 3cm dilated and 70% effaced, got a membrane sweep and was sent on my way. About half an hour later I started having contractions about 10 mins apart and about 6 hours later they increased to 5-6 minutes apart. I went to the hospital as advised and I was at 4cm and 80% effaced. They monitored me for 4 hours but there was no changes so they discharged me to keep laboring at home. I’ve now been home for almost 24 hrs since discharge and I still have contractions every 5-6 mins but no change in intensity and my water still isn’t broken. I was told to come back if my contractions increase in pain, get 2-3 mins apart or my water breaks. I have an appointment on Tuesday (3 days from today) where I can discuss medical induction but i don’t know how I’ll make it to the appointment because the contraction pain is keeping me up I can’t sleep I keep getting woken up and I’m so miserable. I’ve tried everything I can think of to encourage labor forward: pumping, miles circuit, walking around target, walking around the neighborhood, etc. I’m just feeling so frustrated, discouraged and like I’m failing my son because I can’t bring him earthside. I’ll take any suggestions or just words of encouragement from anyone who’s dealt with the same.

03:21 UTC


Subchorionic Haemorrhage 😭

Hi everyone, i got my results today, HCG 130,000+ U/S Heartbeat 170 bpm, 8 weeks 3 days The report says a Small Subchorionic Haemorrhage occupies less than 20% behind the gestational sac. They asked me if I had vaginal bleeding and I said no but thinking back I had one day of small wipe of light colored blood with a tiny bloodclot. I know it increases your risk for miscarriage, anyone have this and deliver fine?

03:18 UTC


What do I say?

So, I'm a 2nd Grade teacher, and my students finally noticed my baby bump (I'm six months), so of course, their wondering what it is, do I just tell them about my pregnancy, or do I say something else??

03:15 UTC


Need positivity please 😥

I’m 11w1d today. I came across some posts here today that really scared me to where I’m freaking out, going down a rabbit hole and considering buying a fetal Doppler. I’m currently waiting for my NIPT results and will have an ultrasound on 5/15 at 12.5 weeks. I heard babes heartbeat at 10 weeks right before blood test (NIPT) and it was strong and healthy, but I know that things can still happen according to so many comments I’ve read. I feel so awful for what they’ve gone through, but now I am terrified for myself. I’ve felt like I’m now in the safe zone and we’ve been telling more people and planning a little gender reveal on Mother’s Day if we get results back. I’m 35, FTM, and know so many people close to me that have had miscarriages. I started to feel safe and more positive until reading these comments today. Please send me positive stories only 🙏 I really need them right now. 🥺

03:09 UTC


Babymoon suggestions?

Hey y’all! Looking for my Goldilocks babymoon. It’s a bit last minute because we weren’t planning to do one at all and it’s been so hard to find anything that makes sense. That said, I thought I could at least ask. Here’s the need to know

  • late May - mid June timeframe
  • within no more than 7 hr driving distance from central KY
  • budget is around $300 a night

My main goal is relaxation, strongly prefer a spa or a place with one close, and good food near is a great bonus. I will be between 26-30 weeks.

Thanks yall!!!

02:55 UTC


Eating sucks while pregnant

I’m 20 weeks and people kept saying it gets better in the second trimester. I’m here to say, eating still sucks.

Nothing tastes as good, I’m constantly hungry and have no actual appetite. Like nothing actually “sounds good” anymore. It’s annoying to constantly have to figure out what to eat. Anyone else?

02:52 UTC


Uti feeling but no uti?

Hello! So I try 'n explain it as good as possible. I'm about 18/19 weeks pregnant now (first baby!🩵) I already have the feeling I have a uti for a week now.. not as much the burning while peeing but more before I have to pee and after. I keep feeling the urge and pressure to pee even like directly after peeing.. most times it is also not a lot of pee that comes out. So ofcourse I went to the doctor she checked my urine and did also a swab for yeast and bv. Nothing came out of it... everything looked great and healthy is what she said. She did send my urine to the lab and today I got the results of that too... Nothing is found! No uti. Does any of the ladys here has any experience with this or knows what this can be? I'm confused and a bit worried something bad is going on...

I do also have a bit of a tight pressure feeling in my vagina/butt area and little stabs sometimes like in my vagina and also my butthole and lower stomach on the sides a bit.

The doctor calls me monday about the results and to ask how I am doing. I didn't talk to her today I saw my results in my medical account. She did gave me antibiotics I do take those.. I started yesterday with those. I also don't really know if I should taking those? I mean there is no uti I guess.. I don't like to take medication for nothing. It does feels a bit better since I take them but I still have that weird tight pressure kind of feeling...

Hopefully someone knows more about this kind of stuff or maybe someone has any idea what this can be..? It's probably a good idea to discuss it at my call monday then.

02:49 UTC


Extreme hunger

If we technically don't even need extra calories in the first trimester than whyyyyy am I ALWAYS starving. I indulge in some treats, but nothing crazy, I make sure to include lots of protein, healthy fats, and fruits/veggies. It's like every two hours my body has completely forgotten I've eaten anything in the past 24 hours.

1 Comment
02:47 UTC


When should I tell my new job I’m pregnant?

So I just started a new full time job this week after being laid off in November 2023. Prior to this I was working a contract position, but I needed something with more stability and pay because I had to work 52+ hours a week just to get by at that job & the contract was open ended and had no actual end date which means it could end at any time. I'm 25 weeks pregnant and I'm honestly not sure when the right time to mention it to my new employer is. I hear all these horror stories about people not getting jobs due to being pregnant so I was really scared to say anything during the hiring process because I really NEEDED this job and it took me sooo long to get one I really didn't want to ruin it. I feel like going on leave after my training period would be a really bad look so I plan to just use PTO, but I don't know when the right time to say something is.

02:40 UTC

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