
Photograph via snooOG

The Whole30 is a 30-day elimination program co-founded by Melissa Urban in 2009. This subreddit brings together redditors that are taking on the Whole30 program, those that have completed one, and those that are considering it. Detailed information and program rules can be found on whole30.com.

This subreddit brings together redditors that are taking on the Whole30 challenge, those that have completed one, and those that are considering it. Share recipes, ask questions, and celebrate your successes.

Thanks for reading!
  1. Please no non-compliant posts, this includes SWYPO. /r/paleo is more appropriate for those types of recipes and photos.
  2. Be encouraging and friendly.
  3. If you are posting a picture of a meal you have made, take the time to share the recipe with us!


What are the daily/monthly threads?

The "Daily Update Thread" is for discussion related to the Whole30, your progress, NSVs (non-scale victories), how you're doing today, what's new in your life...anything that you don't think warrants its own post. Off-topic discussion is allowed!

The "Monthly Recipe Thread" is to share your favorite recipes. Feel free to post pictures, links, reviews, and feedback.

Whole30 Chatroom

(freenode IRC channel: #whole30)

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74,593 Subscribers


Rotisserie Chicken

Is a rotisserie chicken from whole foods whole30 compliant? they have a plain organic one but i still don’t know?

1 Comment
19:03 UTC


Accidentally ate seasoned salt. Do I need to start over?

I didn’t realize my burger at a restaurant had this stuff on it. I looked it up and it contains sugar and MSG, and now I kinda have a headache. Do I need to start over? I’m on day 13.

18:01 UTC


lifestyle-based alternatives

a while ago I found a lifestyle-based alternative to Whole 30. It took into account each day if I drank enough water, meditated, read a book, took supplements, and ate a diet I chose.

It was not the hard 75.. but it was something similar in that it had many different factors.

Does anyone know what this might have been? I want to do smething like the whole 30 but the lifestyle factors are also important to me..

18:33 UTC


Help! Work Dilemma

My coworkers organized a thing in the lounge at work to celebrate me for something. I can’t eat any of it. What do I do?!?!

17:52 UTC


R5D30 Celebration Meal!

Steak, compliant mashed potatoes, asparagus, and a crisp spindrift! Made by my hunny :)

02:20 UTC


Whole 30 with Cholesterol

Looking at doing a Whole 30 for the first time in a decade or so. I have been on a statin for four months and seen tremendous results. I want to be cognizant of that while giving this another shot. Any advice? Tips? People in similar situations?

02:39 UTC


Weekly Discussion for the week of May 13, 2024

Hi everyone! Please share your updates during the week. Where are you in your Whole30? What successes or struggles have you had so far? How are you feeling? Share a recipe? Offer some encouragement? We also encourage you to use the discussion post for single questions not requiring a dedicated thread!

11:01 UTC


My Experience on Day 15 of the Whole30 Challenge: Pros and Cons

Hey everyone, I wanted to share my thoughts on day 15 of the Whole30 challenge. Here are some pros and cons I've encountered so far:


  1. Improved Sleep: I'm sleeping like a champ! Falling asleep easily and waking up feeling refreshed has been a game-changer.
  2. Willpower Boost: Saying no to tempting treats like alcoholic drinks and sugary desserts has been surprisingly empowering.
  3. Healthy Habits: I'm developing better eating habits, exploring the science of food, and discovering delicious new recipes for healthy snacking.


  1. Persistent Bloating: Despite my efforts, I'm still dealing with bloating and stomach issues, especially since being diagnosed with post-infectious IBS after having Covid.
  2. Calorie Intake Challenges: It's tough to strike the right balance of calories without overdoing it on fat, which can be hard to digest and leads to gassiness, especially combined with all the veggies. Considering reintroducing rice or steel-cut oats for variety.
  3. Limited Food Options: Feeling a bit frustrated with the lack of variety and the "wet" texture of many Whole30-approved foods.

Overall, while there have been challenges, I'm sticking with it and hopeful for more positive changes ahead. Would love to hear others' experiences and tips!

20:46 UTC


R5D27 I’ve really been feeling this round!

Most other rounds I felt I had to make all these fancy meals and it made it so much harder. While I’ve made plenty of those recipes this round, I also learned to simplify. At times I forgot I was even doing whole30 and feel this will really be my most successful round. This isn’t anything fancy but super tasty: Bilinski Cajun Andouille sausage with mustard; scrambled eggs with onions, greens, garlic powder, chipotle chili seasoning, salt and cracked pepper; smoothie with frozen raspberries, frozen strawberries, fresh blueberries, almond milk, one tablespoon almond butter, one tablespoon coconut flakes, and two tablespoons of chia seeds. Not my normal smoothie (I usually do banana + blueberries with almond butter, chia seeds, cinnamon, and almond milk) but my partner ate the last banana lol, still delicious though!

20:37 UTC


Carb Flu

I’ve been doing a modified whole 30 for about 8 days now (had a piece of cake for my birthday and a few pieces of homemade sourdough bread). The fatigue and headaches I’ve had for the last 4 days have been awful! I keep waiting for them to go away and they don’t. Electrolytes help a bit but it’s short lived. Any ideas? How long will this last?

10:48 UTC


Is Javy Whole 30?

11:54 UTC



Hi I have decided to start the whole30 (not set a date yet) still reading through the book wanted to know any recommendations for people who suffer migraines foods to avoid or substitute on here sense I see alot of the recipes with migraine trigger foods

20:25 UTC


Noobie here

I’m starting the Monday after Mother’s Day. Any tips, shopping list cheat sheet, general suggestions? Please help. My daughter wants to join with me 😊

07:19 UTC


W30 with microscopic colitis?

I’ve been eating a modified diet for close to a year due to chronic inflammation in my colon. Currently no: dairy, gluten, onions, legumes (other than chickpeas)

W30 has been great in helping me hard stop the sugar habit I’ve picked up because of the drastic diet change. Very difficult to stop eating the gluten subs I’ve come to love as replacements, especially crackers.

Does anyone else have a similar condition? Has this had a positive effect for you?

1 Comment
03:08 UTC


Over 30 days

Has anyone gone longer than 30 days? I’ve done multiple rounds, but always go back to unhealthy eating habits.

This time I want to go for 60 maybe 90 days with some small reintroduction but as true to whole 30 as possible.

I want to live a whole lifestyle and not just 30 days a few times a year.

If you’ve gone over 30 days, give me your tips!

17:07 UTC


Bye Whole30, hello Food Freedom

I have a lot going on at the moment. I honestly didn’t consider my own season of life before starting it. It’s true what they say — if you have a big event, this is not the time to start Whole30. I ended my program Sunday and I have zero regrets. Maybe I’d consider it in the future, but embracing food freedom for now.

11:16 UTC


Weekly Discussion for the week of May 06, 2024

Hi everyone! Please share your updates during the week. Where are you in your Whole30? What successes or struggles have you had so far? How are you feeling? Share a recipe? Offer some encouragement? We also encourage you to use the discussion post for single questions not requiring a dedicated thread!

11:01 UTC


Explaining W30 to friends

I recently completed my first round and feel great! I'm doing a very slow version of reintroduction as I've fallen slightly into the ~I feel so good, why would I jeopardize that~ trap, but still pushing myself and trying things I've previously enjoyed.

Soon I'll be staying with some friends for a week, and we each have had our own prior struggles with disordered eating, but I've been doing better for a while, and also haven't seen them for a while, so we generally don't discuss that anymore. I know I'll run into instances where I turn down foods that they may struggle with guilt about eating due to active or prior restrictive tendencies.

I don't want to make the environment uncomfortable for anyone but don't know how to provide an explanation of Whole30 and my version of food freedom that is least likely to be triggering. Has anyone ever navigated a similar situation? I truly feel like my relationship with food is changing for the better, but W30 is different from ED recovery programs, and I don't want it to seem like a facade, or be overly defensive, or dwell on the subject. Would appreciate any tips on being brief and as sensitive as possible to past issues with restrictive eating. Thanks!

13:19 UTC


Made by Whole30 meals

I’m in my first few days of Whole30 and the meals have totally come in clutch. I am obsessed with it. All of the meals I have had have been so good, and I’m so glad to have them on hand. For me, it takes the guesswork out of figuring what to eat and for all times I’ve felt cranky this week — I appreciate them.

If you’re on a Whole30 or in reintroduction, I cannot recommend them enough. I will continue the meal deliveries throughout my reset and reintroduction.

The zesty chicken patty with sweet potato chipotle wedges and kale is amazing. The green spread (it tastes like avocado, but can’t confirm) is delicious!

00:27 UTC


R2D2 — Meal 2

One of our favorite spots has all day breakfast. I got a veggie “burrito” in a bowl, and no cheese. There’s mushroom, spinach, potatoes and bell peppers.

22:44 UTC


It’s my last day today.

I thought I will be happy when it ended but I actually don’t feel like I want to stop the diet. I don’t have any cravings for anything other than chocolate. I feel good in my body. I am scared of getting into bad habits again. However my husband is excited it’s over and he is happy to get to eat what he wants too. Other downside was that the diet was very expensive for my family. Anyone else felt like they don’t want to stop? What did you do?

22:00 UTC


Whoop + Whole30

I wear a Whoop to track all the things: sleep, stress, how I respond to the day (workouts too) and now to see how my Whole30 affects my metrics.

I’m on Day 2. I started yesterday. Prior to Whole30, I have been in the green for the past 11 days! I’d like to know for anyone who wears a Whoop with the program, have you seen changes in your metrics?

17:46 UTC


Whole30 helping with snoring

Unexpected benefit….I’m on Day 7 of Whole30 and my husband who normally complains about my snoring told me that I haven’t for several days now! Wondering if one of the off limit food categories could have been causing the inflammation that was contributing to snoring?

12:28 UTC


Whole 30 and PMS.

I am on day 28 today and got my period and my PMS has been milder than usual and less bloated and all that. Wondering if anyone else had experience this ? Is it the diet or is am imagining things.

17:28 UTC


On Day 3 and stomach feels like a balloon

Anyone else experience this? I have a dull stomach ache and feels like there is a lot of pressure. It should be noted I went on this diet to try and see if I have food sensitivity or gut inflammation as I’ve been dealing with stomach issues ever since I got Covid in November

21:16 UTC


Thought we had a winner until we opened the bag.

I honestly thought when I opened the bag of burger buns that I received for hamburgers. I feel duped. Buyer beware.

21:33 UTC


Weekly Discussion for the week of April 29, 2024

Hi everyone! Please share your updates during the week. Where are you in your Whole30? What successes or struggles have you had so far? How are you feeling? Share a recipe? Offer some encouragement? We also encourage you to use the discussion post for single questions not requiring a dedicated thread!

11:01 UTC

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