
Photograph via snooOG

A space to share and talk about theistic paganism.

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Welcome to /r/pagan, a subreddit for links, discussion, and fostering community (both online and in-person) in the broader umbrella of Contemporary Paganism.

Contemporary Paganism is a term denoting modern applications of Pagan religiosity and spirituality. These religious concepts are codified into a wide, disparate terminology encompassing many different philosophical and theological outlooks. It generally encompasses religious traditions focused on reviving or drawing inspiration from the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia; modern paganism does not include African, Native American, East Asian or other traditions who deliberately do not identify as pagan.

As this sub is geared towards theistic paganism, and we are trying to foster a safe community for theistic pagans, atheopaganism and similar posts will be removed for proseltization. The reason we question atheopaganism (different from nontheistic paganism) is that atheism and atheopaganism often and mainly includes the disbelief in spirits, gods, and higher powers which is antithetical to the central idea of paganism that nature is a higher power.

Regardless of outlook or tradition, however, all are welcome to join in discussion or debate. We strive not to create a singular religious identity but to be a location where members of these different religious communities can come to network, brainstorm, and get to know each other. This subreddit is an intrafaith and interfaith community, not a monolithic religious identity.

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/r/Pagan Ask Us Anything and Newbie Thread February 03, 2025

Welcome to /r/Pagan's weekly Ask Us Anything thread!

The purpose of this thread is give posters the opportunity to ask the community questions that they may not wish to dedicate a full thread for. If you have any questions that you do not justify making a dedicated thread, please ask here! Although do not be afraid to start one of those, too.

If you feel like asking about stuff not directly related to Paganism, you can ask here, too!

New Readers and Newcomers to Paganism

Are you new or just getting started? Please read our sidebar to orient yourself to this community, our definition of Contemporary Paganism, and the expectations of this subreddit.

Do you still have questions?

Check our FAQ page first!

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• Still have questions? Seeking: First Pagan Steps and Tools is a great tool for beginners and interested persons reading about Contemporary Paganism.

• Other questions? Ask below!

07:00 UTC


My new altar setup - what do you think?

I have candles and incense and a place for offerings below, but this is the main altar space for the gods, sìth, and the land/house spirits. My ancestors have their own altar in the kitchen.

06:50 UTC


Does anyone have experience “calling on” or honoring deities that you don’t work with long term?

I’ve always wondered if other people have called upon (ask advice, vent to, etc) deities that they do not work with daily or long term. Kind of like how Catholics will call on certain Saints (ex. St. Anthony for finding lost things). I’m really just asking for my own curiosity because it’s something I’ve always thought about !

1 Comment
05:55 UTC


How I saw the Pentacle during a meditation. I wasn't sure where to put this but I thought it was interesting.

05:15 UTC


Am I Overthinking This?

Context: So, I've always been more interested in Greek Mythology (Specifically Aphrodite and Apollo but I've read and own the National Geographic book since primary school) compared to any other religion I've been exposed to or looked into. I was born into a christian household but was allowed to explore my religious identity. Unfortunately, I never came to any connections to deitys but my connection to the rain and spirituality/animism grew over the years. Anyway, onto my main point; I indulge in poetry when expressing how I feel. Being chronically depressed, it was the safest and easiest way to escape. In some of these poems I reference my best friend and current friends with benefits to Hera and Apollo respectively. It never crossed my mind but now I'm starting to wonder if doing so was offensive or anything of the sort, or if it's even encouraged? My main worry is Apollo because of the reference, I feel like I've been getting signs that I've just tossed aside as typical instagram reels feed. I'm very new to this sort of thing, I genuinely don't know what to do or think lol or if this is even the right place to ask.

04:33 UTC


Imbolc Altar

I’m a bit late, but I felt like sharing my Imbolc setup. Hope everyone had a great day!

04:06 UTC


Anyone else have an unusually large altar or multiple altars? What are they? For what gods or other purpose?

I am privileged enough to live in a city in the US that has relatively low rent, and I live in a decently sized apartment alone. I have a relatively large altar to Inanna-Ishtar, and several other smaller altars for money working, an ancestor altar, a love altar, and I am also working on altars to other gods. I try to keep them and the rest of my apartment beautiful, because the gods are beautiful. To an outsider, it probably just looks like decorations, but for me they have a lot of meaning.

I think the point of worship or working with the gods, and the ways to please them, doesn’t necessarily start and stop at a beautiful or extravagant altar space. Ultimately, the gods work with and through us to bring beauty, order, and harmony into the world in different ways. An altar isn’t always necessary, and it can be hard for closeted pagans to have an altar. But having their symbols and representations helps me to feel connected in a way. It reminds me of the beauty they have channeled into the world, that they are the architects of our universe and invented the best of our earthly pleasures. I believe it may also be that gods and their energy more easily enter a space when they are properly represented in their altars. I also credit the gods for helping me get to the point that I am at, so like to pay proper respect to them.

Do any others on this app have several altars, or relatively large altars? What are they for, or to what gods or other beings? I often see alters to a singular purpose or god, but I’m curious what kind of combinations of spirits, people worship, or other things that they are into.

03:13 UTC


Happy imbolc! I accidentally set two oatmeal raisin cookies on my altar and. I suppose they're for Artemis and Loki now

01:40 UTC


I am happy to invite The God Priapos to my altar.

1 Comment
01:33 UTC


Druid chant cartoon for ya'll

23:36 UTC


I’m Struggling

(This is gonna be long so bare with me)

I’m 26 years old (M) and throughout my life I’ve had some kind of connection to Protestant Christianity (Specifically Southern Baptist) and I only became Norse Pagan last year. I’ve had very sentimental and personal experiences with the Norse gods and it feels like I’ve finally had some connection with a divine deity. However, I can’t help but continue to feel that pull back to Christianity, except now I’m inclined to look more into Catholicism.

I don’t want to abandon the gods or my ancestors and I surely do not want to associate myself with the type of Christians that take their religion to the extreme. It feels wrong to just give up on my patron god (Tyr) but part of me also says that he would understand if I changed my religion. I don’t want to make the wrong choice and destroy my relationship with the gods.

What should I do?

23:35 UTC



Hi!! I have somewhat gotten detached from my practice and need some help. Can someone help me in how to make my altar for imbolc ?

1 Comment
23:34 UTC


Magical Magpie

Since we've moved states I don't have individual shelves for multiple small altars like I used to, now I have almost everything on one shelf (except my tarot, oracle, incense, etc misc items that couldn't fit here) - I've heard some people say "never put all your stones in one place together!" and I used to abide by that; however I've experienced a lot of peace by decorating my altar this way instead... Wanted to share here since it brings me a lot of happiness, hope it does for someone else too! ❤️

21:14 UTC


Happy Imbolc 🥰 please enjoy my dorm-friendly sabbat spell jar and silly looking Brigid’s cross

20:44 UTC


Taking down a altar

Hi, Today I took down an altar for a god and I feel horrible about it. I explained why I was taking down his altar but im worried that I wasn't respectful enough or he will be mad at me. I carefully took apart his altar and put all the stuff in a smaller space to still honor him is that ok?

17:20 UTC


Request for Prayers


I am reaching out to the pagan community for prayers as I am in danger of losing my vision. For the past eight years, I have been plagued by health issues. I have an eye condition called keratoconus that has been exacerbated by an allergic condition called chronic rhinosinusitis to the point where both my corneas have torn. The only fix at this point would be a cornea transplant, but my severe allergies increase the likelihood of rejection and would make me ineligible for a transplant. I am asking for prayer that I would finally be able to get my allergies under control so that I have at least a chance of securing a transplant or for a total miraculous healings if such is the will of the gods. Prayers are appreciated.

16:19 UTC


My mum is making us candles 🫶

We are beekeepers, my partner proposed yesterday and today my mum has told me she's going to make us some mead and candles for our wedding from the honey/wax our hives produce!

I mentioned we wanted our families (mums, dads, brothers, sisters etc) to light a candle each before we did our handfasting ceremony, and My mum just went Straight to getting all she needs to begin making some candles

It feels amazing to finally see my family be more supportive, they're more Christian, when i got my first tarot set they flipped out and screamed. Now, after a few years and a lot of explaining paganism isnt what theyve been told, they're super supportive and even helping us make bits we need.

14:10 UTC


Question about perspective

I am brand new to this, and I was wondering if it’s normal or accepted to view prayer to a god/goddess as praying to what they embody as opposed to strongly believing in the figure themselves. my belief is fluctuating constantly, and I know there’s no wrong way to do it per se, but I want to ensure I’m looking at this properly. thanks!

13:42 UTC


questions i have as someone who is beginning with being pagan

So I have so questions that I would like to have answered and I try search but either my searching skills are not good and I am too stupid for searching (big possibility) or there is not now much answers and I need to ask someone

  1. So alter from what I gather you can put anything that reminds you of that deity (so example for Loki: Back and green cup with some gold, little statue or them, cloth (black and green with gold rim that would be hand made specifically crochet) to put the thing on) but can you use the thing for some day to day use where you would like to be little more connected to them like dark green nail polish that I would time to time use if I feel like I want to show Loki that I want some help from him
  2. What are good sources for Norse things specifically Loki
  3. If I “chose” Norse mythology is it ok to “chose” others like Greek/Roman, Egypt and more.
  4. Is it ok to have the alter next/close to pictures of my dead family?
  5. Are there general days I should be aware of?
  6. Would it be too weird to put horse on Loki’s altar?

I think these are good ones for beginning if I have more I will ask

10:26 UTC


Blessings to all on Imbolc

My first time properly celebrating Imbolc

05:43 UTC


Blessed Imbolc to All!

Wishing everyone a wonderful Imbolc! May your days be full of warmth, light, and peace. Pictured on my altar: Faux pine tree, quartz cluster, celestite cluster, selenite block where I'm cleansing my black tourmaline pendant, wand, Brigid's bed with a corn husk doll, faux flowers, cinnamon sticks tied together with red ribbon, offering of cornbread, goddess statue, offering of salt, The Empress tarot card, amethyst cluster, and lots of candles! I also have a paper Brigid's cross taped to my window, and an offering of milk in the tiny chalice on my shelf. Blessed be!

05:30 UTC


Advice for Millianals and GenZ pagans from Wiccan Author Kerr Cuhulain

Recently I interviewed Kerr Cuhulain. I wanted to share his advice to Millanial and GenZ pagans

" What is happening now has happened many times before. 2025 USA looks a lot like 1930s Germany. People are hoping that you aren’t aware of what happened back then. Study your history, get involved, don’t let a bunch of power and money hungry people convince you that the problems of the world are your fault. Face your fears and speak your truth."

u/J4CKFRU17 u/FingerOk9800 and u/Wedlder-of-Sythes your questions were answered

Did he ever doubt his own beliefs during that time as a result of the panic? What similarities does he see from that era and from our modern age? What are his biggest regrets from that time

No, I never doubted my beliefs. They were and they remain my strength.

The basis of the Satanic Panic was the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fraud perpetrated by the Russian government centuries ago to justify a pogrom against the Jews, who they claimed were taking over the world. The Satanic Panic perpetrators dusted it off, replaced the word “Jew” with “Satanist” and tried to run it again. Q Anon is the same myth again, just renamed.

I don’t have any regrets. I discovered my power on this path and used it as responsibly as possible. I ended up achieving things I never dreamed of.

I’d ask how they rationalise enforcing the laws of a state that suppresses paganism even more than other religions that aren’t the state religion.” 

This isn’t about Christianity as a spiritual path. I know a lot of good Christians: I used to work with interfaith organizations that did good work. Its about what I call “Churchianity”: Religion as a means to make money, accumulate power, and influence society. In other words, a business. Christian congregations are shrinking as more and more people realize that this organization no longer meets modern needs. Christian Nationalism is a desperate attempt to stop this and shore everything up. We outnumber them. We must not allow them to do this.

Side note: He is very laid back and has progressive views. I hope you guys can support him.

04:07 UTC


Can l make my Lammas wreath early?

(Southern Hemisphere for context) The 4th is when Lammas is, but I’m going to be busy that day, so is it ok if I make the wreath early, as in today?

02:00 UTC


Celebrating Imbolc 🌙🕯️🩷

1 Comment
01:21 UTC


Imbolc Artwork of The Smith

23:18 UTC

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