A place for anything related to Pacific Rim. Post anything Pacific Rim from toys to movies, games to trailers, anything and everything Pacific Rim belongs here. There's space for Jaegers and Kaiju alike to get along!
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A place for anything related to Pacific Rim. Post anything Pacific Rim, from toys to movies, screenshots to trailers, anything and everything Pacific Rim belongs here.
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Related Subreddits
/r/Kaiju - For your generic giant monster needs.
/r/Godzilla - Subreddit for the big G himself.
/r/Mothra - Giant bug sanctuary.
/r/KingKong - For everyone's favorite lovestruck ape.
/r/Gamera - For everyone's favorite flying superturtle.
/r/GuillermoDelToro Other films by Pacific Rim's director
/r/moviemonsterporn - The best shots from all the monster movies
/r/monsterverse - Legendary's Cinematic Monster Universe
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I'm asking because I don't have either
So for those that have played Breach Wars, hypothetically, how would the reclaimed version of the Shao Industries drones work without breaking any of the established in-lore rules? Like, would they just be hybrids that have broken away from the precursors control, and have sided with the P.P.D.C., or are they under some sorta digital mind control?
Suction Cup Man vs The Whole Entire Pacific Rim Verse.
Which jeagers were in the jeager scrapyard when jake and the other girl went to steal in the beginning of pacific rim uprising
Today on the 31st of October 2024, the kaiju known as Fiend attacked Acapulco in Mexico. Striker Eureka was deployed and killed the kaiju. Now we just need a kaiju that attacked on Christmas.
I’ve had this question stuck in my head for like over seven years, how do they work? And what would their purpose be?
Might as well share the process here cuz robot but the boxing Jaeger will be in its signature pose, squaring off against a Kaiju, and tbh I'm kinda hyped of what the final outcome will be, just hope I do the lighting and background justice.
Before you start saying Scunner is comparable to Gipsy in terms of size wearas Crabcakes is much bigger than drones, 1: I'm using the official height for Scunner from Man, Machines and Monsters (441 feet) and don't start with the chart, I will not entertain you. 2: Crabcakes doesn't have an official height and weight. (In fairness, I estimate him at 400 feet)
After I saw the first movie I always thought it’d cool (negative)but cool, that now that the monsters are gone humans would eventually go back to fighting themselves. Only now we have giant robots. After the first Uprising trailer came out and we saw this beauty and thought “oh wow it’s happening”
Do you think a Jaeger war would’ve been a cool concept for the second movie or bad because you know “no kaijus". I also get that it paints humanity in a bad light.
Ok so I have a kaiju O.C. that spit most ranged based attacks via a gland within the mouth kinda like Otachi’s. I wanted to get the community’s opinion on this idea. To be exact, I was thinking should this gland only be restricted to liquid based attacks? Or also include gas based attacks as well?
I only know about this by DiamondBolt.
It got stuck 😭😭
God I hated this move so much. Like I cannot describe how much this movie sucked. Theres like so much wrong with this movie but personally,
Horrible plot. Imagine making such a good movie like the first Pacific Rim and then deciding to copy paste its EXACT script into the second movie? Kajius coming outta nowhere, a bunch of bad ass robots that don’t get screen time because they die anyways. Gypsy Danger/Avenger both sacrifice their lives to literally blow up the final giant category Kaiju. Like it’s the exact same plot😭😭 what sucks the most was how cool the new Mark VII jagers were and they all died because they wanted to have Gypsy be the climax and the Jager that saves the world AGAIN.