If it's big, if it's mean, if it's friendly, and especially if it's destroyed Tokyo - it belongs here. All the best Kaiju (Japanese or otherwise) discussion and news.
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HERE is a great collection of stream-able kaiju films
Related Subreddits
/r/godzilla - Subreddit for the big G himself
/r/Gamera - For everyone's favorite flying superturtle.
/r/pacificrim - Official subreddit for Pacific Rim
/r/KingKong - For everyone's favorite lovestruck ape.
/r/moviemonsterporn - The best shots from all the monster movies
Hello everyone! As the title suggests, I was hoping to get some reading recommendations for any kaiju based books the sub may have. I’ve already read through the Kaiju Preservation Society (pictured above), and the first book of the Project Nemesis series. I’m also sitting on a copy of the Godzilla/Raids Again novella. Otherwise, I’m open to any suggestions! Thank you in advance!
Is it me or does this look like some sponsorship coming soon?
Hope y'all like it
Did I already post this? Whatever, it’s still true.
Basically in the UK there is a tradition of playing James Bond movies every Christmas since the late 80s on iTV one of the big 5 national broadcasting stations which basically included as local channels as an expected standard across the country. So every Christmas they play every film released in the franchise at that point from Dr. No all the way to the newest movie released just last year on iTV. This tradition still continues today.
So I'm wondering since by the 70s Godzilla already had 15 movies released........ Was there a similar run of "Godzilla seasons"on major holiday breaks annually on Japan's free local OTA TV channels across the country? Well to be pedantic on their own Big 3 or Big 5 or whatever national TV broadcasting station thats pretty much included on local channels across Japan like whatever's their own equivalent of iTV? If this is a tradition in Japan, does it still continue today and how much do they update the seasonal rosters? Like Would Minus 1 be included during 2024's own Godzilla holiday season for audiences to watch for free on Fuji TV or whatever national TV Network included a standard in local channels within the country that is Japan's counterpart to iTV?
I'll do my best to answer! It's now live on KS but I won't link it here just yet, not sure if that's against the rules.
I get Clover probably isn't as strong as Godzilla Kaiju or Ultraman Kaiju but I don't think she's as "weak" as everyone says she is...
Clover absolutely TANKED military fire, tank shells, a missal bombardment and survived A FUCKING NUKE!! Like, we haven't really seen what Clover can do "fighting wise" but she is DEFINITELY durable as all hell. And if we scale up Clover like in Paradox she would be FUCKING INSANELY STRONG, things only get stronger when they grow bigger...
(Also, I KNOW J. J. Abrams said in an interview that Clover died at the end, but him and Matt Reeves can't decide on what's cannon and not cannon so I'm just going off what the end credit says "It's alive")
i hate having to add body text just answer the title please...