
Photograph via //r/Koi

A place to ask about Koi, show off your Koi, etc.

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Need help with bog filter

Considering installing bog filter into my pond with no fish in yet everything online says you need a regular filter as well because the bog will collect the waste with no easy way to remove is this correct?

08:59 UTC


Is this good for my baby koi?

17:15 UTC


Two ducks in koi pond!

Leave them there or let the dog chase them away?

00:30 UTC


Treating ich with formalin and malachite green, one koi got a bent spine and has since died (help)

I have confirmed ich being in my pond so i bought a medicine of formalin and malachite green that fights it.. after using it in the prescribed dose, a few days went by until i found this koi in the morning stuck behind a plant in a shallow part (i drained some water out to allow for a good dose, my pond had too much water). He was still breathing with 1 gill that was in the water, he was on his side and i put him back in the pond where he started floating upside down.. his spine looking very bent as you can see near his tail (still alive in this pic). He stayed like that for over a day (i tried giving him salt baths) until he died earlier tonight.

I am very worried about my other fish right now, they seem okay but this treatment has me anxious, the prescription says to use 2 doses 4 days apart, and i used the second dose yesterday, after this koi developed this issue (and i changed out some water). I tested the water 3 days after the 1st dose and the ph has gone down from like 8.5 to 7, lots of foam on the surface from what i presume are dead organics (the ich?)

Furthermore, i really have to get rid of this ich and it is frustratingly enough still not warm outside (average 12 celsius during the day) which means the ich cycle will take long from what ive read. 2 treatments, like the medicine says, just doesnt sound like it will be enough to eradicate all the ich. I am really stressed out and unsure what to do, so please help me answer these questions:

A) did my koi develop this bent spine from being stuck in shallow water behind a plant overnight, or was it a change in water quality? No other fish have this issue btw. I would also like to note that this fish has had a big tumor on his mouth for many years (it might have been weaker?)

B) should i stop the ich treatment after the second dose like prescribed on the medicine in fear of more treatment hurting my fish, or continue with further doses to get rid of all the ich?

C) what else should/can i do at this moment?

Please ask away if more info is required

19:00 UTC


How do you figure out how much a Koi is worth?

My sister recently brought a house at an auction and the previous owner apparently bred Koi. He had them in a pool with terribly dirty water, the pump for oxygen swiched off and the neighbors said he stopped feeding them a while ago.

We fed them, put them in new water, switched the oxygen pump back on and fished the (7) dead fish out of the water. Now there are 15 living Koi left.

We have no experience with fish, don't know anyone who owns any and we don't want to keep them. My sister wants to give them to a fish rescue organisation which is of course an option but I kinda think she should maybe sell them?

But we have no idea how to figure out for how much they could sell, I know some Koi are incredibly expensive and others not so much. I mean I don't think these ones would be very expensive or he wouldn't have just left them like this. But what are the criteria that determine their price? How do you figure out how much a Koi is worth?

18:24 UTC


Has anyone visited koi farms in Niigata Japan?

I'm heading to Ojiya City in Japan in a couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll be right on time to catch the cherry blossoms. But what would be even better would be to stop by some of the famous koi farms in Japan. Has anyone visited these farms before? Are they available for drop in by the public?

I would love to hear more about your experiences.

1 Comment
14:20 UTC


Mis peces Koi no crecen, aún con buena alimentación diaria y espacio.

Tengo una pileta de 3000 litros. Y le doy comida 1 vez al día. La comida tiene me parece que 40 % de proteína.

Tengo 3 Koi de 12 cm aproximadamente. En mitad de junio cumplen un año conmigo y no he notado un crecimiento en ellos. Que puede ser ?

23:05 UTC


How many koi in 700 gallon pond

We’re planning on building a 700 gallon pond, and my parents are planning on getting koi fish for it, I know how big koi fish can get, so I need help determining how many we could put.

14:51 UTC


Koi ID. What type?

Friends with a local breeder and he gave me this blueish Koi recently. Not sure what type of koi this is tho. Is it just a low quality koi?

1 Comment
02:56 UTC


My water hardness is low. What do you recommend? Coral?

I have a 1200 gallon tank and i am trying to get the hardness of the water up.

02:48 UTC


Taking over an established koi pond.

What are the main things I should know to keep an established koi pond healthy? What are some things I should look out for?

I’ll be doing plenty of research on my own of course, but thought it would be a good idea to also get some advice from fellow koi enthusiasts.

21:03 UTC


Where to buy pipe for fish hide

Hey all, as spring is getting here I'm trying to grab some extra stuff to upgrade the pondnindug but last year.

I was looking for some tube/pipe to use as a fish hide and a place to disguise my pump.

I can only seem to find online places selling 20 feet of pipe. Any ideas or alternatives you guysbhave used for this?

1 Comment
18:45 UTC


Almost lost two mature koi because I forgot to net the quarantine tank!

I'd like to share an experience detailing the absolutely astounding constitution of these fish and how they can survive despite our best attempts to "care" for them.

TLDR - Two >20" koi I was rehoming hopped the quarantine wall overnight, glued themselves to the concrete, and died. I was familiar enough with cryogenic statis to pull them back from the light.

I had just transported this group of 6 koi + 1 chonky goldfish from a neighbor who was rehoming them due to a move. They were nothing too special, but I had the room and they were healthy fish.

Transport goes well, they seem to be alert but not frantic or lethargic, some stress but nothing out of the ordinary. Water tested perfectly. I planned to water change 10% the next morning using my pond + conditioned tap water. I provided about 60% of a canopy to cover the 150gal quarantine pool (pictured) to help ease the fish overnight and added my filter+pump combo and an air stone and packed up around 7:30pm. I thought I was golden.

I went to bed around midnight with only a passing thought that I should take one more look at the quarantine group, but it was late and temps were right at 32°, so I shrugged it off and hit the hay.

Well...the next morning my dear wife gently wakes me, after taking the puppy out, to say that the two largest koi had jumped out at some point during the night. Fuck me...

Fearing the worst, I threw on my bathrobe and dashed out the side door to find them literally glued to the floor of the carport and completely motionless. Using water from the pool to rehydrate their skin enough to free them from the concrete, I lifted each up to inspect and found that neither were frozen solid nor exhibited any rigor mortis. This was literally the only indication that they might not be completely dead. Their eyes were each pointing in different directions, their skin was glazed dry, and the last 2 inches of their tail/dorsal fins were stiff from drying out, and obviously they had that "dead fish" face. So, on whisper of a hope, I bitterly tossed them back in the pool rather than the compost bin and went to go have my coffee. 20 mins later, I sulk back out to the carport to assess the damage once more. Lifting the largest fish from the bottom of the pond, still limp and motionless in my hands, I passed her thru the pump discharge for a few moments to see if the aerated water might wash its gills enough to resuscitate. No luck with either fish, but I still left them there in the water while I went to finish breakfast.

Ten minutes later, I decided give it another shot. If there was no improvement, I'd admit defeat and dispose of the bodies. I picked up the biggest one again and ran it thru the pump discharge for a about 60 secs and then gave it long look - and wouldn't you know it - she gives me the faintest of gill flares. NOT DEAD!!!

I grab both of them by the tail and immediately go to work rowing them thru the aerated water until my hands were iced numb from the 36° water. I run inside and reheat my hands under the faucet and repeat until my first Monday morning work call from 9-10am. I'm completely useless on the call, preoccupied with the thought that the two koi might be saved. First chance I get, I'm back out at the pool, pumping the koi thru the water to revive them. I juggle work calls and reviving attempts all day because they were slowly but consistently improving. It wasn't until about 2pm that they could stay upright in the water and until 6pm that I observed anything that could be considered deliberate navigation as they weakly wiggled around the pool.

Today, an uninformed observer would not be able to tell they came back from the dead just 36 hours ago but I can tell they're shook. They still seem dazed and slow. Hell, they potentially had been out of the water for up to 7, 8, or 9 hours. I mean...THEIR FINS WERE DEYHRADTED! To me, this defies all logic. I can only attribute their survival to the (blessed) cold snap we had here on Sunday night and size/health of the fish before the incident.

But... we are not out of the woods just yet. Their immune systems will have been dramatically compromised because of this whole ordeal and they will need close observation to ensure they don't succumb to some secondary infection. And who knows what sort of neurological damage they may have suffered. (Though, I did recently read that carp can regrow brain cells). In any case, we'll see. I'll say that this koi owner has enjoyed enough excitement from the hobby to last quite some time. Lesson learned - with new fish or temporary tanks, make sure you friggin tightly net them in case one or more of these dummies try to go Houdini on your ass.

12:30 UTC


New to koi disease- diagnosis help

A few weeks ago one of our koi fish died with some kind of rash or scrape. We didn't think much of it then but tried to research what happened to no avail. However, more fish were dying with similar symptoms; this is the worst one of the batch. Asking what disease this could be and how to treat it. Any kind of guidance is appreciated.



03:09 UTC


New to koi disease- diagnosis help

A few weeks ago one of our koi fish died with some kind of rash or scrape. We didn't think much of it then but tried to research what happened to no avail. However, more fish were dying with similar symptoms; this is the worst one of the batch. Asking what disease this could be and how to treat it. Any kind of guidance is appreciated.



03:09 UTC


Grand Champion All American Koi Sow

the Grand Champion of the Koi Show in Las Vegas is a relentlessly beautiful Dainichi Kohaku. The whopping 89 centimetre-long four-step kohaku has a body you can’t ignore. Truly massive, interesting pattern and good skin quality make this giant a memorable champion of the All American Koi Show in Las Vegas.


15:18 UTC


Been raising koi for 25 years, love seeing new fish pulled up!

Here are just some of my koi, love raising them!

00:14 UTC


Noob advice

I've built an above ground pond, for some koi . What are the key things overlooked for keeping koi. I've got a submerged all in 1 pump and UV filter. I was thinking of an external water filter kit. And maybe a separate air stone pump to get a good oxygen rate. Any other advice appreciated

19:06 UTC

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