A subreddit for lovers of crayfish (a.k.a. crawfish, crawdads, mudbugs) to ask questions or post advice on caring for them as aquarium pets, share pictures of their crayfish, or discuss anything else related to crayfish!
I have a 10 gallon tank with 12 zebra fish I am wondering If I can put 5 Amano shrimp with 2 CPO or I have both or have to decide either one or just neither
Second moult for him it’s now a big boy !
Hi, this may be a stupid question, but I’ve been concerned about my cray’s (valley flame) calcium intake as of late and the real actual 5-inch fish skull on my bookshelf has been giving me the side eye. if i put this in will he get calcium from it, and if so what are the proper preparations I should make before adding it? I’ve been thinking of using it as an anchor for the new plants I’ve been meaning to get.
As you can see there are several smaller vertebrae i could snap off if that might work better. ID was provided by the bone hunting subreddit, bless their souls. My tank is 20gal with several live plants, just one cray. He’s about 2-3in i believe, with the claws.
Hey I just got this big fellow, he’s in a holding tank by himself while I set up his personal 20 Gallon Long. I plan for many caves and plants and rocks. I’m nervous about him but he seems to be doing very well, is eating well and scavenging through the sand and even picking up pebbles and inspecting them. Are there any tips and tricks anyone would be willing to share? (The mopani wood has released so many tannins lol)
This setup by a reddit user intrigued me and I'd like to replicate it. Unfortunately, the user's account has been deleted so I can't exactly ask them questions. If anyone has ever kept terrestrial crays in a similar setup please do share them. Thank you :)
He hasn’t moved in about an hour. He must’ve started while I was at school. He was looking good this morning, though he did refuse his food yesterday.
Does this look like it’s going well? Does he need help?
I kept around 40 Juvenile Ghost Crayfish, size app 1.5", individually in an 8" by 4" by 4" tank, in a centralized system, ie all crayfish shared the same water.
Is it normal to have a couple of deaths weekly? Those who died were feeding fine the day before.
I used to keep them together, thus death is not as noticeable (as they will be eaten by other crayfish) as in the current setup.
What is the survival rate of juvenile ghost crayfish?
Out of the 40 Juvenile Ghost Crayfish, how many do you think will survive to adulthood?
At this rate, I expect only 75%, ie 30, will make it.
New batch of orange tails :)) can't wait for the colors to come out it's amazing to me that they are a translucent red/orange as babies and will turn blue soon :)
as the title says i want to feed my little guy some crickets as i have a bunch of them as pets, would it be okay to give him crickets every once in a while?
Just curious if y'all are seeing the Sakura pink p. Clarkii around or interested in seeing them around.
Juvenile, reject from a local elementary school's "science experiment."
This little one just molted and lost a claw in the process. Everything else came out 100% perfect and the voracious appetite is still there
He's back doing the wall thing? Completely still no movement
Last might my Cray stood in 2 corners of his tank kinda standing straight up just clawing at the glass but not actually moving this morning I found him laying on his back not moving, I thought he was dead I went in I moved him with my bet and put him face up but he did try to move away from the net. Now he hasn't moved from his upright position what can I do?
This says that my water quality is low of gh and kh,and I’ve keep crayfish and shrimps for 2 years but I have no idea how and why it went down,can someone help me please.The shrimp molt fine but the crayfish don’t.If you need more Info,let me know
This is him back in
the tanks pH levels are around 6.5 and i read it’s better if they’re closer to 8. is that true? and if so, how can i raise the levels?