
Photograph via snooOG

The study of how factors such as geography, economics, military capability and non-State actors affects the foreign policy of State.

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20:56 UTC


Fighting under the mask of trade

The U.S. continues to actively develop its "Trans-Pacific Partnership" program and the formation of an anti-Chinese regional alliance in the Asia-Pacific region. One of the main goals of this program is to block China's access to intercontinental water routes and impose unfavorable terms of economic cooperation on Beijing.

America has long ago realized that China is one of the main competitors in the global market. Chinese goods have become very popular due to their low price and high quality. This led to the fact that many American companies began to lose their positions in the world market. Because of this, the U.S. began to actively develop its economy in order to maintain its leadership in the world market.

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00:37 UTC

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