
Photograph via snooOG

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Please send feedback to /r/metaNL. For off-topic chat, join the community in the pinned discussion thread.

We welcome people of all political persuasions as long as civility standards are observed.

About Us

With collectivism on the rise, a group of liberal philosophers, economists, and journalists met in Paris at the Walter Lippmann Colloquium in 1938 to discuss the future prospects of liberalism. While the participants could not agree on a comprehensive program, there was universal agreement that a new liberal (neoliberal) project, able to resist the tendency towards ever more state control without falling back into the dogma of complete laissez-faire, was necessary. This sub serves as a forum to continue that project against new threats posed by the populist left and right.

We do not all subscribe to a single comprehensive philosophy but instead find common ground in shared sentiments and approaches to public policy.

  1. Individual choice and markets are of paramount importance both as an expression of individual liberty and driving force of economic prosperity.
  2. The state serves an important role in establishing conditions favorable to competition through correcting market failures, providing a stable monetary framework, and relieving acute misery and distress, among other things.
  3. Free exchange and movement between countries makes us richer and has led to an unparalleled decline in global poverty.
  4. Public policy has global ramifications and should take into account the effect it has on people around the world regardless of nationality.

Policies we support include

Introductory reading

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  • Rules

    We reserve the right to remove comments and posts that do not explicitly break these rules in certain circumstances.

    I: Civility
    Refrain from name-calling, slapfights, hostility, or any uncivil behavior that derails the quality of the conversation. Do not engage in excessive partisanship.

    II: Bigotry
    Bigotry of any kind will be sanctioned harshly.

    III: Unconstructive engagement

    Do not post with the intent to provoke, mischaracterize, or troll other users rather than meaningfully contributing to the conversation. Don't disrupt serious discussions. Bad opinions are not automatically unconstructive.

    IV: Off-topic Comments
    Comments on submissions should substantively address the topic of submission.

    V: Glorifying Violence
    Do not advocate or encourage violence either seriously or jokingly. Do not glorify oppressive/autocratic regimes.

    VI: Brigading
    Refrain from brigading other subreddits, or coming from another subreddit and brigading this subreddit. Links within the subreddit are encouraged provided no other rules are broken

    VII: Off-topic, Meta, or Duplicate post
    Submissions should be relevant to public policy or political theory. Meta posts should be posted to /r/metaNL. Don't editorialize submissions titles.

    VIII: Submission Quality
    Low-quality or irrelevant submissions will be removed at mod discretion. This applies in particular to low-quality or repetitive memes and tweets or images of tweets.

    IX: Use Pings Wisely
    See the full set of guidelines in our wiki. In short, don't use pings to troll, spam, or brigade. The group members decide what is a good use of the ping system, so listen and respond to their feedback.

    X: Bonk-Posting/Sexual Content
    Posting inappropriate content of a sexual nature. Both SFW and NSFW content can qualify. Repeat infringements can lead to bans.

    XI: Toxic Nationalism/Regionalism
    Refrain from condemning countries and regions or their inhabitants at-large in response to political developments, mocking people for their nationality or region, or advocating for colonialism or imperialism.


    163,490 Subscribers


    If You Could Write a Constitution for a New Country, what would the Constitution be like?

    Would it just be a copycat of the US Constitution but with some additions or something else entirely?

    19:24 UTC


    Three Whole Onions with Secretary Pete Buttigieg | Hank Green Interviews The Secretary Of Transportation

    04:53 UTC


    Discussion Thread

    The discussion thread is for casual and off-topic conversation that doesn't merit its own submission. If you've got a good meme, article, or question, please post it outside the DT. Meta discussion is allowed, but if you want to get the attention of the mods, make a post in /r/metaNL ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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    07:00 UTC


    Hopefully we have some international law experts here

    I am really trying to understand the legal status of the West Bank (or Palestine). In 1967, Israel captured the West Bank. Now, many will say that Israel occupied it, however wouldn’t that require that the occupied land being previously sovereign. There has never been a sovereign Palestinian state, the Arab Higher Committee turned it down in 1948. So when Israel captured the West Bank in 1967, did it automatically become incorporated into Israel? Or would that require a formal declaration of annexation or something?

    Also, the Oslo Accords afforded the Palestinian Authority “full civil and security control” of “area A” in the West Bank. Now what does that even mean in terms of its legal status? The Accords also give Israel full control over “area C” - which is where the majority of their settlements are. If they have “full control” over the territory, then how can the settlements be illegal?

    04:30 UTC

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