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Is this mold? How do I clean it?

These spots appeared only on this side of the ceiling. Could it be mold starting to grow there? If yes, what is the appropriate procedure to clean and make sure it won't show up again?

09:23 UTC


Patio Cleaning Advice Please!

Howdy! looking for cleaning tips for a two-tiered patio!

Uses: grill and sink (upper portion) and dog hangout during the day.


-Was red color (I think stained?) then painted white with blue pattern, now is grey concrete paint. very slippery when wet.

-The texture from the brush of doing the blue design traps dirt.

-Higher traffic areas get discolored quickly.

-When water sits the paint comes up and in places especially by the door the gone in patches. or it bubbles.

-Water pools easily as it is uneven, and pools is strange places, squeeging doesn't work since it is not a flat surface.

-Can't make any changes to the paint or the leveling (bit looking for advice for that, that would be a different sub reddit)

-Dogs pee frequently on support beams (I've tried all kinds of things, and nothing works to stop the marking besides being physically out there which isn't always an option)

-Wind brings in all kinds of dirt and pine needles, oh so many pine needles

-Fence in picture is an extended x-pen, looking to replace but that will come with time.

Things I've tried:

-Pressure washing (doesn't get the dirt in the paint groves.)

-Scrubbing (paint sometimes comes up)

-Various cleaners (simple green, odo-ban, bleach, dawn, magic eraser)

Things that have kind of worked, but I'm calling a failure:

-Magic eraser (it works wonders, but I can scrub the entire area as it hurts my arms and shoulders and I have to use many magic erasers. This process takes hours that I do not have.

-Sweeping (sweeping helps but doesn't get the dirt that is suck on the groves made by the paint brush.)

-Scrubbing with no remorse with hard bristle broom (this kind of works but often just doesn't seem to be clean enough as you can still see lots of dirt and often just leaves me sore.)

Drawing is not to scale at all but its pretty close. left out the house areas as they don't play into the patio.

I think I covered all the bases but please ask questions if something is unclear.


08:47 UTC


What do you use to clean glass cooktops?

 I recently got a new glass ceramic cooktop at home, any useful recommendations?

1 Comment
08:29 UTC


How to clean this stain out of oiled hardwood? (Trash bag rotten salad leak lol)

08:13 UTC


Cleaning tips for this couch?

I found this couch on the street and it’s dusty and dirty. Is there any easy way I can clean it without using fancy instruments?

07:36 UTC


Removing flint from Washer-dryer


I bought a washer-dryer (all in one so I have like 4:30 cycle which include the whole washing and drying without having to move it from one machine to another) and I found myself in front of a problem I didn't expect... I have lint a bit everywhere and I don't know how to clean it easily?

I know lint can be a big problem and some hazard and stuff so it makes me quite worried. But I don't have any idea how to clean it. Less again quickly...

edit: lint not flint! sorry

06:29 UTC


How do I remove cat pee smell from clothing??

Left some laundry in a basket for a few days and at some point one of the little bastards got in there (I share my house with their actual owner, who’s away for the week so they’re acting territorial). Going to rewash everything but in my experience laundry powder doesn’t kill the smell. I can’t get any of those spray bottle odour destroyers until tomorrow, it’s too late in the day here. Any tips?

05:35 UTC


How do I get those spots out 🤔

05:16 UTC


Spilt bottle of Worcestershire Sauce on carpet. Need help with smell!

My bottle of Worcester sauce had broken in my shopping bag which was lying on the carpet floor (I live in student accommodation so it's just a single carpeted room). As you can imagine the smell is quite powerful and the room is poorly ventilated so I really need to get this smell out.

I only discovered it a while after the fact so the stain is still slightly damp but definitely not fresh. I don't know the name but it's one of those flat, rougher carpets you find in schools and offices and the like. Any help would be much appreciated as I really don't want to spend my exam season sleeping and studying in a room that smells of fermented anchovy.

Note: this is a rental room that I am leaving in a couple of months. Not sure if that's relevant but just in case

03:19 UTC


Rubber mat marks on couch

I don’t want to go in blind on this one, because I am afraid if I do it will turn grey. What is the correct solvent here?

02:16 UTC


Help. Our wood floor is stained (rotted?) from accidentally leaving cat pee-stained furniture for a long time in that spot.

We bought a cat furniture piece to hide the litter box and had not realized that our cat had been peeing outside the box and had leaked on our floor. Is there anyway to fix the floor?

02:14 UTC


Stainless Steel Scratching when Cleaning

Hi everyone, I recently moved into a house built in 2015. I’ve noticed that every time I clean the stainless steel appliances and the glass cooktop, I notice more and more scratches on them. I use Weiman’s products (e.g. their stainless steel cleaner and glass cooktop cleaner) and microfiber cloths from Amazon that seem reasonably soft, so I wouldn’t think this should be particularly abrasive. I suppose these could be old scratches from before, but some of them I have seen appear as I am cleaning. Any thoughts or suggestions? It’s kind of driving me nuts.

02:01 UTC


Safety of dishes after multipurpose cleaner?

My husband cleaned our stove with a multipurpose cleaner and the sponge we use for dishes. After that, used the same sponge to wash a pan and a silicone spatula. How can I make sure all the multipurpose cleaner is off the dishes? Rewash them with a different sponge or dishcloth? Boil them? I am worried the silicone spatula could’ve absorbed it. Maybe I’m the only one that thinks it’s common sense not to clean other things with the dish sponge..

(It was Dapple baby multi purpose cleaner which is marketed as safe and non toxic, but still.. not on dishes in my opinion..)

01:53 UTC


Removing sweat stains

I got this shirt from 1997 but it has sweat stains. Any tips for removing them?

01:19 UTC


Can you deep clean a Zojirushi rice cooker?


I can't add a photo right now but I'm wondering how to clean the inside part, circled in red. I am ashamed to admit I have only ever taken the inner lid off every few months but when I did, I saw some brownish-red stuff was on the other side where the vent is, which I guess is from the brown rice that I cook in it. I didn't know until now that you can remove the vent cap, but there's still the inside of the vent that I can't reach that I worry is being filled with moldy gunk. Or is my rice cooker unsalvageable?

1 Comment
01:05 UTC


Steam Cleaner Recs!

I'm about to move in with my boyfriend and want to steam clean the mattress we bought online. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good steam cleaner? I don't mind paying for a good one but I'd at least want it to last a while. Thanks!

1 Comment
00:58 UTC


my bissel carpet cleaner bearly sucks up any dirty water

I've used half the cleaning solution and only have this much dirt water in the tank. is this how it's supposed to be?

00:46 UTC


Tips for getting rid of odor?

I've had pretty bad depression since middle school and am going to be graduating soon. I'm doing much better now but I feel like my room and clothes all smell like stinky, depressed middle schooler, and I hate it.

Do you guys have any tips on what could help, along with anti depression room tips?

00:18 UTC


Does anyone know of a "simple" non-disposable air purifier?

So HEPA filters are great for air purity and I do use one, however, since they require filter replacements which itself has some disadvantages (more plastic junk in landfills, the pollution from the production of the filter, and replacement costs will add up over time), I would like to reduce the amount of stuff it has to filter to try and make it last longer (i.e. I don't want to waste the HEPA filter's lifespan by having it clog on larger particles that could probably otherwise get caught by a drier's lint trap).

I figure since simple vacuum cleaners use cloth bags that you can wash (or if you're lazy like me, you don't bother with that and just sort of smack them over the garbage to get the majority of the dust and debris out) and so you don't have to replace them, surely there must be some sort of air purifier unit that works on the same principle of having a permanent filter (it's not built to capture viruses or anything like that, you just run it and it collects clumps of dust or maybe pet hair).

I figure I could run both the HEPA and non-disposable filter air purifiers, so that the larger particles in the air are split between the two of them; the simple filter wouldn't be able to stop microbes from getting through it, but if it's run in the same room as the HEPA, it wouldn't really matter, since they would eventually got caught by that one.

Does anyone know of such an air purifier? I've been looking online, but like 99% of the results I find are for disposable filter things that will filter out ultra-small particles: I just want to be able to sift some regular dust from the air without needing any sort of consumable components.

00:07 UTC


Best cleaning tips for pet allergies….

…. When you live with a pet! Looking for your cleaning products, tips, routines to keep allergies at bay. pet products/cleaning tips also welcome !

1 Comment
23:56 UTC


Spilled nail polish remover

I just spilled about a 1/3 a bottle of nail polish remover onto my couch and ottoman. I blotted, applied water, and have now put on some baking soda. My living room smells super strongly of acetone. How do I clean this up??? I live in a “loft” so my bedroom has no windows, and is connected to the living room without a full wall and the only window in the living room is also a door, so there’s no way I can leave a window open to sleep tonight. Is there any chance I can get this smell out before then?

23:35 UTC


Trying to identify the source of thick white dust in house?

My boyfriend and I recently found this dust near his PC while doing some cleaning. It almost looked like dry wall debris, but we have no idea where it could’ve come from — we’ve not done any sanding/home projects that could be a potential cause. As you might be able to tell from the picture, it’s more white than usual dust that collects, and it’s not quite as fine as dust you’d usually see around the house.

We’re trying to identify a potential cause as we’ve been having trouble with our HVAC system for over a year, and a couple technicians (from different companies within about a year in between visits) have asked if we’ve done any sanding or home projects that might cause a high level of dust they observed in our vents. We really don’t do any projects like that, vacuum at least 3x times a week, and are generally pretty tidy people. After finding this dust, we're wondering if this what the techs saw when checking out the vents.

We also just sealed a bunch of gaps between our baseboards and the floor with caulk, as we were thinking the dust could be coming from the crawl space beneath the house. We don’t see this dust everywhere around the house, but there was one time a few months back we found a whitish dust on our wall behind our air purifier, but we’re not certain it was the same — it could’ve been something weird with the paint.

We do use two humidifiers in our home, but it’s not near where the dust is most prominent, nor does it show around the humidifiers themselves. We also use purified water in them, not water straight from the tap. If anyone has any theories as to what this dust is, where it might be coming from, or anything we can do to try to identify a source, advice would be much appreciated!

23:29 UTC

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