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Writing Prompts. You're a writer and you just want to flex those muscles? You've come to the right place! If you see a prompt you like, simply write a short story based on it. Get comments from others, and leave commentary for other people's works. Let's help each other.

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    [WP]Something sleeps deep within the bowels of a derelict Imperial Star Destroyer.

    1 Comment
    01:27 UTC


    [WP] When a vampire kills a person by feeding on them entirely, their soul is trapped in the vampire’s body. When they eventually die, the souls are released as the bodies will typically have long since rotted away. Yours, however, hasn’t.

    1 Comment
    01:17 UTC


    [WP] An ancient eldritch being reveals itself to humanity and gives every human the opportunity to bring people back from the dead for the exchange of another human life

    1 Comment
    01:09 UTC


    [WP] Everyone remembers their past lives, the problem is that certain people want to continue a previous life.

    1 Comment
    00:54 UTC


    [WP] As a psychic, you don't try to mindread your friends. But with them being so coy and sweet around each other yet never an official confession, you decide to listen to their literal thoughts, play chaperone to watch... And matchmake.

    1 Comment
    00:42 UTC


    [WP] You sign up for a ghost to be your bodyguard, help them pass on, everyone gets it. You didn't expect a ghostly glam rockstar with half their face gone kicking a burglar's ass, but here we are.

    1 Comment
    00:39 UTC


    [WP] You are a rookie hero. While a dangerous supervillain was preoccupied, rival villains kidnapped his wife. You were the only hero willing to help get his wife to safety. The terrifying supervillain now wants to thank you in person.

    1 Comment
    00:07 UTC


    [WP] an archeologist stumbles upon the ancient tomb of a long forgotten king who is said to have simply vanished over 1,000 years ago until she opens the tomb to find the still alove and young king sipping tea and reading a book inside his own tomb

    23:34 UTC


    [WP] You have found an old container in the former home of Nostradamus. It contains a prediction that is unlike any other.

    1 Comment
    23:33 UTC


    [WP] When your childhood friend and most trusted advisor described you as a puppet ruler you thought they had been joking. Only to realize as they pulled the voodoo doll from their pocket crafted in your image that they meant that quite literally.

    1 Comment
    23:26 UTC


    [WP] "Nobody ever suspects the sand!"

    23:19 UTC


    [WP] "Huh, guess morality really is a product of natural selection," the researcher remarked as he saw the alien species tear itself apart.

    1 Comment
    23:02 UTC


    [SP] "I probably shouldn't ask, but - just WHY were you bathing in hot dog water?"

    22:43 UTC


    [SP] "Fruit Loops and chocolate milk. REALLY healthy breakfast, that is."

    22:42 UTC


    [SP] A patient "wakes up" during a surgical procedure they don't remember signing up for (i.e. anesthesia awareness)

    1 Comment
    21:19 UTC


    [WP] The infomercial host stared into space. The co-host repeated her question, "Bob? I asked 'Can this deal get any better?'" The host simply thought for a moment and said, "No... no, I don't think it can..." Two days later, every major economic system collapsed due to the greatest deal ever.

    1 Comment
    21:12 UTC


    [WP] Your powers came out of nowhere, and destroyed your life. People were terrified of you, and you hated yourself. Those that arrived promised no one would hurt you, but special forces start to point their guns at you. “Why me?” You think. “Why me!?”

    1 Comment
    21:09 UTC


    [WP] “It hurts man. Being called a monster of the seas because you are blind and huge.”

    1 Comment
    21:08 UTC


    [WP] You’ve been fighting your supervillain nemesis for years when you finally noticed something. They’re violently incapable of swearing. Or using any kind of foul language. At all.

    1 Comment
    20:37 UTC


    [WP] my king we finally found the princess after she was tossed to a magic portal by the evil sorceress when she's young, but unfortunately she refused to come with us saying she has a duty as a captain of the United federation of planets and saying words that we don't understand like post scarcity.

    1 Comment
    20:16 UTC


    [WP] Your world has big problems that are solved by Chosen Ones who are oh-so special and Unique. You’re not one of them.

    1 Comment
    20:06 UTC


    [WP] You meet a genie that grants not three wishes, but one dream.

    20:03 UTC


    [SP] "So what flavour do you want - orange, lemon, lime, or zombie snail?"

    19:48 UTC


    [SP] "I thought this was going to be relaxing vacation. I was sorely mistaken."

    1 Comment
    19:43 UTC


    [WP] A human ends up inadvertently recreating the events of the Odyssey as they try to get rid of a group of bugs that have gotten into their house.

    1 Comment
    19:40 UTC


    [EU] There is a small village in a fantasy world, there the people looks and behave similar to hobbits. They dont like the outside world or adventure. Every single one has the power of a god, but they have no interest in helping. Once upon a time..

    1 Comment
    19:25 UTC


    [WP]You are a prepper. The end of human civilization as we know it just happened, and you find out everything you learned preparing for this moment...is completely useless

    1 Comment
    19:14 UTC


    [WP] You are lightyears away from earth, after what you can only call an involuntary intergalactic journey/forced abduction. And yet among all these unfamiliar things and beings the only thing you can recognize is this advertisement from a brand back on earth.

    1 Comment
    19:12 UTC


    [WP] "It's fine," you say, pulling the knife from your chest and dabbing at the blood on your shirt. "Believe it or not, this happens more often than you'd think."

    19:10 UTC


    [WP] You are the village's local angel-harvester or angel-butcher, someone trained to scavenge the organs of dead celestials fallen from the sky. Today, you have encountered something that none of your profession's textbooks have ever mentioned: a still-living angel fallen from the sky.

    19:05 UTC

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