
Photograph via snooOG

Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank.

Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Unlike traditional currencies such as dollars, bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in charge of Bitcoin. As such, it is more resistant to wild inflation and corrupt banks. With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank.

If you are new to Bitcoin, check out We Use Coins and Bitcoin.org. You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki:

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Download Bitcoin Core

Bitcoin Core is the backbone of the Bitcoin network. Almost all Bitcoin wallets rely on Bitcoin Core in one way or another. If you have a fairly powerful computer that is almost always online, you can help the network by running Bitcoin Core. You can also use Bitcoin Core as a very secure Bitcoin wallet.

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The CSS used by this subreddit is the Erdune Theme modified by /u/Annihilia and /u/konkedas. Logo design by /u/Annihilia. Check out his other work here.


6,824,491 Subscribers


How many % of your portfolio does btc takes?

Are you all in bitcoin or you have some other investments? I’m just curious to know in what other people invest beside bitcoin

09:04 UTC


Is SATS tipping still a thing?

I have seen people in archived posts being tipped in Satoshi's, is this still common place on reddit? Any other forums where it's used?

Also how does it work, how would you collect the tip?

08:35 UTC


Love this quote

08:10 UTC



how do i open a wallet without using ssn or id?

06:13 UTC


Daily Discussion, July 23, 2024

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

06:05 UTC


Bitcoin is inevitable

Bitcoin is inevitable. Electricity, computers, the internet—all of these had to be sufficiently developed for the first sound money of this era to emerge. Bitcoin could only have been born in a society where these technologies were advanced enough. Could it have been developed in a time without electricity? No. Without computers? The internet? No. Why was Bitcoin created? Because of the 2008 financial crisis? Due to the efforts of people who had been trying to create electronic money for decades? All of these are correct. However, the birth of Bitcoin was primarily because human society had advanced enough for it to be developed and expanded. It emerged at just the right time. In this modern era, which has seen significant technological advancements, a sound currency with properties like decentralization, censorship resistance, and the ability to transcend the limits of time and space could be developed. Even if it wasn't Bitcoin in 2009, such a monetary revolution was bound to happen at some point. As human civilization advances, the development of electronic money is a natural progression. Bitcoin, arriving in a very neat form at the right time, is gradually changing the nature of the monetary system and capital.

05:57 UTC


Wallet App and My Credentials

Hi. I was talking with my father about how I was going to start getting some satoshis to hold for the long-term, and he said something I'm not sure about: everyone that's the owner of some of those hot-wallets apps have access to all of the wallets; and that's one of the things that doesn't make him so confident about creating a wallet in a user friendly interface.

(Blue Wallet example)

When we are importing a wallet, we need to write all of the 12 or 24 words in the app and have a internet connection. What guarantees me that the company or the people behind the app don't have any information about my 12 words? Is there somewhere in the code (in case of Blue Wallet, since it's open-source) that shows that this doesn't happen? If someone could explain how this process works in more details, I'd be grateful.


1 Comment
05:18 UTC


Ledger phishing scam via gmail

04:14 UTC


Hong Kong Inverse BTC ETF?

Why would such a product be released? How significant is this to BTC’s price potential?

03:55 UTC


Saw this in my hometown

There is no second best.

03:48 UTC



I’m new to crypto and mostly just buy bitcoin, I recently got a Coinbase account and I bought Coinbase stock back in November because a YouTuber told me to I bought at 85 and sold at 119 (oof) and I recently started buying a leveraged fund CONL, I get in in the 40’s and sell in the 60’s and my question is how does COIN outpace BTC, it performs better overall, and I can’t buy BTC in my IRA but I can buy COIN or IBIT, what are your thoughts?

02:19 UTC


Serious question about a collapse of the US dollar

How would this impact bitcoin? If tomorrow the US dollar crashed to nothing because they kept printing money and it crashed like every reserve currency does, how would this impact the price? Let’s just say theoretically if 50% of all bitcoin buyers in the world bought with US dollars, even though bitcoin is a type of it’s own store of value, would that not drop the price incredibly? How does bitcoin have value if the currencies of the world dropped substantially? Could you still trade that same bitcoin for gold? Could we quickly trade it for a currency that lasted really well when everything else crashed? I need answers! Bitcoin technically is tied to currency, so would the price of bitcoin just go up in US dollars like crazy but remain a similar price with other currencies that haven’t crashed?

Edit: okay guys, every reserve currency in history HAS indeed crashed in some way/shape/form. If let’s say the US dollar crashed in 20 years and china took the reserve currency….would that have an impact on the price of bitcoin, I’m not asking where to buy guns or survival tips, I’m saying if the US economy crashed and every other currency dipped 20% but were much better off than the US, how would that affect the price?

01:50 UTC


Best exchange people in 3rd world countries use?

Fairly new to bitcoin and had to learn the hard way how to effectively DCA. First bought in Exodus, Binance, then ultimately in Strike. However, I don’t like that this exchange don’t have any 2FA in it.

Any recommendations with the lowest fees?

Also how much do you keep in the exchange before you send it to your hardware wallet? I didn’t knew this before but apparently sending small amounts from exchange > cold wallet increases your fees long term.

I feel like the fees and UTXO don’t get said enough, they just say bitcoin is the future in return people go in in not the most effective way and mismanage how they invest.

01:33 UTC


Just lost the last penny of 12k

Don't know where to start, but long story short, I started on BTC because my daughter has a really severe disease, made up some money at first, thought it was not enough and ended up losing 12k to memecoins... all the savings are gone.
Hope you have a nice day and remember to not risk more than what you afford to lose, no matter the situation...

00:12 UTC


What Platform or Crypto Exchange do YOU use to buy and sell cryptocurrencies?

Title. Just curious. Thanks

23:41 UTC


What percent would you sell?

Assuming your mortgage was the only piece of debt you had left, what percentage of your bitcoin stack would you be willing to sell to pay it off?

23:33 UTC


Because it's a day that ends in "y"

23:19 UTC


I’m just going to leave this here…

From Finding the Money (May 2024)

23:09 UTC



Hi All,

I'm looking to open a ROTH IRA account to hold some BTC. I currently have some BTC in a hot wallet; does anyone know of a way that this can be transferred/rolled over to a Roth IRA without triggering a taxable event? Secondly, does anyone have any recommendations on good custodians/brokerages for a BTC Roth IRA? I'm ideally looking for an account with low fees (relative to the crypto IRA world) & the ability to hold my keys would be a plus. Thanks!

22:43 UTC


Are y’all taking profits ?

I often see buy and forget.. any of you start taking profit at a certain point of the BR ? Or you really just hodl

22:41 UTC



As difficulty and hash rate increases. Looks like we have hit the bottom, old miners are done shutting off. Time for up only

22:03 UTC


When selling mined BTC

What would be my cost basis?

22:01 UTC


Global minimum wage in bitcoin?

Has a global minimum wage ever been suggested based off the current value of bitcoin? I am wondering if there is some history to this discussion and the problems with suggesting something like this.

20:44 UTC


Please help me understand taxes for selling BTC

This may potentially sound dumb but my brain is fried from work..

I am going to take some profits during the bull run. I’ve bought my BTC on Coinbase and sent to my Trezor. I plan to send some back to Coinbase in order to sell.

I’m confused how the tax would be calculated because how would it be known if I sold my most recently purchased BTC vs my oldest dated (which affects the tax rate). Is there even a way to specify selling my farthest out BTC to have the long term capital gain tax vs short term? Do I need to be aware of UTXOs when it comes to selling?

Sorry if this is such a rudimentary question 😅 I’ve never sold before!

20:39 UTC

19:34 UTC


Convo between me and my cofounder who im trying to convert

Just copied this straight from signal - its pretty easy to figure out which one I am. Give me your thoughts


but i do think history repeats itself as long as we have fiat currency and growing gov so these cycles will repeat

1:27 PM

It ain’t that no new books are good, it just takes a while to see if the quality of the ideas holds up

1:27 PM

good lesson

1:27 PM

Yea, we don’t have to do this on text, but my beef is I absolutely do not believe a decentralized governance works in any system anywhere. So the authority “bugs” of fiat currency are actually a feature. Companies don’t work with a clear leader,

Families don’t exist without omnipotent parents and governments don’t work without some variation of “disagree but commit still”

Decentralization works like college economics works, mistaking people as rational actors

1:30 PM

keynesians r fucked

that whole school of economics is fucked and its cope for inflation

1:32 PM

Inflation is just cyclical, I don’t think it’s as big a worry as people think

And it’s inflation not hyperflation

1:33 PM

I hope u read the bitcoin standard I swear to god it will change your time preference and the way u operate every single day

removing the govs ability to print mula fixes 90% of the problems

it really is that simple

inflation is a by product of the actual issue which is fiat

1:37 PM

I’m decently read on this stuff. I’d prefer a single group be able to print $. Quite literally all the boom times in American history are because they could (Tennessee valley commission, ww2). I believe in human judgment of a small group of people being a better leadership mechanism than consensus.

1:41 PM

its just manufactured bc of the printing and what immediately follows is a crash/correction

if they cant print money war becomes too expensive

world peace

1:44 PM

lol, do you believe people fight because it’s affordable?

1:44 PM

no bc its profitable

really profitable

1:44 PM

You think that’s the sole reason for war? Also, let’s say you’re right, do you believe that human nature for power ultimately can be changed?

1:46 PM

since ww2 yes every conflict has been completely avoidable and we were only involved because of the brokenness of the military industrial complex

which makes war profitable for the people who make the decisions to start conflicts

1:48 PM

That grossly oversimplifies the interconnectedness of global deterrence

1:49 PM

hence why a small group of people should not have that power

1:49 PM

No conflict exists in a vacuum

Neither do the second order effects of the fact that it happens

1:49 PM

either way it doesnt change the fact that hard money makes war expensive and forces non violent solutions

1:52 PM

It dosent really though. Also, this premise assumes all war is bad.

The whole thing assumes economics works rationally. When markets overprice things or make them harder to get, it almost always appears at “market rates” on the black market.

These are economic lessons as old as time. Money is just a substitute for labor + material. Of people are will do do something, make something or steal something, the pricing is decided there not on the cost of money. It also puts the more desperate group at a “price” advantage

Because their labor and ultimate governance is cheaper

1:55 PM

The whole thing assumes economics works rationally. When markets overprice things or make them harder to get, it almost always appears at “market rates” on the black market.

the market discrepancies almost always come from the money supply increasing or being directly injected into places by gov. people make decisions based off of time preference and when inflation exists and your dollar will be worth less tmmr its speeds up the velocity of money because holding it is pointless. In keynsian economics this is a good thing because people spend faster and markets move more money. This is a broken mindset because it cant last and leads to constant boom/bust events.

its a constant kicking the can down the road

indebting our future generations more and more without them ever having a say in it

2:06 PM

Do you consider college kicking the can? Or marriage?

2:07 PM

no, those are individual decisions that dont debase the currency and steal from every american current and future

if your asking if I think student loans should be subsidized that would be a fuck nooo

2:09 PM


They’re all just concepts for borrowing with the idea that there will be some type of return in the future

2:10 PM

The only thing that comes from multi trillion dollar deficits every year in the future is poverty


Point to it




Show me where the poverty is from this

Other than hypothetically


im talking about future generations


Show me where it’s happened


we can kick the can for a long time


Make sure it was for the currency that the whole world was using by 2 orders of magnitude

*1 order


this is an unprecedented situation. I dont need an example in history u just have to look at the situation in an unbiased way. We have 35T in debt and the interest on that is unspeakable. If we try and print ourselves out of that to pay our debts we debase our currency and it becomes worthless (countries will not want to hold our bonds/treasuries, which is alrdy happening) OR we can make extreme budget cuts and limit gov spending and hike tax rates and still barely be able to make the interest payments whilst stunting all growth and innovation bc taxs would have to be 60%+ universally


It’s still an assumption on outcome as well as incorrectly comparing a governments debt to the function and consequence of a businesses debts


plus mass unemployment from all the gov programs that would need to be shut down

It’s still an assumption on outcome as well as incorrectly comparing a governments debt to the function and consequence of a businesses debts


the more we print money - the more our currency devalues - the more other countries dont want to hold our debt - the more we cant create new debt to pay off our existing debt

every fiat currency in history has always ended

it is not a sustainable system


lol, everything in history has always ended. It’s literally history.

Currency is a social contract. When the parties change the contract changes.

It’s not “a thing”



every fiat currency in history has always ended

should have said resulted in the collapse of an empire. They debase the currency every time and it starts the cycle. I dont blame them though they had to bc of the properties of gold/silver etc. Thats why bitcoin is so great bc it embodies all the good things about previous hard money but makes it infinitely scalable


You’re confusing correlation with causation. We still are both a massive importer/exporter. We are more or less the dominant culture and we own resources that make any physical conflict out an inevitability. Of course orgs die when their social contracts are defaulted on. That dosent mean they die because of it.

I don’t disagree with reducing the debt. I just don’t see our zero risk the same way


im thinking like my kids kids


The romans, ottomans, Spanish all collapsed because of a changed world

Exactly. We are so dominant it’s frightening, why on earth would adopt a world participating economic system for your kids?

So new actors can share power? Be represented better?

So we can turn over wealth to “the world”

Things are stupidly good today for America. This idea that we need a new system is just a big box with a ? On it




So the solution is to create a system for all the other countries to jump in and be equal?




Ownership of the coin float is certainly not American

And definitely dosent fund our riches


the wealthiest countries will still be the wealthiest countries we arent rich because of our large cash reserves just like we wouldnt be rich because of our large btc reserves our economy is great.

bitcoin enables so much good around the entire world man


The world is the best it’s ever been by far by far




Why are we gambling on some big change

Could you imagine we had product to market fit

And someone said, yo, one day this tech is gonna be problematic

Let’s launch a completely new stack and concept

What would you say


that is not a fair comparison




bc its not just about the company bruv. you are thinking in strictly US economy terms current day


I’m thinking of what I can measure and see

Your world is almost entirely hypothetical

In this particular argument, no?

Like the consequences and outcomes

Also, say you’re right. Say it comes apart. Why it implement it then?

We’re still the most power military, citizenry and country by far


no it is a fact we have a debt problem with no way to fix it other than kicking the problem to the next generation or having a terrible recession


Lemme hit you with something

It’s it unprecedented


im not saying america is fucked we are the best country in the world with the most advantageous positioning


Our debt load today is exactly the same as it was two years after ww2

Ira about 130% gdp


We can talk more about this later. I gotta finish this work and pack.


im thinking about much more than the US economy or just the US in general. hard money limits corruption, homelessness, improves quality of life for literally everyone in the world with internet, creates agency, ends war, adds accountability to gov like 10 million things I could list them for hours. I could give a fuck about the US I was born here I didnt agree to any of the rules here I am an individual who wants freedom for not only myself but the world

subsidizes energy prices globally


I think you’re vastly underrating how important the fact that you are here is both to you and the stability of the world


Our debt load today is exactly the same as it was two years after ww2

many things are dif. household and corp debt were nowhere near as high and the gdp numbers arent even real bc we have printed like 75% of our money supply in the past 5 yrs

I think you’re vastly underrating how important the fact that you are here is both to you and the stability of the world

im happy to be here its the greatest country on earth to be born in but to not think about the struggles the world is facing seems like a disservice to my privileged position in the US

not even on some moral highground virtue signaling bs im genuinely worried what the world will look like for my grandkids

but yes lets talk about this another time g please read the bitcoin standard I will buy it for u whats ur address


19:25 UTC


Bitcoin on Cash App

Hey guys, I recently got into investing and have about $1k in Bitcoin. I used Cash App to buy and it’s where it’s held currently, since I was new and it seemed easy enough. Is this a dumb place to have it on? I’ve been increasing my buys and will make this a continual investment.

19:13 UTC


If Hillary thinks it’s problematic it must be good.

Why would we ever want to undermine our government’s control over our currency? The fed has proven themselves so trustworthy with that power…

17:04 UTC

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