
Photograph via snooOG

/r/battlestations is the place to post and look at clear photographs of battlestation setups.

Battlestations are considered complete computer setups including an external monitor, mouse, keyboard, audio playback and recording devices (if applicable).

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New rules effective August 9th, 2019

/r/battlestations is the place to post and look at clear photographs of battlestation setups.

Battlestations are complete computer setups including an external monitor, mouse, keyboard, audio playback and recording devices (if applicable), and even wires/cables if desired.

/r/battlestations Rules:

  1. Completed battlestation photos only: A "battlestation" is defined as a complete computer setup. Photos consisting of only boxes, components or the inside of your tower do not count. Laptops must include at minimum a separate monitor, keyboard and mouse.

  2. Laptops must use peripherals: Laptops must be connected to an external monitor and keyboard/mouse. This includes devices such as Microsoft Surface and other laptop convertibles. Tablets are not permitted. CLICK HERE FOR A CURRENT LIST OF WHAT IS ALLOWED

  3. High quality photos: Photos must be high quality and sufficiently bright to see your station. No collages, please use multiple photos. Use www.imgur.com or another image host to submit multiple photos. Low quality and overly dark photos will be removed.

  4. Your battlestations only - You must own it or use it regularly. If it's not yours, don't submit it.

  5. Photographs only - No memes, videos, gifs, sound clips, general websites, ads, or articles. AI generated or CAD drawings are also prohibited.

  6. Be civil - No personal attacks, insulting someone's OS or platform or sharing personal information. Be kind to each other.

  7. No Spam or Reposts - Affiliate links and all forms of advertisement are strictly forbidden. This includes repeatedly reposting your own battlestation. You may only re-submit your battlestation after having made significant changes since the last post.

  8. No pandering - No sob stories, pandering or self-deprecation. This includes titles like 'She's not much but she's mine' and 'My humble setup', including your age or school. Extended Rule VIII Information

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Please use the report button to report rule violations.
* /r/battlestationsadvice * /r/battletops * /r/consolebattlestations * /r/shittybattlestations * /r/averagebattlestations * /r/retrobattlestations
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* /r/BuildaPC * /r/BuildaPCsales
* /r/DIY


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/r/battlestationsadvice is open

Hey all,

New subreddit to ask for help, discuss builds, etc. I was trying to obtain the /r/askbattlestations subreddit but the mod there has been sitting on it for 11 years with no intent to do anything.

This will be a work in progress but feel free to leave comments and suggestions

22:10 UTC

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