Bacon is the only food that goes great with absolutely everything.
Bacon: It's the most important thing on the internet.
Welcome to /r/bacon
/r/Bacon has only the common sense rules: No PETA animal torture videos. You CAN post bacon videos you've created on your own Youtube Channel! If it's about bacon, we want to know! If you've created a bacon product of any kind, share it! We just don't want referral links from affiliate sites.
We're always behind on local bacon events around the world. If there's one coming up in your area, please post about it! I catch them from newspapers and Facebook sometimes, but it's always too late for people to get tickets and show up.
/r/Bacon pictures of any kind that you don't already see here, please share with us!
We LOVE bacon in all forms, but you'll get more Karma for belly bacon pics than back bacon pics.
Bacon is always safe for new users to post. We do not require any karma to post or comment here, but please keep it clean. There is bacon porn out there, and it's just not that good.
Want more pork? We've got it right here!
/r/meat - All Things Meat!
/r/FoodPorn - Ooh La LA!
/r/ribs - With or without sauce? That is the question.
/r/ham - The new breakfast meat, again.
/r/chorizo - Cerdo Caliente!
/r/catswithbacon - What could be better than bacon?
/r/Smoking - Smokin'!
/r/AskCulinary - Someone has the answer!
/r/Steak - Never dare go above medium rare!
/r/pelletgrills - How are you cooking your bacon?
Anyone in the Bay Area, check out The Fatted Calf next time you’re in Napa. Be sure to cook their bacon in the oven; doesn’t cook right in a pan. It’s truly a cut above. Both of their chorizos are excellent as well.
Just mentioning it in case anyone has the opportunity to share in the delight. Nothing fancy or overdone, but some light spices and quality cut that kicks it up a notch. Straight fucking smack!
That’s it. Hope you enjoy ;)
Has anyone tried making something similar to bacon without curing or smoking? I was thinking of using sliced pork belly and marinating it in liquid smoke, salt and some spices before air frying it. Would that work? I just want something simple to make in some recipes that call for bacon.
I save every last drop. It goes into almost every sauce and gravy I make.
I just picked up an almost 14 lb pork belly from a local farm. I am going to quarter it before curing and was going to do four different flavors. One will be a traditional smoked bacon but I was looking for ideas for how to flavor the others (seasonings, wood chips, etc.) I was kind of kicking around the seasoning I did when I cured guanciale (orange zest, black pepper) and wanted to ask the bacon community what you would do.
I just wanted to share. I got three four bites in and was wondering why my bacon wasn’t crispy. Pretty sure it’s barely cooked.
of bacon cut from that belly I smoked. nice
Hey sorry all if this is a weird post but this is the most relevant subreddit for this question, does anyone know where I can buy canned bacon that is not insanely expensive for some reason or if canned bacon is just normally expensive as can some one explain to me why?
There’s a company that used to sella nicely spicy presliced habanero bacon that you could order in five pound slabs. It came frozen in a foam cooler with dry ice chips to keep it that way.
The company still exists but only sells it in unsliced form these days. I’m not set up to be able to thaw, slice and refreeze that much stuff easily.
Does anyone know of a vendor that offers spicy bacon asking those lines online or retail in store?
Breakfast in bed hits different when there is bacon included!
Was at a restaurant in Manila on vacation and the menu had an item called pile of bacon so I had to order it. It was just a pile of crispy bacon. Was damn good.
What are yalls thoughts on beef bacon? I've had it a few times and I really like it!!!
I just found this sub today. Love me some bacon. My favorite is a local place called Benton’s.
If I wanted to make my own bacon how would I do it? I have smoked everything from briskets to peaches and a number of things in between.
This sounds like something I want to try
My new home acquisition, , ❤️