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This subreddit is for discussing academic life, and for asking questions directed towards people involved in academia, (both science and humanities).

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Questions and Discussion for Academics

This subreddit is for discussing academic life, and for asking questions directed towards people involved in academia, (both science and humanities).

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Your post should comprise a question (albeit potentially an open-ended one) and must contain sufficient information to enable posters to provide an effective answer. This might include, for example, your career stage, your subject discipline, the type of institution you're affiliated with, and/or the country you're in. Mods may delete posts which do not provide enough context.

Questions from current and former undergraduates, graduates, PhDs, post-docs, professors and laymen all welcome!

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How to derive all 4 kinematic equations

Hello guys, I came across a useful video deriving all 4 kinematics equations which are later used in projectile motion:


Let me know if this helps.

12:52 UTC


Need help

Veterinary medicine stadistics help

I am conducting a study in which I classify diseases in companion animals using the VITAMIN D system, a mnemonic classification based on the primary etiology of each disease. The system divides diseases into the following categories: Vascular, Inflammatory/Infectious, Traumatic/Toxic, Developmental Anomaly/Autoimmune/Allergic, Metabolic, Idiopathic, Nutritional/Neoplastic, and Degenerative. In my study, I classify each diagnosed disease into a single category according to its primary etiology. The goal of the research is to assess the relationship between disease type and patient age range (categorized into Puppy, Adult, and Senior) through contingency tables and statistical tests, such as chi-square and Fisher’s exact test.

My concern arises from the possibility that in clinical settings, a disease can sometimes fall into more than one category (e.g., both inflammatory and vascular), which could violate the principle of mutual exclusivity required for statistical tests like chi-square. However, the approach has been to classify each disease based on the most prominent etiological factor, assigning it to a single category. The understanding is that this satisfies the requirement of mutual exclusivity, as each disease is placed in only one category.

Please help I don’t know which association test apply I don’t accomplish fisher test or chi squared principles and requirements

12:24 UTC


Need advice on conducting Master's thesis in Australia as a student in Germany

Hi everyone,

I’m a master’s student in the computer science department in Germany, and I’m interested in the possibility of doing my thesis in Australia. In Germany, the thesis can be conducted either at a company where a research topic is provided or through a university where you conduct research.

My goal is to secure a thesis topic at a company in Australia and work there for the duration of my thesis. I have a few questions:

  • Is it possible for a master's student from Germany to pursue their thesis in Australia?
  • What are the general requirements or application processes I should be aware of?
  • If this is not a common practice in Australia, are there specific universities or programs that welcome international students for thesis work?
  • What funding options or scholarships might be available?
  • Are there any visa or legal considerations I should keep in mind?

I’d really appreciate any advice or experiences you can share! Thank you!

12:11 UTC


How to not be ‘Googleable’

When you search my name on Google, all 3 of my papers come up on PubMed which I did during my Bachelors and Masters (at different institutions). They contain my first name, last name, the institutions, all the people who worked with me on the papers, years etc.

To be honest, I don’t want all this info coming up when my name is Googled. I don’t work in academia and have no intention of doing so. These papers are inconsequential to my career progression (I have been working full-time in a firm in a totally different discipline).

Do I have any options in terms of these papers not coming up or will they forever be tied to my name on Google? (I have a very unique first and last name, I am the only one with this combination to my knowledge)

11:48 UTC


Publishing my dissertation

Hi all. I graduated earlier this year and I am currently working with my research mentor on publishing my dissertation. I am following the step by step guide for the journal I am focusing on.

For those that are familiar with this process, do you have any advice on what I should be doing to make this go as smoothly as possible? Do you generally receive feedback once submitted or can the journal reject the submission without reason?

I take it I am best staying precisely in line with the journals guide? For instance it says the word limit is 200 for the abstract, mine is currently sat at 297, I imagine there’s no leniency I should be cutting it to below 200?

11:28 UTC


Lost my reference/citation list!

i have a text based on epilepsy and mice experimental settings and for many pieces of the text like this:

''Delta waves are typically associated with deep sleep and slow-wave activity. In the context of seizures or altered states of consciousness, you might expect decreased delta wave activity particularly following PTZ administration''

I have no source for. Can I put this phase somewhere better than google and chatgpt to find it again?

10:42 UTC


Book for free

Does anyone know or have "the changing world religion map" for free?

09:48 UTC


Bocconi, Luiss or IE

Hiii, I recently applied to Bocconi for the International Economics and Management programme. This week I applied to IE for IR programme but I am still wondering whether BBA wasn’t the better choice. I just completed the Kira assessment and it went pretty smoothly. On top of that, I think to apply to Luiss University for PPE. Can you tell me your experiences in either of those universities so that I can wrap my head around the pros and cons?

1 Comment
08:51 UTC


Are my prospects of getting a job in academia in the future bad?

Hello everyone.

So I'm an undergraduate (2nd year, but I'm 25 years old). I started college twice after graduating high school but didn't finish either of those degrees because I decided to pursue a scholarship program abroad that would pay for my entire undergraduate degree (the program I'm in right now) in Japanese linguistics in Japan. I'm also planning on extending my scholarship to a masters as I fit the requirements (gpa wise).

The thing is, by the time I finish any PhD program, I'd be in my mid to late 30s. So far, money is not a problem for me as I'm living off of my scholarship program (and will continue to do so through my master's if everything goes alright). I want to continue doing research in linguistics and possibly also teach at the university level.

I wonder, though: would this be a realistic goal to have considering my age? I'd love to make research into my job, but my age and the fact that I have no full time working experience are making me doubt (I do have experience part time at an office job though which I'm currently also doing at the moment).

08:07 UTC


Is there any way to be a part of a research group virtually?

Im really interested in getting into any type of biology research, but I'm not sure if what I'm looking for is possible. Like what fields could I contact that would take this seriously? Ive heard there is research that is basically just gathering and comparing statistics so I think this would be easiest for me to be apart of virtually.

any advice on what to do?

08:03 UTC


Professor not Replying

So this is a bit strange. I am Masters student in Computer Science in US aiming for PhD. I had emailed a Prof. and then discussed a project with him briefly. Now after that meeting it has been two months since I am emailing him once every two weeks but not getting any response or reply from him. I don't understand, it feels like am I wasting my time building the project. Also feel like an idiot for not reaching out to other Prof. after not getting reply for first two emails. I don't understand the situation since I am new to this. Furthermore, I have hit a roadblock where I don't have compute to proceed further.

PS: Also I have previous trauma where a different Prof. asked me to lead any project; I read like 50-60 papers and came up with an idea; and the Prof. said join this PhD student as 8th author. I don't have time or GPUs for you

07:52 UTC


Should I ask the PI or the school’s staff about the RA post?

Last week I had a brief zoom meeting with a PI who is opening a new lab and is about to recruit lab manager/RA. I sent my CV via email asking for the position and after 2months later he replied to my email saying sorry that he was busy moving and preparing things for new lab. We had 15 minutes of conversation and said that the RA job would be posted and documents like lor, cv would be needed. I couldn’t get the lor since i wasn’t in touch with people in academia so i asked about this issue. He said it isn’t a worst case and doesn’t matter if those are from people who i haven‘t been in touch for a long time. However i am certain that lor wouldn’t be prepared. So i am trying to apply to the position without them and would like to increase the chance by other traits such as my past research experience. Based on this situation, is it a good idea to ask him via email about when the job posting will come up? I find it hard to look up at RA job postings for specific labs since this is my first time applying for it. And also it would be good to know roughly when i can apply. Or should i just call the staff who takes care of these job posts. I am also worried that i can miss the post. He has replied to my email like 2months after so i am kinda afraid that my email would be ignored.

07:17 UTC


Applying to PhD Programs, Want to be Teaching and Research Faculty One Day

Hi! I'm a current senior in the process of applying to graduate schools (hopefully for a PhD in Biomedical Engineering). I feel pretty certain my ideal path (which I know may not work out) is to be faculty and teach/do research one day. I am certain I want to do grad school regardless of that outcome, simply because I don't feel like I'm done learning and want to be able to confidently call myself a researcher, not just someone capable of conducting research, which is kinda what I am now. I also want to improve my science communication skills. I am just kind of lost about this path, since basically everyone says don't do it. I have always found myself to have a natural inclination towards helping/teaching, and have TA'd for a few semesters and really loved it.

For those who are PIs and teach, would you chose that same path again? I know everyone says don't stay in academia, my current mentors are always shocked that this is something I genuinely want to do, but I feel strongly about it and can't see myself taking an industry route instead.

I am also unsure how much to publicize that I want to take that route in my applications. I know that PhD programs are taking me on to be a researcher, not a teacher, and that is what will be the basis of my training. That is mostly what I am hoping to learn anyway, as I don't think I can even think about teaching until I feel like I'm done learning in a classroom setting. For those who are current PIs, would you be put off by a prospective student who wants to do both research and teach, rather than being die hard for research? I feel like I probably shouldn't advertise that eventually, I would like to do both.

Thank y'all so much! I know it says undergrad questions should go in office hours, but reading the thread and the description of "short answers to simple questions," this did not seem to fit well there.

1 Comment
06:26 UTC


I forgot to tell a journal that the submitted article is actually a condensed version of my MA thesis!

I had asked a journal (let's call it X) if they accept master's thesis for publication, they replied by saying that they don't and I'd have to reformat it as an article to be considered for publication.

I then reformatted my MA thesis and submitted it to journal X. For context, my MA thesis was 100+ pages, whereas the article is half that. After a few days I got a reply saying that it would be better to submit my article to journal Y. So, I just sent the document (article) to journal Y simply texting them for submission. It has been over a month and last week I got a reply from journal Y saying that it is now in blind PR, which, obviously being elated on the progress, I responded with excitement.

Today, talking to my supervisor, who also was happy for me, asked me if I mentioned it to the journal that the article is a condensed version of my thesis. Am I doomed!?

I'm quite anxious now as to what might happen, I feel like a fraud. It is a prestigious humanities journal and I feel like I just really messed up my chance to get published.

Am I overthinking or underthinking this? I'm worried that I might be flagged as a bad academic or something, maybe I'll never be able to publish, or how the journal's editors might react when they find out. Or should I tell them right now, or later, or never, or am I technically plagiarising my own work?

I don't know what the best thing to do would be.

Would appreciate any advice or suggestions :")

06:18 UTC


Not Engaged Intellectually with my PhD Supervisors

I am 2nd year PhD student who is unable to relate deeply enough to my supervisors.

I am finding myself unsatisfied with my supervisors. One is kind but lacks organization and his scientific standards do not match mine, the other is pragmatic and organized but he has no life (and is dragging his students to be like him) and is somewhat self-centred and distant. I believe neither of them share my (somewhat romantic I know) view of research as a search for some truth, driven by curiosity and a push for humanity’s knowledge, instead they are both looking to increase their publications above all. Many times I do not find myself able to sustain an intellectual discussion with them for long.

Is the problem my unrealistic expectations? does anyone else feel this way? What would you advice?

05:47 UTC



Is the "World journal of pharmaceutical research" (wjpr) a good journal to publish your article in? Is it predatory or worthless? Please help!!!

1 Comment
04:19 UTC



Is the "World journal of pharmaceutical research" (wjpr) a good journal to publish your article in? Is it predatory or worthless? Please help!!!

04:18 UTC


Starting a research blog during PhD

A personal brand maybe? Something that can lay the foundation for credibility in the business world for a future start up following graduation. I just feel it would be fun and maybe motivational to have a webpage dedicated to my topic. Please share if you have any insight or experience in doing this yourself!

1 Comment
03:54 UTC


Pictures in manuscripts

Dear comrades,

I’m currently working on a paper related to China’s ghost cities and I wanted some images to go with the manuscript. The issue is, I’ve never done such a thing before and I was wondering what’s the best way to go about finding and being sound from a copyright point of view? Sorry if the question is a bit amateurish, I just want to avoid any potential headaches further down the line. Thanks :)

02:39 UTC


Why the heck are Postdoc salaries so low!

This is more of a rant, but it needs to be said!

I recently moved from Academia to Industry. I was a postdoc and visiting faculty before this for about 6 years. I am earning more than double my last salary as a postdoc right now. I am surprised by how low we pay PhD graduates in Academia!

In my current role I am directly managing a couple of technicians/scientists. One of them is a community college graduate with about 3 years experience and other one is a BS with about an year of experience and these guys are earning a lot more than what we pay postdocs with 3-4 years of experience post PhD.

To put in some numbers without taking names, these guys are earning 80-85k in a Midwest town in industry, while in the same town a postdoc at a R1 would be somewhere in the region of 55-60k.

I know a few people in bigger companies that have been with the same company since graduating with a BS and are now hold director level positions after 8-10 years of experience. Another person who went to graduate school after BS is now reporting to this guy with more experience! This is crazy. They both graduated with a BS at the same time. The one who got a PhD is somehow lower down the corporate ladder. This sounds very weird!

Is this the kind of precedent we want to set for younger folks? Looking at these numbers, I would never recommend someone to go to graduate school. They would be better off finding a job right after graduating and making their way to the top of the corporate ladder. Financially and career wise it really doesn't make sense for someone to go to grad school nowadays!

I think the academia needs a change soon!

02:11 UTC


NIH Early K99/R00

I submitted an application for the New Early K99/R00 Award - NCI (cancer.gov) earlier this year. eRA Commons status has been sitting at "Council review completed" for the past month now. Does anyone have any info regarding the payline or the previous years' success rates on this grant mechanism? Any info that's not on their website would be greatly appreciated!

1 Comment
21:57 UTC


the statements of the questionnaire should be in the past or present tense

I will give the participants a questionnaire after an experiment; should the tense be in the past or present?

For example, should I say I find or found ? it is about an application used to aid learning and it can be used after the experiment depending on the participant's acceptance.

21:29 UTC


What should a researcher do if they spot mistakes in a coauthor’s data after it’s been submitted but before it’s published?

Should the researcher tell the journal right away, or should they try to fix it with the coauthor first? What’s the best way to handle the mistake while still keeping the review process honest and fair?

21:25 UTC


Do teaching assistants/demonstrator position get paid?


Please let me know if I am not in the right subreddit.

I am a second-year Psychology Ba student. I just got a teaching assistant/demonstrator position for a specific department in my uni. When I applied, I did not look too much into the “administrative technicalities” since (1) I did not expect to get the position since Ma students could apply as well and (2) it seemed like a great opportunity for me and I will gladly do it without any pay. However, I am curious how does it usually go? In the dean’s letter it says I can apply for this specific scholarship my uni gives to some teaching assistants/demonstrators. Could it be because I am a Ba student? Or could this just be how my uni works? What’s the “lowest” position in the academia hierarchy that gets paid?

P.s. I am based in Europe.

Thank you in advance! (:

21:05 UTC


Quick question about citing a source within a source?

I'm reading a lot of journal articles, and in the background section they have information on say, specific numerical values relating to a decline of a species. Although I'm mainly getting information about a specific study and its results, I still might want some basic info for the background of my paper. Should I cite the source they used for background info (e.g. the deer population has declined by X since 1980) as it's own source in my paper (even if I just am using that one sentence), or should I cite it as a source within my "main" source?

20:42 UTC


PhD abroad - how lonely is it?

I'm currently doing a master's degree, and still contemplating if I want to pursue a PhD, and idk if I wanna continue where I am or try someplace new. I've always wanted an opportunity of studying and living abroad for at least a limited period of time, and a PhD is a good (albeit still long) option. Alongside the excitement and the possibilities of living and exploring a new place, one of the things I'm worried the most about is the social aspect of moving to a different country altogether alone (without a partner). I wanted to hear experiences from people who did such a move for a PhD, how did you handle this aspect? How rational is this fear?
Sometimes a PhD might be part of some integrated program which could provide some social group, so I'm thinking that is one way of building a social circle, as would joining the local international community.
I'm keeping this very general in regards to subject and country because I feel this sentiment can be relevant for all. It is obviously totally subjective and different people have different experiences but I'm open to hear it all.
Thanks :)

EDIT: since it is after all relevant, I’m studying neuroscience. But location could be pretty much anywhere.

19:00 UTC


What's being a good TA mran to you?

Hi there! Im starting with a TA position for the first time this fall and am wondering if you have any advice or good stories on how to go about it. It can also be past experiences you had, things you would've done better... literally anything.

Also, I'm sorry in advance if this has been posted before. I think it's a good opportunity to have some new ideas circling though!

18:38 UTC


Is AI Translation Directly on PubMed Useful for International Researchers?

For international biomedical researchers, I’m wondering if an instant translation feature directly on PubMed would be valuable. This allow scientists to review abstracts and other insights in their preferred language, right on the PubMed search results page. For example, here’s a case of searching for papers by a professor from the University of Barcelona on PubMed. https://imgur.com/a/xr70elY

15:49 UTC


Starting a student journal

Hi All,

As a brief bit of context, I the chair of the student history society in my college. After a meeting with the head of the department in my college, we were given the go-ahead to make an in-house student journal taking some of the final year projects and MA essays made in semester one which are A) of a high enough standard, and are also B) written by students interested in publishing their topics.

Student journals are more common in Ireland compared to some other places and we will have some help from the department in creating this. However, I have yet to look into how to go about publishing any of this. I am wondering how ye would recommend publishing this as some student societies self-publish to their websites and some seek to add these to sites such as JSTOR. All of this domain is rather new to me so if anyone has any suggestions on where to go about doing this it would be great.

Closer to the time I will be speaking with the department again but I think it is good to have a base understanding of the procedures rather than waiting till then and walking into a meeting blind.

Any advice on how a student journal should be published would be great as I think it would be a fun project for my last year in the college.

15:47 UTC


Research collaborator suggesting use of ChatGPT?

ETA for all computer and/or scientists: this post is not about generating or creating computer code. This is about data labeling aka coding data.

I'm an early-career researcher at an institution where my job level will not allow me to submit grants for my own research. Therefore, I have to seek our professors who are interested enough in my research to want to help me submit grants and be involved. (I'm getting this context out of the way now before people suggest I just submit grants by myself.)

The professor I am currently working with has suggested multiple times to use ChatGPT for different applications for my research, which has been kind of alarming for me, and I am debating whether to try to find someone else. In our last meeting, she suggested to use LLMs to help clean, sort, and do basic analysis on some of the data I am collecting. I expressed my reservations, because I am familiar with the frequency that LLMs hallucinate even on minor details that would be easy to miss in review.

Her reasoning is that this would be a time enhancing method. The stage of research I am doing is a lot of human-effort hand sorting and coding social media data. (ETA 2: I am not creating or using computer code to do this; I am labeling data manually.) She said that if I instruct it as though it were an undergrad in the methods I wanted it to follow, it should do so with relatively good accuracy. (I remain skeptical, because my other work is on personalizing LLM output for SMEs, and it can be hard to avoid inaccuracies.)

Am I being too conservative in my desire to keep ChatGPT out of my research? At the very least, I know I would have to put in an acknowledgement in any work that I do that ChatGPT was used at different (formative) stages in my research, and that other researchers would find that invalidating of any results because of inaccuracies or biases introduced by LLMs.

Should I find another collaborator, or am I making a big deal out of nothing?

14:53 UTC

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