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Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.

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    Discussion forum for current, past, and future students of any discipline completing post-graduate studies - taught or research.


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    Choose: PhD from Thailand (800 euro/mo no tuition) or Germany (1800 euro/mo no tuition) in social sciences and why? Need to decide this week. Thanks!

    05:47 UTC


    Grad school GPA with work experience

    Hey all, applying to grad schools and was wondering what my chances would be with an overall GPA of 2.71 (3.19 for last 60 credit hours) but 6 years of work experience with relevant work, a trend of promotions, and strong letters of recommendation.

    The programs I'm considering are: OMSA Applied Statistics at Purdue, Penn State, and Colorado State

    Anyone have experience being in a similar situation? Mainly wondering if my strong last 60 credit hours and work history can help offset a weaker GPA.

    02:55 UTC


    Advice wanted

    Any advice regarding choosing external examiners for a History (ish) PhD thesis? I am doing my PhD in the UK and my supervisor told me to start looking for the external examiners for the viva.

    02:09 UTC


    Send an email earlier than expected?

    Hi all.

    I'm looking for advice on sending an email before a scheduled talk when timing is crucial. I'm a PhD student searching for a new advisor because mine is moving to another university, and the PI I'm interested in is in a similar situation and suggested we talk in a few months. Is it appropriate to ask about temporary positions in other labs without overstepping boundaries or disregarding their timeline, especially since they might not have the capacity for new students now? I wonder if transferring under their supervision is possible, but I suspect it might not be due to institutional and funding issues. If I do reach out, how can I phrase this request tactfully?

    01:49 UTC


    Seeking Master's in Finance w/politics background


    I'm planning to pursue a master's degree in finance in an EU country. I've been working in finance advisory for 2 years and have quickly advanced to a senior level. While I'm proficient in my specific area of finance, I graduated with a degree in political science and haven't found a single master's program that accepts my background based on their "previous coursework" requirements.

    However, I'm eager to study this field academically. If I apply, could my job experience compensate for the coursework? Do I have a chance?

    00:39 UTC


    Mandatory course with someone I don’t want contact with 🥲what do I do 🥲

    Hello, I am starting a short masters program this fall and am in a kind of comically unlucky situation where I am in the same program as someone I have a bad history with (don’t want to go super in depth but we met studying abroad and this person was very persistent and invasiv about my personal boundaries and pretty disrespectfully tried to strong arm me into a relationship until I had to cut contact) We will have to be in the same weekly seminar and the department is small and really emphasises cohort community……i am trying to not give this power over my decisions and I assume this happens not infrequently but does anyone (particularly gender minorities - sorry) have advice on dealing with this kind of scenario? 🥲

    22:36 UTC


    Any programs that focus on psychology, forensic medicine and law?

    Currently hold a BSc in psychology. Interested in medicine, law, psychology and overall forensics.

    Anyone aware of anything that checks these boxes?


    22:32 UTC


    where to find participants?

    I'm in my Masters writing my thesis on Hi! what, if any, ethical and emotional costs fat women pay during the fast fashion shopping experience and examine the desires, needs, social taboos, and emotions surrounding the shopping experience of plus-size women at the fast fashion company SHEIN.

    I'm seeking participants meeting the following criteria:

    1. Have a fundamental understanding of what fast fashion is

    2. Are between the ages of 18 and 29 years old

    3. Identify as a woman

    4. Self-identify as between sizes 16 US and 28 US

    5. Self-identify as fat or plus-size

    6. Have previously shopped at the brand SHEIN three times or more

    7. Speak and read English

    8. Have access to the internet

    9. Live in Canada

    Does anyone know where i should be recruiting? I tried posting in plus size reddit groups but they all got removed.

    22:25 UTC


    Potential Master's Reimbursement

    I'll start off by outlining my current situation. I currently work a job in finance that I am looking to get out of. I have a BA in Journalism and Mass Communications. I'm starting to think that I want to go back and acquire a Masters in Counseling to become a counselor. I have a decent amount of debt from my undergrad, but not as much as others. My question is, is there a way I could go to grad school and get some sort of tuition reimbursement? I know companies like Best Buy and Target offer tuition reimbursement for graduate students, but it's only for degrees in business administration, supply chain, etc. I'm not sure if I could get an entry level mental health job the would pay for it, due to my experience so far being in finance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    PS: I should also mention I’m 24, turning 25 in a month.

    1 Comment
    21:13 UTC


    Want to improve profile for starting grad school in computer science in Fall 2026

    Hi, I'm currently a software engineer with one year of experience. I graduated last year with an aggregate GPA of 8.16/10. I wrote one research paper during my undergrad, and it was accepted at a Scopus indexed conference but wasn't published. I have some basic projects like Video Calling web app, Flappy Bird AI, etc., not anything big.

    I wish to get into a really good university for MSCS programs like CMU, Georgia Tech, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UIUC, UCLA, UT Austin, etc. What can I do in the time I have to improve my chances for getting into these universities?

    20:57 UTC


    A Masters (Thesis) Student but feel like im doing PHD level research (i dont want to be)

    I recently heard from a professor that a masters is more guided by your PI, you're given one project and you do it. Whereas for a PHD, it's more independent and you have to design a huge experiment or multiple small ones. I am doing a Masters, and feel like the research I'm expected to do is PHD level. I have 3 separate experiments, all of them requiring me to completely design the experiment which has never been done in this lab before. I'm absolutely hating it, and I'm not sure how to communicate this with my advisors without making it sound like I don't want to do work at all. Anyone been in this situation before?

    20:30 UTC


    Imposter syndrome hitting very hard right now

    This is the closest flair I can get to advice related comments but I’d love to hear some ways yall may combat imposter syndrome if you experience it. I think about the responsibility and skillset required to do well in graduate school and I suddenly feel ill equipped. It’s like all my knowledge went out the window and it wouldn’t make sense to continue onto grad school. I’ve not had this experience before so I’d love to hear yalls advice, thanks.

    19:59 UTC


    How long did it take you to recover from handing in your thesis

    For some background information, I handed in my masters thesis 3 weeks ago. It was a 2 year program with a lot of external stressors (my advisor went on leave for my first year and I was placed with someone who made me feel so small, had to call the police in my first living situation a few times, sudden moving, etc). Despite this, I really pushed to finish in two years, and I don't regret it although I now recognize I could have taken more time.

    It is very clear that I am now burnt out while I wait for feedback so I can defend. If I spend a day socializing, the next day I sleep for up to 16 hours (8 hours of sleep plus naps). I'm slowly getting better, but this exhaustion is much more intense than when I finished my major project in undergrad (a full hour memorized piano recital).

    How long did it take people to feel like normal? And yes I am working with a mental and physical health team so they are aware of the burnout, and I will be bringing up the extreme fatigue next therapy session.

    Sorry for the long read. I know we read sooo much in our programs.

    18:14 UTC


    Should I go for my masters (and potentially a PHD) in communications?

    I currently have my BA in English but don’t think I want to pursue my Masters in English.

    I’d like to have a well paying remote job and people keep suggesting that a Masters in communications would be the best route for that. I’m curious if anyone with a Masters or PHD in comms can tell me a bit about their experience with school and jobs. I’d also be open to hearing any other degree suggestions. I’m just at a point where I want to be comfortable financially and go down a route that can get me there considering I’m an English major.

    Thanks I’m advance! :)

    17:37 UTC


    MFA a little delayed

    Hi there. Sorry this post is long winded, but I wanted to give context and background.

    So it’s always been my goal to get my Masters and teach at a collegiate level. My first degree is a BFA in studio art with a concentration in ceramics. For reasons that I could not really control, I graduate with a 2.8gpa.

    Life happened and I wasn’t able to pursue my master right away. I’ve been in the workforce for 10 years and life just keeps on screwing me over, but I’m working to make sure I can still persevere. If you don’t know, there are very few jobs you can secure with a BFA in art. So I ended up driving a semi for almost a decade. Over the last year I chose to get a second bachelors. This time a BA in graphic design as I know I can use this degree practically anywhere.

    It was never my intent to get a second bachelors let alone for it to “help” my chance of grad school. I will graduate with this second bachelors in the spring and because I have been able to dedicate time, I’ll graduate with honors, hopefully. Definitely with a 3.5 or better. That said, a teacher from a current class told me I should still pursue my masters. I want to. It’s literally been the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do.

    I really want to pursue this in the next few years. Seeing how it’s been so long since I graduated with my degree and field I intend to pursue, any advice, tips, guidance, or even just words of encouragement?

    17:28 UTC


    SET of SOPs that got into IVY leagues

    DM to get a SET of SOP that got in IVY leagues and top colleges

    1 Comment
    17:28 UTC


    Laptop recommendations?

    Hello! I will be starting veterinary school in a month and need some recommendations. I currently have a Microsoft surface go that I used throughout undergrad. My only issue with it is that it’s more of a tablet and the kickstand is broken. Any recommendations on what I should get for a new laptop?

    17:26 UTC


    Boundaries for my degreee

    Hi everyone! I'm on here a bunch and enjoy reading everyone's experiences and commentary. I finished my masters and am going into a doctorate program starting the fall and while I have some plans and goals while I'm in the program, I'm wondering about your boundaries that you have with the university and your GA hours/usage. I have some already in mind, but what are some boundaries you all have with your GA hours and graduate program?

    16:13 UTC



    So I’m be an incoming grad student Fall’24. I just want some info on subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Just need to know which is better. Thank u.

    14:43 UTC


    Rate my profile

    10:49 UTC


    PhD in Canada or the USA?


    I'm an elementary school teacher from Canada, currently based in Asia. Along with my teaching experience, I've been actively building my research credentials. I plan to apply to PhD programs in school psychology either this cycle or the next. I will be applying to programs programs in Canada or the USA.

    One major factor driving my interest in the USA is the program structure, which I find more appealing. In Canada, the typical route is applying for a 2-year Masters program followed by a separate application process for a PhD program. But in the USA, the masters and PhD programs are integrated into a single 5-year program. This suggests to me that pursuing my studies in the USA might speed up my academic journey, although I acknowledge that I really don’t know much about this stuff.

    I'm already 27 and will likely be 28 by the time I apply, so I'm keen on making a well-informed decision to choose the best path forward. While the speed of completion is a consideration, I recognize that selecting a good  program is also key. Can anyone provide insights or advice on whether pursuing studies in the USA would be a more strategic choice for me?

    1 Comment
    08:33 UTC


    Dealing with criticism?

    Hi all,

    I’m so close to being done my graduate program. In my program there is one supervisor for all students (10 or so), but a second reviewer for the research paper (course -based). I’ve felt really out of place during this entire program, and have found myself doing between really good and acceptably fine throughout the program. However this final paper is kicking my ass, I work a full time job, i’m am busy, but i am always early to hand things in.

    My supervisor is old school - no compliments other than “xyz in the paper is good or interesting”. Criticism is in depth and solutions to the problem are provided. I am so close to the end, first draft handed in and i’ve received a boat load of criticism. Previously, i’ve usually received criticism, fixed issues and sent it back and it’s been met with “good” or extra criticism to work on. I’m not sure whether i’m just so burnt out and over it, but i’m really struggling with the criticisms. I end up with a fine grade - above a 75, yet the words just hurt so much to hear. Usually when i give feedback I make sure to say some good things and then get recommendations, and this is not the supervisors style. I’m not sure why but whenever i receive harsh criticism I always assume that I am failing and won’t pass. It’s so demotivating and creates such a sense of anxiety in me not to know my place.

    common experiences? any tips?

    07:18 UTC


    Oh no, I’m an imposter

    I (f, 30) am scrambling. I just received my first syllabus for a seminar I have to take before the beginning of the semester. It’s worth 3 credits so I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this. It’s so much.

    I have to decide my main focus in my major by the end of 2.5 weeks and have it declared. This isn’t an issue, I already know which main focus I want to research. The issue is surrounding the course time.

    I am working full time in an unrelated field while pursuing my degree. I need money to make rent, right? My job thankfully is working with me during this semester to make sure I can make it to class in time. They’re keeping me full time while reducing my hours so I can keep my health insurance.

    However, the elective I would choose starts either during one of my core required classes or at noon. What am I supposed to do? Put it off a semester? I don’t want to stray too far from the required courses.

    I have wanted to pursue my masters, and a PhD following since undergrad (2016). I was never stable enough to do it though. My professors in undergrad saw me through the worst point in my life. I was reeling. I excelled in their classes because of how passionate I was about the subjects. I know I can do it, but a part of me is questioning.

    Why did my professors write me letters of recommendation? What did they say? Are they sure I can handle this research? What made them positive? I just don’t know.

    I know imposter syndrome is extremely common for those starting grad school. I just hope I don’t seize and flop.

    Grad program: Communication for Development and Social Change. Unrelated work field: Financial tech.

    06:56 UTC


    Gift ideas for incoming grad student?

    My friend is starting grad school soon, and I’m thinking of getting him a gift related to that, something he’ll find useful. Is there anything you wish you had when you started your program / what are some grad student necessities? He is starting a Master’s program in social work, if that helps!

    23:20 UTC


    Just submitted my thesis and suddenly depressed

    I’ve been working long hours on this, I turned it in and now the only thing left is to write a reflection paper….I spent my day wanting to run away from home which was weird. Ended up taking the kids out for sushi and getting a boat to share. I’m still feeling empty though.

    So fucking weird.

    22:58 UTC


    stipend tax rate in Connecticut

    what is the average income tax percentage annual in connecticut plan on with a ~30 or ~50k stipend? im planning my finances and would love to know how much i should ask to be withheld:)

    22:22 UTC


    Held Back in 9th Grade: Big Deal or Nah?

    Hey guys, so... just found out I might be getting retained in 9th grade. Feeling pretty bummed about it, and hearing all these rumors about how awful it is has me freaking out!

    Is it really that bad to repeat 9th grade? Will everyone judge me? Will it affect college chances way down the line?

    Anyone else been there? Hit me with some advice or positive stories if you got 'em! #9thGradeRetention #FeelingLost #NeedSupport

    21:31 UTC


    Questions for letter of intent

    Hi Everyone

    I am currently revising my letter of intent for a MA program and had a few questions.

    For the portion that asks why I want to be a part of their program is it okay if in addition to saying I want to strengthen my knowledge in the subject, adding that I also want to advance my career and be a part of their school's community?

    I wasn't sure if saying I want to advance my career is appropriate and also am not sure if saying I want to be a part of their school's community is a good enough reason despite being true.

    20:47 UTC


    Learn the language or work on my thesis?

    So, I moved to Germany to do a masters. I do not know german language, and I'm in my third semester, one semester more to finish my masters(can push it a couple of semesters if I want), have already a part time job, related to my masters, not exactly my main field, but related enough. Born in the US, still not sure if I will go back, my roots are British. I'm in my 30's.

    The big question: Should I push and invest my time in my thesis and get it done, or take german language courses to hopefully find a better job here?

    19:59 UTC


    Earth Science vs Environmental Science (MS)

    I'm between three programs for my studies starting this fall, two are Earth Sciences and one is Environmental Science. Here are a few things I've gathered, but would appreciate others' takes on:

    • Enviro is an interdisciplinary field, somewhat more specified

    • EarthSci, while more science-heavy, has broader applications and kind of encompasses Enviro

    • An Enviro student's future job could be done by an EarthSci student but not the other way around

    • Prospects for EarthSci lean towards research and for Enviro they lean towards industry

    • EarthSci is probably harder to study

    My bachelor's is in CS and so I'm a little scared of how challenging the bio/chem will be in EarthSci. Any advice is appreciated!

    18:52 UTC

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