
Photograph via snooOG

Got a question about going to uni in the UK? Want to find out more and speak to others about their course/uni? Not sure if you can eat something that's been loafing in your fridge for 3 weeks, and gone a dubious shade of purple-green? This is the place for you.

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If you have questions more related to academia, then maybe you could try asking in /r/AskAcademiaUK!

Useful Websites

Website What is it?
UCAS The first place to go to for searching for courses that are available - lots of great videos and information on how to apply too. Applications for Sept '19 entry are now open.
Unistats Course comparison website - shows statistics on everything from employment statistics to student satisfaction rates
WhatUni Another course comparison website - quite useful for finding out where courses are offered across the country and you can search based on location preferences
Complete University Guide Good website for finding information about specific universities, cities and/or courses
Times Higher Experience Survey 2018 Student satisfaction ranking list
Which? University guide Another course comparison website
Numbeo - Cost of Living Calculator Useful website to see how different of a city your home town is to a potential city you might move to for university - you can also check differences in crime and pollution
For the /r/uniuk Wiki, click here!
For a list of specific University subreddits, click here!


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Royal Holloway, Birbeck or Brunel?

I am doing my MSc in HR management from UK and as of now, my current options are between Royal Holloway, Birbeck or Brunel. Can someone tell me how these universities are - not just in terms of ranking but future prospects, student help, environment, teaching etc? As for people who’re in UK, is there an obvious answer between the 3? I’ve been told Brunel is average but great with student placements and have great industry contacts which is a priority for me at this time. But the other universities have a better standing, it seems like. Courses are pretty much the same, a few differences here and there but not much. Anybody know how the teaching is in general in these 3?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 🤎

07:49 UTC


How many hours do you work with you university ?

So I'll be starting my university in this September and as the fees and accomodation is so high especially for international students how many hours should we work per week and how many hours is doable.

How easy it is to get a job 1 week before you start your university and what kind of jobs would it be. And does it pay you enough to handle you accommodation plus how much is the expenses of accomodation if you share if with 2-3 more people yearly.

And somebody who could tell me is everything manageable with the studies.

07:32 UTC


I’m in two minds about what uni to go to

So, I need some help and I thought maybe it’d be a good idea to get some opinions surrounding what the best decision to make would be.

My overall goal within university is to do an accounting degree in order to then probably attempt to become a chartered accountant and therefore it is probably important to keep that in mind.

So back in January I applied for two universities that were close to my area (because I don’t really want to move for university), university of leeds and leeds beckett to do accounting and finance - I got rejected without explanation from university of leeds and therefore I was content with going to leeds beckett (especially as the leeds nightlife sounds awfully exciting).

More recently I have started to see more and more opinions online about the overall quality of teaching at leeds beckett not being amazing and how apparently employers prefer candidates from Russel Group universities and overall just better universities so I have been rethinking my choices for clearing.

The only other really decent university in my area is the university of york it is apart of the Russel Group and just looks a lot better, however they do not have an accounting and finance degree in clearing (but they do have an accounting business finance and management degree).

Whilst they seem very similar there is one striking difference, the exam exemptions given to become a chartered accountant afterwards.

I can’t seem to decide what matters more, going to a better university and getting less exam exemptions or going to a worse university and getting more exam exemptions. I don’t really know how important a good university actually is and since this is such a last minute decision, it’s not really like I can ask my tutors for help because the term is over.

It is not really a matter of grades or anything for me as well so it isn’t like i’m worried about what grades i will get on results day because i did a btec course and i can use my internally assessed grades and exam marks before resubmissions to know i’ll at least get DDD.

Sorry for the dump but any opinions would really help me feel good about whatever decision id decide to make.

06:50 UTC


Will this affect how employers view me? 😭 (TW sh and such)

I had a very very rough time at school due to bad mental health, I was homeschooled in year 10 and year 11, went to college but dropped out because I became underweight and tried to kms, eventually did online college and managed to get into uni. I'm doing an integrated masters in theoretical physics at a Russel group uni and I've just finished my second year, I'm doing alright (2:1) but a few months ago my mental health tanked and it ruined my second semester, still managed to keep my 2:1 but I'm taking a gap year to sort myself out before I do third year.

This will basically mean that I'll have had 2 years out of education, one before college and one in the middle of my degree, idk whether I should be taking the gap year?? I still have time to decide whether I should or not. Will these 2 years out affect how my employers view me? As it'll have taken me an extra year to complete uni?

Thanks :D

06:09 UTC


Dumb American considering UK unis but is slightly confused

so for general stats I have a 3.4-3.5 (my gpa updates in August I’m not sure exactly where I fall)4 aps- 4355 for the scores Im planning on doing history my 5 is from Ap world and Spanish language my 4 is from AP euro, next year I am taking AP Governemnt and macroeconomics I’m pretty positive I can get a 5 in Government .. I am hoping to end with a 1510 SAT by August (if I don’t I wont apply so just imagine my application with this score lmao) my ecs related to my major are an internship at a historical preservation department in my city and fellowship for a political campaign both this summer (some other irrelevant volunteering + tutoring and office job for financial reasons) I don’t really know what UNIS I have a chance out exactly what is expected from the essay and how to prepare for interview + what I can do to higher my odds at an offer. My school does a mix of As and Aps unfortunately u can’t really take any A levels but history and English senior year (the classes r also very poorly taught and the teachers aren’t familiar with the grading system) so I assume if I got an offer it would be conditional based on APs Due to being a pretty weak applicant I’m not sure if I should shoot for Oxbridge I also like LSE UCL ( I know hard Schools) St.Andrews and Durham i know the cap is 5 schools.. I’m not sure where I stand in UK admissions if it’s worth a shot and exactly how to raise my chances so if anyone has insight on the international application perspective let me know!!

04:52 UTC


Dropped out of my second year and thinking of resuming my studies elsewhere.

I was a 2nd year student at Staffordshire University and I decided to drop out due to mental health and cost of London. Uni required me to do 4 days a week on site and to do an extra 40+hrs at home, but I couldn't handle with also needing to work part time to survive

I'm looking to resume my studies and attend to a uni closer to home, it is a 2 year accelerated course BUT the tuition fee is 11k.

My main concern is funding and need clarification on it. I've read online that student who wish to return to uni after dropping out might need to partly or fully pay for the tuition fee out of pocket.

I thought as I only used up 2 years of my loan funding, I could use the remaining two years to do an accelerated course.

Please let me know your thoughts and advice Thanks 🙏

04:50 UTC


Want to change University as a 4th year student, desperate for advice.

Hi guys, I'm currently a student in my final year as an Mpharm student. I initially didn't have the grades I needed but found a place in a university that was quite far from my hometown. It was going well until this year. I don't want to go into it too much but a situation in my life has turned it 180 which resulted in me having to return home and miss out on my lectures and workshops.

I could no longer live on campus and being so far from home it was impossible for to commute. I recieved my results and it pretty much reflects what this year has been like for me. All my friends are graduating whilst I have to repeat my entire year and still deal with the situation at home. I have been looking for uni closer to home that offer the same course as I want to be able to attend my lectures this year and finally graduate. Does anyone know if it is possible to transfer onto 4th year at a different uni like this. I've never heard of it happening before but given my circumstances I am absolutely desperate. If anyone has any advice or knowledge please, please let me know.

1 Comment
04:44 UTC


Questions about uni of leeds!

Hi everyone! I'm an international student going to university of leeds this coming semester! Just wanted to ask a few questions and hopefully some helpful seniors can provide an answer!

  1. Are the lectures recorded?

  2. Is the last week of the semester an important week, in terms of attendance and project submissions?

  3. How is life in leeds like, especially life living in lupton residences?

  4. What are the facilities available on campus?

03:08 UTC


UCAS help!!

Hi, If anyone could help me, that would be great! Bit of a backstory - I have already attended the first year of adult nursing this year and applied to do Occupational therapy at the same university. When they offered me a place, it was a conditional offer for 2 reasons; one being that I needed a reference and the other being to send evidence of my a level grades to an email. But after a few days after offering me a place, they confirmed my place. But I’m almost sure that the individual doing my reference hasn’t sent it. I’m just unsure whether my place has been 100% confirmed as on UCAS my offer hasn’t been changed from conditional to unconditional. I’ve added a photo to see if this looks correct.

02:44 UTC


Is it possible to find student accommodation in August?

Hi, I am currently looking for student accommodation but I'm kinda worried its been left late as I was waiting for an offer from another uni that my family encouraged me to apply to. Didn't get the offer I wanted so I'm sticking with my original choice. I've applied for accommodation but as I'm a home postgrad student its not guaranteed. I've been looking to find a room and it seems like there are luckily some available with some new listings everyday. But because I live far away I have to book viewings and tickets in advance and places get taken up. My family are visiting for 2 weeks which makes physical viewings impossible during this period too. Which leaves me only time in August. My course starts September 23. Am I going to possibly end up homeless or is it still possible to find accommodation in August as I'll still have almost 2 months in advance? Anyone else who has ended up in a similar predicament but still managed to find accommodation?

02:03 UTC


How to stand out to recruiters?

Hi Reddit,

I currently go to a low ranked university and I am studying computer science. I have read that the job market for freshly graduated students is very tough at the moment. Can anyone give any advice on what I should be doing outside of university and what I can do to maximise my chances of getting hired as quickly as possible?

Also, would anyone recommend me changing my uni to a higher ranked one? Does anyone have any experience in this? Would you recommend this to me?


1 Comment
01:11 UTC



So I lost my friend this week. I also lost my grandma late last year. Both died of cancer. Six years ago my friend hung himself. I’ll be honest I have had worst weeks.Anyway, I don’t know why but my friends death this week has really hit me. I’m finding myself looking at things like ‘fear when dying’ ‘the after life’ etc. has anyone got any experience of near death experiences etc. I don’t want anyone saying don’t be stupid and stuff! Just kindness! But I do appreciate honesty😊just to note I’m not normally believer and also not idiot, quite educated in case anyone is wondering😊

00:40 UTC


Feel like a failure

Hi. I’m a 21 year old female and I was in my second year in a prestigious Russell Group University. I failed one module in January 2023, resat in August and failed again. Overall I passed the year, it was the only module I failed out of 12, however university withdrew me from the course because of it. It came as a shock to me because of the fact it was only one module and I was under the impression I could retake the whole module in my third year. Mentally, it really impacted me. All my friends are graduating now and I can’t help thinking that should have been me aswell. I didn’t enjoy the course personally, but I wanted to graduate to make my parents proud and to not feel like a failure. I feel like my whole life has come to a halt, and when people ask me if I’m studying I feel embarrassed to tell them I’m not at university. I tell people that I dropped out because I can’t bear people knowing I failed a module. It really feels like my whole life is over. It was such a good university and to graduate from it would’ve been such a huge accomplishment. I did so well in my A-levels by getting all A’s, smashed my GCSE’s with 9’s and 8’s etc. and so I was always known as the smart one, the one that would go far in life and get a degree. I’m disappointed in myself and I don’t know what to do. I just really feel like my life is over. I wonder if anyone has been a similar situation to me, or if anyone has any advice? Am I a failure? What can I do now? If you read this far, thank you very much.

00:26 UTC


Advice on resit and repeat years and anxiety

Its my 2nd year doing engineering at university, and after a first year where I was achieving a First (achieved just below 80%), i’ve been having a mental decline with anxiety and poor planning working with my gp and counselling. I’ve scrapped with mainly 40-45%’s on my exams but 2 exams I failed (one by a lot, the other barely) which all feels like a heavy underperformance. If I pass resits, I would be heading into the third year with a 55% and the next month would be a stress heavy period that would halt a lot of mental health work to focus on ironing out my knowledge.

I’ve been offered the chance to repeat the year or attempt these resits. I’m worried about whether repeating the year would do good or bad for my mental health, worried that moving forward with a 55 isn’t good enough and that i’ll end up struggling to find any work after if my third year flops.

I keep being told different stories from the people around me. Sometimes I hear “a repeat year feels like you’re constantly being reminded you failed” and some say “it gives clarity, a chance for improvement with the right mindset”.

If possible it would be good to just hear what people felt in repeat years or if I just need a slap in the face to try resits. The mess is causing more issues with it blending with my anxiousness, and I just could use someone else to help guide or tell me if I’m overreacting because of the panic.

1 Comment
23:43 UTC


Us Visa refusal & CAS

Is it true that if you have us visa refusal or any refusal in general the university won’t issue u CAS or offer you a place? Even if the refusal isn’t because of fraudulent/criminal activity?

23:41 UTC


PGCE Bursary for Music - backdated?

Hey all,

This is a long shot question, I just qualified from my PGCE with QTS status in Music. However, I fell in the year 23/24 bracket when there was no bursary for Music PGCE students. It’s cost an arm and a leg to even get through the course, with all the travel and expenses. Of course, there is now a bursary of 10K for 24/25 Music PGCE undertakers.

Is there anyway I’d be able to ask for them to backdate this.. based on absolutely anything at all? I can’t believe I missed out- by literally a year and am probably definitely going to have to take the L, just stabbing around in the dark

1 Comment
23:17 UTC


Missing marks on module in degree transcript?

I got my results back last week. On one module I received a grade of 76. This module consisted of three assessments and makes up 25% of my final year grade. When I received my results I thought this seemed a little off, but I was just happy to have graduated with a good classification.

This evening I've looked into it and my marks for this module add up to an average of 79, so a three mark difference from what's displayed on my transcript. I'm thinking maybe it's because some of the grades I was given were provisional, and maybe when an External Examiner ratified these grades they marked one of them down a little. So far this is the only explanation I can think of.

I don't know if it's worth contesting this because it's such a small difference and won't make a difference to my degree classification, and I'm worried that if I contest I might even be marked down and end up with a lower classification. However, the module in question is a subject I wish to pursue a master's in, so I'm wondering if maybe it's worth contesting. If I want to contest it, I have four more days.

Any advice would be appreciated. Really don't know what to do here.

23:03 UTC


How much money should I have for uni?

Hey guys, I am going uni next year and I was wondering how much I'd need saved before I hit first year uni. I have about 5k saved up (can reach for 6-7 potentially but less likely) and getting max sfe. However what worries me is that my rent is expensive (7.1k a year).

Would this be enough for food and stuff? Like I really don't know what to expect, how much did you guys end up saving when you were going to go into uni?

23:00 UTC


Free server with Turnitin AI checks, Chegg Bot + Many More!

My server has a working automatic discord chegg and coursehero bot unblur and answer provider.

I also have a turnitin instructor account that I can use to check your plagiarism and AI for free

The Documents you give will be checked without being in the repository.

Just join and send your document there and receive your checks (instantly if I'm online)


22:30 UTC


Are there any group chats for people starting eee at Manchester uni this year?

Literally cannot find any on Facebook

22:15 UTC


UK for international students

I am joining Warwick Business School this Fall for MSc Business Analytics. I am an international student with 1 year of full time experience and 13 months of internship Do I have any chance in the current job market Also would love to know more about how to go about applying for jobs

21:41 UTC


How Formal Is Graduation?

Hi all,

Apologies if this isn't the right place but I'm not sure where to turn. I am autistic and horrible at gaging situations and am unsure how formal I should be for my graduation ceremony. I've seen classmates getting nails and hair done professionally and posting very formal dresses and outfits. I do have a formal dress but have no other plans for this occasion. I haven't made any friends so don't really have anyone to ask about this. Anyone got any idea? Should I be booking emergency nail sessions?


21:16 UTC


Advice on funding a different degree please!

Hi guys.

So my situation is I went to university in 2011, completed one year, went into the second year and dropped out due to illness (this is verified with proof from university).

I then went to University in September on a foundation year, leading to a course. However, I now want to go to a different University to study a different course. I did have the funding for September for this foundation year.

Am I eligible for more funding? Technically I’ve used two years total, in two different courses. Student Finance Wales it would be.

Any help would be greatly appreciated please. Thanks so much

20:59 UTC


Graduation Ceremony

I suffer with anxiety and the thought of being trapped in a ceremony that can last up to 2 hours is really daunting. My friends are not in the same one as me so I will be alone. I am also worried i will overheat. But I can’t not go because it’s a part of Uni that I can’t miss.

Any advice?

20:36 UTC


Degree advice

I have no interests and don't plan on staying in the same career for 40 years. I can learn to love anything tbh.

If you were in my position, what would you choose to study?

I took A Levels in Biology (A), Psychology (B), and Chemistry (C).

I'm eligible for contextual offers so grades aren't too much of a hindrance. I obviously can't study Medicine or Denistry though.

20:36 UTC


Regarding accomodation after course completion

Hi all,

So I am an international student and my Masters course would reach its end in September, following which I would be needing an accomodation, at least until my visa expiration on January 2025. Considering how the accomodation a guarantor or proof of employment, I wished to inquire if it would be possible for me to get an accomodation after September while I am on the lookout for a job? While I am currently applying for jobs, the situation is quite uncertain, so I am bit worried about a place to live upon course completion because technically I would neither be a student nor a working professional. I also do not have any other place to live in the UK. Thus any suggestions about how I could go about this? Thank you.

1 Comment
20:17 UTC


What summer opportunities are there ?

Hi! How can I keep up to date with summer opportunities and internships ? I’m in first year and have nothing academic planned over summer , I don’t know how to find stuff

1 Comment
20:06 UTC


What summer opportunities are there ?

Hi! How can I keep up to date with summer opportunities and internships ? I’m in first year and have nothing academic planned over summer , I don’t know how to find stuff

20:04 UTC


Help with qualifications for a mature student?

Hi, apologises if this isn’t permitted, I’m just simply at a loss and need some advice. I’m 20, turning 21 this year. COVID messed with my initial plans for my education, and I’ve always wanted to go to university. Unfortunately, I have no clue how to progress from where I stand currently. Sorry in advance for the length.

I never sat my GCSES (I was in Year 11 during 2020). I received much lower grades than I had been predicated. I never challenged these grades due to bad mental health at the time, but was downhearted and a little ashamed.

My GCSEs were:

6 - Eng Lang (predicated 8) 5 - Eng Lit (predicated 7) 5 - Math (predicated 7) 8 - Geography (on par with prediction, was 8/9) Merit - IT (predicated Distinction)

I had been dealing with personal issues around the time of the exam during year 9 to determine whether I’d be sitting the foundation or higher paper for maths, which resulted in me on the foundation paper, I had been attending before-school classes to take some form of exam to be pushed onto the higher paper but it was cut short due to COVID, so it never happened.

Due to my mental health, remote working and the COVID situation in general, once I received my GCSE grades I kind of just… Gave up. At the time I also hadn’t known what I wanted to do (I had wanted to become a vet during secondary school but had absolutely failed science apart from biology). I applied for an Animal Management course in College instead of progressing to A Levels. I then dropped out of the course after the first year, once I turned 18. Started working retail, landed a short term contract office job which has now ended meaning now I’m unemployed.

Because of this I have barely anything UCAS points wise… Let alone relevant qualifications. I don’t even know the exact name of the Level 2 Qualification I did receive. I’m not sure what to do next. I know I can pay to sit exams, but I don’t believe I’d be able to fully self teach myself— I’d like a structured classroom style education. I can’t seem to find anything online, or at least make sense of anything I’m reading. Is there not a way to just do the two years of A Levels in a classroom setting as a mature student? I live in London, for context.

Or is there a way to go to university without UCAS points (or another system of getting them)? Is there a way to apply for student loans for these earlier qualifications? I come from a rather poor background and it would take years to save enough to pay for everything upfront. I feel lost because I have no savings, yet might have to restart from as far back as GCSEs and I really don’t know the way to go about this… A bit dramatic but I feel like my decisions as a teenager have simply ruined my life.

I really want to study computer science (I’ve heard game degrees aren’t as valuable) and progress into either software development or game development. (Personally want to work for Square Enix or Nintendo, but obviously that’s not the be all end all.) I just want some form of degree that can lead me into a job including some form of programming.

I want to go to an in person uni, not the Open Universty (I believe that’s online? Correct me if I’m wrong). My dream is Edinburgh, which is where I’d like to study the most, but I do have a few other options. Preferably it would be a uni in the north regardless. I’d like a course with an option for a year abroad.

Any sort of advice would be helpful, average costs and the like, advice from anyone who has been in a similar situation. It all feels a little hopeless right now. I do thankfully have the luxury of living with family and going into education full time if possible, so working around a job isn’t necessary.

Thank you.

TLDR: Is there somewhere with in person classes in or around London where I can take GCSE/A Levels as a mature student, or is there any other way to progress onto uni with little to no UCAS points?

19:15 UTC


Tutor accidentally sent me an email full of complaints about me

Okay so I'll just explain the context to this. I failed the last module of my first year of uni (which I've just finished), I got quite panicked and have been feeling low since, as failing a module means you fail first year. We get a tutorial/zoom call with a tutor to discuss how to improve for resubmissions, so I emailed, arranged a call. Got this pretty quickly. It was the same tutor who had been one of two people marking my assignments throughout the year.

I thought the session went pretty well, I mean I wasn't given like a full list of instructions for how to pass the module (it's a coursework module, my course has no exams) or anything, but I got a bit of useful feedback. I also explained how I'd been feeling very worried about my grades and wasn't sure whether I was good at my degree or not. She said I'm doing fine and not to worry about it. So my mood lifted a bit.

Here I'd add a bit more: my course is an arts degree with a heavy emphasis on drawing and designing. All our work is not marked anonymously, and a lot of our feedback ends up being stuff like "your design is boring", etc. We do have a practical construction element too however (I feel like this is what I'm better at).

Following the meeting, I get an email from the tutor I had the call with, not addressed to me but the course leader, saying how she never liked me, found me a very problematic student from day 1, and she found me frustrating and unpleasant to talk to. Ended the email with "don't worry though she's not going to drop out of the course I talked her out of it".

I was in shock and felt very betrayed, I never really got the impression this tutor ever disliked me, she was always pretty amicable to me and I got good vibes from the call. I reply to the email saying how I presume this wasn't intended for my eyes, and how hurt I felt by it. She responds saying how she stands by everything she says, simply apologises she sent it to me by mistake and then ends it off with "don't worry, I see potential in everyone, even you."

I genuinely have no clue what I could have done to upset her so much, I'm a pretty quiet stay at the back kind of student. We have kids smoking weed or vaping in class on the regular, stuff like that, nobody really bats an eye.

But yeah I'm genuinely scared about how this is going to affect my progress and future in my degree going forward. I don't think this kind of degree can be marked impartially, and even then I've shown some of my module feedbacks to people who work in the industry and they say my construction skills are being marked unfairly, held to an unrealistically high standard. My grades have been mostly low passes, aside from one A+ in a module which was marked by another department.

I went into my degree really excited to learn new skills and to do more of what I loved. I've come out of first year feeling kind of crushed and with a severe loss of confidence in my abilities.

18:58 UTC

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